Detective Training Manual

Chapter 155: Rescued

The sound of cars rang across the night sky, and a long line of police cars drove past the city.

People on the side of the road looked sideways. Although it is not uncommon in this city to go to police at night, there are not many people with such momentum.

This is also very understandable, because this time, it is not only to arrest criminals, but also to save people. The most important thing is to find a place with a bit of revenge.

Damn it, kidnapping candidates at the detective exam site, this is simply slamming the nose, if this person is caught, it will definitely not end well!

Along the way, all police officers were aggressive and passionate.

At the end of the convoy, a large police car followed.

In this car, in addition to the driver, there were also family members of five people who were lost.

It stands to reason that this group of people should not follow the police, but due to the particularity of the hostage-taking incident, the police had to use this method to appease these people. You must know that what was lost this time was all harmless. People in various detective agencies who have something to do with each other, if they make a fuss, it won't blow up the sky for you.

Especially Zheng Jun from [Nanshi Detective Agency], also Zheng Gangtie's father.

This guy’s style of behavior is well-known in the detective world and on guard. He is a straight man with reinforced concrete and has an unbelievable temper. He is brutal to criminals and is extremely good at dealing with vicious and vicious absconders. Tracking, though it is far away, must be punishable.

Often after he caught a prisoner, the police had to lock Zheng Jun first before the prisoner was confirmed to be guilty.

Because his heavy hands are a little bit beyond the limits of the ‘enforcement scope’.

As for why he hates prisoners so one knows, no one dares to ask.

But...Although there are five people missing this time, the families of the victims only came to three.

The first one, it is naturally Zheng Gangtie's father, that voice, "Where is my son!" ’It makes the heads of the entire police station hurt!

The second one is Liu Zhiyuan's mother. She looks very weak, and her personality should be very similar to Liu Zhiyuan. Sitting in the back seat of the car, her eyes are full of anxiety.

And the third one is Zhou Yan.

Because this guy is lonely and widowed, Li Huan actually got together, including family members. As for Lin Xi... she is regarded as the boss and the detective in charge of this case, so she is naturally indispensable.

At this moment, these two very beautiful women are sitting side by side, neither talking nor even looking at each other.

Although, one of them is Zhou Yan's boss and the other is Zhou Yan's landlord, neither of them is too close.

But after the two women met, the atmosphere became extremely tense, depressed, and embarrassing. The other relatives of the missing person can't feel it, but if Zhou Yan is in this carriage at this time... then he is absolutely dead.

There are just a few people in the carriage.

As for the eldest sister Tetsutang Masako, she is in the detective agency here, she is all alone, she is in her thirties, and she has no boyfriend or any relatives.

Needless to say, Li Lei, his family members would be absolutely perfect, otherwise he would not be hit so hard.

The convoy drove swiftly, but it took more than an hour to finally reach the destination.

When I got out of the car, there were no street lights around, and no buildings, and the unblocked wind was howling unscrupulously on this wasteland.

The factory in front of me has been abandoned for more than ten years. No developer has taken a fancy to this site, and there are no residents around, so no one will find it an eyesore. In short, it has been left in this way, and no one will ever visit it.

After all, the police were still professional, quietly, and very quickly set up lights and various instruments. The explosion-proof team was fully armed and rushed into the factory with great efficiency.

And here I have to talk about the complexity of this factory.

It covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters and looks nothing special on the outside, but the inside has been transformed into a huge execution ground!

If you are abnormal, you can say that it is a playground.

In short, all kinds of incredible rooms and institutions almost cover this place.

So... even if someone from the explosion-proof team intervenes, it is still difficult to move.

As for Li Lei, as the temporary manager of this ‘playground’, he is indeed a bit frantic.

He has been exposed as the man behind the scenes, and in front of Zheng Gangtie's combat power, he certainly has no chance of turning over or running away.

But he was still unwilling to compromise. Not only didn't want to take other people out, but even started to pretend to be dumb and didn't say a word, but the various agencies in this factory almost made it difficult for Zhou Yan and his party.

It has been several hours, and they still haven't drank a sip of water, let alone eat.

As we all know, under the action of narcotic drugs, the water in the human body will quickly lose, so at this moment, everyone is very wise to choose to sit in place and wait...

In fact, this can't be said to be a choice, because their physical strength is no longer enough to support them to go to another room.

Even Zheng Gangtie, the strongest willpower, can't run around without eating or drinking.

Time passed by every minute...

Hunger and thirst are constantly eroding everyone's spirits.

Zheng Gangtie kept staring at Li Lei, Liu Zhiyuan shrank in the corner, Zhou Yan sat by the wall, and Sister Ya was sitting beside him by coincidence.

As a woman who has been meticulously maintaining her figure, her physical strength must be the worst. After several hours of torment, she almost fell into a coma on Zhou Yan's shoulder.

Zhou Yan didn't have the mind to avoid it. It was this time. He didn't even think about it. At least this would slow down the loss of sugar in his body.

That's it...waiting, waiting...

No one knows how long it will be for people outside the factory to find here, and even if they do, how long it will take them to find the room they are in.

For the worst... I might stay here for two or even three days.

At that time...maybe I would be dying of thirst.

An atmosphere of despair gradually filled this small room.

I don't know how long it has been...


Squeaking, the sound of the door being pushed open A gun came in.

Then... the arm in the explosion-proof suit, and then the helmet...

Several people from the explosion-proof group came in, and they saw people lying in the room.

Immediately afterwards, several police officers also rushed in. They seemed to be saying something in their ears, but Zhou Yan was already confused and could not hear clearly.

He saw that a policeman took out a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid, and got to his the red envelope]Follow the public.. The public number [Book Friends Base ~Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Cool water ran across my throat...

Zhou Yan's spirit gradually became clear.

He smiled...

"Hey, I'm saved~"