Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1764: Nana

Anyway, let’s focus on the problem at hand.

Shaking his head, aside his inner doubts, I found that the ice cave battlefield had disappeared and turned back to the original altar when I bowed my head just now.

"Hey!" Just canceled the transformation of Hell Fighting Bear, and behind him came a light and heavy impulse, and two soft and wonderful touches came from the back.

"Tia girl, it's you again." No need to ask, it's only Tia who always likes to jump on my back.

"Hey, because Fanfan is so powerful." The little girl hung it on her back and put her face up from behind. It seemed that she couldn't help but keep rubbing against me.

"The Array of Ten Thousand Fas, even the Array of Ten Thousand Fas, Fanfan is too powerful."

"Oh, do you know that?"

"Of course, one of the amazing works created by Lord Fimina, the sage of the holy law, as a magical family, our Hladik, how could we not know." Tiya's answer, of course, continued to rub.

I didn’t ask too much if I thought about it. Although it was very comfortable to be rubbed by Tia, it wasn’t at home. After all, the test in front of me didn’t know what to do, so I patted the little girl’s buttocks backhand: “Don’t If you make a noise, you have to make it home again, then come down quickly."

"Is it okay to go home? Fanfan is done, hehe~~"

Cunningly grasping a typo, Tia cheered happily, and immediately jumped off my back, cleverly carrying his little hand, standing beside me, like a warrior in command, it made people hard to stop watching it. I couldn't bear to correct her and let her down.

"Huh, what about Beja?" I suddenly realized that there seemed to be one less person.

Where is the elven princess who was dropped by Akalin?

"There." Pulling my sleeve, Tia pointed in a direction, looking a little pity.

Looking down, I was speechless.

Our Highness princess princess is breathing black. Squatting in a corner, drawing circles, reading words in his mouth, he seemed to be in a strange state of depression.

Intuition tells me that it is better not to get close to Beja now, probably Tia also feels it, so she is kind-hearted. There is no hasty to comfort.

Today, maybe it’s this little girl’s Good Friday.

Looking back, I looked around.

"Which... What about the fake Beja?" Because I'm not sure what the other party's name is, or even whether the product is an organic living thing (it may not be a human being), so I can only amplify the volume and simulate the two. Shouted around.

Even if it is disturbed, the test is terminated, you come out to speak. Say something.

"Please ask questions, depending on the nature of the tester's question, you will answer them selectively or remain silent."

The body of the altar suddenly made a female voice without emotion, which shocked me.

"Don't be out of breath suddenly." I took a breath and was shocked, because I never thought that this product should be... the altar body?

"Unable to understand, the tester calls first."

"Forget it...in short, what are you doing just now, why is there suddenly no sound."

"Answer. Calculating."

"Calculate what?"

"Answer. Interference source."

"It just disturbed my test, is that interference you said?"


"How is it calculated?"

"Preliminarily rule out errors in the self-sampling system. It is judged to be interference by foreign objects, but the calculation cannot be done, and it is impossible to know why the foreign objects are, where, by what means, for whatever reason, the incident has been temporarily listed. For higher hostile behavior, neglecting cannot, more clues need to be collected."

"Is... is that right? Then please." A series of lines of high IQ emerged from the other party, leaving me in a cloud, in short, I don't know who interfered with the test.

"The responsibility lies."

"So... what about the test?" I finally mentioned the most important question.


"Why, is it something that needs to be kept secret? What should I do next, can't I even tell myself?" I couldn't help complaining when I saw the other person's delay.

, To give a statement.

"Before answering this question, can you allow me to ask a question first?" The other party suddenly said again, and asked a more humanistic question.

"Please, but again, I will answer selectively or remain silent." I shrugged.

"Undoubtedly." The other party affirmed, and then asked.

"Question, according to the final phenomenon of the test, determine whether the strength of the tester has reached the level of quasi-four wings."

"It turned out to be this... Well, barely able to say that."

I thought that the guy across from Tianhe No. 1 would not understand what kind of problems, such as 10,000 digits behind the decimal point of the pi, although Bendruid as a mathematics emperor It is not impossible to memorize it, but it is very troublesome.

I didn’t lie, I didn’t lie, I can really recite it, bastard!

"Okay, the tester is in the quasi-four-wing state." The other party murmured like this, and then fell into a long silence. It was only when I couldn't help it that it spoke again, and said If it does, let me spit out old blood.

"Congratulations to your Excellency, those who possess the magic of souls and have reached the quasi-four-wing realm can avoid the second test."

I was just "poof----" at that time.

Not happy to be able to pass the test, but sad about this setting. I already knew this was the case. What was the meaning of the battle just now?

"Why don't you talk about this setting early?" I couldn't help getting angry.

"Answer, because you did not ask."

"I have to say it without asking you, such an important thing!"

"Answer, the system autonomously determines that you are here for preparation. Before accepting the test, the content of the test has been fully understood, so the explanation steps are omitted."

"Be prepared for your sister, how can I know what the test is!" I covered my forehead. For the first time, I hated this guy's independent judgment.

"Sister, your Excellency said, could it be a woman with a direct blood relationship and a younger age than you? Sorry, this system is made by hand, there is no sister."


The most recent guys don’t understand humor, but it was a surprise. This product turned out to be an artificial intelligence. After all, the Huradic people tens of thousands of years ago, the black technology is too powerful, even this kind of thing can be made.

"All in all...you should say this important thing early." I sighed and met this guy. I don't know how to get angry.

"It is undeniable that this system has indeed made a subjective mistake. From the skillful arrival of your party and his party and the opening of the altar, it was mistakenly judged that your party and his party were prepared. Can the same problem be solved?"

"This... this, how can you expose your full strength to others from the beginning?" I humbly turned my head away.

"Face the enemy. I must go all out at the beginning, and the lion fights the rabbit with all my strength. This is the reason. Your thoughts, I can't understand." The opposite side shot a stab at my heart. arrow.

"Couldn't you think this test is not enough for you to use all your strength?"

"When...of course impossible, ha ha, ha ha ha~~ oops. The weather is really good today. How about we talk about a happier topic?" I laughed silly.

"Dismissed, the system judges the importance of this topic. Far better than discussing the weather."


Is it really an unflattering guy, don't you understand a little humaneness?

"Originally, you can avoid wasting energy..."


Did the product just mutter to himself?

Am I hearing it wrong? No, this guy did say it to himself, not with the kind of mechanized, indifferent artificial intelligence voice, but with a rich emotional color and a grunt filled with resentment.

Could it be that the cold tone, the voice of no emotion change, and the blunt way of speaking are all disguised?

Could it be that this product has become a demon for a long time, and it should have been artificial intelligence. After tens of thousands of years of independent evolution, has it become like human beings?

I suddenly had a Hollywood blockbuster of the future world human war robot.

"Cough, all in all, I didn't go all out at first. There was indeed something wrong with this test, but the most fundamental reason is also because you made a mistake in your own judgment. How does this topic end here? "

The other side was silent for a moment, and continued to respond with an emotionless voice: "Understand, this topic is over."

"Very good, but before discussing a new topic, there must be a name. How should we call you hello?"

"The title is just a code, please feel free to do it."

"No... even if you say that, if I casually name a [little meatball], you are fine?"

"It's okay, repeat, the name is just a code name."

Although the other party is very sure, as always, using his cold voice to answer, it seems that it really does not care, but... Is it just my illusion? Vaguely, when she heard this sentence, she felt unwilling to mourn.

Sure enough, it was influenced by its self-talk, did it cause an illusion?

"Hey, hello, Fanfan, the other party seems to be very unhappy." Tiara pulled my cloak, put his small mouth together, whispered in his ear.

Sure enough, it's not my illusion alone! ! !

"Cough, although I have the habit of giving names to others, and everyone likes my name... so, even Tia, you have a skeptical look, I am saying it is true, really! "

I burst into tears and was betrayed by the most trusted people around me, probably this feeling.

"Well, where did you just say, yes, although you said so, I decided it would be better to respect your opinion, or did you say that your manufacturer did not give you a name? If so, Please also tell us."

This time, after a long silence, the other party made a sound, and the sound was pitiful, as if it was a kind of slight sound when the energy supply was insufficient, or the load on the carrier board was too heavy, and there was a malfunction.


"Hah? I didn't hear it. Can you tell me again?" I raised my ears and felt a subtle pleasure, just like when bullying shy Velas.


"Huh? Still not clear, can you please speak louder?"


Finally, the opposite side spit out two words clearly and coldly.

"Did you make such a name for you?" I touched my chin and smiled strangely.

Generally speaking, guys who give such names to their precious things all have fetishes, such as the pillow that I cherish in the original collection of the world...oh oh oh-this black history is completely buried in history In the middle of the sand, bastard!

"In short... I'll just call you Nana in the future, right." I was gasping for breath, and I was just flirting with others. Why did I hit the arrow instead? What's wrong with this world?

"Please feel free."

"Well~lightnovelpub.net~ So... that, Nana, you see we also passed the test, shouldn't we..." I rubbed three fingers at the other party and made a gesture that everyone knew.

Maybe there is a third test, bastard!

"Confirm that the tester has passed all tests and possesses soul magic and is qualified to inherit the guardian."

The voice from the other party made me cheer.

It's not easy. After so much tossing, I finally got something.

Tia and I hugged together and celebrated loudly.

Beya... Uh, forget it, it's better not to stimulate her now, anyway, with the character of this stupid princess, it is estimated that she will be able to jump around tomorrow. Wild everywhere.