Detective from The Future

Chapter 790: new task

The trial of Tai Dongyuan came to an end temporarily.

The police have not found enough evidence to prove that Tai Dongyuan is related to Song Bochen's death.

At the same time, the interrogation also obtained a lot of information, and the police should also digest some of it. The verification of the verification and the investigation of the investigation should be more fully prepared for the next interrogation.

The interrogation work is not anxious, nor is it accomplished overnight.

In response to the newly obtained clues, Han Bin held a case summary meeting.

Dai Minghan accompanied the leaders on the inspection. Except for him, everyone from the task force attended the meeting.

Han Bin informed everyone of the transcript of the interrogation.

Knowing that Song Bohui was really disguised as'Tai Dongyuan', the expressions of the people present were different.

Zeng Ping couldn't help but praised, "Tsk, it's worthy of being the Korean team. Song Bohui's parents didn't see the authenticity, but you saw it through. Anyway, none of us expected Song Bohui to have a twin brother. He was almost caught He fooled."

Wei Zimo sighed, "This case is getting more and more complicated. First Zhang Li was suspected, and then Song Bohui's alibi was also problematic. Now there is another Tai Dongyuan. What is the relationship between the three of them?"

"First of all, Zhang Li's suspicion can basically be settled. As for what role Song Bohui and Tai Dongyuan played in this case, more evidence and clues are needed to determine." Han Bin finished speaking and looked to the side. Zhao Ming,

"What did your investigation find?"

"I checked the ticket purchase records of Song Bohui and Tai Dongyuan. Tai Dongyuan did take the high-speed train to Beijing on September 13, and Song Bohui returned to Qindao by plane on September 15. This is basically the same as Tai Dongyuan's description." Zhao Ming added. ,

"In addition, according to Tai Dongyuan's confession, he began to pretend to be Song Bohui on September 14, which means that it was Tai Dongyuan who returned to Qindao by plane on September 15."

Zeng Ping asked, "Where is Song Bohui? Where did the real Song Bohui go?"

Zhao Ming replied, "According to Tai Dongyuan's account, the real Song Bohui took his ID card, but no ticket purchase record of Tai Dongyuan was found. Song Bohui last appeared at the Wanda Hotel on Huaibei Road in Beijing on the morning of September 14. "

Han Bin cleared his throat, "I want to add one more point. I repeatedly asked about Tai Dongyuan's whereabouts on September 9, but he claimed that he could not remember clearly. This is suspicious. It also made me even more suspicious that he was related to Song Bochen's death.

"Everyone understands the case. What do you think about the investigation that follows?"

Zeng Ping thought for a while and said, "In fact, I think Song Bohui is the most critical person. Assuming that both Zhang Li and Tai Dongyuan participated in the case, and the two people do not overlap, they should not know each other. One of them will definitely need an intermediary. This middleman should be Song Bohui."

"If Song Bochen was really conspired to kill by the three of them, Song Bohui was probably the real mastermind. Song Bohui was worried that the matter would be revealed, so he asked Tai Dongyuan to disguise himself as himself. If the police found him, he had already escaped. If the police did not find him. On his body, after the limelight has passed, he can come back quietly."

Wei Zimo echoed, "Team Zeng made sense. If Song Bohui really absconded, then he should have escaped from the capital on the 14th. The capital is spread in all directions. We are a stranger and it is not easy to find him."

Zeng Ping said, "Our current advantage is that Tai Dongyuan was secretly arrested. Song Bohui probably doesn't know about this. Once he uses Tai Dongyuan's ID, we can immediately carry out the arrest."

Li Hui said, "I have been thinking about a question. If Song Bochen was really killed by Zhang Li, Song Bohui, and Tai Dongyuan, what was their purpose of killing? Was it because of hatred or for some benefit?"

"I am afraid that only they can make it clear." Zeng Ping snorted and turned to look at Han Bin. "Team Korea, everyone understands the situation. You can arrange the task."

Han Bin is the deputy team leader of the task force. Now Dai Minghan is not there. It stands to reason that he should arrange the tasks, but Zeng Ping is his old leader after all. Han Bin is still polite, "Team Zeng, what do you think?"

Zeng Ping shook his head, "I'm not right now. After the meeting is over, I want to put Tai Dongyuan on trial."

Han Bin agreed that the information obtained by interrogating the prisoner in person and hearing the confession must be different. Direct communication with the prisoner can not only get the confession, but also observe the attitude and emotion of the suspect.

Han Bin interrogated Tai Dongyuan and had a deeper view of Tai Dongyuan.

First of all, he did not fully believe Tai Dongyuan's testimony, he felt that Tai Dongyuan must have concealed something.

Both Zhang Li and Song Bohui, the two persons involved in the case, are missing, and the information about Song Bohui was learned from Tai Dongyuan.

Among them, Tai Dongyuan did not admit that it was related to Song Bochen's case. On the face of it, he seemed to have been covering Song Bohui and speaking for Song Bohui.

But Han Bin heard another meaning. He hinted that Song Bohui had something to do with Song Bochen's death. He dismissed his suspicion from the side and attributed Song Bohui's disappearance to absconding.

But both Zhang Li and Song Bohui escaped too cleanly, as if they had disappeared in this world.

Han Bin likes to empathize, imagine himself as a criminal suspect, and consider the case with the criminal suspect's thinking.

In Han Bin’s view, there are two main possibilities in the current situation. The first possibility is that Tai Dongyuan was not deeply involved in the case and has nothing to do with Song Bochen’s death. The main plotters in the murder of Song Bochen were Song Bohui and Zhang Li. These two people had indeed run away. Now, Tai Dongyuan is just one of their pawns.

The second possibility is that Tai Dongyuan also participated in the murder of Song Bochen, and he and Song Bohui and Zhang Li joined forces to commit the crime. If this were the case, two of the accomplices had already run away, and Tai Dongyuan had no reason not to run.

To put it another way, if Zhang Li and Song Bohui did not run away, but were killed by Tai Dongyuan, and the dead could not speak, Tai Dongyuan could push all the charges on these two people, and he himself could get away with it.

After careful consideration, Han Bin began to arrange tasks, "In this way, we will divide the investigation into four directions. I, Team Zeng, Li Hui, and Wei Zimo are each responsible for one investigation direction."

"The first place of investigation was the magic city. Wei Zimo was responsible for the investigation. According to Song Bohui's previous confession, he was not in Qindao on September 9th, but was talking business in the magic city. He had a clear alibi."

"Now it seems that this proof requires a question mark, because Song Bohui and Tai Dongyuan look so alike, even if they are acquaintances, they may admit mistakes."

"Team Leader Wei, the purpose of your visit to the Magic City is to make a clear investigation. Who is the person who will discuss business in the Magic City on September 9?

"The second place of investigation is Beijing. Li Hui is responsible for the investigation. According to Tai Dongyuan's confession, Song Bohui disappeared in Beijing, but his confession is not credible. We don't know what happened in Beijing."

"Li Hui, your purpose in going to the capital is to investigate exactly what happened in the capital? At the same time look for the missing Song Bohui."

"Team Zeng, Zhang Li can't break this clue, you still have you responsible for tracking Zhang Li's whereabouts."

"As for me, I am responsible for investigating Tai Dongyuan." After Han Bin finished speaking, he glanced at everyone present, "If you have any questions, you can just say it."

"No." Everyone said in unison.

"Do you have anything to add?"

Zeng Ping touched his chin and thought for a while, "Team Korea, according to your previous statement, Song Bohui's mobile phone is now used by Tai Dongyuan, where is Tai Dongyuan's mobile phone?"

Han Bin replied, "I asked Tai Dongyuan before. According to him, Song Bohui took his mobile phone. Zhao Ming also checked Tai Dongyuan's mobile phone number. It is currently in a shutdown state and cannot be located."

Han Bin also had the same question about this. Song Bohui took Tai Dongyuan's ID card and mobile phone, but he never used it, or he didn't dare to use it at all. What was the purpose of taking it away?