Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1813: Foot-controlled forced awakening?

The first floor of the prison sent a teleportation array. After a misunderstanding of turmoil and slapstick, tranquility was restored here again, leaving only the crackling sound of a campfire, ringing in the quiet teleporting room.

But the two soldiers and a mage guarding here knew that the room opposite would certainly not be as quiet as this one.

So many people, it must be very lively, I don’t know if it is an illusion, and suddenly I smell a little scent, I must be doing something delicious.

There must be so many girls in Qingguoqingcheng, maybe even the air is intoxicating pink.

The three bite a bite of dry bread, a slice of salty and spicy dried meat, and a sip of vegetable soup that was no longer umami, silently thinking.

After the elders' family suddenly visited and caused a huge disturbance, they decided to stay at the transfer station for one night. Because there were so many people, it was impossible to stay in the transfer room, so they stayed in the room next door, anyway. There are not many, there are many rooms, and there are no monsters nearby. There are no monsters that dare to provoke the famous savior. Isn’t that a sheep going into the tiger’s mouth?

Due to the existence of the noise barrier, the three of them could not hear the motion of the next door. They were naturally itchy and unbearable. They couldn't help but think about something. Of course, it was impossible to think about it. After all, it is not only that that makes all men envious and jealous. The hatred wife group and the daughters are also there. Although they are elders in the harem, they are not [beep] elders. Not so ridiculous.

Silently took a bite of dry bread, took a sip of soup, and soldier b suddenly burst into tears.

"I may understand, the tragic mood of the guys. I want to join them now and fight against Master Fan together."

"Don't give up. Same people have different lives. Instead of envying jealousy now. It is better to pray desperately, hoping that you will be a savior in your next life.

Soldier b threw a piece of bread into his mouth, chewing hard, and said indifferently. His sons are already so old, and many things have been neglected, and no beauty is as important as his own mixed son and tigress.

"Yes... yes. Everyone can do this. It is also because of hard work and so much contribution to the alliance, so the excellent girls only... will love her, this is a good person and a good reward." Pure Master Master Nodded desperately.

Just then, the knock on the door rang.

"Is everyone here? If you don't disagree, drink the stew made by my girls and make a copy for you." I was holding a hot pan. Pushed the door in and greeted with a smile.

"This...what a shame." The three stood up flattered and greeted quickly.

The savior came to give us soup. How dare you believe this?

"It's nothing, but it's an apology. Come and try it while it's hot. Warm your body. It won't taste good when it's cold.

I saw a pot on the bonfire surrounded by three people, and the soup was stewed on it, but the soup was obviously made of dried vegetables, and the taste was incomparable with that of Verasi.

After completing the soup delivery task, I hurried back home, hungry, and the girls were still waiting for me to have dinner.

The three met face to face.

"What... what to do?" The young mage was obviously at a loss.

"What do you do, do you want to live up to the pains of adults? We don't mind if you have the courage to send this pot of soup back intact." The two soldiers laughed, causing the mage to shake his head quickly.

"That said...it smells delicious."

"I'm welcome, the broth stewed by Master Geji... who in the camp doesn't know that Master Geji's cooking is first-class, better than the chefs of those restaurants."

"The Ding You master of the Yangquan Restaurant who participated in the cooking contest on the last God's Birthday also relied on eight artifacts to make it delicious, which cannot be compared with Master Ji Ji."

"I said...you really believe in the so-called eight artifacts..."


"No... nothing."

A bowl of fragrant broth is held in the palm of your hand, and the whole body is warm just by smelling it, driving away the cold air that remains in the body for a long time and stays in the cold prison, as if the whole body is soaked in the hot spring.

Unconsciously, the three are already full of tears, what is the best in the world, this is it.

"Sigh~~~" Unbearable, the three took a sip at the same time.

Suddenly, their bodies stiffened and remained motionless, keeping the soup drinking movement, their eyes widened, the pupils inside magnified several times, trembling violently, and then, a stream of heat could not bear, surging out from inside, dripping Fall to the ground, forming two large characters.

Absolute taste! !

"So delicious soup...I'm drinking it for the first time."

"me too."

"me too."

The three said silently, drinking one bite at a time, fast, fast, afraid of spoiling the soup, slow, and afraid of protesting in the mouth.

Soon, a potful of broth was drunk, and the three finally realized the true meaning of deliciousness.

The real delicacy is not to make you jump up, thunder and thunder, burst your tongue and burst into golden light.

It's what makes you grateful for your warmth and happiness, and keep eating it bit by bit. From the deliciousness, eat the feelings that the chef pours into the food.

"The love that Lord Geji poured into him, I have eaten it. I'm sorry, I won't say any stupid things like envy, jealousy and hatred." Soldier b wiped his nose with a tear. , Regret it.

"I...I..." The young mage seemed to have something to say. He stuttered for a long while, and finally raised his head, his eyes full of longing.

"I, suddenly wanted to get married."

Soldier a and soldier peeked face-to-face, then their faces were dignified, and they seemed to communicate with each other for a while before they got up and patted the mage's shoulder gently.

"Brother, we can understand your mood and hope to see you get married soon."


"But, don't be impulsive, and look forward to love with such a good mood now. I thought that after I got married, I could drink this loving soup every day."

"the reality is cruel."

"Even if your wife really loves you so much, just like Lord Ji Ji loves Lord Fan, but..."

"But she certainly doesn't have the cooking skills like Master Song Ji."

"The greater the expectation. The greater the disappointment, we are not hitting you, but we are afraid that you can't think about it after you get married."

As a person coming, soldier a and soldier b have a painful expression on your face. In a word, I extinguished the impulsive marriage of the Master.

On the other side...

I swallowed a bite of broth, biting the freshly baked pancake, and handed the bowl to Verras.

"one more bowl."

"Yes, sir. Come here." Gentle wife, as if she had been waiting. Take the bowl. Stirring the soup pot gently, and then steadily adding one spoonful at a time, no more, no more than two-thirds of the bowl is full, and hand it back to me.

A pancake just happened to be stuffed into my mouth, took the bowl quickly, and ate the pancake with the soup.

"Father and Dad. Sirius and Ecolu are also helpful." Seeing that I was eating so hard, the two princesses quickly asked for help.

"Really? No wonder I think the dinner tonight is a little more fragrant than usual. It turned out to be the credit of the baby girls." I laughed at the flowers, wiped off the greasiness on my mouth, and intimate on the white faces of the two princesses. Take a sip.

"Lilith also helped." The two princesses quickly spoke to Little Black Carbon again, not greedy at all.

"Really? That little black carbon has to be rewarded." I got up again, and was blocked by Huang Duanzi's maid, and gave me a glance.

"Go and go, stinky mouth, touch my baby girl less."

"Cut, what stinks, I'm not stunned by the kisses I often have." I whispered secretly, just heard by the nearest Huang Duanzi maid, her face was red, she glanced around quickly, He stared back again, leaned in close to his mouth, and spit back with a low voice.

"Only... It's not that the soul is overturned, it's because the mouth of the Prince's Royal Highness is stupid."

"I didn't say that I was inverted." With a shrug, I secretly laughed.

This idiot maid, don't do it yourself.

In the eyes of Huang Duanzi's maid's breathing sword light sword, I spent the leisure time after dinner and was ready to fall asleep.

Put the straw mat on the cleaned floor, and then put a layer of quilt, quilt and pillows on it. A big five-meter-sized bed is considered good.

Everyone has been sleeping together like this since the training. They used to take Sarah and they used to do the same training. If they are in the wild, they will have to go through an extra procedure and need to support a huge tent.

As the head of the family, I should naturally sleep in the middle. As for the two sides, it is arbitrary, but today is different.

"Cough." I coughed a few times, pretending to announce.

"My lovely maze killers, can I sleep with my dad tonight?"

"I'm happy, my father." The two princesses, who had put on cute pajamas, made a ceremonial gesture of slightly bending down and gently pulling up the long skirt. The elegant and noble moves were more than the real one country princess. perfect.

Because, there is no lack of true princesses in their families to teach them etiquette, such as Little Ghost, Princess Sanwu, Lin Ya, Maid Huang Duanzi, etc.

After doing so, the two princesses probably found it very interesting, and flew into my arms with a smile, making fun of each other.

However, they did not forget the lovely sister.

"Lilis, you too, hurry up." Holding my arm from left to right, sandwiching me in the middle, they beckoned towards the little black carbon.

"But..." Little Black Carbon flinched, looking at me hesitantly.

"It's okay, come here, but both sides are occupied by the two of you naughty, what do you want your sister to do?" I smiled and pinched the nose of Celus Ekolu.

"This is simple." They seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and they spoke in unison.

"Lilith is small. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep on dad?"


Although it is not impossible, but in that way, I am actually surrounded by my daughters, and the happy quilt is not covered?

All in all, this is it.

Smelling the fragrance of my daughters, my happiest daughter in the world, I fell asleep in the blink of an eye, only a little slower than a sleeping divine woman.

Early the next morning, the girls all got up, and there was only a lazy pig still asleep in bed. It seems that because the effect of the [Daughter Quilt] is so good, she refuses to wake up in a beautiful dream.

"Call the headquarters, call the headquarters, here is Air Force One. The target has been found, repeat it, the target has been found." A luminous body ghost that only woke up with him at this time. Standing not far away, pretending to talk to yourself.

"Here is the headquarters, Air Force One, starting the first plan. Prepare to attack and wake up the target at all costs."

"Air Force One understands."

At this point, the little ghost finished talking to himself. Then take a deep breath. Aiming at the target, she started to accelerate the sprint. She was like a floor exerciser doing the last move in the game. While sprinting, she continuously turned somersaults on the ground, then suddenly kicked hard and jumped high. In the middle of the air, I made a three-and-a-half-minute rotation with a high degree of difficulty of 1,800 degrees of tumbling, and landed steadily, without panting, without bending the waist, and the two slender stretches were straight, and my head was lifted up in a spirited manner.

"Report to the headquarters that the target has been hit."

In this way, the two legs were moved, and there seemed to be something stepped under the tiny jade foot.

I, Druid Wu Fan, Alliance Elder, Elf Prince, and the world's first daughter control, the world's first sister control, the world's first wife control.

At the moment, I am having a rare sweet dream, dreaming of my baby girls, Cyrus, Ecole, and little black carbon, which are constantly splitting into six, eight, eleven, fifteen, two Ten...

Then, in front of me, my daughter's ocean appeared.

They hugged me affectionately and called my dad in the sweetest voice~lightnovelpub.net~, kissing on my cheek.

Ten, one hundred, one thousand, I was completely buried in the sea of ​​my daughter, and I was inextricably happy.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the look of small black carbon was wrong.

Countless small black carbons, suddenly lowered their heads, it seemed to show a painful look, before I asked to understand, tearing, the clothes behind them split, and a pair of small devil wings opened from inside .

After that, Cyrus and Ecole disappeared like bubbles, and disappeared, leaving only countless small black carbons showing the wings of the little devil.

They slowly raised their heads, and the water-silver bangs on their foreheads blew high, revealing their noble arrogance, blood-red eyes full of contempt, sitting on the high throne, looking at me with the gaze of the condescending, the cross warped The raised leg stretched out towards me.

Because there are countless small black carbons, naturally, there are countless cute thighs stretched out.
