Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1232: Legendary treasure

Chapter 1232 The Legendary Treasure

  Everyone laughed inexplicably. There was always something hiding from me, but after waiting, I found that the purpose of this topic was exceeded.

I don't know when, the eyes cast by Sirius and Ecole have stopped shyly evading like they were just now, but have returned to the usual, black and black, shining, with infinite worship of the father and respect.


  Although it is inexplicable, since it has been approximated, forget it.

My current mood, rather than being happy, is rather subtle, as if I accidentally opened the console of the game, entered a series of characters indiscriminately and then pressed Enter, and suddenly found all the gods of the entire game, like a rainstorm. And began to fall continuously overhead.

Before waiting for his excited hands and dancing, copying a few sets of **** costumes to slaughter the dragon and abuse the devil, he was suddenly dropped from the sky by an epic-level sledge hammer, hitting his own good head, gmever, and because it is an expert level. Difficulty, so I went back to the title of the game...

  After taking a break at the restaurant, Veras’s exit did not affect everyone’s interest in continuing to shop. After all, there are still several hours away from the end of today’s birthday.

However, riding a kajieer on the shoulder and a Velas on his back, it looks like a three-in-one super black cloak man, not to mention the pedestrians, even I feel myself. Very suspicious.

I was even interrogated by the patrol soldiers several times, wondering if I was riding the noise of God’s birthday and ran over to abduct the abductors. If I wanted to show my face, then show the face of Velas on the back, soldiers A smile will be given out, and after a respectful line of attention, continue patrolling.

   If I show Verlas's face first, and then show my own face, then it is very likely that this action has just been half done and I have been shot as a hedgehog.

Although I really want to try the latter case, is it as I expected, and after thinking about it, I still wrote a sentence in my palm, making trouble and sincerity, and the price of life is higher, then swallowed it, silently bent down and turned my back The Velas on the board tightened tightly and chose to make an old oxen who worked hard.

   By the way, where is the shop of the dead profiteer?

   I suddenly remembered the day I met Altoria’s welcome meeting with the death merchant who opened a seafood shop in the second world’s Rugaoin and sold a lot of strange things.

  What's it called, Kidd? Rocky? Connaught chicken and duck? Forget it, all of them made him more profitable.

   Remember...in...West District...West District...


  Having walked around with the girls for a long time, I finally found a shop with a dead profiteer in a location between the conspicuous and the unremarkable.

  Compared with other lively shops, this place is particularly deserted. When we went in, the whole store was only our family.

He always squinted his eyes and put on a smiling smiley businessman.He was lying on the big lazy chair and sipping the honey tea bought next to the shop from time to time. This guy did not come to do business, but used the camp as a strange place like Hawaii or Maldives.

  Is this guy really a businessman? Seeing this scene, I was a little skeptical, but considering the things sold here, I was relieved. You said it’s a God’s birthday, not April Fool’s Day, who would have nothing to do to buy the whole thing.

  \"Guest, VIP!"

Seeing a group of us come in, this squint profiteer, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, as if it could scan the infrared rays of money, at first glance, I saw that I was the big gold master, or that it was to be slaughtered. sheep.

  \"It seems that your business is not easy to do." I took off my cloak hat and smiled cheerfully.

  \"It turns out to be you!"

   showed a surprised expression that he didn't know if he was pretending to be. The dead profiteers smiled more charmingly, and the two palms rubbed together more intensely.

  \"You can barely earn some home expenses, because the goods in this shop are considered luxury goods, and they are not in line with the festive atmosphere. Naturally fewer people come."

  \"Do not open for three years, do you eat for three years after opening?"

   I glanced at him, this guy was interesting, and changed to another businessman, listen to me like this, I will definitely call out the poor, and the business is difficult to do.

  \"Yes, adult, although exaggerated, this is the reason."

  \"That's it, what you have here is expensive for thieves."

  \"Yes, but it is not available in other stores, and ordinary people will not buy it, so the price is..."


   I cut it secretly, wondering if I asked Akara to enact an antitrust law or something.

  \"Oh, sir, how is the taste of the purple crested octopus last time? It’s not a small self-proclaimed pride, it’s really a delicious ingredient."

   didn't seem to want to get entangled in this topic. The profiteers changed their tone and used the strange and strange emphasis to pop up the last welcome meeting.

  \"Purple octopus......"

   I closed my eyes silently, a vicissitudes of breath spontaneously emerged, and then slowly opened, touching my forehead.

  \"The taste is probably not bad. It still hurts when I think about it. It is bleeding."

  \"Even if you say so...Isn't it unpleasant?"

   Rao is so squinted that he can't scare him for thousands of years. The face of the dead profiteer still shows some inexplicability.

  \"No, I said it was a forehead headache. To put it simply, it’s a broken head and blood, understand?"

  \"Even if you say so..."

  \"I just said that my forehead was almost poked into a hole, you don’t understand me, bastard!!"

   I'm angry, do I have to lie to you, recalling that purple octopus, except for my forehead, I only had a forehead, and it was a forehead anyway! !

   Could I tell you in front of Linya that besides the forehead pain, how did you react to Fini’s wet and sticky temptation? !

  \"Yes... yes, sir."

  Although I was curious why eating a purple octopus would become such a tragedy that the forehead was poked, the dead profiteers still stopped, the customer is God.

  \"Stupid Jie, stupid Jie, hurry up and come to see this."

The happy voices of the little princesses sounded. I don’t know when Ka Jieer woke up, pretending to be disdainful, and turned his head away with a slap, but after a pause, I couldn’t help but curiosity. The small plush white wings fluttered away from my shoulders.

  \"Look at this shell, it’s beautiful."

  Cyrus and Ecole, while pulling out the handkerchief, wiping something on the white face, handed a delicate shell to Kajieer's eyes.

   The smiling expression that looked at each other, said that if there is bad intentions, there will be no bad intentions.


   stolen from the hands of two people at a rapid speed, Ka Jieer curiously looked at the shell in his hand, and opened it subconsciously...

  \"Ah, that’s..."

  The words of the dead profiteer were not finished yet. A cracked seashell was split, a sip of ink was sprayed from inside, and Ka Jieer was sprayed with a black face.


  Cyrus and Ecole's crisp laughter sounded, and if you look closely, they also have some ink on their faces that have not been completely wiped off. It seems that they had already taken the trick before Ka Jieer.

  \"Oh oh, this is really...but rest assured, sir, the ink will soon evaporate, and it doesn’t matter even if it splashes into your eyes."

  \"That’s good." While helping the mournful little angel wipe his face, I looked up and made a color.

  \"Is there anything hard to dry."

  \"Naturally there is."

  The smile of understanding, the eyes of the dead profiteer narrowed into an arc.

  \"Yes, because ordinary people often come, so dangerous goods are placed behind. If you want it, adult, you can take a look at it later."

\"this is……"

   Sarah, who is good at using swords, fell on the wall of a splendid precious sword unpredictably. After taking it off, she took a glance at the palm of her hand and then pulled it out.

   pulled out a dry salted fish and scared Sarah, almost tossing it to the ground.

  \"This is the silver swordfish sword. Although the outer sheath looks like a sword, it contains a salted fish."

  Experienced me, immediately explained to Sarah.

   I remember the first time I visited the black shop of a dead profiteer, and I wanted to bring the gifts back to the lars as a souvenir. This is the sword of silver swordfish.

   It is a pity that the first silver swordfish sword I bought was taken away by Evelina's hammer sword, and she lost the meaning of the whole person.

   later bought it again and returned to the camp, which also surprised Lal III.

However, after being surprised, the three guys actually smiled and put the scabbard together, thinking about it, even if the pearl gemstone above was removed, they could sell a good price, and then gave the dried salted fish to Aunt Lisa and squatted. The soup, not to mention, tastes particularly delicious.

   In the end, I didn't know if it was the whole person, or if I really sent a big gift, my heart was very depressed.

Turning Velas on his back gently, he hugged him in his arms and sat on another chair, watching the girls playing with the weird whole props in the shop happily, I smiled slightly and narrowed my eyes. .

  \"Yes, adult..."

   At this time, another guy with narrowed eyes and professional narrowed eyes yelled beside the mysterious ear.

\"Is there a problem?"

  \"Yes, sir, about the thing you said last time."

  The profiteer looked at the other girls and seemed to make me decide if they wanted to hear them. He lowered his voice and said.

  \"Last time?"

   tilted his head, a big question mark appeared in the brain, and then I clapped my palm.

   remembered, indeed, when buying octopus at that time, looking at the vastness of this deadly profiteer, he really asked him something.

  \"Did you say that there is a dragon soul grass falling?" I was an agitator and sat up from the recliner.

  \"This...the words of Dragon Soul Grass...it’s so embarrassing..." The dead profiteer rubbed his palm awkwardly.

  \"That's another thing, the perfect diamond thing."

   I lay down with some disappointment, but okay, I didn't expect this guy to be so magical, just a few days to help me hear the news.

  \"What the **** is it, say it."

   glanced at the other girls and found that they did not notice the movements here. I thought about it, but still felt that I was listening to myself for the time being, it was unreliable, so I lowered my voice and asked.

  \"Yes, adult, in fact, the news that I just received yesterday..." The other party's heart also lowered his voice.

  \"The King's Treasure?"

  \"Yes, adult."

  \"Do you mean to ask me to go to the treasure hunt?" I looked at each other speechlessly.

  \"Yes, adult." He smiled, and the other party replied unchanged for years.

  \"Well, how are you sure, there must be perfect diamonds in it?" I could not help but sigh in disappointment again and asked with a spirit.

   In fact, the Alliance has a lot of information about these mysterious places like ancient treasure points and ancient tombs.

   In terms of getting closer, when I helped the Hladik from the First World, did I not go to the tomb of Hladik with Tiya, and did I play a game with Duriel’s projection in it?

   After killing the projection of Duriel, he followed the passage where it appeared, and came to an underground magma world. The altar and gate seen inside were actually a place where there might be hidden treasures.

  Dark continent, the history of human beings has continued for tens of thousands of years, and the history of the elven tribe is even longer. Therefore, the left behind looks very mysterious, and there seem to be many mysterious places with hidden treasures.

  However, this is just maybe, and it is hard to guarantee that it is not the grave of a strong man, or the place where the demon is sealed, and a terrible seal trap is set inside.

   Therefore, even with the strength of the alliance, they would not dare to touch these places easily before they got the exact information. God knows whether they will release a devil, or directly touch the magic trap, and an explosion will blow everyone away.

   Moreover, the Master Guild is too busy to deal with, even if you know which place sells treasures, if you want to go to the treasure hunt to solve the puzzle, you may not be able to spare time.

  \"Yes, lord, we naturally have our own channels, please rest assured." In the eyes of the dead profiteers, there is a trace of seriousness.

\"If it’s just such a news, or even a treasure map, the small one dare not dare to deal with adults, so, in fact, the fuzzy information like this should not be disclosed with adults first, so as to avoid any accidents in the future. , Losing our credibility, except that seeing adults seem to be more tight, I still can’t help but tell you first.”

   says this, he compares three fingers.

\"Yes, three months, adults, only give the small three months, the small will definitely give you a piece of information that you think is of transaction value~lightnovelpub.net~ Okay, three months is No problem."

I counted it, after the day of God, it seemed to help Altoriya to find the fragments of her lost artifact suit, and then, about the Hradic cubes, maybe I had to go to the Hradic, after all This box, known as an auxiliary artifact, also has an unknown attribute, as well as a lot of weird synthetic formulas. It seems too wasteful to just use it as a microwave oven and synthesize some rejuvenating potions.

   The time seems to be fully arranged, three months is just a flash, just wait.

   And when the time comes, even if I get some useful information from the dead profiteers, I will first ask Akara to use the power of the alliance to help me to see if I really have the value of a trip.

  Always feel that a quasi-tragic emperor like me is going to seek treasure...anxiety in various senses, just like Pandora's treasure box.

  After getting a vague enough message from the dead profiteer that people did not hold any expectations, we then left the shop, of course, the wallet was gnawed by this guy. ! ~!

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