Detective from The Future

Chapter 73: Hotel Vega

Cui Xiaofang panicked and hurriedly stopped: "Don't, don't go."

"If you don't go, how can you find out which hotel the suspect is staying in?" Han Bin asked rhetorically.

Cui Xiaofang bit her lip and struggled for a long time: "Which hotel do I know?"


"Vega Hotel on Changfeng Road."

"Which room? Who owned the room?" Han Bin asked.

"The room I opened, room 408."

"When did you open the room?"

"It opened at ten o'clock in the morning on August 17."

"Why did you help him open a hotel room?"

"We met on Paobao. He said that he was in a bad mood because of the guarantee and he wanted to come to Qindao City to relax and let me book a hotel for him."

"I asked you just now, why didn't you tell me?" Han Bin asked.

"I... I don't want to involve him too much."

"Why did you go early." Han Bin snorted, "Is he still in the hotel?"

"I just used bubble chat with him, and he said he was still in the hotel."

"Apart from him, are there anyone else in the hotel room?"

"do not know.

"Do you know He Yan?"

"do not know."

"Do you know anything else about this Xiaokai?" Han Bin said.


"Cui Xiaofang, you are now suspected of disrupting public affairs. If you still have clues to conceal and don't report it, you will only be punished by one grade and two, understand?" Han Bin snapped.

"Comrade police, I really didn't lie this time, what I said was true."

Han Bin got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

Zeng Ping also walked out of the observation room on the side.

"Team Zeng, you have heard, do you want to arrest the suspect?"

"It should not be too late to go now and bring Cui Xiaofang with you to identify the suspect."



Ten minutes later, Zheng Kaixuan personally led the team to the Vega Hotel to arrest the suspect.

In addition to the second team of the criminal investigation team, the colleagues on duty in the technical team were also called.

Liu Jingxiang had been released. He saw Cui Xiaofang being escorted by the police and got in a police car and hurried over to ask.

"Comrade police, what's wrong with my wife? Where is this going to take her?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Go through your formalities and wait for news when you go home."

"Bang bang bang..."

Liu Jingxiang slapped the police car and shouted at Cui Xiaofang in the car: "My wife, what have you done? Why did the police arrest you?"

Cui Xiaofang lowered his head, did not dare to look out the window, let alone look at Liu Jingxiang.

Liu Jingxiang was pulled by the police, and then the car left the Qindao branch.

Liu Jingxiang broke free and ran out with him.


In the police car, Han Bin contacted the person in charge of the hotel and inquired carefully, and found that Hotel 408 had not checked out.

This shows that the suspect may not have left the hotel.

Zheng Kaixuan urged again to speed up the convoy and arrive at the Vega Hotel as soon as possible.

At this time, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, there were few cars on the road, and the road was not congested. It took ten minutes to drive to the Vega Hotel.

Tian Li was in charge of guarding Cui Xiaofang and was waiting in the car with the technical team.

Zheng Kaixuan led the second group to arrest.

Under the leadership of the hotel lobby manager, Han Bin and others went up to the fourth floor, took out a bright flashlight and a pistol, and blocked the door of 408.

When the waiter took the spare door card and swiped the door lock of the room, Zeng Ping, the leader of the second group, quickly rushed into the room.

"Police, don't move!"

The light in the room was turned on, and Han Bin and others quickly searched for the suspect, but there was no one in the room or the toilet.

"Be careful, check the closet, and the bed." Zheng Kaixuan exhorted.

Han Bin and Li Hui cooperated. One opened the door of the closet and the other warned with a pistol, but there was no one in the closet: "The closet is safe."

"The bed is fine."

"Bang!" Zheng Kaixuan clenched his fist and smashed the wall: "It's empty!"

Li Hui glanced around the room: "The suspect's luggage was not found. It is likely that he has left."

"Close the door, in case the suspect returns to the hotel, don't scare him away." Zheng Kaixuan ordered.

"Team Zheng, do you want to call the technical team up?" Zeng Ping suggested.

Zheng Kaixuan thought for a while, and said: "Han Bin, Li Hui, you two go to the monitoring room and check the monitoring."

"Zeng Ping, go to the lobby and ask the waiters and receptionists what impressions you have of the 408 guests."

"Zhao Ming, you and Tian Li bring Cui Xiaofang up and ask her to confirm if it is this room, and call the technical team up by the way."

"Yes." Everyone agreed and went on separate things.


Vega Hotel monitoring room.

The security of the monitoring room should have been notified in advance. After Han Bin showed the police officer's card, he successfully took over the monitoring room.

"Binzi, how do we check the law?" Li Hui asked.

"Check from 10 o'clock in the morning on August 17."

"Then I check the monitoring on the fourth floor, you check the monitoring in the lobby." Li Hui smiled.

"Whatever you want, anyway, if you have checked such a thing, you still need to check it for me, don't be lazy." Han Bin hummed.

With the help of security guards, Han Bin found out the lobby surveillance system around 10 am on August 17.

After checking it for a short time, I found Cui Xiaofang's figure. She came alone and spent a long time in the lobby before running to the front desk to open the room.

However, Cui Xiaofang left after opening the room and did not go upstairs.

At two o'clock in the afternoon on August 17, the man called Xiaokai rushed to the hotel with a travel bag in his hand.

Han Bin also found out the surveillance on the morning of August 18th. At about ten o'clock in the morning, a woman who was not tall and looked like He Ru walked into the hotel. It was He Yan who was kidnapped.

He Yan walked to the front desk, said a few words, and then entered the elevator, and the monitor in the lobby was no longer visible.

"Huizi, please check the fourth floor of the hotel, monitoring at 10 am on August 18th." Han Bin reminded.

"OK." Li Hui responded.

Called out the surveillance at 10 am on August 18th, and indeed, He Yan was found in the surveillance on the fourth floor, and from the surveillance, she could be seen that she entered room 408.

"Brother Bin, what do you think they can do when they go in." Li Hui winked his eyes.

"Playing cards." Han Bin guessed.

"Playing cards?"

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "The lone man and widow arrived at the hotel, like a firewood. How can you play cards? It must be something you love to do."

"I know I still ask these nonsense." Han Bin didn't bother to care about him.

Li Hui smiled, not annoyed: "Guess how often He Yan will be out?"

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded: "Check the monitoring honestly, don't always ask anything that doesn't make sense."

"Cut." Li Hui curled his lips and continued to check the surveillance.

However, his mouth was not idle, and he murmured a few words from time to time:

"You said He Yan is married, is that okay?"

"It's no wonder that her husband is discouraged and would rather go to the betting shop than find her."


"Tsk tusk, it's been two hours, and I haven't come out yet, this young man is fine."

Li Hui speeded up the video playback. No one came in or out at the door of the room, and said in surprise: "It's been an afternoon."

"Stop!" Han Bin shouted: "The one named Xiaokai has come out."

Li Hui continued to play: "But He Yan still didn't come out."

"Maybe it was staying overnight in the hotel and keep putting it." Han Bin said.

Li Hui continued to play surveillance. Only Xiao Kai was in and out of room 408, but He Yan never appeared again...