Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 124: After the war

Almost there. "

At the speed of Xiaoxue, not long afterwards, with the mist of the cool breeze and drizzle, the shouting and fighting sounds from the gray sky have been looming into our ears-it seems The battle in Thomas Village is still not over!

     An increasingly intense **** smell came from the wind. I patted the snow a little anxiously and jumped onto a higher hill slope. Suddenly, the battlefield of the entire Thomas village was displayed in front of us.

The village of Thomas in the firelight is greeted by the impact of waves of monsters.The screams and roars that have been passed on are mixed together, so that we who are still a few kilometers away feel the tragic aftermath. However, after a few observations, the overall situation of Thomas Village seems to be better than I expected. Take a closer look, because the terrain is similar to Vitas Village, so Thomas Village has also dug a huge gully in the surrounding area. However, what is different is that the gully flow of the gully river is really similar to the size of a small moat. Looking at the track of this moat, I suddenly realized.

Not far from Thomas Village, there was such a large river with sufficient flow, so these clever warriors dug the channel like two arms on both sides of the gully, and the two channels connected the upstream and downstream of this river. As soon as this gully forms a circular circulation, the river comes from the upstream and then from the downstream. Once the enemy falls into the gully, it will be washed away by the river.For the monster army with low IQ, This moat is a real obstacle that cannot be crossed. It is much safer than the village of Vitas, but the project is also very huge. It seems that the organization of Thomas Village has already been prepared.

At this time, the battle situation in Thomas Village seems to have already begun from the fierce long-range confrontation battle that has just begun, and entered a long-lasting attrition battle.It is almost exactly the same as Vitas Village.After spending the initial large number of casualties, the enemy's remote attack monsters After completely suppressed. Now the village of Thomas has entered a relatively stable period. Although the long-range attackers of the monster army still have a large scale, the attack is too scattered in the absence of command, and it has not formed a threat to the village of Thomas.

    However, it is not that I am complacent, although Thomas Village also has special operations team members, but after all, it is impossible to BT like me. It can solve the blood crow and hundreds of crippled monsters in the army. As you can see, although the village of Thomas has tried his best to suppress it with long-range attacks, at the outermost level of the monster army, there is still a small army of crippled monsters. That fierce lightning ball attack occasionally caused a commotion in Thomas Village, and...

    \"Sister, look!"

     I pointed to the outer periphery of the army and from time to time shot a laser-like arrow into the direction of the village.

    \"It should be right that the cold crow is."

     Sister Selna said softly behind me, the tone was cold and sensational, and I couldn't help shivering.

    'S ear heard a sound of "swoosh", she had jumped from Xiaoxue's back, her scale armor, and her golden hunting bow, did not know when she had been equipped. The full head of gold fluttered against the wind, set off against the delicate and tall figure, and the dazzling confidence and style on her face, making her look as sacred and inviolable as the **** of war.

    \"Hurry up, please, don’t let the little guys in the village of Vitas think that my younger brother of Salna is irresponsible. It’s enough for me to solve these small troubles. (Net)"

    Sister Salna looked at me with a warm eye, and the next moment she was tightly locked on the figure of the cold crow that hides in Tibet. The indifferent tone made me instantly feel that tens of thousands of troops were in front of her, just like little bugs.

    I also understand that although the village of Vitas has successfully defended the first and most critical attack, there are still many things to deal with after the battle. It is indeed not when I left the ground for a long time, so there is no hypocrisy. It is enough to give it to Sister Sarina here. With her bow technique, it is a key strike against the cold crow and those remote elite monsters. That is not a trivial matter. ? It's much more useful than my stay.

     said goodbye to her sister in a hurry. I urged Xiaoxue to rush back to the village of Vitas at the fastest speed. It has been a long time. At this time, the monsters outside the village of Vitas have all disappeared, except for the scorched soil and blood in the air. Taste, still talking about the brutality and cruelty of the war just now.

    At this time, there were many soldiers around the gully, cheering loudly, and I pulled Xiaoxue curiously to get past.

    \"Master, you are back..."

    The soldiers turned around and gave me a jump. They seemed to be celebrating something, and their faces were flushed with excitement.

    \"What happened?" I jumped from Xiao Xue and put it away.

     From the above, some low-level transfers are doing the aftercare work. There are many monsters in the gully that are crushed without death. Their current job is to clean up these monsters.

These transfers are surrounded by a few huge beasts and the moon family, just like playing, harvesting their lives little by little, such opportunities for observation are rare, so this time the gully is full of excitement The soldiers, while bracing the soldiers below, if anyone accidentally gets ugly, a burst of coquettish laughter will follow.

     This atmosphere and scene reminds me of a famous building-the Colosseum. Are the soldiers watching around you not the enthusiastic audience?

I can’t blame the cold blood of these \"spectators". In the past, I also had a very disgusting view of this entertainment method that only the devil can come out, but after gradually integrating into the dark world, I hold another One point of view-accompanied by war, blood, killing, hatred, in this world, there is only one thing that is never worthy of sympathy, that is the enemy, who knows, the giant beasts below and the moon family, hands How much blood is on the dark continent? Only by experiencing it for yourself can you understand the cruel way of entertainment

    'S sorrow and helplessness.

I don’t appreciate this kind of behavior that kills the enemy, but it doesn’t exclude it, so I just leave a light sentence: before the moon rises into the air, be sure to clean up all the monsters in the gully.” Then I turned around and walked into the village. .

     Along the way in the village, I seemed to be able to feel the cold blood and cruelty on the faces of the soldiers who were watching the gully. There are wounded soldiers everywhere. These young lives are suffering from pain. They lie there quietly, and the blood on their bodies has flowed to the ground. They can no longer open their eyes.

     Yes, these are all soldiers.

    In the dark continent, transfers and mercenaries can enjoy the special treatment of God's crude rules. As long as the life value is not low, their enemies will not be able to leave any scars on them, and risking on the battlefield, there are only two options: survival [eternal life] and death. Missed with disability and injury.

But the soldiers are different. God’s rules do not protect them. Like ordinary civilians, if they are cut with a knife, they may not die, but they may have their arms cut off, their eyes may be stabbed, and after a wound appears on their body, Nor can it heal immediately like a transfer or mercenary. If they are not treated in time, they will die due to excessive blood loss, which is why the transfer and mercenaries have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of driving the forces of **** out of the dark continent and go out to practice.The soldiers only need to be responsible for daily guards. can.

     Therefore, in this battle of defending the village, the biggest consumables are these soldiers, who are weaker than the mercenaries. In the rounds of arrows of monster army, I didn't know how much I lost. I saw the wounds and corpses lying all over the place, and the pain and groan that came into my ears from time to time, making my heart wander for a while. I wish to take up the weapon in my hand and kill the monsters in the gully to let out my hatred.

    \"Ah! I'm sorry..."

     While I was looking at the wounded on the ground, a petite figure suddenly accidentally hit my arm, and then fell down on the ground.


     In the hazy light of the moon, I barely distinguished from the face covered with blood and mud, and turned out to be an acquaintance.

    \"Original…I’m an adult. I’m so happy to see you all right." A serious tone, and the lovely tone of calling myself ""I", reduced the sadness in my heart.

This 16-year-old little Roger archer, still holding a large circle of thick? Playful black ponytail has slipped off his neck at this time, his face is a bit dark and messy, and the leather armor on his body is already Several holes were opened, and the white skin was revealed from the inside. She was also attacked a lot, but fortunately, she has been promoted to become a mercenary. As long as she drinks a few bottles of life potions, she can recover freely. Otherwise, she might have become a member lying on the side of the road. How could she jump like this?

    \"Okay, little guy, if you are busy, go quickly, but remember, don’t let yourself down."

    Looking at the bandage in her hand, I couldn't help smiling, and took out some life potions from the inventory and handed them over. These potions were diluted, which is still very helpful for the injured wounds.

\"Yes, it is……"

    She took the medicine in a hurry, and then bowed respectfully to me, and ran away in a panic.

    After meeting Elura, seeing her jumping alive, I couldn't help but feel a little better, and my footsteps accelerated a bit, and I came to the Drew's big tent in a moment.

     Everyone except me was here, and there was a repressive atmosphere inside.

    \"Wu, you are here."

     Everyone's greeting seemed somewhat weak.

    \"Is the statistics after the war?" I did not care to respond to them, and hurriedly picked up a report on the desktop and looked at it.

    \"114 soldiers died, 21 mercenaries died, 3 deaths were transferred, soldiers were seriously wounded, minor injuries can still be fought in the war yet to be counted, there are villagers who died in error, and some people..."

     A series of thrilling figures flowed through my eyes, as if the strength of the whole body was drawn out, and I was lying on the table powerlessly.

    \"The number of casualties is much lower than expected, but this is thanks to you and Master Sharon." Drew tried hard to squeeze a smile from the corner of his mouth, but was unsuccessful.


\"Okay! Alright! Don’t be like a defeated battle, the battle is not over yet, we can’t be frustrated, now is not the time for silence~lightnovelpub.net~After being silent for a while, Drew first broke the quiet atmosphere in the tent.

    \"First of all, after the wounded have stabilized, those who still have the combat effectiveness should take a rest as soon as possible.

    The crowd recovered, and Drew had planned the next steps in an orderly manner and assigned them to several others.

    \"Oh, how is the situation over the monster?" When Drew said to me, I couldn't wait to ask.

\"On the enemy side, black strays and skeleton archers have lost seven out of ten, hard-skinned mice are almost wiped out. As for other monsters, if they will come hard tomorrow, I believe that the trenches we dug have also been cleared. It’s almost the same."

When it comes to the situation of the monster, everyone's face finally shows a faint smile.There are not many long-range monsters that are really threatening on the enemy side, which means that in the next battle, we are likely not to lose In the case of one person, pick the fruits of victory.

     Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

    \"If the monster army continues to attack tomorrow, then we will blow away all the opponent’s long-range attackers in one go, and then, they will..."

    Drew made a rude hand-cut gesture, squeezing the last few words out of his teeth. \"Destroy all!"

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