Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1812: The birth of the maze killer

The teleportation array on the first floor of the prison, the three Roger soldiers and the mage responsible for the defense and maintenance of the teleportation array, are sitting around a small bonfire and putting a gray iron tube on the top, boiled inside The goat's milk tea is full of rumbling and hot fragrance.

"It should be almost the same." A Roger soldier rubbed his hands and sighed in a white breath, gazing closely at the hot milk tea inside, sipping.

"It's just a short while before you wait. You'll be in a hurry." Another Roger soldier scolded.

"This year is colder than in previous years." The mage wrapped in a large gray robe sighed.

"No way, the monastery was originally a high ground, and the prison was wet and heavy. We were a little better than the brothers and sisters on the second floor of the tomb. It was a bitter life. Why did it get here when it was winter." The Georgian soldier said bitterly.

"Don't complain, you can't eat this bitterness, what kind of warrior, at least we are much better than the adults who are working hard outside."

"This is also the case, but it's not that I want to be here. If I have that talent, for example, like an adult... No, even if it is 1% of the adult, I will take other risks. Just like the same, work **** the battlefield, and then proudly tell the naughty **** at home, your father and I are also venerable adventurers, throwing you into Andalil’s den without being obedient, like now. Can’t control the bear There is a child, a little boy, but he must say that he is a future adventurer, which is better than my useless dad. Then he took a wooden sword and went to play a hero game with the neighbor's mixed boy."

The other two listened and couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't this good? Maybe your kid might be an adventurer, at least this strong wish is good."

"Isn't that it? The instructor of the training camp. I also said that my stinky kid is a bit qualified. If I observe for a while, if his character is no problem, he will be allowed to enter the training camp. Maybe he can be a paladin."

Speaking of his son's sorrowful face just now, this Roger soldier is full of pride.

"I'm not afraid to tell you. Maybe. That **** can have 1% of the talents of adults."

"All day, everybody, everybody, I think what you really think is a blessing of 1% of everybody." The opposite teased and teased. "Hey, let me tell you, I really thought this way, if you can have one percent of the adults, and then marry a young and beautiful. How gentle and skillful wife, how good should I be when you are brothers and You said, don’t tell my tigress about this, otherwise I’ll kneel and wash the board.”

"Rest assured, which man doesn't think so."

"Oh? How about your story?"

"Me, I still remember the cute girl I met when I was on a patrol mission in the Moravia village three years ago. I don’t know if she is okay now... Why didn’t I notice it until I left for a long time Only later did she discover that her figure was still hovering in her heart, and she could never forget..."

Encouraged by the first Rogge soldier, another soldier slowly told his bitter history.

"Three years ago? No drama, no drama, you're until, the Moravia girl got married early."

"Shut up, you can't wait for me to finish talking? Damn, of course I know this kind of thing, bastard! Believe me or not, tear your mouth bastard!" Soldier Rogge cried bitterly and looked like a tauren.

"You keep talking, keep talking."

The mage watched the rise of the two soldiers and smiled. As a mage, he devoted most of his time to work and research, that is, the legendary bachelor magician, but did not feel any regrets. It’s probably born in this way. The parents in the family are having a headache. Probably the task of guarding the magic circle is completed this time, and I have to introduce myself to the girl. I can’t return to the master of the family several times in a month. Like it?

While listening to the opposite conversation, while thinking lightly, his eyes fell on the hot goat milk tea in the iron bucket. He smiled, took it down, poured three cups, and two cups were sent to the other party, and continued quietly Listen, maybe in such a chat, you will find the answer you need.

"Thanks." He took the warm goat's milk tea and warmed his hands. Everyone can't wait to take a sip, give a comfortable sigh, and then continue to talk about the history of love.


Suddenly, the three stopped, you look at me, I look at you.

"Just now, did you hear any strange noises?"

"I also want to ask you, is it an illusion?"

"You heard it too?"

"Actually speaking, it is impossible..." The experienced soldier a frowned.

The direction of the transmission station is specially selected in a hidden place where the monsters are scarce, and the corresponding magic array is arranged so that the monsters cannot be refreshed here, so there are no monsters nearby. Of course, one or two accidental hits and intrusions are not ruled out. Come, at this time, they will perform their guardian tasks and send the rash guy back to hell.

It has been nearly ten years as a guard of a transmission station. Soldier a has never heard such a strange voice, saying that it is the fighting of the adventurers. The adventurers who came to Camp Rogge are not high in strength and cannot be manufactured at all. There was such a big movement, and as I said just now, there can be no monsters nearby.

"Boom Boom—Boom!!!" This time, the abnormal sound became clearer, as if there were some powerful monsters, who constantly waved their fists and bombarded, and finally the sound of the horror that broke the wall.

"Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom!!!" After a few seconds, the sound rang again, this time closer, and, listening to the direction, it was clear that it was coming to the transmission station.

The three guardians changed their faces, and placed the rippling goat milk tea on the ground. Stand up, swap out weapons, and face the direction of the voice.

There was another huge roar, accompanied by the sound of the building being destroyed.

To prevent being in battle. The terrain is destroyed by adventurers and monsters, and most areas like prisons have been strengthened by magic circles, even if it is Andalil's projection. I also want to break a wall.

The unknown monster on the opposite side can actually do this. What's the matter? When did a monster stronger than Andarial appear in Camp Roger? Is it a new variant?

Everyone thought quickly. Feeling more and more pressure, the other party has not yet appeared, he is already sweating. The throat swallowed uncontrollably.

"You... you go back first. To inform the captain of the situation, I'll stand up." Soldier a gritted his teeth and said to the two companions behind him.

"You are stupid, what a hero, you have to go back and come back together!"

"Don’t be silly, if the three of them ran together and saw the captain. The captain asked about the details, what should we say? At that time, they would only be laughed at by others, and they ran away before they saw the enemy. , That mixed son will look down on me too!" Soldier a shouted loudly!

"That is also from me."

"No, it should be me, you go back."

"Don't argue, I already have a **** in my family, there is nothing to worry about. One of you is married and has no children, and the other is not married. How can you do such a dangerous thing? My **** has grown up, Even if it is not my useless dad, I can grow up well. I may know that after my dad’s heroic sacrifice, he can turn hatred into strength and become a great adventurer in the future."

Seeing that the sound was getting closer and closer, it seemed that there were only two or three walls, and soldier a showed anxiety.

Although he said these words with a ridiculous smile, there was no way to hide the fear in his eyes. No one was not afraid of death. The difference between a mortal and a warrior could only face the fear of death.

"I don't have any reason to accept this."

"Yes, and, it seems too late now. Let the three fight together to the end." The young mage said, and the red rod glowed brightly on the staff he was holding tightly.

The two soldiers also held their breaths, the cat slightly raised his waist, the sweaty hand letter, the long sword in the handshake, and no longer talked, because the unknown monster on the opposite side was already bombarding the last wall. This wall If it is broken, the transfer station is directly exposed.

Strange to say, obviously the entrance is not far away, what kind of guy is this, is the desire to destroy so powerful? If you have a door, you have to break the wall.

Wanting to face a violent monster, the three of them became more nervous, but no one took a step back.

Finally, with a loud noise, the wall in front of him was blasted with a hole about three meters in diameter, with countless gravel splashes and dust, and the hazy shadow that covered the figure opposite the hole was unclear.

"Monster, die!!"

The two soldiers held up their long swords and roared toward the dusty hole, and the mage held up the red staff in his hands.

While they roared, cheers came from across the hole.

"Long live, the maze killer, reach!"

It was crisp, beautiful, sweet, glutinous, like a wind chime, and like a pure and clean mountain stream, still with a little girlish childishness, it was not like the sound of a monster at all.

The two soldiers were stunned, the long sword in their hands slowed down subconsciously, and when they rushed to the edge of the cave, about to swing down, they saw two identical young girls with beautiful allures, wrapped one in a cloak In the middle, the hat was dropped, and the little girl who could not see clearly was crowded in the middle, cheering together.

The little girl covering her face in the middle, they do not know, but the twin girls on both sides are exactly the same, but they know who they are.

Wasn’t that the only two high princesses like the rare treasures in the Alliance?

Because most elders of the league have no offspring, such as Akala and Kane, in fact, Master Linya should be counted as one, because her grandmother, the sing and dance couple decades ago, Master Ji Raphael, is now a high-ranking alliance One of the elders.

However, Lord Raphael is far away from the third world, there is no real sense, and Lord Linya is also surrounded by a halo of Edward's future heirs, so everyone never thought of her as a princess of the alliance.

Until the appearance of Elder Fan, he had high prestige among adventurers and was admired and worshiped by everyone. Of course, it was also attracted a lot of hatred for some reason (the reason you know), but overall, it is an excellent elder and the future savior of the alliance.

His two baby daughters. The pearl on the palm, Lord Sirius and Lord Elkro are gentle, lovely and beautiful. Naturally, it became the acknowledged Highness of the Alliance Princess by everyone.

Soldier a clearly remembered his mixed boy, while holding his snot while holding a wooden sword, his eyes shouted loudly. In the future, if you want to become a great hero, and then marry the gentle and kind Lord Sirius, it is really toad to eat swan meat. Even if this mixed son really can become a big hero in the future. It may not be able to get into the eyes of Her Royal Highness Princess Sirius, nor to see who her father is. Is your great hero as powerful as the Savior? Even a hair of Elder Fan can't compare with you, why do you attract each other's daughter, His Royal Highness Princess.

Soldier a thought this way, and soldier b seemed to recognize the identity of the person coming from the opposite side. Maintaining the speed of the sprint, forgetting the brakes, directly holding the sword and screaming and crashing into the opposite wall, slowly falling down in large letters.

The young mage behind him, because he was nervous, did not hear the voices of the two princesses, and he waved his staff and flew a big fireball towards the hole.

At this moment, a large hand stretched out at the dusty hole, squeezing the fireball like a small bug.

Bastard, the monster is so powerful? And the two screams of the brothers just now... Could it be that they have been brutally attacked?

Hey, wait, no, that big hand doesn’t look like a monster, but a human.

The young mage was dumbfounded and stunned.

After a moment...

"I'm so sorry, it's causing trouble for everyone." I wish I could apologize to the three suffering guard soldiers and mages.

"It's our fault. It's us who apologized." Sirius and Ecole did not want to see their father bow their heads, saying in unison.

"No, no, in the final analysis, it's my fault, of course, there is someone." I looked at my daughters with love, and stared at Huang Duanzi's maid with hate.

If this guy didn't expose my black history without permission, how could there be so many things.

Jeluka turned her head away, and it was indeed a bit confusing.

If it’s okay to hang the prince, it’s okay, anyway, that stupid prince won’t care anymore, at most... at most he can only bully himself more in bed... Well, then the prince of pornography, except to deal with himself by this mean method , What else can you come up with.

But she also pulled Cyrus, Ecole, and even her baby daughter into the water, which made Jieluka a little sad and apologetic.

The cause of the incident is this. The time goes back to a few hours ago~lightnovelpub.net~ Because of the provocation of a fool's prince, Jie Luka, who originally wanted to put the other party's horse, decisively revealed the black history of the fool.

However, the clever Sirius and Ecole quickly found out who the maze killer Jeluka said was It’s so weird there).

Suddenly, the two high princesses of the princess apologized. It turned out that the man was a dad. Why didn't he think of it at first? Yes, the only one who could be so stupid was dad. It couldn't be someone else.

So, the young girl's tender and strong love, burning up, right or wrong, these things don't matter.

In order to comfort Dad, to cheer Dad up, and of course, to get closer to Dad, Sirius and Ai Kelu want to be the same as Dad, become a maze killer!

So, the wall that combined with the power of small black carbon, and even Andariel could not break, was jointly bombarded by three daughter princesses who burned the soul of the raging father, and one block after another, directly killed the transmission point...