Detective Training Manual

Chapter 193: Detective agency that specializes in fin

that's all......

Xiyan Detective Agency is not well-known!

Promoted to Trent level.

Actually, this is not a fast upgrade, because as I said before, the level of the detective agency is determined by the highest level detective registered in this detective agency.

In other words, Xiyan Detective Agency will be promoted to Trent level sooner or later.

This is a predictable development.

However, if it is to advance further down, it will be a little troublesome, because this requires the detective agency to have a Chuzenji-level detective.

In other words, Lin Xi's detective level needs to be upgraded to one level.

This will take a long time.

However, it is estimated that it will not be too long, because Lin Xi is still at the Trent level until now, and it is entirely because she was pressed by someone from the group before. Now she has come out to do it alone without any restraints. It is estimated that the detective next month She can pass the promotion test directly!

emmm...I hope...

Anyway, soon, the frame of the plaque was installed.

It's light yellow, not so conspicuous, but it stands out a bit among the signs with white borders all over the street.

Lin Xi looked at this new signboard, seemingly satisfied.

"Supper at noon, I invite" she said with a smile.

"Um...I've been promoted, won't you give me a salary?" Zhou Yan hesitated, feeling that this situation should be raised.

as predicted......

"No way!"

Lin Xi refused without even thinking about it.

"Tsk" Zhou Yan was depressed, and then walked into the detective agency.

"Oh, by the way, just now you seemed to have something you wanted to ask me." Lin Xi remembered.

"Oh, yes!" Zhou Yan nodded: "I actually wanted to ask if there are any detective agencies that are particularly good at finding things."

"Looking for something?"

"Yes." Zhou Yan responded: "You said before that there are some detective agencies that are responsible for a single field.

At that time, you gave an example, saying that some detective agencies are specifically responsible for catching smugglers.

Some detective agencies are specifically responsible for catching serial killers.

Then there must be a detective agency that is responsible for finding things! "

After listening, Lin Xi nodded: "Uh...There is indeed such a detective agency. It is very good at finding things. It can almost be said that it is the strongest of all the detective agencies, so... .What are you doing?"

"I want to entrust this detective agency to find a place."

"Looking for a place?" Lin Xi frowned: "Then you don't need to find that detective agency specifically, you can send a commission on the detective network, it's fine."

"No, I have posted it for several days, and no one answered it. The place I was looking for must be quite remote." Zhou Yan responded.

"Um...what's that place?"

"A place called the Sunday Bar."

"This... doesn't seem to be difficult to find." Lin Xi frowned, "But since there is no one on the detective network, then let's find a professional to help."

Lin Xi said, it feels like, just looking for the detective agency, no matter how remote, they can find it for you.

Zhou Yan immediately became curious about the detective agency: "Then...when shall we make an appointment? That bar is very important to me."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xi shook his head...

"No, that detective agency doesn't need to make an appointment."


Lin Xi smiled: "Yes, there is no need to make an appointment, and the commission of that detective agency is accepted on the spot, so after we finish our meal, I will take you there!"


Zhou Yan is very dumbfounded.

A detective agency that is so well-known in the industry is still famous for finding things, so this detective agency must have many, many clients.

Why not make an appointment?

Is it because the commission fee is too expensive and no one wants to go?

It's not right. Looking at Lin Xi's posture, if this detective agency is very expensive, she would definitely not say such an understatement.

Feeling that posture, going to the detective agency is as easy as going to the vegetable market...

The more I think about it, Zhou Yan becomes more curious about this detective agency that specializes in finding things.

The snacks at noon are rushed.

And after eating...

"Go, let's go to that detective agency." Lin Xi said, and then walked out the door easily.

Zhou Yan followed closely: "Hey, what is the name of that detective agency."

"Just call the Najia Detective Agency?"

Zhou Yan: "???"



Zhou Yan really became more and more curious about the Najia Detective Agency.

As I said before, Lin Xi said that he would take Zhou Yan. The posture was the same as saying that he was going to the vegetable But Zhou Yan never expected that, Lin Xi actually took him to the vegetable market. market.

This vegetable market is two streets away from the Xiyan Detective Agency, and a group of old men and women come here to buy vegetables in the morning.

Meat sellers, fish sellers, fruits and vegetables grown in the countryside are all gathered here.

Lin Xi and Zhou Yan, two young people who came to such a place, seemed incompatible with the whole environment.

Zhou Yan was stunned. He looked at the leftover leaves all over the floor, and there were endless cries and bargaining noises, and he asked a little embarrassedly.

"I said the boss, aren't we looking for a detective agency? Why did you really come to the vegetable market?"

"Oh, here are the people from the detective agency we are looking for." Lin Xi said.

"What? There are... detectives here? But... how come the detectives are in the vegetable market!" Zhou Yan was even more confused.

"Why, detectives can't buy groceries part-time." Lin Xi asked rhetorically.

"Um..." Zhou Yan was asked all of a sudden, yeah, can't detectives sell vegetables part-time? You discriminate against detectives, but also disrespect the vegetable selling industry!

"Then... how do we find that detective?" Zhou Yan asked, looking at the vast number of old men and old ladies.

"That's not easy to find," Lin Xi replied, and then turned sideways and walked to a stall selling fish.

"Um... Excuse me, are there any people from the Najia Detective Agency around here?"

Zhou Yan was shocked, this all works?

However, what Zhou Yan didn't expect was...

"Oh, I am!"

The old lady who sells fish replied with a strong accent.

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