Detective Training Manual

Chapter 335: Criminal Club-No. Four [Plasticist]! …

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback for a moment, and scratched his hair like a chicken coop: "Do you want to hear?"

"Yeah, if you are not busy, just sit down and talk about it, young people, there is still a long way to go, frustration will always appear... When you are uncomfortable, ask someone to chat. , And then cheer up and continue to live, this is basically the way people come throughout their lives.

Zhou Yan smiled bitterly, then walked to the wall of the guard room, and separated from the window with Uncle Gu, the wind was a bit cold...

"Okay, find someone to talk to, maybe you can feel better." Zhou Yan said, and then said all the experience during this time.

Until the end, when talking about the failure of the paternity test, Zhou Yan sighed long.

"Probably this is what happened. All the roads were blocked, and I was also blocked on the road..."

"So that's the case." Uncle Gu thought for a while, then took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhou Yan: "Do you smoke?"

"Um, I won't..." Zhou Yan said embarrassedly.

"It won't be good, don't learn." Uncle Gu lit the cigarette, smoked himself, squinted, and looked into the distance... "You know, writing stories is the best thing." The way to do this is to set an ending first, and then push it forward."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback, how to say the case, and suddenly came up with a story.

"Take your case as an example. If the ending is [Ghost] not Zhang Wei, then just accept the ending, and if you reason forward, who will he be?"

Zhou Yan shrugged his shoulders: "Yeah, don't you just don't know who he is now? The world is so big, he can be anyone."

"No!" Uncle Gu shook his head: "Guying must be someone you know!"

"Ah? Why do you say that?"

"Because the closer a story comes to an end, the fewer people will appear."

"This..." Zhou Yan was stunned: "Master, we are talking about cases, not detective novels. Your remarks are a bit mysterious."

"Hahaha—" Uncle Gu laughed: "Young man, you have reached the end of the world, why not try some new ideas."

"What idea?"

"Making it up." The uncle said: "No matter how chaotic the world is, it is still causal after all. The fall of a fruit means that a seed must have taken root many years ago, and every ending must be connected. A story line.

Don't worry about the evidence, just look at the possibility, and then...Edit!

If this story cannot be made up, make up another one.

Until you feel that this story is very good and credible, then follow this story.

Maybe... can you find the lost road? "

Zhou Yan was stunned. Uncle Gu lay by the window of the porter, the smoke lingering in the cold wind.

"Don't care about the evidence..." He murmured, what a ridiculous suggestion, how could a detective not care about the evidence and make up a story.

However...this suggestion has magically ignited a little hope for Zhou Yan in desperation.

" to weave, connect all the causes and effects, and then find the truth in the grid of fate."

If Ghost is not Zhang Wei, then who is he?

In this story... there is only one person suitable for this role.

"Lu Zang... the ghost image is Lu Zang..."

In fact, in the past few days, Zhou Yan has seen similar words left by some brothers in the book many times.

They believe that the person who was pushed down was Lu Zang.

But Zhou Yan ignored these words at the time because it was impossible...

When he was 4 years old in elementary school, Zhang Wei was already pushed down into the cave. The entire elementary school knew about this. After that, Lu Zeng also grew to 18 years old.

The people at school are not fools, and Lu Zeng's parents are not blind.

Therefore, there is definitely no way to realize this idea!

Zhou Yan frowned. He is still very unaccustomed to such unproven countermeasures...

But... there is someone who is very good at it. Although this person has been retired for many years, he still murmured amidst the haze of smoke.

"Lu Zeng...learned his life experience after the car accident, and then became frustrated with the family. An 18-year-old child left home...Where will he go?

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At that age when emotions are getting richer, will he go to the place where everything started? "

Zhou Yan was surprised...: "After Lu Zang ran away from home that year, he went to the cave?!"

The uncle nodded: "Yes, he went to the cave, maybe just to remember, maybe to regret what he did back then, in short, he went to the cave, sat at the entrance of the cave, and said something to the dead Zhang Wei I am sorry......"

"Immediately after... he saw Zhang Wei...!" Zhou Yan suddenly took over the conversation.

This is a very strange feeling, as if when listening to a story, our thinking will follow the story a little bit, and at a certain point, our thinking suddenly surpasses the story.

Zhou Yan stood up quickly: "After Zhang Wei fell into the mountain, he hadn't lived in that mountain for so many years... He was actually saved long ago!"

Zhou Yan almost yelled these words!

Yes, this is the most reasonable explanation.

How could a 4-year-old child in elementary school survive in a cave?

No matter how tenacious his vitality is, it is impossible for him to live for so many years without the help of external forces!


"I have a story, do you want to hear it?"

Suddenly, Uncle Gu said softly...

This sentence was like an opening remark, and immediately, instead of waiting for Zhou Yan's answer, he spoke directly.

It seems that this story is for himself, he doesn't need an audience.


That year, Zhang Wei was pushed down the cave.

The cave was deep, but he was lucky, but fainted and broke several ribs and thighs at the same time. UU reading www.

It doesn't matter, he is still alive anyway.

And when the kid Zhang Wei woke up, two full days had passed.

However, because the equipment of that era was simple and the school was afraid that things would be reported, and tried to keep things quiet, Zhang Wei's search and rescue did not last long and he was deemed dead.

In the darkness, Zhang Wei was hungry and fearful. He tried to call for help, but how could anyone hear his voice in the vast mountains.

In this way, after some time, Zhang Wei had no food or water, and he was already waiting for death.

But at this moment... he recalled the little knowledge in class.

Presumably everyone still remembers that in the elementary school nature class, there was such a section...

[How can the flashlight shoot farther? 】
