Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 299: Black light project completed

After a long journey in another world, Chen Lu, Tony, and Kuaiyin finally set foot on Marvel Earth again. The place where they appeared was Tony’s underground laboratory. They have now been completely transformed into a research group under Chen Lu’s Of the experimental base. ??

"Welcome back, sir." The Winter Soldier, who had been waiting in front of the Rocky Scepter early, respectfully saluted Chen Lu, even though his strength is getting less and less than the enemy Chen Lu faces, in terms of combat command, he is still A veteran expert who does my part. Therefore, during the period when Chen Lu left the Marvel world, the Winter Soldier had been in charge of the affairs of the zombie army.

"Huh, it feels so good to go home." Tony breathed a sigh of relief. He did not know where he took out a bottle of expensive old wine and planned to continue their celebration with Kuaiyin. No one can force it when it's time to relax. He works.

But Chen Lu obviously does not have this leisurely elegance. He did not come back to relax, and there is nothing that can push him to the point where he needs to relax. He seriously asked the Winter Soldier: "Report the situation, Winter Soldier, I need All the information about Asgard, I hope we don’t know nothing about them."

At this time, the Winter Soldier just responded with a wry smile: "Sir, although it is not, it is almost the same. Our spacecraft has not reached the point where it can reach Asgard, and the other party will not welcome it. The only thing that can be determined now is They are preparing to attack us, otherwise such frequent sentinel investigations would be too unusual."

   "So can the date of the opponent's advance be determined?" Chen Lu continued to ask unwillingly.

As a result, the smile on the Winter Soldier’s face became even more rigid. He spread out his hands quite precariously and said: "They may attack at any time, maybe they will arrive today. In any case, the other party probably used some method to make them fight. The preparations have become extremely smooth, and now the initiative is in their hands."

"This is the power of an ether gem." Chen Lu knows what happened. If Asgard can forcibly shorten the army that should have been assembled in one month to less than half a month, then it can only be this mysterious one. Infinite gems are causing trouble.

The ether gem, also known as the reality gem, is the most powerful of the six infinite gems, and also the most difficult to use. It has the power to realize the dream of virtual imagination into real phenomena, so all science The rules and the laws of nature are meaningless before it. In the movie, this infinite gem fell into the hands of the Asgardians, and then entrusted to the collector Tanneriya Difan for safekeeping. But after all, this is just for safekeeping. If Odin needs the power of this gem, Tannalia Difan should return it with both hands.

"So, now we need to fight a guy who has the strongest infinite gemstone and is far above Doctor Strange and the coalition forces of the eight galaxies under his rule?" Tony, who was a little drunk, listened to Chen Lu. After the explanation, he said with a helpless expression that he had guessed that there would be such a day when Chen Lu planned to steal the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, but he had never thought it would be so serious.

   But Chen Lu said without changing his face, "We will win."

"I hope so, sir." The Winter Soldier also said very worriedly. Although the entire power to wield the Infinite Gems can only be achieved by the Infinite Gloves, it is still unknown that the Asgardians can master the Ether Gems to that extent. What's more, God King Odin and his army have enough for them to drink a pot. It is very difficult to say how far the earth can hold on.

   There is a considerable gap between the combat power on Earth and Asgard, which belongs to the advanced civilization of the universe.

While Chen Lu was exchanging information about Asgard with Winter Soldier, a long-lost figure appeared in front of them. He was Chen Lu’s first assistant in the Marvel world-Alex, until now He is also one of the main managers of Chen Lu's zombie army, and he also participated in the black light virus stock restoration project led by Dr. Lizard and the former Ant-Man Hank Pym.

   "Master, long time no see." Alex stepped forward to greet Chen Lu, but now his voice has become a little hoarse, and some inconspicuous places on his body have undergone quite subtle changes.

Chen Lu looked at Alex’s body up and down, and quickly realized the point of this change. He grabbed Alex’s clothes on the second floor, and the touch on his fingers told him that it looked like a normal jacket. Things are living cells.

"So, did the Black Light Project succeed?" Chen Lu first thought of the black light virus that could cause this phenomenon. This important evolutionary material was completely destroyed by the U.S. government before Chen Lu succeeded. Thanks to the efforts of all-level scientific and technological talents, this miraculous virus has successfully reappeared in the world.

As if to respond to Chen Lu’s expectations, Alex stretched out his hand to transform his arm into a thick and sharp blade, which is different from Chen Lu’s metalization ability. This one extended from Alex’s shoulder. The blade has a large number of blood vessels growing on the body of the It keeps shrinking and transporting blood as if the blade is still alive. And the material that makes up this blade is obviously not any kind of metal on the earth, but closer to the hardened biological keratin such as chitin.

But what is surprising is not the blade itself. Under the control of Alex, an ordinary zombie as an experiment staggered into the laboratory. Alex did not hesitate to use the blade. It penetrates the body of this zombie, penetrates through the heart from the chest to the back, and is covered with the dark red blood of the zombie.

I saw the blood vessels growing on the sword suddenly became active and plunged into the zombie’s body. In a moment, the zombie’s whole body turned into a cloud of oily viscous liquid that was swallowed by the blade, looking like a living creature. The person was completely dissolved and then absorbed cleanly. In the end, even the dark red blood was not left behind. The huge zombie disappeared completely in full view and became a part of Alex's body.

"Swallowing and deforming, yes, this is the characteristic of the black light virus, you really have done it." Chen Lu, who has never been ecstatic, also showed a smile of satisfaction at the corner of his mouth, able to obtain such effective assistance before facing a strong enemy. It's really important to him.

Alex further explained: "Not only that, what I absorb is not as simple as **. The black light virus seems to have undergone some changes in my body. In addition to being able to absorb flesh and blood to replenish energy, I can also read Some of the memories of the absorber are as if they have experienced it personally. Now there are no creatures that can hide from me, even humans who are immune to telepathy."8