Detective from The Future

Chapter 982: photo

When Han Bin was talking with Liu Rong, he had been paying attention to her expression. Liu Rong did not show any emotional fluctuations, and his mood has been relatively stable.

If Liu Rong is really what Xiao Bingtian said, then the relationship between the two must be very deep. Liu Rong is really a murderer, and it is impossible to say so calmly.

Another, Liu Rong is older than Xiao Bingtian, and Xiao Bingtian is younger, and the appearance of the two is nearly ten years worse. At least in Han Bin's opinion, Liu Rong is not worthy of Xiao Bingtian.

Of course, Han Bin’s thoughts are somewhat subjective. After all, he has only seen Liu Rong now, and he has never seen Liu Rong when he was young. Maybe Liu Rong was more beautiful when he was young. Many men like more mature women. .

Generally speaking, Liu Rong’s suspicion is not big, but Han Bin can’t figure it out. Although the deceased died shortly after being severely injured by a knife, his real life is different from playing games and will not disappear immediately, even if he is injured. It is heavy, and it can last for a period of time, enough to call for help, this is in line with the characteristics of a person before death.

But Liu Rong, who lives upstairs, claimed to have not heard any unusual noises.

Assuming that what Liu Rong said is true, Xiao Bingtian should have been gagged by the suspect after being seriously injured, so he could not call for help.

The suspect blocked Xiao Bingtian's mouth, Xiao Bingtian must resist, and the struggle before his death will be fierce, and he will definitely leave some resistance wounds on his body.

According to forensic doctor Li Can, apart from the fatal chest injury, Xiao Bingtian had no other wounds on his body and no traces of being tied up. In other words, this hypothesis was invalid when Xiao Bingtian was sober.

There is another situation in which Xiao Bingtian is in a coma and cannot call for help even if he is fatally attacked. This situation is true. If you want to prove this, you need a later autopsy of forensic doctors to provide more concrete evidence.

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This is physical evidence, and a quicker way is to ask other neighbors if they heard the call for help yesterday. If the other neighbors did not hear any abnormal sound, it would prove that Liu Rong did not lie.

Han Bin went downstairs and the technical department completed the site survey.

Ma Xiwen said, "The site has just been surveyed and we are ready to close the team."

"What did you find?"

"A sharp knife was found at the scene with a blade of about 10 cm. It should be an ordinary fruit knife, but the knife is of good quality and very sharp. Judging from the situation at the scene and the wounds of the corpse, it is most likely a murder weapon.

In addition, we found a broken cup in the kitchen. We collected glass shards. I saw broken fingerprints on the broken glass. I plan to take it back to the laboratory for stitching to see if the fingerprints can be recovered.

You should have noticed another discovery. We found a set of blood footprints on the spot. We have collected the shoe prints, sorted them out and sent them to your office.

Another point is that the situation on the scene gave me a bit of chaos, and I am not sure whether this is the first scene. "

Han Bin nodded, "After I checked the scene just now, I also felt that there were some problems at the scene. From the point of view of blood volume, this should be the first scene. I prefer the victim to move after being injured. As for he moved by himself, It is still unknown whether it was dragged by the suspect."

Ma Xiwen said, "It's also possible."

"Did you find the victim's cell phone?"


"Have you found a picture of a young lady? The deceased will probably take it with him, and this picture should be some years old."

Ma Xiwen shook his head, "I didn't find it, but there are some old photos in the bedroom, you can go and see."

"That's it, you go back first, I'll go in and take a look." Han Bin clapped his hands and instructed several team members, "The person with no life on hand helps me collect the photos of the house."


Since becoming the squadron leader, Han Bin has rarely done this kind of basic work.

At this moment, Wang Xiao brought people back, and Hui reported, “Team Korea, I brought people to make notes for several other neighbors who have been to the scene.”

"What did you find?"

"Although they have lived in this community for many years, they are not familiar with the deceased, nor have they approached the corpse, and found nothing suspicious."

"Did they hear the victim calling for help during the time of the incident?"

Wang Xiao said, "No, I am also wondering about this. Although the deceased is seriously injured, it is impossible to die immediately. It should be reasonable to call for help, but none of the neighbors heard any abnormal noise."

Han Bin touched his chin, "Wait for the further autopsy results of Li Forensic Doctor."

Judging from the current situation, Xiao Bingtian may have lost his ability to call for help when he was injured. Since there is no resistance to the injury and no binding, it means that the drug may have caused the victim to be unable to move.

Zhao Ming walked over, "Team Korea, I collected all the photos of the master bedroom."

Han Bin took the photo and began to look through it. At the same time, he remembered the photo, size, style, and appearance he had seen on the high-speed rail.

Han Bin looked through it twice, but couldn't find the photos of Xiao Bingtian on the subway.

Han Bin suddenly thought that he had overlooked a problem. He should ask Liu Rong for a photo of his youth.

Then she denied this idea, because if Liu Rong were the murderer, she would definitely not take out the photos collected by Xiao Bingtian.

And Han Bin only remembers the size of the photo, and only knew that it was a photo of a woman, but because of the angle, he could not see the woman’s face clearly in the photo, even if Liu Rong took out a photo of himself when he was young, Han Bin could not tell.

Han Bin continued to check the photos, and quickly read all the photos collected by the team members, but did not find the same photo as in his own memory.

Han Bin did not give up either. Although he did not find any photos of Xiao Bingtian with him, Xiao Bingtian may not have only one photo of that woman. It is possible that other photos of that woman are hidden in these photos.

Han Bin called Zhao Ming over, "Arrange a task for you to find out the identities of all the women in these photos."

Zhao Ming showed a bit of bitterness, "The Korean team, there are a lot of old photos on it. They have been in the past few decades, and their appearance has changed a long time ago, so how can I check."

"That's your business, think of a solution yourself."

After arranging the tasks, Han Bin continued to observe the situation in the house, using criminal psychology to analyze and restore the incident.

Han Bin summarized all the clues and evidence, and he still felt that acquaintances might be more likely to commit the crime, but there were some exceptions in some details.

For example, the cup broke in the kitchen. It should be because the suspect wanted to clean the DNA and fingerprints on the cup. Han Bin thought it was broken after cleaning. But when the technical department was investigating the scene, Ma Xiwen found the glass. There are fingerprints on it, which means that the cup should be broken before cleaning.

Broken does not mean that the DNA and fingerprints will disappear. It stands to reason that the murderer should collect the glass shards and take it away so that he can destroy his own evidence. However, the suspect left the glass shards on the scene, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Of course, if the suspect is in a hurry when committing the crime and is worried about being discovered by others, he may not have time to clean the broken glass on the ground.

However, the incident occurred the day after the victim's death, so it stands to reason that the murderer had enough time to escape. Unless, at the time, there was an external reason or someone interfered with or frightened the suspect.

Another point is that the murderer took away the victim's mobile phone, which shows that there may be something important on the victim's mobile phone. But the tools of the crime are equally important. The suspect did not take away the killing knife while taking away the cell phone.

Han Bin patted his forehead, and remembered another clue. Only a knife was found in the deceased's house, and this knife may have been used by the victim to cut apples, or it could be a murder weapon to kill the victim.

So the question is, whether the murderer came to the deceased’s house with other weapons, or was it just a temporary intention. The two had a fierce conflict during the conversation. The murderer took the apple knife on the table and stabbed the victim.