Devour a Saber-toothed Tiger at The Start

Chapter 118: escape

More and more colorful thunderstorms are overwhelming, and it is a burst of indiscriminate bombing towards Lin Feng!

Not only has the number increased, but even the power of the thunder burst is stronger than the other!

Lin Feng could barely parry at the beginning, but when the thunder reached thousands of times, he immediately paled in comparison.

Boom boom boom!

Thousands of Thunder smashed down crazily, Lin Feng spewed a few mouthfuls of blood on the spot, and the protection engraved with blue runes was instantly shattered!

Until this moment, he was really panicked.

He knew how powerful the Nine Star Blue Rune was.

With some nine-star blue runes, he was able to sturdy a hundred people into the fairyland with his own power, and even had the confidence to be sturdy with the fairyland.

However, in the face of this sky full of colorful thunder, it was so vulnerable.

"System, what should I do next?"

Lin Feng subconsciously asked the system for help.

However, the unfavorable system at this moment seemed to be dead, no matter what he called, there was still no movement.

"For Lao Tzu, you have to rely on yourself at the critical moment."

Lin Feng exploded with a swear word, and Thunder Body Refining suddenly urged to the extreme!


Don't give him the slightest chance to breathe, tens of thousands of thunders have already smashed.

Just hearing a crisp sound, Lin Feng had several cracks in his entire body, and blood spewed out instantly along the cracks!

Dare not to hide any more, Lin Feng finally opened the final hole card, the power of violent activation!


This time, more than a hundred thousand thunders burst directly from the void above the head, and the power of destroying the sky and the earth crashed down!


The billowing thunder fell, and Lin Feng fell to the ground like a broken puppet. When it fell on the ground, the whole person still trembled uncontrollably, and there was no good meat in his whole body. The black hair had already been split into a hornet's nest.

"It's not over yet..."

Lin Feng let out a low groan for the last time, then his head went black and completely lost consciousness.

Xuanwuzhou, Kuijia.

Just when Lin Feng fell into a coma, the Qui family also ushered in a big trouble.

At this moment, there are already many people around the Kui family. The ones with the lowest cultivation base are Yuhuafei Fairyland, and there are even several Fairyland powerhouses!

"Quimufeng, if you don't open the mountain protection formation, don't blame us for rushing!"

A big bald man in the fairyland yelled angrily, his voice was so loud that the Kui family's mountain guards trembled three times.

The Quijia didn't give any response, only the roar of the bald man hovering in the air.

The bald man was obviously completely patient. He waved his hand and said angrily: "Do it! If they don't come out, we will force them out!"

"It should have been so!"

Many strong people nodded in agreement.

Just when they were about to move forward, Kui Mufeng suddenly appeared out of thin air, glanced at the bald man and the others through a large array of mountain guards, and finally put his gaze on a black-robed old man, and said coldly: "Patriarch Chen really wants to kill him. ?"

"Hurry and kill?"

Chen Kaikai smiled coldly, "Tianji Pavilion has long since reported that Dugu seeking defeat is the Spirit Devourer. Who in the entire Xuanwu Continent doesn't know that he has close contacts with your Kui family?"

Kui Mufeng's face was gloomy, and he shouted with a sullen voice: "Not to mention whether the news from the Tianji Pavilion is accurate, even if the lonely seek defeat is the Spirit Devourer, it is concluded that my Kui family has been controlled by him?"

"If you want to say that it is closely related to loneliness and defeat, isn't it just my Kui family?"

Chen Kaikai hadn’t spoken yet, and the bald man next to him had already laughed and said, “You mean the Duanmu family? Don’t you know that Duanmu’s family has been razed to the ground, and only three cats and puppies escaped. With a small life, the rest have already gone to **** to see Lord Yan!"

As soon as he said this, Kui Mufeng trembled, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes, but more of it was still cold.

Spirit Eater...

This is the Spirit Devourer, killing people invisible.

You don't even need to do it yourself, it's enough to make people chaotic.

Kui Mufeng knew that none of these people were fools, and he could more or less find a clue.

They say they would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

In fact, I just want to go crazy for the last time before the disaster!

The sinisterness of human nature is fully revealed at this time.

Seeing the miserable situation of the Kui family, Lin Feng's face was calm, but an unknown fire burst into his heart.

He was not stupid, and soon guessed that the reason for the disaster of the Kui family was because of him in the final analysis.

Everyone thought he was a Spirit Devourer, and his close relationship with the Kui family naturally attracted the attention of others.

What angered Lin Feng the most was that none of the people who came to encircle and suppress the Kui family were the Spirit Devourers, and the only ones were the Humans.

If these guys were bewitched by the Spirit Devourer, he would be better off.

There are thousands of paths in the world, and you must never go wrong.

One wrong step, no way back.

Even in Huangquan, there is no turning back.

Now that they have made their own choice, they should bear the due consequences.

Lin Feng's moves were merciless, and his moves were stupid and killing people.

This was his first battle since he entered the base-building realm, and the power that broke out even the fairy realm would be horrified!

"Lonely seek defeat! Kui Mufeng, dare you say that you did not collude with lonely seek defeat!"

The bald man's face changed suddenly, and he pointed at Kui Mufeng and cursed.


At this moment, a cold light flashed away, bringing up a great head.

"If I'm the Spirit Devourer, it's too late to be happy watching the human race kill each other."

Lin Feng recalled Xuanyuanjian, his eyes were cold.

Kill the fairy with one sword!

The scene in front of me couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief from everyone present.

Even the leader Chen Kaikai swallowed subconsciously.

Although he is in the late stage of the fairyland, his combat power is much stronger than that of the bald head. It is not impossible to kill him, but he is definitely not so easy to thank.

After a long silence, Chen Kai looked around and shouted in a grimace: "Perhaps the Kui family has been completely controlled by you, and it has even been transformed into the Spirit Devourer, you..."

"It's just self-deception."

Lin Feng shook his head and wiped out the last trace of pity for these people.

In front of them, they showed an aura of seeing death as home. Why didn't they have the courage to go to Tianji Pavilion to find out?

Fools know that there is something tricky, why don't they take the time to check it out?

"I will let the world know that offending me is not necessarily better than offending the Spirit Eater."

Lin Feng volleyed with a finger, Xuanyuanjian no longer reserved, leaving no liveliness wherever he went.

In an instant, there were only a few immortal realms left to encircle and suppress the Kui family.


"Disperse and escape!"

These fairyland, including Chen Kaikai, were completely panicked, and they didn't know who made a loud shout, and wanted to run around.


"I'm having a good time watching, what escape?"

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded.

The sound seemed to come from the friction of iron sheets, sharp and harsh.

Before the words fell, a figure appeared silently in everyone's sight.

The whole body of this person was wrapped in a black robe, and he couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman. The inadvertent horrible coercion made the people present, including Lin Feng, all have a heartbeat!