Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 2226: Cute


After escaping from the adventurous trading market in shock, I gasped for a few breaths and burst into tears. I looked at Karujie with the most sincere eyes of my life and solemnly asked.

"Karu Jie, although you are as maid's sense of responsibility and service, I am very touched, should not make such a request embarrassing you, but, in the third world, can you trouble you to dress up again? I can't explain it even if I have a hundred mouths."

"I'm very sorry, I'm in trouble for your Highness, I'll change it now." Karu Jie awed and bowed apologetically, looking around, couldn't find a suitable place, and gritted his teeth, it seemed to be making a difficult decision.

"It doesn't matter if you don't change it immediately, go back and change, go back and change!" I haven't been short of knowing Karujie, even if I didn't fully understand her, I saw her expression, and I knew what she was thinking and what she wanted to do. , Unable to stop laughing and crying.

This little maid, in order to meet my request as soon as possible, even wanted to change clothes on the street. Although I am very moved, although I am very moved, but you do not make me become a super pervert who asks my maid to change clothes on the street. Yet? It's more unacceptable than letting lovers walk in the maid's clothes and play shame on the street!

All in all, I took a group of people back to the hotel and waited for Karu Jie to change clothes in her room. Somehow I felt a sense of physical and mental exhaustion. I just slept all day but suddenly wanted to go back to the room. Head to bed and went to sleep.

quickly. Karujie, who changed her clothes, went downstairs and surprised the whole hotel.

A light blue knight skirt that barely covers her thighs, outlines a pair of slender white thighs and knee-length metal boots, giving her a strong and powerful pace. Oncoming, the speed was slow, but it made people feel as if they were facing the fearless knight who charged with a spear.

The upper body is a snow-white female shirt, a noble lace lace with a collar and cuffs, and a short-sleeved long-sleeved style, which perfectly complements the noble cavalier temperament of Kaluga. And slim waists and full breasts,

In this dress, a set of knight light armor covers her forearm, chest, waist and thighs, which is simple and practical. It also highlights the serious and majestic temperament of Kaluga that is somewhat similar to Altria, with a waist and purple hair firmly held in the back of the head, making Kaluga look more noble and mature, and all A touch of gorgeousness, just like a newly-married girl.

To put it simply, this is a set tailored for Calucci, which is particularly suitable for her knighthood. Serious and awe-inspiring temperament, and without traces, she could completely bring out her beautiful dress.

Seeing our eyes falling on her, Karujie blushed a little: "Sorry, let everyone wait for a long time."

"Not bad, Karu Jie, why didn't you usually see you dressed up?"

"Because I'm your maid's personal maid, it's natural to wear a maid's suit in front of the majesty." Karujie bent slightly and explained a little awkwardly.

"Really? What kind of clothes do you wear?" I was a little curious.

"According to different responsibilities, it is almost always dominated by maid clothes, supplemented by light dress. That is what your Highness saw when I went out to practice a few days ago." Karujie seemed to guess that I would ask like this, Answered unhurriedly.

"Understand, understand, what happened before?" I keenly noticed that she just said a word "now". There is now. That's natural.

"In the past, I was ordered by His Majesty and the Elders to have a period of experience leading the Knights in order to hone myself."

"I remembered it when you said that, Amludina was still your subordinate at the time, right." A slap in the palm, I remembered the faint memories of the past, remember that Amludina saw Kaluga At that time, did she really call her captain or chief.

"Yes, Amrudina is an excellent knight. Thanks to her assistance, I have never led the knights to fight, so I can quickly adapt to the environment and get everyone's approval." Karu Jie's smile fell on her eyes. Amludina.

"It's an honor to be a member of the Knights led by Lord Kaluga. It's just that the staff is ashamed of their appreciation of the Lord. They haven't helped me much. They can get everyone's approval. They are Lord Kaluga. My own efforts." Amrudina replied in awe, as a knight salute, straightening her body.

"Okay, okay, you two are very good, don't boast about it here." I interrupted with a smile, now I'm not in the Knights, there is no need to be so restrained.

"Don't dare to be." Karujie and Amludina spoke in unison.

"Karu Jie, you seem to have not answered my question just now?"

"Sorry, I was negligent." Calujie hurriedly answered the question.

"At the time of the Knights, on formal occasions, I wore the same dress as the previous calendar. If it is more formal, such as Her Majesty's inspection tour, you must wear a full suit."

Complete set? Refers to the twelve knight suit, understandably, I nodded: "So what about this dress?"

"Suitable for informal, occasions where dress requirements are more relaxed."

"It turns out that, for example, when you go shopping now, it's when you wear this set, right."


"Are there any other clothes?"

"Of course, for us, banquet dress is also essential, but I don't like to wear it, and there are not many occasions."

"Why, do you have many banquets for elves?"

"If your majesty also participates, I don't have to wear it."

I nodded, and Calucci said it was reasonable. She was Altria's personal maid. If Altria attended the banquet, she would naturally follow her in a maid's suit.

"When will it be worn?"

"Only when your majesty is busy and can't take the time to participate, will you wear it as your twelve knights on behalf of your majesty." Karujie answered the questions in a simple and clear way. It made me realize.

"However, I am not good at dealing with these banquets, so most of the time the other twelve knights are represented. For example, Sister Milas is very good at dealing with it. Only when everyone can't get away. I will represent Her Majesty the Queen. participate."

"In this way, it's really not easy to see how you look in a dress." I laughed, deliberately showing a very regretful expression.

"In memory, I only crossed three times, but..." Karu Jie's face was slightly red, and her delicate and lovely chin lowered her point weakly.

"If your Highness wants to see it, Calujie can show it to your Highness anytime, anywhere."

"Uh cough! Cough cough cough! That... I will say it later, and I will have a chance."

I embarrassedly coughed hard, who, Benzi, what stare you. Even if I'm flirting with a girl, you can't control it? And Aiwaer, don't think you will be invisible, I won't find your eyes.

"Your elven tribe is really pretty dressy on all occasions." Feeling a little embarrassed and ambiguous, I quickly changed the subject.

If it's me, I'm definitely a cloak walking around the world, so just wear something else when you get married. Anyway, there is nothing too formal for the league, what? You said that the elders would meet? Wasn’t that the Farah VS Kane Fighting Conference, or the capitalist crush labor training of Akara, or the sleep-over plan for the old drunkard?

"The etiquette and attention of our elves are indeed more numerous, and Your Majesty has also been troubled by this, but it will be impossible to solve it at one and a half times. Fortunately, it has little effect.

It really has little effect on those of you who have never forgotten, but it is a nightmare for me, a guy with a 486 processor and a 1.44M internal floppy drive.

"Other than that?"

"There are pajamas, but in order to cope with emergencies at night. Shorten the reaction time, immediately enter the fighting state, and pajamas are rarely worn."

"Pajamas are indeed the same, but I don't want to ask this, do you have any other personal clothes?"

"Private clothes?" Calujie seemed very strange to the word. Confused expression pondered, shook his head confused.

"Sorry, what is your private clothes? On what occasions to wear them? Can Your Highness teach me?"

I was asked to kneel by a series of questions from Karujie, and it turned out to be Altoria's maid.

"Amludina, do you know?" I turned around and looked at Motou Niang with a trace of expectation.

"Sorry, my subordinates are just as strange to the term "private clothes" as Master Karujie." Amrudina looked at me with a cute and cute look, as if to say, wow, Your Royal Highness , Even understood such profound words.

Okay, two life idiots found out.

After this conversation, I already know what to do next, the goal is no longer confused, and a group of beautiful girls went straight to the clothing store.

"Karu Jie, look, how is this dress?" Third-world shops have very few clothes styles and colors, but also lack the kind of light and flirty, suitable for beautiful girls, gorgeous, durable and functional. The Lord, for example, various hunter outfits, civilian outfits or something.

There are good fabrics to buy, but when I look at my hands, I carefully recall my life to confirm whether I have missed the powerful setting of "home technical house tailor".

As a result, the fabric was wisely removed. Perhaps Auntie Lili would see her clothes are all kinds of exquisite. Then please come to her, or you can buy it from the elves of the first and second world.

Now... I will do it first, at least let the two idiots in front of me know what private clothes are.

"Is this private clothing?" Calujie tilted her head and asked curiously when she took the slightly rough and slightly dressy dress from my hands.

"Yes, that's right, this is it." I'm pretty sure.

"Your Highness please tell me, when will you wear these personal clothes?"

"It's all called private clothes. Of course I wore them in private time."

"It turned out to be so." Calujie seemed to understand, and then appeared disturbed: "But I don't have personal time."

"How can there be no private time? Occasionally, there is a little time that can be freely allocated?"

"If there is such time, I will choose to make something delicious for your majesty, or help your majesty clean and clean the bedroom."

"I get it, I get it, in short you accept it first." I burst into tears. Sure enough, it was Kaluga.

"How about you?" I turned to look at Amludina.

"What is His Highness?"

"private time."

"Is it the use of private time? It is of course to go to the training ground and constantly hone yourself. Only in this way can I become a qualified knight by Her Majesty's side."

Amrudina said shiningly in her eyes, and in order to increase her persuasion, she made a shield-waving gesture.

I completely kneeled for two people~lightnovelpub.net~ The owner of the clothes shop seemed to cry too.

"Karu Jie didn't make a difference. He and He could accept His Highness's gift." It seemed to me that I wanted to explain not only what my private clothes were, but also wanted to buy them for her.

"You just think of this as an order." I was too lazy to argue with the old-fashioned Calujie about the question of what is possible and how to do it.

"Yes, Calujie will love it." The little maid held her clothes tightly and was very moved.

"Not only to cherish, but to wear often... Forget it. Anyway, I'll find some suitable ones later." I rubbed my chin and wondered whether I was going to make clothes for Princess Twins. Design your own set so that the tailor can do it for Calucci.

But that's a lot of engineering, pro, I did it for Calucci, and other girls would naturally do the same. Let's put this idea aside for a while, maybe you can go back to the first and second world and you can directly buy something suitable for Karu Jie to wear.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)