Detective Training Manual

Chapter 321: You need police protection!

The bodyguard holding the letter looked dumbfounded, and quickly put the letter on the ground and searched for it.

   In the end, he found a letter, which... was a mobile phone.

   There were too many people in the street just now. Numerous hands stretched out on both sides, some wanted to hand gifts, some wanted to touch Lu Zeng, and some were driven by the atmosphere, simply reaching out and swaying wildly. Therefore, the bodyguard was also sullenly collecting things, and didn't pay attention to who handed these things over.

   As for this phone, it seems to be in a state of talking from the beginning, and the speaker is still on.

   "Old...boss?" The bodyguard didn't know what to do for a while, he looked up at Lu Zeng and asked.

  Lu Zeng leaned on the sofa, and there seemed to be a little surprise in his eyes.

   "Hey, interesting." As he said, he stretched out his hand and motioned for the bodyguard to bring the phone.

   The bodyguard hesitated: "But boss, this... isn't safe."

  The bodyguards who can be next to Lu Zeng are more or less skilled. A mobile phone of unknown origin, if there is a small bomb in it, what should I do.

   But Lu Zeng just smiled carelessly: "It's okay, take it over."

   The bodyguard had to pass the phone over, and then Lu Zeng waved his hand to signal everyone to go out.

   "Hello, this is Lu Zeng." "I am Zhou Yan." A voice came from the other end of the phone: "Since you answered this call, you must know who I am."

   "Hahaha—" Lu Zeng smiled and said, "Of course, you are with me, but it's worth ten million."

   "Then you exalt me ​​too much. Even if I work hard in this life, I can't be worth so much money."

   "No, no, your death is worth this." Lu Zeng said.

   "Why? Why do you want me to die so much?" Finally, Zhou Yan asked this most critical question.

   "Huh? Don't you know?" Lu Zeng asked back, "Because you took the life of the person closest to me."

Lu Zeng talked about the deaths of his mother and sister, but even though he said such sad things, while speaking, he picked up a glass of red wine on the table, reached a little, and sipped it with enjoyment. Sip.

   "You know, I am not a murderer, I was framed." Zhou Yan continued.

   "Oh? You were framed? Ha ha, don't try to get through, but I have a video."

   "The video is fake. Someone is pretending to be me." Zhou Yan said: "You should know these things better than me."

  Lu Zeng raised his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know why. He seemed to enjoy this kind of conversation with Zhou Yan.

   "Someone pretends to be you? Hahaha-really interesting, why is someone pretending to be you? Are you famous? Are you jealous? Or do you have a lot of enemies, and you will not hesitate to use the lives of a mother and daughter to frame you."

   "This is exactly what I want to ask you. Why are you aiming at me? There shouldn't be any intersection between you and me."

   "What else are you talking about? Are you trying to say that these are all ghosts I made behind my back?"

   "Yes!" Zhou Yan said directly.

He disliked Lu Zeng’s way of dialogue. He knew everything, but he always pretended that everything had nothing to do with him: “Before you exploded at Yu Zi’s house, you arranged for a person named Wang Dabao to have a facelift to look like me. , And then deliberately exposed in front of the camera, as evidence of framing me, so I have reason to suspect that you are the murderer who deliberately killed my mother and sister.

   After that, you sent a killer to chase me down. It was a terrifying killer who was trained to be a beast.

   You also used public opinion to make me a mouse crossing the street. All the people chased me for your reward.

   Anyway, you are using all resources to kill me.

   I have checked a lot of things now,

   The person who had plastic surgery to become me, that killer, Yucai Elementary School, the kid who was thrown to death 20 years ago.

   I understand all of these.

   But I don’t know your motive.

   Why are you doing this to me. "

   "..." On the other end of the phone, there was a moment of silence, and after a while: "Hoo--" A very comfortable sigh:

"I don't know what you are talking about. What Wang Dabao, what beast, are you crazy?" Lu Zeng said lightly, and then took a sip of wine: "Oh, by the way, you are already mentally ill. Right.

   Is your call recording?

   What a pity, I should also record, so that I can publish these crazy words of yours to the public, I don't think the mental hospital does not want you to run around in the society, right. "

   Well, Zhou Yan's phone call was indeed recorded. He wanted to catch some loopholes in Lu Zeng's words as evidence against him.

   But as Zhou Yan had predicted, Lu Zeng did not reveal any flaws during this call.

"Well, Mr. Zhou Yan, I know what your crazy mind is thinking. You may have fantasised me as a heinous villain who kills mothers and sisters, but unfortunately, those are all your fantasies. The real murderer has always been only one person, and that is you.

   So, don’t bother, kill for your life, and wait obediently for the judgment of fate. "

  Lu Zeng said, pouring the rest of the wine into his mouth, leaning comfortably on the sofa.

   But on the other end of the phone——

   "You are waiting for the trial!"

   Zhou Yan returned this sentence to Lu and then hung up!

   And just at the same time the busy tone of beep sounded.

   "Bang," the door of the lounge was pushed open.

   Several police officers walked in.

   "Wait, you can't go in."

   "Mr. Lu is resting, you can't be so unreasonable!"

   The bodyguards outside were still trying to stop them, but how could the bodyguards stop the police? Several people in explosion-proof suits pushed these bodyguards away: "Get out of the way, don't hinder official duties!"

   Within a few seconds, Lu Zeng’s lounge was full of people. The police officers at the door stepped aside in a tacit understanding, and a woman walked in.

   It is very rare for a woman to appear abruptly among so many armed police. The police officer on the side seems to be respectful to this woman, so the scene seems even more violent.

"Hello Mr. Lu, my name is Qin Hanwei, I must have heard of me." The woman said politely, but after she introduced herself, she did not give Lu Zeng a chance to speak: "We just passed the positioning. It was found that the phone number of the suspect Zhou Yan had been kept for a long time in this neighborhood.

   We suspect that he may be nearby and may threaten your life at any time.

   For your safety, we strongly recommend that you accept the protection of the police!

   Then... please come with us. "