Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1365: Array of soul rebirth, the secret of Kin

The female ing voice that sounded in my mind was old and kind, a bit like Yalanderan, but... I don’t know how to describe that feeling, it is a kind of vicissitudes, low, wide, and bright, as if it is God sound.

If the words of Alanderland have been precipitated with a thousand years of history, then this voice is an accumulation of thousands of years, indelible and irresistible, every word, every sentence, the moment when it sounds, it is deeply imprinted In my mind.

So much so that even a guy like me of mortal memory can next, pass on the words spoken by the voice, hundreds of sentences, thousands of words, to the Jie u card, in the voice, As if infected with the trace of vicissitudes and deepness, the abnormal serenity and dignity of the gods could not help but seemed to sing an ancient hymn with piety.

Before he could wake up from the shock, Altria, who was sleeping peacefully on the huáng, gave a slight whine, her eyelashes trembling, and she seemed to be awake.

No, maybe it was just talking to Jie u card, wake her up.

I regret it in my heart because I was so shocked by the voice in my head and what it said that I had forgotten that Altolia was tossed by the little guy in my palm for more than ten hours, and my body must be very tired.

It was too late to regret Altolia’s eyelids blinked, and those bright eyes opened like a jade gemstone with a clear dignified light in the dim light.


While regretting in my heart, with a difficult movement, I leaned down and gently supported her, first gave her Chiu's upper body, wrapped it with a thick blanket, and then leaned on my arms .

"Where... finally..."

Although his eyes are weak, it has obviously been improving. The strong recovery of the Cavaliers' career is exerting a powerful effect, making Altolia's face gradually red and healthy.

"Yes, Altolia, it's finally over, and, you see."

I nodded and moved my palm, still super sleepy like a pig, you Altria... No, now it’s time to say that King Arthur is right, just put Altima in the palm of my hand. King Arthur of the size of his hand, put Altria in the sight.

"this is……"

Unsurprisingly, Altolia was stunned. At first glance, she was exactly the same as her, but she was ten times younger. The suspicion and shock in her heart should be deeper than when I and Jie u card first met. Minute.

"Van, what is this..."

What a majesty my king, but woke up from the consternation faster than me and Jie u card, looked up at me with my arms raised, my eyes were sleepy, very cute.

In particular, that golden dull hair did not lose its spirit due to the birth of King Arthur, followed the master’s sleepy hu and continued to wrestle.

"How do you explain it? This is your crystallization, of course, I also have a credit."

Looking at Altolia’s dull and lovely look, I couldn’t help but make a joke, but then, I was moved by my own joke, and there was really a different feeling in my heart, as if this little in my palm Little Altria is really the crystallization of the two of us.

Of course, if you really want to count like this, in fact, the Jie u card also has a credit, the relationship can be very complicated...

All in all, looking at the little King Arthur in the palm of your hand, and then look at a weak and serene look, the soft Altolia of the gods, like the flowers in the mist, there is such a little post-partum mothering light, I can’t help it, under the head Go, gently i's feelings.

It was a long time before I let loose Altolia, who was panting, looked at her bright eyes, and stared at herself closely. She couldn't help laughing, bowing her head and kissing her forehead again.

"Okay, my majesty, I'm not kidding you. Now let's talk about the identity of this little Altria."

After a pause, I looked at Altria's green eyes with plain and prestige eyes, flashing like a curious baby. I still couldn't help it. My brain turned around, and I said a few serious coughs with seriousness and said seriously.

"Actually, she is His Majesty King Arthur."

Altria: "..."


It took a long time to stare at Altolia’s golden hair, just like suddenly receiving the electricity b, and the beep of the beep stood upright, and then there was a huge surprise!

Could it be that Altolia was shocked in her life?

Seeing this scene, I am not without such a guess, how to say, Altria's response is too fresh.

Yu Guang glanced at Huang Duan's children. Sure enough, she lowered her head and flicked the quill Xiao Huang's record, and testified to my previous guess. Altolia's shock response was absolutely record-breaking.

"What... what's going on? Anyway, are you kidding? Are you kidding?"

After being surprised, Altolia stared at me closely. Under her weak body, her eyes were somewhat pitiful, as if to say, do you want to bully me at this time?

It is rare to see this kind of almost girlish expression on Altolia's face. I couldn't help but looked at it a few more times, and then I said seriously.

"It's not to lie to you, but then listen to me carefully, these are facts."

This is the end of the joke time. I was so sorrowful, I started to be serious, and I remembered the profoundly printed messages in my mind. It was inevitable that I was slightly infected, and my eyes became serene and solemn.

This is a message from hundreds of thousands of years ago, the teacher of King Arthur, His Excellency Merlin. I can’t guess how terrible this great prophet named Merlin is. The message of hundreds of thousands of years ago has experienced countless historical vicissitudes. Not only can it be clearly communicated to me, even the emotions and wills contained in it can be passed through without any leakage, and even affect my feelings as an adventurer, it is like a time between hundreds of thousands of years , Draw closer to each other, listening to the words just in front of her.

Before the battle of the original sins, the Arthurian era, the strong were really like the stars, not only a large number, but also a surprisingly high quality, whether it is Akara or Jalandland, compared to this Merlin, it is too far away. far.

Among the messages left by His Excellency Merlin, there are two cores.

First, Linghun reincarnated.

Second, tell us that this little Altolia is actually King Arthur.

Through these two core points, we can almost solve all the difficulties accumulated in our hearts.

In retrospect, this matter also needs to talk about the heritage of the twelve knights.

After the establishment of the elven empire, Lord Merlin and the twelve knights carried King Arthur to study the art of inheritance, in order to inherit the excellent twelve knights who now assist King Arthur, pass on their talents from generation to generation, and maintain the prosperity of the elven empire. .

The idea is indeed beautiful. There are twelve knights who are against the heavenly genius and wise men. As long as they can be passed on smoothly, no matter how rotten the elven empire will be in the future, it can rebuild its glory.

But Lord Merlin and the Twelve Knights probably didn't expect that God would be so cruel. It was only hundreds of thousands of years later that the elven tribe once again gave a king who could inherit King Arthur.

At this time, after the battle of original sin, the entire dark continent was already scarred. The six-wing masters no longer existed, the strong ones decayed a lot, and the house leaks were invaded by the **** family every night and the elves have already been glorious. No longer, even if the genius inheriting the inheritance of King Arthur and the Twelve Knights appears, it is not so easy to reverse the situation.

Of course, what Merlin did not expect was that if the Twelve Knights were to be determined, the original plan of the Twelve Knights would be carried out hundreds of years and thousands of years later, when the twelve Knights were near aging.

But I did not expect that the unparalleled loyalty of the Twelve Knights made them secretly carry His Excellency Merlin. When their life was brilliant, they chose a sacrificial inheritance to retain their strong life essence in order to be able to measure. , Passed down to future generations, Zefu's future elven empire.

After King Arthur and Merlin knew, everything was too late.

These are the secret history of the elf clan that is not open to the public, but in the capacity of my prince, I can still get in touch, and I have heard about it from Jie u card.

The reincarnation of Linghun and the rebirth of King Arthur are the secret history in the secret history. There is no record in the history books. This matter only exists in the hearts of Lord Merlin and the Twelve Knights, and even King Arthur himself does not know it.

In fact, the secret method inherited by the Twelve Knights was not originally planned to be studied. The relationship between Lord Merlin and King Arthur is also a teacher and a mother. With the twelve knights, they also have deep feelings, just like mother and daughter, how can they study this What is the secret way to let them sacrifice themselves?

These 13 people, led by two master figures such as Merlin and Charlotte Fimina, the sage knight of the Holy Law, the first plan is the formation of the reincarnation of the spirit hun. The twelve knights inherit the secret method, but only in the process of research The add-on that was tinkered with, and was seen by the twelve knights, became the add-on plan in the plan.

Linghun's reincarnation, as the name suggests, is to allow King Arthur to reappear in the future again. In the eyes of Lord Merlin, King Arthur's desire to create an ideal homeland for elves is really too difficult. A strong man, and even a great task recognized by the dark continent, cannot be achieved.

In fact, it was indeed as predicted by Lord Merlin. Later, King Arthur also failed to create an ideal town.

But what if the future of King Arthur's heir appears, and King Arthur will be resurrected accordingly?

People who can be recognized by King Arthur, even if they are not as talented as King Arthur, will not be worse than that. In addition, if King Arthur, with the combination of two kings, the desire of the ideal hometown, although the opportunity is small, but can be glimpsed.

This thought bred in the mind of His Highness Merlin, which could not be suppressed immediately, and the plan of Linghun's reincarnation formation was unfolded in secret.

In fact, before the study of Linghun’s reincarnation, the goal of Lord Merlin and the Twelve Knights was reincarnation, but no matter what method was used to preserve it, the tangible ones would always be affected by time and become unpredictable, so they later gave up Turn around, and instead use the intangible and intangible spirit **** as the seed of reincarnation.

First of all, it is necessary to extract a piece of Spirit **** from King Arthur that does not affect her, and turn around as a seed.

Researching this step alone took a lot of time for Merrill Lynch and the Twelve Knights. After all, Ling **** is an intangible and intangible thing. It is not easy to extract a trace of Ling **** fragments by tangible means.

And the success of this step, the additional product brought by is the two knights of Shirley and Alufahia ~lightnovelpub.net~ left to guard the heritage of the artifact, and bear the trace of the test that gave the successor to King Arthur. hun.

Only a trace of Linghun shards was extracted, and this was the beginning of the whole study. The next step is the key. If you cultivate this trace of Linghun shards, it will bring the complete information of King Arthur and become a Linghun seed.

To draw an analogy, it is like extracting a dn, and then the owner of the dn must be completely cloned based on this dn.

Although it was extremely difficult, after the fact that both Merlin and the Twelve Knights could not believe it, they actually succeeded.

This success, with many factors of coincidence, can even be said to have God's guidance, it is impossible to replicate.

Even Lord Merlin believes that the reincarnation of Linghun is definitely a great magic circle since the creation of the world. No matter whether it is a **** or a demon, they can no longer create such a miracle.

Afterwards, this world-unique seed of King Arthur Linghun was carefully sealed into the King Arthur suit. When the heirs of later generations appeared, it would absorb a huge force to build and regenerate again when appropriate. r! .