Detective Training Manual

Chapter 282: Lanky ghost

   The patrolman was taken away...It is estimated that he himself understands that no matter how sophisticated it is, it will be of no avail in the interrogation process in the next few days.

   He walked in silence, and when he passed Zhou Yan, he didn't even look at Zhou Yan.

   A few minutes later, in the lounge of the police station...

   "You are almost the cleanest girl I have ever seen." Sister Yazi said while helping Li Huan remove her makeup.

   Uh...Yes, Li Huan put on makeup...

It was early this morning that Sister Yazi personally painted her, making her eyes appear slightly slender, the highlight of her forehead makes her look slightly protruding, and the curvature of the bridge of her nose. In short, Yazi’s makeup skills are very good. Just a few simple embellishments can make her look very different from usual, and also very natural.

  The reason why Li Huan had to put on makeup was because Zhou Yan insisted on Huan’s involvement in such things made him very worried.

  Although the murderer must have not ran away, he can only spend the rest of his life in prison, and he will not even need half of his life. He will be shot after a few years.

   But Zhou Yan still didn't want Li Huan's true appearance to exist in the memory of such a murderer.

   So... Sister Masako put on her makeup to make her face look a little bit west.

   So Zhou Yan let go...

   "You have a good relationship with Detective Zhou Yan..." Ya Zijie carefully wiped off the fine makeup from the corners of Li Huan's eyes with a cotton swab.

   "Well, I am his landlord." Li Huan closed his eyes, but said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "How long have you known each other?"

   "emmm, a few months? Half a year? I can't remember either."

   "What do you think of him?"

   "..." Li Huan hesitated: "It's delicious, lazy, careful, stingy, doesn't tidy up the house, loves the petty bargain, and always speaks out of tune."

   Li Huan is an evaluation, it's just a scolding at all, but the smile on the corner of her mouth still doesn't fade when she scolds Zhou Yan.

   Sister Yazi looked at Li Huan like this, her eyes sliding from her closed eyes to the corner of her mouth.

   "So... you like him?"

   Okay, Sister Yazi did not say this question. As a profiler, she has a lot of questions that she doesn't need to ask.

   "Okay, open your eyes." Sister Masa said.

Li Huan slowly opened her eyes. The pair of cosmetic contact lenses that changed the size of the pupils have been removed. At this time, there is no makeup on Li Huan's face. The pupils are larger than normal, which makes her eyes look. Extraordinarily light and agile.

   may be due to myopia. After Li Huan opened his eyes, he quickly picked up the black-rimmed glasses on the side, and then put on... it seems that this is the only way to feel at ease.

   "You look so good when you don't wear glasses." Sister Yazi said with a smile.

   She rarely commented on a girl, but if she even recognized her as ‘good-looking’, then she would definitely be a rare beauty, but the glasses blocked Li Huan’s eyes and made her look less amazing.

   "Hey, but I can't see things clearly." Li Huan gave an irrefutable reason for wearing glasses.

   "Okay." Sister Yazi shook her head helplessly, and no longer clinging to any contact lenses and other problems: "Go out, your tenant is waiting for you outside the door."

   "Well, Sister Yazi, goodbye." Li Huan said politely, and ran out of the house excitedly. It seemed that she was still not relieved in the joy of participating in the case.

Sister Yazi looked at Li Huan’s back, with the same smile on the corners of her mouth. During the whole process of facing Li Huan, Yazi played the image of a confidant big sister, but she didn’t even know if she was seven years younger. At the age of eight, will it be impossible to be so calm?

   At the thought of this, Masako's smile became more bitter.

   Outside the door, Li Huan jumped out...

   "Yo~ it's still so pretty~" Zhou Yan said.


   "It's just a polite remark~" Zhou Yan replied owingly.

   Li Huan was not angry at all, and rubbed his slightly water-stained face: "Participating in the case...It feels so good."

   Zhou Yan glanced at this girl, and wondered how he is usually so clever, but always likes to get involved in crimes, making it like a double personality, and the brains of writing novels are really not normal.

   "So, this time I went out to collect materials very successfully?"

   "Hmm!" Li Huan nodded heavily.

   "That..." Zhou Yan hesitated: "Then I will ask you a few questions."

   "Problem?" Li Huan was taken aback.

   "Well, it is the issue related to this case. You probably already know the facts of the case, so I want to hear your thoughts." Zhou Yan said.

   In fact, while waiting for Li Huan to come out, Zhou Yan had nothing to do, so he habitually flipped through his notes.

   And in the notes, he found that the brothers in the book had asked some questions. Zhou Yan had the answers to these questions in his heart, but he wanted to hear the opinions of others.

   For example, some people think that the murderer is really stupid for letting the gangster **** the detective's key. It is so good to find a chance to hide the stubborn uncle and steal the contraband.

   Zhou Yan handed this question to Li Huan.

   And Li Huan frowned, thinking for a while...

   "It's just asking me, why did the murderer let the gangster grab the detective key instead of stealing the package? That's what it means..."

   "Well, what do you want to say about the murderer's actions?"

   Li Huan shook his head: "There's nothing to say, the murderer just asked someone to grab the key, why do you want to judge the murderer?

   It is indeed very risky for him to let the gangster grab the key, but if he goes to steal the package and is found, it is also the end of being caught on the spot. Why does he have to argue about the murderer’s idea? He did that. "

   "emmm..." Zhou Yan shrugged after hearing Li Huan's thoughts, and then asked another question.

"Then you say...Why does the murderer have to follow and **** the package after seeing the deceased holding the package, he can't calm down, wait for the opportunity slowly, or communicate with the deceased peacefully, Then will the package come back?"

   "This—" Li Huan thought again: "It would be best if the murderer can calm down, but he just didn't calm down.

   He saw that the goods worth tens of millions were taken away, and he was nervous, anxious, and then in desperation, he just killed the dead. In fact, he certainly didn't want to kill people. After all, that would make matters worse, but with so many homicides in the world, how many murderers wanted to kill from the heart? It is the result of countless factors piled up. "

   "Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded, and sure enough, a person who wrote a detective novel gave the answer so simple and clear-the murderer just didn't hold his breath.

"So...there is still a problem." Zhou Yan asked again: "You said, why did the murderer kill the boss of the video studio? If he is afraid that the boss will confess himself, then not at the beginning. Please ask the owner of the video studio to help yourself." The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

"But, what can the murderer do? He asks for help from the owner of the video studio because he doesn't want to let himself be in contact with those gangsters, so no matter what he does, he has to find a middleman, and when he is looking for someone, he didn't expect Things will develop to this point.

Of course, the murderer can also adopt more clever methods, such as creating a new mobile phone card, or letting the helper he entrusted to hand over with others several times, striving to hide himself completely behind the scenes, or something more high-end practice.

   But the murderer is not exhaustive, and he can't predict the future, and things can't really develop exactly as he thought.

   If every criminal can think of the tiniest details, and nothing is leaked, then there will be perfect crimes everywhere in this world. "

   Zhou Yan laughed after listening to Li Huan's extremely simple and rude, but irrefutable explanation.

   Yes, there are so many perfect things in this world. Human beings are always emotional creatures. When they see large sums of money, everyone will be excited, and when life is threatened, everyone will be nervous.

   In fact, since getting this notebook, Zhou Yan has also learned some people's thoughts deeply from the book.

   These people are not saying that they are not smart enough or kind, but they are always extreme and critical.

   For example, in many previous cases, some people always questioned——

   [Why didn’t the police find this clue? Isn’t this for food? 】

   [Why can't I make such a simple reasoning? How can I be a detective with my brain? 】

   This kind of argument is there every time, as if in their eyes, detectives and police must be omniscient and omnipotent, and everyone is at the level of Sherlock.

   And if the police solve the case, then the trend of this kind of argument will shift to the murderer's side.

   [Is this murderer stupid? Why do you want to do this? If you do something first, then do something else, isn't it all right? 】

   [This kind of killing technique is simply rubbish. If you kill anyone with this **** mentality, go home and watch cartoons. 】

   This is not the first time Zhou Yan has seen such words.

   But still the same sentence, not everyone can do things with a completely rational mind. Fear, confusion, excitement, anger, and a hot brain are most of the emotions held by human beings.

  No one is born to be a detective. They all rely on their yearning and love for this profession and a little effort to make themselves stronger.

No one is born a murderer, but countless temptations have eroded their hearts, countless causes and effects crush a person's bottom line, or a moment of grief and anger broke through the shackles of reason, which led to an irreparable mistake. .

   This world is moving slowly while making mistakes and making up for it.

  Imperfection is the norm.

   "The angle from which you look at things is really strange." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

   "Is that right, I think it's too simple to read things, so I can't write good novels." Li Huan looked a little distressed.

   "Yes, but most things are often that simple, but few people can see through."

   "Why?" Li Huan wondered.

   "Because the people who look at things are too complicated, they can't see the simplest side at all." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Li Huan curled her lips, she was reluctant to think about this kind of seemingly profound but ambiguous remark.

   After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he laughed at himself.

   I don't know when I started to speculate about people's hearts. Is it true that if you see too much life and death, it will gradually affect your mood? Wasn't I the third-rate detective who was only looking forward to a salary increase and then messing around?

   Oh, yes, now I seem to have a goal, which is to quickly grow into a Sherlock-level detective.

   "Fuck!" Thinking of this, Zhou Yan suddenly realized that he still has one of the most important things.

   He quickly turned around and ran into the staff lounge of the police station.

   And Ms. Tetsutang Masako was sitting next to the chair, still keeping the posture that Li Huan had when he walked out, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

   Seeing Zhou Yan coming in, she was also taken aback: "Hey? Why are you back?"

   "Hey~" Zhou Yan put on an extremely flattering expression, and got close to Sister Yazi: "Then, Sister Yazi, what do you think of my performance in this exam?"

   Masako looked at Zhou Yan's shameless virtue, and couldn't help but smile: "Why, now think of it to please me?"

   "How can it be said to please, this is my respect for the predecessors, and the admiration of your abilities..."

"Really?" Masako interrupted Zhou Yan's nonsense with a smile: "Okay...then your exam...hehe, in fact, I said it at the beginning, as long as you let me 'Satisfied', your test scores will not be too bad—"

When    said the word "satisfaction", Sister Yazi deliberately increased her tone, and at the same time looked up and down Zhou Yan with her fascinating eyebrows. Zhou Yan was full of excitement.

   "Ya...Sister Yazi, you are a senior, you can't poke me in such a hidden rule, right?" Zhou Yan said embarrassedly.

   "I, Tetsutang Masako, want to be unspoken to be alone, but do I need to poke in secret?"

   "Amount—" Zhou Yanyu is suffocated.

"Well, UU reading doesn't want to wrestle with you anymore, your performance has made me very satisfied, you should hurry up to accompany your little girl...the landlord." Yazijie went to He leaned back on the chair and said lightly.

   Hearing Zhou's words, he was pleasantly surprised: "It means-I passed the exam?"

   "Yeah." Sister Yazi waved her hand, beckoning the other party to get out.

   "Good! Great kindness, I will report again in the next life!" Zhou Yan clasped his fists and left the room without saying a word of nonsense.

   Li Huan was also startled when Zhou Yan came out: "Why... so happy?"

   "Hey, salary is going to increase, of course I am happy."

   "Really!" When Li Huan heard it, he seemed to be happy, even though Zhou Yan's salary was in her eyes, it was probably the money for a meal.

   But she is still very happy: " celebrate, let's have a good meal?"

   "Are you please?" Zhou Yan asked with a smile.

"of course!"

   "Hey hey, double happiness is coming!"

   Zhou Yan smiled, and walked out of the police station jokingly with his landlord.

   The case is settled, the promotion is just around the corner, and the salary is about to rise. He is in an unprecedented mood today! So Zhou Yan smiled very happily!

   And just in a dark alley across from the crowd in Xiyang...a figure is watching this side.

   This figure is extremely slender, with an uncontrollable grin at the corner of his mouth, and it seems to be extremely happy...