Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 1821: Big brother, 9 years!

When I got home, I immediately announced that I was going out to practice. Although the girls were reluctant, they did spend a lot of time in the camp after all these days. Although they went to the Hladik and took their daughter We have practiced for half a year, but in the eyes of others, this is all a matter of doing nothing. m

For a hard pressed pseudo-savior.

I’m afraid, if I don’t go out for a while, I will go back to the camp and there will be rumors in the camp, saying that I will be overwhelmed by the beautiful wives, and I will forget about my duties. The reputation of the girls does not allow them to be said to be Su Daji, and I have to walk around.

The matter was settled in this way. I learned that I was going to leave in the next few days. The time to go out was about two months. After returning before the start of the god's birthday, the little kitchen ladies at home immediately acted and prepared for me.

I also need to prepare a little bit. After returning from the Third World, I was a little slack. The more intense battle was the only one in the ancient tombs of Hradik and the princesses of Hradik in ancient times.

So I have to check the equipment and make sure I don’t know anything about it.

Seeing that the girls were busy packing in and out, I was inconvenienced and ran out. I started to dump the pieces of equipment down on the ground in the shade near the house and then sat cross-legged. Start to check the attributes one by one, durable, if they can be used, they must be wiped clean. Then put it in a place in the inventory, if you don't need it, put it in another place and wait for cleaning.

Since the return of the Third World. There is no income from equipment, but with the help of Uncle Rasuk, an extra hole is added to the knight shield to become a three-hole knight shield. Then inlaid with the rune language.

After hesitating for a long time, I chose the Rune of Word Rune Temple, which requires two No. 18 Runestones. And a 23rd Runestone [Mal].

Rune 23 [Mar]. I have one, which burst from the ugly Khan Bora. There is also one rune on the 18th. Later, I asked Tulakov to help me get another one. The required quantity.

In fact, I am reluctant because of these few runes. It is the only high-level runestone on me, and there is a 27th rune ohm, which is the fall of Yizuer, and it is the public property of my four sisters, Selna, Seattle, and Carlos. Is your own.

But no matter how precious it is, I always use it. After the big deal, I will go to the third world and get a few more runes to warm the nest. I comforted myself like this, and I made the Temple of the Rune of Words. I can't really be stingy, but change it to another rune language [the contract of the ancients]. For me, this rune language has been a bit behind, and it can't keep up with my strength.

After rummaging through the equipment pile a few times, I finally found this knight shield, and held it up high and shiny.

Templar of Akonan (Shield)

Defense: 416

Durability: 50-50

Strength required: 110

Required Level: 56

(Limited to Paladin)

+20% to attack again quickly

+20% faster block

20% increase the possibility of blocking

+220% defense enhancement

+250 defense against radiation

+1 Strength (Limited Paladin)

+1 Vengeance (Paladin Only)

+40 agility

All resistance +94

Notched (2)

36 additional attribute points

After looking at this shield for a long time, I was amazed again and again, leaving behind the attributes and not looking at it. The 416 points of defense alone are already worth the dark gold ancient armor I am wearing now-the silk of the victor.

As for the following attributes, I am too lazy to say anything. Anyway, it is a good thing. Each one is a gem. The most important thing is that the demand level of this product is only 56. I can use it now.

That’s right, this is the most important thing. When I go to the third world, I know what it means to wear real eyes and eyes. Almost every piece of equipment has a level requirement of 70 or more. Daddy is that, every time I go to the first When the trading market in the Three World Rogge camp came back, I would have to tearfully roll on the bed for a while.

After putting down the shield with satisfaction, I began to continue to check other equipment. Among the main equipment, the only better one was the dark gold ancient armor, which was replaced by Turakov with a perfect gem.

Most of the other gloves, shoes and belts were obtained in the third world, others do not want them.

Um, yes, that's right. It's my turn to be eliminated by others, even if it is this dark gold ancient armor that I am most satisfied with.

Thinking back then, I was still known as a pioneer of equipment, a trendy cloak man, and a rich elder broke out. The glittering equipment made other adventurous envy jealous, but now it has been reduced to using second-hand goods.

Kneeled to the great gods of the third world.

Thinking about it, I burst into tears, not even aware of the little Sarah crouching from behind.

"Hey~~~" There was a mischievous scare, and Sarah suddenly patted me on the shoulder, trying to startle me, a mighty man.

"Oh oh, I was attacked!!!" I screamed in horror and held my hand without looking back, holding Sarah Loli behind me and hugged me in front of me.

"Look at me to punish you little enemy." He said, rubbing the **** on Sarah's delicate face.

"Brother, don't, Sarah will not dare." Little Loli grinned and pushed my chin with her small hand, not letting me come close, and then squandered.

"No, the teacher taught us from an early age that we must deal with the enemy as cold and ruthless as winter." I showed a cold look and couldn't help but broke Sarah's defense and rubbed her face and neck for a while, rubbing The face of the girl, Youxiang, just stopped.

Little Loli looked at me breathlessly. After adjusting his messy clothes, he glanced white, the charming and gorgeous gesture expression, the sensational sigh of breath. Coupled with Lori's peerless looks and temperament, the attractive charm derived from the contrast brought by it really came to an extreme.

"I thought it was an enemy, it was my Sarah baby." An innocent expression appeared. I pretended to be silly.

"Huh, Big Brother likes to bully more and more." Sarah Jiao snorted, and the majestic red eyes looked at me with a soft smile.

"What's wrong. Is there a flower on my face?" I touched my face.

"Brother, I asked a question, and I must answer it honestly."

"Honestly. Of course honestly. In front of Sarah Baby, I am the most honest." I nodded busy.

"Big Brother, who was the soul connection with just now?"

I opened my mouth wide and froze for a while, then I rubbed my nose helplessly, turned my head away, and dared not face Sarah's tender eyes.

"This... it turns out that you can perceive it."

"Because everyone's hearts are connected. Of course, if you add people, you can feel it, and it's still so close."

"It's a bit careless." I laughed, and then looked straight.

"I feel good, just right, and I want to talk to everyone."

"Sister Tia, right."

Before I finished speaking, Sarah rushed to give the answer.

"How do you know?" I opened my mouth in surprise again, strange, my Sarah baby, when did you go to the detective training class?

"It's easy to guess. Big Brother thinks about it. The whole camp, the person who matches the conditions, is only Sister Tia. Big Brother can't always be connected to Beya's soul."

"Of course not, and that little girl? Don't joke." I quickly shook my head, thinking that if I was connected with Beya's soul and had a spiritual conversation with her, there would be a horror.

God, this girl princess was already barbaric enough. If you can communicate with your own soul, then you will be full of fire on yourself in the heart for a whole day of unhappiness. There is no way to tell.

"It turns out that, indeed, in the camp, only Tia is most likely to be connected with my soul." I suddenly understood and expressed my understanding.

"Then... doesn't that mean...Villas they also know?"

"Huh." Little Loli was cute and put her head hard.

"I also want to find a suitable opportunity to explain to you." I smirked and scratched my head. I was a little embarrassed, and my eyes were evading.

After all, even if it is unruly, there is no way to beckon to the girls casually

"To be honest: yo, I will add you new sisters, please.

"Big brother, nine years."

"What nine years?" I was immersed in shame, and asked Sarah in a confused voice.

"I should be the happiest, because I have just established a relationship with my older brother soon after I met him." Thinking of the past, Sarah was a little shy and sweetly murmured.

"Sister Velas's words, remember, yes, it should have been with the elder brother, lovesickness for almost half a year before being accepted by the elder brother." Sarah began to count.

"Sister Linya's words, it should have been almost six years. Coming with her brother, I am not very clear about the others, but I didn't spend as much time thinking about it."

"And Sister Tia." Pure and lovely expression, suddenly serious, the crimson pupil exudes the courage, suddenly makes Sara's temperament become majestic.

"Sister Tia, but waited a full nine years. We see that we are all anxious for our elder brother and feel sorry for Sister Tia."

"This...this..." I stared at Sarah without saying a word.

"So, don't worry about our feelings anymore, don't make Sister Tia sad anymore, can you? Big brother."

"Ah, you really are... I don't know what to say. If you pamper me like this, I want to bring back all the beautiful girls in the dark continent. Isn't it okay?"

For a long time, I sighed and put Sarah in my arms, touching it gently.

"That's a bit..." Sarah looked up, looking at me pitifully, like the abandoned animal.

"In case it really becomes like that, how long can the big brother's eyes stay on me?"

"That's why you are all idiots."

"No way, because the elder brother is a fool. So we have to become a fool." Sara closed her eyes gently, buried her head in my arms, and quietly enjoyed the warmth of the hug.

"What is this?" I was amused.

"Family story."

For a few seconds, I hugged Sarah tighter.

"This is your idea again. Why, I sent you such a little pioneer?"

"Because I am the youngest." Sarah slightly moved her body in her arms slightly, raised her head, and looked at me aggrievedly.

"Tongyan is unscrupulous. Even if I say the wrong things, I will not be blamed by my big brother, and I will not make my big brother think that I am jealous, so I am here, woo. It is clear that Sister Velas and Sister Linya are not as big as me. How old are you?"

"But a lot bigger."

"Woo! Actually, Sarah said the most minded thing, ignore you." Sarah mourned. Puckered his mouth and turned his head.

"Do you just want to grow taller? I haven't said that before. Such a Sarah, I also like it the most." I moved Sarah Little Loli's face in front of me and said with a smile.

"Sounds like comforting words." Sarah sighed in frustration, raised her body slightly, and touched her little hands on the slightly bulging chest.

"Even if I'm a girl, I know it. If my **** are bigger, the older brother feels more comfortable, right."

Seeing Sarah's sly behavior, I finally couldn't help laughing.

"Ah, Big Brother really thinks so, making fun of Sarah." Sarah burst into tears, and her glittering eyes were pitiful like a puppy wandering on the roadside without a master.

At this time, the best language is action.

Without a word, I put my hands against Sara's pretty face, lifted her face, then kissed her petite cherry lips deeply.

"Big Brother... Umm~~" Suddenly, Sarah pressed her petite body tightly and responded shyly.

"Me, I love Sarah's every inch and every point." Gently whispered in her ear, and I kissed again.

"Haha~~Haha~~This is... um ha~~ Big Brother usually said...Uh~~ usual said...lo*ic*n?"

"Well, the big brother is lo*ic*n, and she likes the little girl Sarah best."

It feels a lot sad that the bottle of ethics has shattered a lot, but it makes Sara happy, and everything is worth it.

Moreover, I was originally the first lo*ic*n in the world! ! ! ! !

For a long time, I suddenly noticed the slight movement, and I reluctantly moved away from Sarah's petite lips, and kissed her on her blushing face again.

"Someone's here~lightnovelpub.net~ Baby, let's go back first, don't let them see what you are like, otherwise I will suffer."

Now Sarah, with a blushing face, shortness of breath, and messy clothes, think about it. She, who was originally known as the first beauty of the dark continent, with such a gesture, what a tempting scene in the end .

Even if I was getting along with her day and night, I was fascinated by it and couldn't extricate myself.

With a delightful and charming white look, Sarah clenched her slightly open corset, slightly trimmed her messy clothes, and left quickly after leaving a soft kiss on my cheek.

This little angel... I touched the kissed place and watched Sara go away, my eyes full of tenderness and gratitude.

It didn't take long for a burst of hearty laughter to spread from afar.

It’s time for Seattle’s servant to have an operation on his big voice, or he will scare people to death sooner or later.