Detective Training Manual

Chapter 153: criminal

"Why? Haha, haven't you profiled it...because [Criminal Club]!" Li Lei suddenly changed his feeling, he was no longer hiding in a corner shivering The child is more like a middle-aged man who has been struggling, but at a certain moment, he was finally burst the dream bubble.

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"Criminal Club? Sister Yazi said, that's a legend!" Liu Zhiyuan still seemed to find it difficult to accept this development, and he immediately raised a question.

"Yeah, the legend...but who said that the legend is fake? It was said at the time. 20% of the people believed that the'criminal club' existed, so to put it another way, instead, 80% People don’t want to believe that the Criminal Club is actually real! Hahaha—" Then, Li Lei laughed:

"And I, I'm lucky, I happen to belong to those 20%... even more fortunately... I am one of the very few, favored by the'Criminal Club' people!"

"What?" Sister Yazi seemed to feel something was wrong.

However, Li Lei had already entered a state of a little selflessness. He stood up and opened his arms: "Everyone, take a look at this is really amazing!

About three months ago, I received an ‘invitation’, yes, it was an invitation from the Criminal Club, and that invitation led me to here.

You can't imagine how many rooms there are here, and how creative the mechanisms in the rooms are. Even now, I can still recall the shock when I saw all this!

...Haha...Although those institutions are very old, but...this is the evidence of the real existence of the Criminal Club!

Only genius criminals can create such a magnificent crime factory!

This is art!

And I have been invited, I just need to show my talent for crime and get the approval of those people! I can also enter the legendary ‘criminal club’.

I can finally get rid of this hypocritical world! "

Li Lei's voice grew louder and louder, but suddenly, he seemed to think of something, his eyes dimmed...

"But..... I still lost... There are so many things that I didn't think about... The real crime art can't leave any flaws."

Only a 100% perfect crime can be called art! "

Zhou Yan was taken aback, 100% perfect crime, isn't this the test question from Lin Xi?

Li Lei's words seemed to remind him of something, but Yazi's words suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"But... let's not talk about the authenticity of the criminal club, why do you look forward to that place so much? Aren't you running a detective agency for generations? You shouldn't be born to be a detective. Is it?"

"Ahahahaha—" Seemingly hearing some ridiculous joke, Li Lei suddenly laughed and his expression became hideous: "Detective...The detective is just a bunch of shit!

[Easy Chair Detective Agency]...Hehe, my whole family, including my three lifetimes, are working hard for this detective agency!

But, do you know what this detective agency has brought to my home?

On the day my father died, my mother didn't even see the last side of him because he was looking for a case.

Oh, I can't say that I didn't see it, because before he died, I was holding a cell phone and using video to talk to my mother. My idiot father said...let her concentrate on investigating the case... ..

Ah ha ha ha, can you understand?

He is dying, with pipes all over his body, and there is only a crying child beside him, and he actually said to the child's mother, concentrate on investigating the case!

crazy! This is a lunatic!

Then... my mother didn't come back until the day when he sparked, because the case was not over yet.

This is the detective!

After that... the mother seemed to blame herself very much. She devoted all her energy to this detective agency.

It even asked me to learn detective knowledge from an early age.

But I hate detectives at all!

In this way, I grew up.... Because of hereditary diseases, my mother gradually became afraid of the cold, and then became weak, and finally had to sit in a wheelchair and became a real ‘easy chair detective’.

But she is very strong and has not given up her career as a detective. She listened to the details and tensions of the case from the police and her client, so she solved a lot of cases in the easy chair.

But what if...Because she can't go out, no matter how smart she is, there are still unobservable details.

Therefore, she will also make mistakes, although these mistakes have been corrected with her efforts. one sympathized with her.

The detective... only cares about the case itself!

Even if it is an old man, sitting in an easy chair, enduring pain, wearing reading glasses, and working until midnight, no one still cares about her.

Just because she is a detective, and the mission of a detective is to solve cases. Who cares about things outside the mission?

A few months ago, she died...because of fatigue, staying up all night for a long time, or her own illness...heh... just leave her alone.

I do not care.

Because she doesn't care about it herself.

Before she died, she told me, let me get the qualifications as a detective quickly, and I will inherit the mission of a detective.

Listen, she was still concerned about the detective's mission before she died!

Is she crazy?

She is dying, shouldn't she care about her illness? Shouldn't she care about her life?

Like my father, he is a lunatic!

And me... Heh, I don't like detectives at all, hate detectives, hate detectives!

So, I'm so old and I still haven't gotten the qualifications of detective, because when I took the exam, I felt sick when I thought that I was about to become a detective!

Oh, you may not know it yet...I am 31 years old this year.

Even though I am still like a child, this is actually caused by my inherited chondritis. My physical development has almost stagnated since I was 18 years old.

Just like the profile of Yazijie, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com I am a person who lacks self-confidence, is weak, painful, has a disability, and is extremely eager to be recognized by others...

In the past few decades, I almost thought that in my life, I would never be happy or be recognized.

Because I need to inherit this detective agency...but I hate detectives...

This contradiction makes me frustrated day by day.

I even want to die!

Until...three months ago.

I received a card...that card, in black and white, with a crow painted on it.

And on the card, it gave me an address, this factory!

It was then that I finally realized that I was not a detective at all!

My destiny... is a criminal! "