Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1585: Mi Seya


Seeing a dirty little hand grabbing, Mi Seya frowned and quickly patted each little palm quickly.

It seems to know that she will have such a reaction, the bear children laughed with a hula, and ran around to wash their hands.

Washing hands before meals is still in place, but other aspects are worrying.

I sighed secretly, and suddenly, a white, hot bun was handed in front of my eyes.

"Give me?" I pointed to myself.



"Don't worry, isn't it common sense in the kitchen?"

"Okay, then I'm welcome." It is indeed the truth to think about it, and I didn't stretch my hand hypocritically.

The so-called surplus of the kitchen is that the cooking and cooking must be appropriately increased in the constant. If there is more, you can eat a bit more, but if you are not hungry, it will make people depressed.

"Wash your hands." Mi Seya taught me like a child.

"Yes, I know." Because her words are understandable, I can only helplessly go wash my hands with the bear children.


"Thank you Sister Ya."

Everyone came back after washing their hands. The girl, who was not sure about it, had no trouble, and each of them stretched out a big hot bun. If her face can bring a little more loving and holy smile, then this pair The picture will become beautiful. very touching.

I also got one in my hand.

Looking at the meat buns that seemed to taste good on my hand, I walked to Beansha who had been waiting.

"Waiting for a long time. Beiansha meat buns were handed to my little sister.

"this is……"

The apparently delicious appearance and smell of the meat buns made Beansha's indifferent breath change, and her eyes sparkled.

What a greedy little teacher.

"This is a steamed bun, haven't you seen it?"

Bean Sasolsol shook his head.

Tuǐ Mao Xianren, patronizing research spices, anyway, also take care of me Beansha bastard!

Seeing Beansha shaking her head, I was angry and loving, mō mō her head. Passed the buns.

"Come, eat and see. If it's delicious, I will buy it for you in the future."

Refocus your head. Beansha quickly took the bun. Take a bite.

Then the whole person paused, the time seemed to stop passing by her, and it took a few seconds. She made a happy expression.

Really, just a meat bun, too exaggerated.

"Brother." With wide and lovely eyes, Beansha pulled my sleeve, and then separated the bun with a bite from the middle. Pass me half.

"half each."

"Thanks, Biansha is really a good boy." I didn't reject her intention. Then, her head was intimately mō again.

"Hey." By my exaggeration, Beansha seemed happy, sighing comfortably like a puppy caressed by the owner, and again opened her beautiful eyes with sparkling eyes.

"Senior brother, there will be meat buns in the future, one half."

"Okay, half a person." I could not help but say.

Although soon, I regret this rash promise...

The taste of the meat buns is not bad. Could it be Mi Seya? Unexpectedly, this girl who seemed to speak frivolously had such a skill, of course, it was far worse than Villas.

Maybe, I should let Velas make some meat buns and send them to let Beansha know what the chef delicacy is.

Thinking this way, I went back.

"Who is that... who?" Mi Seya glanced at Beansha, her eyes sharp.

Although it feels like an unreliable squadron leader, she is good. She tries to remember every face of the camp as much as possible. Beansha's strange appearance will naturally arouse her vigilance.

"A friend of mine, don't worry."

"Really? I always feel that she has a dangerous breath, but since it is the elders who say this, it's just fine." Mi Seya gave up.

"The buns are delicious, thanks for the hospitality."

"Where, the elders are too polite." Mi Seya said in her mouth, but looked at me, and then moved to the donation box set aside, and then moved to me, so back and forth, as if to want me ——Accurately, my wallet is connected to the donation box.

Full of intent to force a donation.

I can only smile bitterly at this.

"Your name... called Mi Seya, right, as if I saw it last time."

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to remember, this is my honor."

"Well..." I made a subtle expression, the shocking way of meeting, it was really difficult for people to forget.

"However, I didn't expect you to take care of the orphanage here part-time. I didn't dare to recognize you at first sight." I slightly disguised the expression on my face, and I sighed softly.

Mi Seya, who met for the first time, gave the impression that although she was wearing a majestic soldier's uniform, she exuded a lazy atmosphere, just like a passive worker who was yawning all day long. It's lazy squinting, and he is especially energetic only when accepting bribes and making money.

The combination of these temperaments can be described in two words-the long-cultivated soldier ruffian, even if she went to the market to collect protection fees from the shop owner, it would not be surprising.

Now, her dress and temperament give me a great contrast.

A light green sarong, although shabby, is very delicately organized, exuding a clean, bright and simple civilian girl atmosphere.

Although it can't be said to be particularly energetic, there is still a difference between her and her when she shows people as soldiers. One is the Chinese Rural Dog and the other is the sloth.

This great contrast. I even wonder if Mi Saya has a twin sister who is taking care of the lazy and useless Mi Saya. Such a setting seems very familiar, seems to have happened around me, is it my illusion?

Huang Duanzi, who was far away in the first world, sneezed.

"Elders, although very presumptuous, but...is thinking about something rude." The sixth sense seems to be extremely keen Mi Seya, approaching a step, staring at me without asking.

"No...haha. How do you say it? I just felt very surprised, and I can meet you here." I was a little confused, but soon calmed down and thought about it. I think it's better to be straightforward.

"I'll tell you the truth. Actually you realized that, when we first met... well, how do you say it? You gave me the impression at that time. It doesn't look like it will appear in an orphanage to take care of children People."

"Really? It turns out that this is true. I can't deny it."

"So ah, when I saw those just now, there was a huge contrast in my heart suddenly-although the surface looks very poor, it is actually a kind-hearted girl. This feeling."

"Well, I am very happy to be praised like this. But the thoughts of the elders are really naive and superficial."

Mi Seya sneered, covering her eyes, and a sharp pupil emerged from the cracks of her fingers, reflecting the golden sèze under the brilliant sunset.

Cool, such a gesture, such a cool tone, is completely the perfect form of patients with secondary disease!

I was shocked.

"God... naive?"

"Yes, you are already my míhuò, could you have appeared in the orphanage, and split a few buns, you can be prefixed with a kind heart? In this way, good people are too easy to do, too worthless, in fact Whether it is me that day or now, I am the self, the ego, under a sneaking night, in a striding sun, with a double identity, double faces, double xng style, the two are mutually I hate each other, and ultimately constitute the two masks of hypocrisy and evildoers, representing the planes of ashes and darkness, walking in the world as fallen angels and demon kings, I am so scared by the world..."

In my stunned eyes, Mi Seya said a lot of words.

The front is okay, and the back is completely incomprehensible.

Could it be... Is she covering up shy?

I turned my head stiffly and looked at the bear child behind me, lù looked out.

"Don't care, Uncle Fan and Sister Ya will become this look from time to time, saying something that people don't understand." The children were already surprised, biting the buns in their hands very calmly and replied vaguely.

"From time to time? Is there any specific statement, for example, when is it particularly easy to become like this?" My curiosity came.

"For example..." They tilted their heads and turned their little heads, and then suddenly they realized that they were full of tongues.

"For example, when I have been questioned all the time and do not know how to answer our questions."

"For example, when you say something wrong, when it is exposed."

"For example, playing with small animals, when everyone is watching it."

"For example, when you accidentally cooked up dinner."

"For example..."

Ha... ha ha ha ha...

I hugged my stomach, and it was painful to laugh and tolerate.

it is as expected.

"You guys..."

Looking back, Mi Seya stared at the bear children with a horrifying god, and I was scared even when I saw them, but these children did not care at all, smiling heartlessly, and continued.

"Uncle Fan, actually Sister Ya is a good person."

"Um, always take care of us."

"Every day, every day we prepare something delicious and teach us knowledge."

"Be busy until late, late, and get up early and early."

"You have to patrol during the day and practice martial arts."

So this is the reason why Mi Seya always looks lazy during the day? Although it doesn’t matter if the adventurer doesn’t sleep for a few days, it will also affect the body if he maintains a tense schedule for many years.

Under the words of the children, I explained, Mi Seya's face flushed red.

Suddenly, she calmed down again. He said blankly.

"Today's dinner... stone stewed mud."

Hey Hey hey! ! !

"Master Elder... Want to stay?"

"This..." At the invitation of Mi Seya, I hesitated.

It stands to reason. Now is a rare opportunity. One of the elders of my orphanage is also the time to fulfill my responsibilities.

But Biansha didn’t seem to like it here~lightnovelpub.net~ When I saw Mi Yayue silently leaning a wooden sign in front of the door, it reads "Today's meal: stone stewed earth-10 gems" , I made a decisive decision.

"No, I still have something to do." He said his eyes fell on Beansha not far away.

"In this case, I'm not reluctant." Mi Seya nodded.

"The visitor is a guest, at least let me loose the elders."

With that said, she didn't wait for my promise. He turned around, glared at the bear child behind him, and waved his hand impatiently.

"Look at everything and lie down to the body."


Although accepting Mi Siya's unique way of teaching. But occasionally, the question "Is this guy really okay?"

Shouldn't it time. Let her teach a group of middle school teenagers. ! .