Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1707: The tragedy caused by 1 pill?

...Oh, what is it? "I instantly displayed my stupid skills.[]

"It's clear that I just remembered it," said Huang Duanzi's maid with sharp eyes, staring at me.

"No way, because there are only four skills that can be remembered in the setting... No, it is four things, so I can only selectively forget them." I gave my thumbs up, very hearty.

"What are the four things to remember?" The fool's maid's eyes became indifferent.

"Leave, leave immediately, leave quickly, leave desperately!" I said as I climbed from the bed with my hands and feet, and jumped high.

At that moment, I was no longer an ordinary person, but the champion [beep] Xiang.

Unfortunately, Huang Duanzi's maid is not an ordinary maid.

When I reached out and grabbed, I grabbed my heel and held it in the air.

"His Royal Highness, there is a customary rule in our elven clan." Huang Duanzi's maid with a smiley expression on her face looked particularly terrible.

"Which... what custom?" I shuddered in shock.

"If you say something, you will swallow a thousand bottles of birth control pills."

"It's just a thousand needles!" I roared and groaned.

"Okay, choose one of two. As your loyal and lovely maid, I suggest that Your Highness choose a thousand needles."

"What terrible contraceptive pills do you want to give me!!"

Under Jeluka's coercion, I was forced to keep my promise. Help her experiment with the newly developed contraceptives.

"Well, that's it." She stuffed me a bottle of a mass-produced birth control pill, and she couldn't see anything strange from the outside.

Open the stopper. No black smoke from the skull came out, but it made me more afraid. I wish it was poison, and the antidote in that pocket could come in handy immediately.

Pour out the pills in the bottle. Only a black pill the size of a finger is rolled from the inside to the palm of your hand.

"Hurry up and eat it." Huang Duanzi's maid's eyes were shining brightly, and she was full of tension and expectation for the efficacy of the medicine.

Grandma of Heaven, please make my favorite dish in Hanada. I'm here.

There was a tear of helpless grief, and I pressed my palm into my mouth violently, swallowing my throat.

"Okay, now you are satisfied." Exhaling deeply, I looked at Huang Duanzi's maid and said angrily.

"If it's okay. I'll go first, maybe I have to leave a last word as soon as possible. It's all your fault, wait and see, I will become a ghost and haunt you in my dreams every day!" I pointed to the curse loudly. With. Then he turned around resolutely.

"Wait." The collar was suddenly caught.

"Don't you even plan to let go of the dying person?" I turned around and looked at Huang Duanzi's maid innocently.

"Your Highness, can you extend your palms to show me. [WWw.YZUU点m]"

"I suspected me, I misunderstood you!" I stretched out my palm in anger.

"Look, there's nothing. Trust me now, but it can't be saved, you have deeply hurt my weak heart, this scar will be carved in the soul, and will stay for a lifetime, unless the mountain has no tomb, Heaven and earth can never heal together." I have become a sour writer, a third-rate love song writer, this is the effect of the pill.

"Hidden in the inventory, right."


This stupid maid, surprisingly strong in reasoning ability, was found.

"Is there any evidence? Why do you want to doubt others casually like this!" I shot Da Yi's awe-inspiring look, and felt that my personality and my morality were seriously insulted.

"It's not just casual, it's a serious doubt." Huang Duanzi's maid sharply groaned, and then said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter. The evidence is not needed."

With that said, she took out another bottle: "This medicine is very difficult to refine, and the collection materials have been collected for a long time, and only one is left. I have long known that the stupid prince will cheat, so I just gave you Counterfeit expired contraceptive pills."

"Is it counterfeit and will it expire? How much do you expire and how persistent?" I angered the coffee table.

"Long-talking, long-winding, just give it to me." No matter 3, 21, Huang Duanzi's maid squeezed my mouth, and threw the medicine directly into my throat with a thunderbolt, which was too late to vomit. Spit, swallowed with a grunt.

Really... really eaten!

Grandma of heaven, how many dishes are burnt?

"I'm going to die." I lowered my head in frustration, ready to go home to explain the matter.

"Relax, there will be no problem, probably."

"You can't be relieved by saying this!"

"It has been tested, no problem."

"That's what I said earlier." After hearing the experiment, I raised my head and was full of strength.

Go, go home and find the girls on the bed.

"Uh..." Huang Duanzi's maid turned around me, muttering something in her mouth.

Suddenly, she held out her small hand and squeezed a little **** my face.

"It hurts, what are you doing?" I'm not happy anymore.

"Strange, is there something wrong? Is it unreasonable, is it not yet effective?" She ignored me, but bowed her head in contemplation.

"I don't care about you anymore, I'm going back." I rolled my eyes, and regardless of Huang Duanzi's maid, strode straight away.

On the way, I found a small tail.

Although she tried hard to hide herself, but staring at my eyes could not be so scorching, it was already exposed. [WWw.YZUU dot m]

Turning back suddenly, the little maid responded quickly and shrank back quickly, leaving me empty.

This is not okay. Here is her site. I am obviously not an opponent when playing peekaboo.

I have to resort to all kinds of tricks to induce the other party to show flaws.

I showed a deep expression. Numerous conspiracies and tricks are brewing in my mind, and after screening one by one, I finally got the most effective strategy.

next moment. I swiftly accelerated, turning when I saw a corner, and going around when I saw the road. Walked for ten minutes at a stretch.

Looking back, there is no trace behind.

"Huh, stupid human beings, Benderui just got rid of it with just a small sum." I snorted proudly, slowed down, and walked back slowly.

Has it really escaped? Of course not, but here is the home of Huang Duanzi's maid, I do so. Just to let her relax her vigilance.

But it wasn’t enough. I had to install another one, pretend to be completely relaxed, and put down my vigilance, so that she could show her feet.

How to install it?

What do you want to do when you are the most relaxed and contented?

I don't know what other people think. Anyway, I think it's the simplest and most effective way to hum a small song and sing it out loud, and with the strength of the God Level of Druid Song, the other party will definitely be addicted to it instantly. At that time, it was the most flawed time!


Auntie, look at Druid's rough and powerful voice!


As I sang, I quickly glanced at the hidden corner behind me.


Stop the singing, I quickly stepped forward.

What's wrong with this, why did Huang Duanzi's maid suddenly fall to the side of the road?

In a posture of falling down with an unknown E attack, the yellow servant maid lying on the ground with her eyes circling in circles, looks extraordinarily innocent and pitiful.

It's so boring, I haven't done it yet, and she has fallen.

I carried Huang Duanzi's maid, who died in unknown E, on her back and sent it back.

When I got home, I found that there was no one else. It was because I told them that I would go back to the camp in two days, so did I go out and go shopping?

I thought to myself, somehow, it was very dry, and I even took a few glasses of water to relieve it.

Is it the sequelae of taking the pill?

However, after such a long time, there is still no violent reaction in the body, it should not be a big deal.

I rubbed my groggy head and went back to my room, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

After a moment...

A petite and suspicious figure appeared at the door of the house.

"Oh hehe~~~ I just heard about it, everyone went out, only Wu Fool was there, it was a good time for Princess Ben to attack."

The petite figure, Her Royal Highness Beiya, the elven princess, covered her small mouth, made an unwilling laugh, crouched, and pryed open a door gap with a guilty conscience, and drilled into it.

"Where, where is Wu Wu, the fool? My father mainly comes to clean you up."

While humming a minor, he pointed up elven ears and peeped around. If he was seen by others, he wouldn’t recognize this elven princess who was famous for his elegance (?). He thought he was a little thief.

"Here?" Open the door of the room that was already investigated. Sure enough, the idiot was in his room and was lying in bed and sleeping.

"Wow, this is really a big lazy pig. Even in the daytime, he is sleeping, not only a fool, but also lazy, so let Princess Ben take the place for the heavenly walk, and punish you, Wu, the useless lazy fool. "

With a smug pride, Beja carefully closed the door and lurked up.

"It was so simple that I was approached. It's really useless. You guys are really not at all alert. It's too useless. It's the most useless guy I have ever seen."

Looking at the unsuspecting sleeping face in front of him, Beja resisted the laughter and moved up, trying to remember this guy's funny sleeping face.

Sleeping so sweetly, it shouldn't matter if you touch it lightly.

Thinking in his heart, Beja, who was lying on the edge of the bed, stretched out his little finger and poked gently on the sleeping face in front of him.

Can't you wake up like this? There is really no way to get this guy.

Looking at it, somehow, a scene from years ago emerged in Beja's mind.

That was when my favorite sister, Aalto, condescended to marry and married the idiot in front of him.

Drunk Wu who was drunk and lying on the bed like a dead pig was taken by that **** princess. The little girl Tia rides below, the moment of shock when the two mouths come together.

At that time...is this lips...

The two lips close together in the memory are magnified infinitely in my mind. Every detail is revealed, even a slight tongue of tongue sticking out from Tia girl's mouth.

Beya, who is of dim age, throbs suddenly in her heart. Swallowing hard, the throat is a bit dry.

When she came back, she suddenly found that she seemed to be staring too closely at her lips and was immersed in the memories of that time. She even unknowingly moved closer and closer, even... she seemed to kiss Go up in general? ! !

Beja is like a frightened cat. He jumped back and jumped far away.

Huh, it’s amazing, almost... almost...

Thinking of this, Beiya's face was flushed with blush, and his heart was suffocated with nowhere to vent, and his eyes fell on the sleeping face of the bed. I didn't seem to know what dreams I was doing, but I even grinned.

This **** is so embarrassed to princess Ben that he dares to have a dream!

Beja suddenly became angry.

This time, we must teach this idiot a good meal!

How to teach?

Beja moved up again. The guy who slept around the bed turned, thinking hard.

Ways that are too common... seem to be meaningless.


She suddenly remembered something.

Sister Jasmine didn’t say that. Wu Wu, a fool, was a big pervert. It would feel great to step on him under bare feet, but it was a super pervert.

Let's experiment now and see the ridiculous expression when the stupid Wu showed a very cool look.

Beya, who had made up her mind, said to do it, and immediately took off her shoes and socks, rubbed onto the bed, stood on top, and looked down at the lazy sleeping bug lying in front of her eyes.

Next... where is it?

She gently lifted a small jade foot that was as perfect as a piece of art, across the quilt, and emptied around someone's lower body, unable to find a direction.

Forget it, no matter, just try it.

Thinking this way, the toes fell towards one place and rubbed lightly a few times.

Seemingly not here, Beiya instinctively aware of this, raised his toes again and moved to the next position.

After trying more than a dozen positions, standing on one foot, without any support, Beiya was not tired at all, and never lost a trace of balance, enough to show how light and soft her body is. , Excellent balance.

Next position.

Suddenly, the idiot groaned weakly, which revitalized Beja's spirit.

Could it be right here?

Her toes~lightnovelpub.net~ just fell between someone's legs.

Rub, rub, rub.

Five small and cute toes, moving flexibly, constantly rubbing and harassing that point, gradually, Beja found that the calm breath of the other party seemed to be messy, and occasionally a slight moan.

Moreover, what was originally soft is gradually hardening.

It really is here!

Beja thought excitedly that toes moved harder.

Hora Hora, hurry up and show the princess this stupid stupid thing, you big pervert, big fool... to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )RQ

The leaves are updated as soon as possible, please.