Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 2227: Don't run cute!


"This... the mask is long-legged?" I turned back, pointing at the mask that slammed into the bushes and asked dumbly.

"Sir King Arthur!" Amrudina and Karujie exclaimed in unison.

I reacted in an instant. The little short legs that are exposed under the mask, who is not the little king?

The next second, I made a sorrowful roar, rushed towards the bushes, a wicked dog rushed up, plopped with thorns, but found that the [mask] had jumped on the branch, like a ninja, constantly Jump between branches and leave quickly.

How could you let your boss run away!

Pulling off the thorns on my body, I jumped up, followed closely behind.

This little little king, a fast thief, was obviously wearing a mask larger than her, but was constantly rushing back and forth like a gust of wind, and occasionally jumped out of the jungle, passing the street, and saw a [lion face] looting in the air Even the calm adventurer said that he couldn't calm down, and he jumped everywhere, clamoring.

"Block that mask, she is a thief!" My eyes rolled, reminding the adventurer in front of him.

Just in front of us greeted a team of five big and three thick adventurers who exuded a muscular brilliance. Without saying a word, they lined up, propped up their muscles, and laid out an oily muscle wall. Blocked the entire street.

Xiao Wang didn't look at Wang. He decisively turned a ninety-degree turn and stolen his booty through a narrow alley that was difficult for dogs to pass through.

Cunning little guy, see where you are going!

I shouted. I jumped straight up and followed from the top of the roof, only to see this small spot drilled immediately after a turn, another turn, and in a blink of an eye rushed into the store, if I respond quickly. Following closely, now she has lost her trace.

Seeing that Little Dot King is drilling into the store like a little mouse, I did not hesitate to follow up. After a while, the whole store was already in disarray. The shelf goods fell to the ground, and the troubled little king did not have any place to hide, and he rushed out of the shop and continued to rush towards the nearby forest.

After leaving a word to the shopkeeper who wanted to cry without tears, I gritted my teeth and continued to keep up.

This nasty little king. You've made me angry, and if you go on like this, don't blame me for bullying you.

For a moment when he entered the forest, with the white light flashing, the demon moon wolf stood out in the scattered light, and suddenly accelerated, catching up with ten times faster than before, and side by side with the little king in the blink of an eye.

I catch!

With a hand of fishing, the lion mask seemed to have long eyes, and evaded my arrest sensitively.

As expected. I didn't think that I could grab this slippery hand king and watch my hands and grab it! Grab! Grab!

The two arms of the demon moon wolf witch turned into countless afterimages, and they kept grabbing towards the lion mask, but I caught fast. King Arthur’s flash was also fast, and she felt that she had firmly grasped it several times, but she just carried a huge lion mask and drilled my Wuzhi Mountain from an impossible angle.

Taking a peek at the big one, if it was me, I ran away with a mask twice as big as my body, and there were two giant hands next to me who kept catching me.

Worthy of being King Arthur, but... what about this trick?

With a swipe of his fingertip, an ice wall suddenly appeared in front of him to block the way.

"Dad!" With a sip, a white light as thin as a needle emerged, and the ice wall broke open a hole just for the mask to pass through.

With one hand, take a look at my extra thick ice wall!

In the blink of an eye, another ice wall with a thickness of up to three or four meters was blocked in front of the little king.

"Hada!" Another small white light like a needlework pierced out. Such a thick ice wall still did not resist the penetration of this small white light. Once again, a big hole was broken, and the slippery figure of King Arthur quickly entered. .

It's now!

With a fist clenched, the ice hole that was drilled instantly freezes and freezes, and at this time King Arthur has only drilled half of it, naturally being frozen inside the ice wall.

Heh, this time it's time to catch your hand, little one.

I was trying to catch the little king in the imprisoned ice wall. Unexpectedly, countless white lights were shot out of the ice wall, and then there was a bang. The ice wall was blown into countless fragments and even a second. Unable to hold back, King Arthur raised his two short legs and ran again.

Running and running, running and running, not a few steps, suddenly, the wooden lion mask cracked from the center, and fell into two halves to fall to the ground, revealing the little king below, she kept her hands raised, holding Wearing a mask pose, he was shocked. He looked at the corpse of the lion mask in two halves, as if he could not believe the truth.

It is also an expected thing. This is just an ordinary mask, which can stand up to King Arthur walking around with it at such a fast speed, and then frozen by the ice wall, which can support up to now, it is already Nokia-level quality Too.

Don't care, Wang Ke didn't care about this. When she saw that her beloved mask was broken, she stayed for a few seconds, and suddenly her mouth flattened, and she cried.

"It's broken, Ben Aang's fancy mask is broken, it's all the fault of the stupid mount. The stupid mount pays me, pays me, and gets killed!" With a toothpick sword, he rushed towards me with great force.

I went, it was you who stole the mask first, and then ran away in spite of my pursuit, making the whole street and a shop a mess, and finally I made a decision. How can I blame me?

King Arthur was not a reasonable person. When she saw her fierce, thinking of the fierce effect of the toothpick sword digging a fountain on her head, I fought a cold war, and suddenly he was alive.

See my goddess scattered flowers! ! !

Dozens of lion puppets threw them out over the top of my head with a loud shout. In the face of the more lovely lion puppets, this little king did not have the slightest resistance, and his body changed again without hesitation. Skimming towards the nearest lion puppet, one, two, three, her speed drove to the maximum. It was even faster than the demon moon wolf and witch, and I was shocked to see it.

This little guy, was just playing with me just now, otherwise where can I keep up with her?

Before the last lion puppet fell to the ground, King Arthur held out his toothpick sword and held it firmly. She sat down with a contented handle and made a small body, happily rubbed on a lion puppet that was about her size, and then collected it in the inventory.

Seeing this scene, I am speechless and looking at the sky, wouldn't you just put the lion mask up like this?

"Humph, don't think that a few lion puppets can make Ben Ang angry. The idiot's incompetent mount, but the means is still tender, Ben Ang won't easily forgive people."

After receiving the lion puppet, King Arthur took the bowl to eat meat and put down the chopsticks to scold the mother.

"Really? I don't have more than that on me. It turns out you're not that rare, forget it. I'll throw it away." I pretended to be disappointed and turned away.

At this moment, a thin flash of light flashed through, and I subconsciously tilted my head and happened to hide.

"Stupid mount, hand over all the puppets." Looking back, Xiao Dou Wang pointed at me fiercely with a toothpick sword and ordered.

"How can you do not give you?"

"Ben Ang will tune the mount well until the mount is obedient." King Arthur raised his chest proudly.

"Really? What if I get angry and burn these puppets with a fire?" I smiled at the little one. A fire storm brewing in the palm of my hand, seems to be telling her to try if you can train me faster, or will I burn the puppet faster?

Wang Xiao stayed awake, and his adorable eyes gradually became wet. Then his mouth crooked and cried.

"Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooungung mounts if you're bullying the owner's booby mounts and the **** fool mounts dare to bully Ben Ang, who can't spare Ben Ang and Ben Ang can't spare it, so you must tune it well, tune it well."

With that said, the little guy was sitting on the ground with his ass, and the toothpick sword was thrown aside, and he was fooling around.

"It's really impossible to get you." Shaking his head, even though I'm dying of this hand king?

Came to King Arthur and squatted, holding her in the palm of her hand, and carefully wiped the tears from her small face with her fingers.

I remember that Knight Mippa told me that when I see King Arthur next time, I will be stunned by her changes. What do I think of it now, there is no change in King Arthur. Became more crying and more coquettish.

"Don't cry, don't cry, see, lion puppets, all for you, how much you want." Seeing Xiaobudian Wang's tears couldn't stop, I turned my hand and pinched a lion puppet, shaking it in front of Xiaobudian Wang Shaking is like coaxing a baby.

With a bang, when I still suspected that it was an illusion, the lion puppet had disappeared in his hand, and he looked up, and saw Xiao Xiaodian Wang Yi patting on the stomach with satisfaction, as if he was full, and then small hand A moment on his face, he started crying again.


Those who have seen rogues have never seen such rogues.

"You can't be so boring." I was angry.

"Ben Ang is not rogue, not rogue at all, the fool's mount is wrong, and the fool's mount is just a rogue." The little guy stared at me with milk and milk.

"If you do this again, I'm welcome."

"Different mounts, what do you want to do to Ben Ang? Come here and see how Ben Ang teaches you."

"Very good, I don't magnify the trick, I will give you a normal attack, eat me a rubbing face!" said, I grabbed the little King Arthur with a thunderbolt to prevent her from running away, and then The face that had been prepared for a long time was put together.

It's so soft and cute, I can't help thinking about it every time I see it.

"Oh, the big face of the idiot's mount is rubbing over. The greasy face of the face rubs on Ben Ang, and his face is covered with it. Don't click, don't click, so disgusting, who will save it? Save Ben Aang!!!"

"It's too late to apologize now, I rubbed me rubbed me!"

"Tianzhu Da!" As a result, King Arthur was furious, and the toothpick sword in his hand didn't know when to return. From the palm of my hand, a few swords were on my head [opened], more than ten ways The blood-thin pillars, as small as needles, bloomed on the head like fountains.

"Sometimes my IQ will be played by you like this." I looked at Xiaoyoudian with a faint look.

"The fool mount is already a fool, and has no IQ to flow, no." King Arthur fought the battle and raised his toothpick sword high. I happily made a few laps, then jumped lightly and jumped on top of my head.

"Return, Ben Ang returns to his position and fits with the mount. This is Ben Ang's complete body, an incompetent mount, and Ben Ang orders to rush forward."

"If you let me rush forward, I rush forward. Isn't I very faceless? I don't want to. I want to walk backwards." I said, I really walked backwards.

"The disobedient mount will be punished. The punishment is." Wang Xiao was angry, and the small hand grabbed the grass like I was pulling grass on my head.

Damn it~lightnovelpub.net~ I forgot how she still has this trick.

"Okay, don't pull it out, don't pull it out again, and you'll get a big bald head when you pull it off!"

"Ben Ang's orders are absolute. They cannot be resisted."

"Yes, I will rush forward."

"Ben Ang changed his mind. The mount has to walk backwards and backwards."

"Throw you into the river oh bastard."

Back to the street with Little Dot King, they merged with Kaluga, and nodded in the face of their excited and inquiring eyes. Compared to a boo gesture.

This is not a place to talk, go back and say it. As for the little king, she finally recovered her mount throne, but it took only less than a minute to be thrown into the cloak hat behind me.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)