Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1233: Take mermaid to go shopping

Chapter 1233: Taking the Mermaid to go shopping

  \"It’s really choking."

   slipped out of the house and I sighed heavily.

  Some words that must be missed are really true. There is no way. Whoever made himself foolish at the time, and in the face of Linya and Sarah, exposed such sensitive topics as sexual affairs?

  In this world, no matter who it is, there will always be some secrets that cannot be shared with others, even if it is simple and innocent like Velas, even if the objects are Linya and Sarah.

  Don’t say that Velas is a hundred times shy than ordinary people, it is replaced by ordinary girls. In this case, I am afraid that I will not be ashamed to look up.

   No wonder as long as I am still at home, this shy puppy can't help but buzz in circles, either fainting, or blackening and waving the pan, making me have to go out for refuge temporarily.

  In addition, there are some bad things.

  Linya and Sarah heard that it was okay, after all, they are also their wives.

   But, besides the two of them, there were other people present.

Lena...Lena’s words shouldn’t be understood. Although I learned a lot from Akara, the spirit and wisdom, the intelligence and the temperament are no different from the past. This change [Sky Bead Change] is like From a lonely and backward big princess to a princess, she turned into a big princess in the heavenly kingdom, and it is quite different.

Of course, it does not mean that the previous Lina is not good, one is pure natural beauty, and the other is the radiant beauty after sculpting. It is impossible to tell which is better. I can only see what everyone likes, my words, honestly Say, I still prefer the former. Everyone should understand this mood. As a devoted brother, I really do not want my pure and flawless sister to become an old fox like Akala.

Cough, the topic is off. In short, Akara did teach Lena a lot, but I believe that even if this old fox is boring, he will not teach the knowledge between men and women, so I have reason to be sure, Lena should not understand that, otherwise it will not be so calm afterwards.

   Probably like this...

   Then Sirius and Ecole, thinking of these two little princesses, I suddenly felt a click in my heart.

  Although the first response to these two kind and well-behaved daughters was, it was impossible, how could they understand this kind of thing.

   But it's not good to have one more princess San Wu from it.

Because my father has to fight outside for more than half of the year, the teachings of Sirius and Ecole naturally become weak, although in Velas, Sarah, and Linya, their characters Under the influence, and the pure nature they possess, they did not disappoint me, but...

In addition to the kind girls such as Velas, Sarah and Linya, there is also a little princess in the family, which is an important factor that can not be ignored and will affect Sirius and Ecole.

And just as I was worried, Sirius and Ecole were indeed damaged by the little princess.Although in nature, they are still kind and clever, but they inevitably learned some of these, for their age. Completely unnecessary knowledge, even got a bit of the essence of Velas, shy Chen Zhenxilusi is no exception.

Counting, a few came back. When I got home, I just happened to meet Sirius and Ecole. I bowed my head and hunched over at the table. My face was flushed, my eyes were flooded, and I was dumbfounded. The princess splashed the anecdotes of the Duke of Beasts on the paper, and then spouted a scene of old blood?

I have doubted for a long time.Now, the serious parental control attributes of Sirius and Ecole, although most of them may be due to the halo effect of their dad, but Princess Sanwu also contributed to it, and it seems to have played a role. A guiding role in action instilled in the two little princesses, and even used suspicious means to make them feel that being a father’s bride when they grow up is a matter of course.

   Only in this way would timid and shy Sirius become so active.


Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to rule out the possibility that the two of them can understand the words, and then think about it.Afterwards, they show the cowardly manner and dare not look at my eyes, compared to the explanation of suddenly entering the rebellious period. , After understanding that sentence, the performance that is taken for granted is even more likely.

Suddenly, as if the sky shattered and the earth collapsed, my body was sucked into a huge black vortex, accompanied by my own desperate screams, sinking deeper and deeper, until it became a black spot and fell to the bottomless abyss .

  The original parents of Cyrus and Ecole, I am sorry to you under Jiuquan, who failed to teach our daughter well.

   Kneeling down to the ground in a life-losing dog posture, two tears of regret shed in my eyes.

   Finally, there are Princess Sanwu, and Wang Duanzi's maid, and I heard that for the two guys, if I said they couldn't understand that sentence, would you believe it?

I'd rather believe that the three demon gods are actually Sanli, and then the terrifying head of evil, Tyrrell, wants to take them all as their own and become their own dog beep, Sanli will naturally struggle to resist, which will lead to the dark continent and Hell for thousands of years.

  The only thing I need to worry about is that I don’t know if that sentence will provoke the inspiration of Princess Sanwu. After I go back, I will work hard to write a new book and add another piece to the Duke of Beasts series.

   For example, something like "The Duke of Beasts and Dog Collars-Secret Turbid White Beep Beep Prison Under the Castle of Dishonored Beep".

  After going back just now, I did see that Princess Sanwu didn't even eat dinner, so I hurried back to her room, the door closed, and never came out again...


  Forget it, I am me, the Duke of Beasts is the Duke of Beasts, isn't it?

   Looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, I showed a bright white smile like a noon in the desert.

   Sure enough to run away from home.

   I carried a birdcage, just like the uncle who walked in the shade of the morning road and walked for health. He whistled and left the house all the way.

   Of course, it’s definitely not a birdcage in your hand. You don’t keep birds at home. You have to walk. She walks the sheep. It’s almost the same as walking the dog. The dog has to be prevented from coming back in a circle.

   Moreover, as an elder of the Alliance, an intellectual with status, status, taste, vulgarity and the public, Diablo First Houseman and Tucao Emperor, how can I walk the bird and walk the dog like ordinary people?

  If you want to walk, you also have to walk the mermaid.

   And still a golden mermaid.

   So there is no bird cage in hand, but there is one in the fish tank.

  Eliya's petite and lovely body, lying on the fish tank, shouted happily Yiyi, stretched her hands towards me, and made a hug gesture.

I have been busy on the birthday of God for a while, and Eria has a limited time to wake up. So, obviously she was in the camp, but even the task of feeding her was given to Sarah and the two little princesses.For this, I apologize deeply, and then feel that the king of mermaids, will one day call a lightning to cut me.

  The second generation of the emperor, you can't afford it.

  \"Sorry, Eliya, I’m busy during this time, so I can’t take good care of you."

While holding Eliya, tenderly embracing her arms, solemnly, the fish tank prepared by King Exia for Eliya...Oh no, it is a miniature underwater palace, collect it, I softly coax A little lonely Eliya on her face.

Although I can't say it yet, there is no doubt that Eriya can understand it and squint to think about it.Even a Pekingese is just a body of good dog hair. I don't know which gene chain has a boring mutation. And turning into golden yellow, you can understand the human words.As a mermaid royal family, Eria, a high IQ child, can't understand it.It can't be said that it is only limited to the body of the mermaid, and Not wisdom.


  Owner's brother, it doesn't matter. Eliya listened to Sarah's words. The owner's brother is very busy. Eriya should not cause trouble to the owner's brother.

  Eliya thought, rubbed up intimately, rubbed, and spoiled, as if trying to vent the amount of savings these days.


Although I can’t play with the owner’s brother, it’s a bit lonely, but Sarah, as well as Cyrus, and Ecole, will play with me, and occasionally communicate with the father, so completely...not lonely at all, just... ...Just a little bit.

   Communicate with the father?

   could barely decipher what Eliya wanted to express from the babble, and my face suddenly turned pale.

  Elya once told me that there is a strange way of communication in the mermaid, which can communicate over a long distance. Most mermaids on the sea communicate in this way.

   I don’t find it strange, after all, what is the most famous mermaid? In addition to the beauty that even the elves can't match, it is a singing voice. An ordinary mermaid can easily hypnotize all the people on a large ship to sleep. They are masters of sound manipulation.

   Therefore, they can communicate remotely through some strange sound waves, which makes perfect sense.

As a mermaid royal family, even if the camp is thousands of miles away from Kurast, Eriya can communicate with her mermaid dad in this strange sonic communication, but because Eriya is still small, she must concentrate on it. , So she can often be seen floating out of the fish tank when she wakes up, facing the direction of the Twin Seas, and posing in a prayer posture like listening to an oracle.

   See this scene, you don't have to doubt, she must be in a voice chat with her mermaid dad, maybe mother will join.

  Oops, Eriya shouldn’t tell her dad about the things I didn’t take care of recently.

  Imagined the scene of the giant mountain-sized golden mermaid, rushing toward the venue of the birthday of God with the golden trident fork, I shed a cold sweat on my forehead.

   The devastating danger is often unconscious.

  It is impossible for Eriya to know what I am thinking, and she is still doing her best to be coquettish. She sticks out her tongue, which is as small as the new tender cherry petals just budding, and licks on my face.

   didn't look angry at all.

If I look at it this way, I haven't said anything to her mermaid dad. Think about it too.According to what I observed, the daughter of the king of Exia controls the attributes. If I knew that I didn't take good care of his daughter, I would have picked me up. The seabed went to nibble the coral and ride the seahorse.

  \"Eliya, good, good, take you to a good place today."

   The cheeks were tickled by Eria. I couldn't help laughing, and outstretched my fingers unwillingly, squeezed her intimate face several times, which was completely inferior to Sarah's beautiful face.


Eliya, who has not played together for a long time, has a very high interest.Not only did he not flinch, but he forcibly stretched the index finger that I passed over, and in turn held it tightly, first licking on the finger, gradually, Including the entire finger, like popsicles, making a humorous sound.


  Although Eliya made this kind of behavior, her mind was absolutely pure, but the other side was helpless but a strange uncle. You said that seeing this scene, can you think of something?

   I dare not imagine that if King Exia sees this scene, whether he will spit and drown me in anger, or kill me by digging his nose.

  \"Eliya is good."

  Although I enjoyed the numbness of the fingers of the little mermaid princess and the atmosphere of color, but I brought her out tonight, not for this kind of thing.

   There are many people in the daytime. At night, until the end of the day of the god’s birthday, there is still a little time. It should be a little deserted. Now that I will take Elia to go shopping, there should be no problem.

   Of course, if you still meet a master who can hide my perception and see through the moon wolf illusion on the streets that are now deserted, then I can only admit it.

  Do you think this is a yy novel, the master of world power level is walking on the street! !

   Until Eria's movements, in her puzzled look, I turned into a moon wolf, cast illusions, and turned Eria into an ordinary girl.

The power of Moon Wolf's illusion has already been verified by me and Jeluka, the parents of small black charcoal, although it is illusion, but the touch and the changed part can be touched in real. When it comes to, the popular explanation is to put on a coat.

Then, put a black cloak on Elia, so that it is intact.If you want to see through Elia, you must not only have the powerful mental power to crack the moon wolf illusion, but at least you must add a pair of perspective eyes. .

  \"Eliya, would you like to visit the God’s birthday?"

   In Erie's puzzled and puzzled expression, I turned her, who had already become a black cape girl, on her back.

   For a while, Eliya gave a huge cheer! !

   has long heard from Sarah, Cyrus, and Ecole, who have heard the word countless times of God’s birthday. The master brother is so good, Eliya, the favorite and favorite master brother.

  \"Eliya, I’ll take you here to go shopping, but you have to promise me that it’s not too much."

In this way, I am nervous to tighten the little mermaid on my back.Although the lunar wolf's illusion is extremely solid, it will definitely not show flaws because of Eriya's move, but if possible, try not to attract too much attention. it is good.


   Eliya cheered loudly again, but it seemed that she suddenly remembered my words, and the immature and tender tail that was raised high, instantly came a sharp turn and pressed into a thin nasal sound.

It seems that it will be the treble that can shatter the glass, and the whisper of Xiaoxi Dingdong can be converted in an instant.This kind of control makes me realize the absolute field of mermaid's sound manipulation again. "Song God Wu Fan, order the universe, don't dare to obey, mermaid can't come out, who competes with the front" boo.

Under the lights, the festive street shrouded in hazy orange light is like a graceful girl, gently veiled, although not noisy during the day, it is more romantic and warm than another. All kinds of beautiful.

Even the prairie cold wind at night, when it blows here, seems to become a burst of crisp and sweet bells, accompanied by a melodious organ played by the bard from the bar somewhere, on the orange street Slowly drifting, making people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated in this atmosphere.

I don't know where the fragrance is coming from, the merchants who are passionately shouting, passing by from time to time, playing with children who refuse to go home, couples who are nestling with each other, this scene has gradually become blurred in my eyes The light spot, like a paradise, and trance, made me feel the peace I had never had before, forgot the battle, and got rid of the confusion.

It's a pity that there is still a long way to go to truly achieve this goal. There is still a lot of endless effort. The birthday of God is just a halfway point in this endless war... No, maybe it's just the trigger point.

   Alas, when did my thinking become the same as Akara.

I patted my head to get rid of these unrealistic thoughts of worrying about the country and the people.I started to introduce them to one by one, which stalls can buy interesting masks, which stalls have the most delicious pancakes, and where candied gourds are more sweet……

Eriya Guo was so cute that she didn't cheer and roar, and she lay quietly on her back without saying a word~lightnovelpub.net~ But I can feel that the black pupils created by those double illusions are flashing A strange layer of golden halo and the gentle orange light on the street seemed to blend together, so no one noticed this scene.

   Crowds, the me in the cloak, and the quiet sweetness on the back? ) Elia, lying down, may just be a normal couple.

   Until the red moon rises into the sky, the pedestrians on the street gradually disappear, and the glorious lights are extinguished. I stopped the chatty introduction.

  From her back, there was a uniform and subtle breath of Elia.

  Good night, my little mermaid.

  Gently said in my heart, I tightened Eriya's body tightly, took a soft and steady step.

   However, just across the street, he met an unexpected figure...

   Another month has passed, how long has it been since the New Year? Even if it is difficult to spend the annual leave, it has to be updated on time every day... Xiaoqi wants to go out and fuck! ! ! ! ~!

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