Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 501: Sword revival

[Thanks to He Yan HE, Xia Ruote Heatherink, sad [frustrated] children's shoes, thanks to the monthly ticket of He Yan HE children's shoes, thanks to the evaluation ticket of the supreme Weiwei children's shoes, congratulations to He Yan HE children's shoes become the second book The lord, decisively add more, today is four more, tomorrow is four more, the day after tomorrow is the same four, today the first more sent]

Faced with the tactics of Wu Lingfeng's teleportation and ice-knot kite flying, the one-armed man suddenly frowned. It seems that the original form of the thirty-two swords is already unable to beat him. It seems that a more powerful sword should be used. Alright.

To be honest, this time the one-armed man has a sense of frustration, his most proud thirty-two swords, the first time he used it, he faced such an end, which made him very uneasy, Wu Lingfeng this guy There are too many cards, double fields, and then it is moving very fast, his speed is fast, and there is no instant movement of the wind and rain.

After all, the one-armed man is not like Sodros. Sodros is pure melee, and is the creator of the extreme swordsmanship. The body is not natural. If it is Sodros, a sword can make Wuling wind down. The next, of course, this is based on the assumption that the wind and rain have complete defense skills.

Although the one-armed man uses the sword, he is also a magician, but it is a special magician, the magician of the sword, the magician who uses the sword to display magic, and the same is the same as Jianning Snow. Their speed is fast, but their speed is fast. Not fast to the limit, and the speed of Soderros is simply a thousand miles away.

"It seems that you have to use deeper power. Otherwise, the current power can't be restrained even with the frozen spells of ice!"

The one-armed man suddenly shook his head, and the right hand grabbed the big sword and threw it down to the ground. The ground immediately washed away like a wave of water. The big sword seemed to enter the water. Then, the big sword in the sky and on the ground quickly turned up. ,finally. There are four big swords in the sky, and there are four big swords on the ground.


Suddenly the whole space began to turmoil, and the force of the wind rushed rapidly in the space. The one-armed man’s right hand grabbed a big sword and suddenly the big sword flew into his hand.

Wu Lingfeng suddenly felt that the power around him was different. The production of the body was blown, and the power of the wind actually appeared in his field. The power of the **** language magic, not the power of the field, the power of the one-armed man’s current field has been suppressed by the power of Wu Lingfeng’s ice. The only consideration is his magical magic, the big sword and the ground in the sky. The big sword on the change has changed, he said before. Thirty-two swords, thirty-two swords, sixteen swords, eight swords, four swords, two swords, one sword, this is the third level of power, and three levels have not been shown!

"Okay, now I have to be serious. Indeed, you are a genius. Ordinary methods can't beat you anymore, then give you enough attention. The evolution of the thirty-two swords, eight swords, can be more than just strength. Enhance the simplicity, the power of your field, it is impossible to interfere with me, the power of the Eight Swords shields the power of your field. The magic of the gods is a very powerful technique, and the power of shielding the field is not impossible. Things, there is no interference in the field of ice and fire, your Frost spells will be weaker? At least the activation of frozen properties is much harder."

The one-armed man said, the figure disappeared instantly!

In a blink of an eye, the one-armed man disappeared.

[True * squirting]! !

For a time, Wu Lingfeng did not think about it, and immediately began to cast a spell. For a moment, a powerful flame of breath was washed away from the team's body, and a huge flame of aura was washed away from his body...


A dull voice, a one-armed man instantly appeared in the forward of Wu Lingfeng. The big sword in his hand slammed him down heavily, but the flame aura from the martial arts winds suddenly collided with his big sword. The strength of the flame aura gradually increased, and the volume of the aura began to increase. When it was added to the moment, the flame ring suddenly exploded and the one-armed man flew out.

Originally, when I saw the disappearance of the one-armed man, Wu Lingfeng suddenly did not imagine other things, and began to use the magic, [spinning fire], although this skill is only a fourth-order skill, but now it is best to use, high speed Rotate the ring of fire to deal damage to nearby enemies. Causes large explosion damage and repels enemies around you.

The use of this magic is very useful, its characteristics, the first is a wide range of defenses, three hundred and sixty degrees of defense, the second is a magic to defend the attack, the defense is the attack, The third one is the repulsive magic, it is very useful to explode and then defeat the enemy and leave yourself enough time to escape.

When brushing the map in DNF, it is easy to be besieged by a large number of monsters. This [spin fire] is a magic that is often used. It can repel all enemies around, use skilled domestic pigeons, and even run to monsters. The counter-attack defensive magic that uses this flame aura in the group can knock down the monster and cause great damage to it.

At that moment, Wu Lingfeng suddenly remembered the scene surrounded by monsters when playing DNF. He suddenly began to use the spell [Spinfire], but for the first time, I did not expect it to be so useful. Sure enough, there is no waste in this world. Magic, only the waste magician, any magic can play its true value.

Moreover, at the moment of using the "spinning fire", Wu Lingfeng entered the hegemonic mode, and even a fierce attack in this state was useless to him.

[Transient]! !

[True* annihilation black hole]! !

After hitting a one-armed man, Wu Lingfeng immediately left the place, and then a dark ball condensed in his hand. At the moment when the one-armed man did not react, he immediately threw him out. Then, the dark ball suddenly turned into a huge black hole and will be a one-armed man. Attracted into it.

The powerful adsorption of the black hole makes the one-armed man unable to move.

After gaining a little victory, Wu Lingfeng will not stop thinking more time. At this time, there is no time for him to think. Only when the enemy is destroyed in a flash, a series of magic bombardment goes out. He still does not believe that the one-armed man will have nothing to do. ?


After the power of the black hole was condensed for a moment, it suddenly exploded, and the one-armed boy was shot and flew out!

"True* Raylight Chain!!!"

Wu Lingfeng continued to cast spells. There was no trace of muddy water, his right hand extended, and a beam of lightning was suddenly launched from his hand. The heavy blow was on the one-armed man...


Then a strange thing surprised Wu Lingfeng, only the body of the one-armed man was instantly damaged, and the blue sword in his hand was broken...

Then, the surrounding space began to violently sway, and the sword in the sky and on the ground changed again. The sword in the sky became two, and the sword on the ground became two.

Then a blue magical array emerged, and the one-armed man came out of it. He suddenly looked at Wu Lingfeng with some appreciation. "Well, my Royal Highness, I was forced to open the state of the four swords. As you can see, I used three. When the twelve swords, my body is inexhaustible. Every time I destroy it, I will be born again in the sword array. But once I die, the sword will take the initiative to upgrade once. In the last sword state, if you can still kill If you drop me, then you are the real winner. If I die, I will not be resurrected again. That is to say, I have two lives to lose. Although this is indeed a lot stronger, if it is not strong, It won't be a magical spell."

Wu Lingfeng suddenly frowned and looked at the one-armed man. He even had the ability to resurrect. He has always been proud of his ability to resurrect, but he did not expect to encounter the same opponent, and there are two resurrections that people can use. It was not easy to deal with, but now it is such a situation, Wu Lingfeng suddenly felt the difficulty of this battle.

"Oh, is the prince of the emperor timid? You can rest assured that despite the battle, it seems that you have killed me once, I will leave you at the last minute, so that you can go all out to fight? And since you choose As a human king, you probably have done a good affection. Thousand years ago, you probably heard about it. There should be someone in the college who told you about it. One thousand years ago, the human king and the six devils fought, Brave and fearless, and finally seriously wounded the demon king in the form of self-explosion, in exchange for the peace of the world. Since you intend to continue the title of the human king, then you will come up with the courage to match you, and the narrow road will meet the brave, even if it is defeated, If you have the courage to fight generously, the moment you choose to become the human king, everything is already doomed, so you have no choice, you must fight, I am not the most powerful opponent you have to deal with, to be honest, Bar wants Kill me, one can point to kill me, so if you can't beat me, how to defeat Bal, how to face the whole devil?" One-armed man grabs a big sword Road.

Wu Lingfeng calmed down and put all the worries in his head down, too, just lost the courage to fight? He has already defeated the one-armed man once, so the second time, the third time is OK. If you fight, how can you lose your courage? Some things that don’t work hard are simply impossible to know the result. Things are in the sky, people are in trouble, people are alive, people can live, people can die, they can’t live, they won’t die without death!

"Haha, I didn't expect to be taught by you, um, now let's continue fighting! I will win!"

"Yes, I will wait and see!"