Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 368: start to act


I bounced from my chair suddenly, staring at Snoop for a while longer than the old man, and then sat down thoughtfully, yes, deep in the memory, the game scene has been separated for almost 9 years Come to my mind again,

In the game, at the third level, Curast, it seems that there is such a task.I have forgotten the specific content, but after the reminder of Snoopy old man, I am vaguely re-remembered, but let What impressed me most is the task reward, which is a potion that permanently increases life. I can’t remember how much the specific increase in value, so I remember it so deeply, because when playing at the time, I can do this task more than once. Brush health. (network)

Thinking of this, I began to calm down slowly. If it is expected that the old man of Snoopy should be able to develop successfully in the end, then for me, it is a great thing for the entire league, and I can get a precious life. Value, who will refuse, the question is whether the golden bird can keep it in the future after the raw materials are saved, no, this is not my concern, let the old Snoopy and Akara worry about them, I think most What I know is how much help this permanent life-enhancing potion can bring me. If it only adds 1 life and only the first bottle is effective, then I will.

Seeing the other party calm down so quickly, Aike also felt a little incredible, even if he is a civilian, even if the permanent life increase potion is invalid for the civilian, but he is just an adventure, it is impossible not to know the preciousness of this potion Go for it. In exchange for other adventures, I am afraid that he has lost his reason and faintly. Aike feels that the other party is not an ordinary adventure, and he also blames himself in search of the golden bird. It’s been half a year since I left, so I don’t know what happened to Kurast recently. I didn’t know in advance what kind of person this druid named Wu Fan is.


     The large living room was surprisingly quiet. Both me and the old Snoopy thought about things with their own hearts, and only the intermittent finger tapping echoed in my ears. For a long time, I finally came back to my mind. The permanent life increase potion in front of my eyes hasn't been written yet. It can be completed in an instant in the game, but this is not a game, even if there are formulas and materials, I am afraid it will take a long time. With this time to consider this matter, I might as well think about how to support the actions of the elves in the future. ^^  ^^

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It seems that I really want to think more recently. I have to look at the other day to see if there are whiteheads. However, some necessary things still need to be understood. Speak slowly.

    \"History... Grandpa Alco. I don’t know how long it will take to develop this potion of permanent life increase?"

\"Well, I don’t know much about it now. I have to read the formula inside to understand it, but according to the records in the handbook, it will take at least a month. With the formula, I think it should not be a problem in development. The most critical I still need to spend some time to study the composition of the materials. I don’t want to make only one or two bottles, hehe..."

     is playing with the golden bird. While searching through the thick handbook he had brought out, the old man Snoopy pondered for a while before he laughed.

    \"It’s so good, this potion of permanent life increase is of great importance to our adventure alliance. I just have free time these days. If there is anything I need to help, please speak."

The time of a month is still unexpectedly short.It must be known that the miser, even if they have the design of Tarasha, plus most of the power of the Master Guild, it will take a year to see the optimization of remote transmission research. Come out, of course, the difficulty of these two is not at the same level.

    \"Well...Okay, no problem."

    Aike froze for a moment before answering dumbly, what kind of character this young man is, the kind of light upper tone, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary adventures.

    \"However, I have a condition, which is also regarded as the reward of this golden bird, that is, after the development of the potion for permanent life increase this time, I must all belong to me."

    \"This...well, I promise you."

After hesitating for a moment, Aike still nodded his head. This payment looks a bit lion-speaking, but regardless of the formula and the materials are provided by the other party, it seems reasonable to take them all. It is only enough to develop ten bottles, and the failed products have not been included, and after the composition of the material is studied, the permanent life increase pharmacy is not particularly rare, so in this way, the other party is just ahead of other adventures. It's just a matter of obtaining. Presumably, the value of the golden bird land is not excessive. (network)

    \"If there is nothing wrong, then I will say goodbye first, then I have to go to the alliance to find the mage to help."

     Seeing that both sides had obtained satisfactory results, Snoopy's old man looked at the golden bird, his eyes filled with research fanaticism, and once he sat up, he couldn't wait to go back and practice his own ideas.

    \"What do you do to find a mage to help, do you need many assistants to study this recipe?"

     I was surprised to ask, if this is the case, then it is easy to handle. It is absolutely not a problem to use the elders' rights to order them to let those mages do a favor.

\"No, I’m looking for a mage to crack the protective magic circle on the golden bird. This is not what I am good at, so I still let them come more reassuring, but if there are a few mage to help during the study, then It's better, but before this time, because it was a matter of great importance, we had to inform the Alliance to obtain the approval of the elders. Our person in charge did not have the right to call the Master at will. Oh my God, it would take a lot of time here. It's a headache."

    Snoopy looked over her head with a distressed expression and said without a head or a tail.

\"Wait, let me sort out first, you mean, because the increase of potion for permanent life is very important, you must first report to the alliance and get approval assistance. Then you can find the mage to crack the magic circle on the golden bird before you can start the research. , Right?" I also have a headache, can't this old man speak well?

\"Yes, that’s how it is. Although I don’t think the alliance will refuse such a good thing, but using remote communication to report one back and forth will take a day and a day, and it will waste a whole day, oh, I just feel worried when I think about it this way."

     is just a day away, there is no need to exaggerate so much, I just looked at it and beat my chest. Snoopy, who was rolling all over the floor, was speechless for a while.

    Right, I suddenly clapped my palms, aren't I the elders? Then it should be no problem to deal with this matter. As the old man Snoopy said, Akara they will never ignore this precious potion. I just let this anxious old man start research in advance. \\\\\\\\\\Thinking of this, I coughed a few times.

    \"Grandpa Eco, maybe I can help."


The dejected old man Snoopy looked at me with puzzled eyes, as if he couldn't understand what this \"help can help" really help, it is estimated that he could not think of anything, like a young adventure like me It would be one of the few elders in the Adventure Alliance.


     I nodded my head, as the so-called ears are false, the sights are true, and I do not wait for him to ask more. Then he took out the emblem of the elders that Akala gave to me, that is, a chapter of white scrolls, and unfolded gently. A golden magic badge emerged from the scroll, slowly rotating and projecting into the air. Extremely beautiful.

    \"Yeah. No, this is indeed the elder badge..."

    Old Snoopy stared at the golden badge floating in midair. It seemed to me that I couldn't even see it here, and then my expression suddenly startled. After recovering, he slowly saluted me.

    \"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an elder, but it was just too disrespectful."

    \"You don't doubt young people like me, how could it be the elders of the alliance?" I asked with interest watching the reaction of Old Snoopy.

    \"Oh, the elders laughed, every elder badge was locked, not that I couldn’t open it at all." Snoopy said with a chuckle.

    It turned out to be the case. I remember that Akara did tell me that I couldn't see that Snoop knew much better than the old man.

    \"In my current capacity, I should be able to help."

    \"Yes, yes, of course, you have an old man." Listening to me, the old man Snoopy was immediately excited, so that he could start the research one day in advance.

    \"Okay..." I collected the scroll badge in my hand, then suddenly froze, and asked the old Snoopy awkwardly. ^^  ^^

    \"So, what should I do now?"

     is really embarrassing, but this should not blame me, after all, this is the first time I use the badge certificate.

\"Oh, this is very simple, as long as you write the permission handwriting, cover the elder badge, and give it to me to the Master Guild." The old man Snoopy froze for a while, and then smiled knowingly. .

So, under the guidance of old Snoopy, I took out a blank scroll, gripped the quill pen, and began to draw on it, finally wrote it, and then signed it, put a badge on it, OK, permission The handbook is completed.

Looking at the earthworm-like text on this hand, I smiled embarrassedly.In the past, my own words were considered to be neat, but since crossing, I have never touched the pen again. Coupled with the geological material problem of the blank scroll in hand, even if it is calligraphy, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to write good characters in strokes. .

But the old man Snoopy didn't seem to take it seriously.He didn't look at the crooked words and shook his head like those old men who hated iron, and thought about it. Who knows how to practice calligraphy deliberately, it is already amazing to write words.

Holding my hand-rolled notes, Snoopy old man left happily, and also told me to come and see it one month later, looking at the staggering figure he hurried away, I shook my head with a smile, still really a The cute research man is much more honest than the miser and Aegis.

     looked back, and now the little princess was silently following me behind, with a clever look and bright yellow eyes watching me blink and blink. I couldn't help but smile slightly, stepped forward to hug her unwilling thin waist, and kissed softly on her soft lips.

    Elixir for increasing permanent life is really a good thing. I really hope that it can increase a little more life. In this way, I can rest assured of their safety.

Three days after the visit of Old Man Snoopy, the list of adventure teams participating in the operation, as well as the situation of the grouping, was finally completed under the efforts of Thorne day and night. When they saw them, they were all one by one. With dark circles like national treasures, I, the big idler, was naturally despised by them collectively. =  ==

     is on the list. Including the transfer team and the use team, a total of 412 adventure teams, a total of 1994 adventures, Thorne divided the 412 teams into 45 groups.According to the previous decision, each team of 7 teams was 5 transfers. Squad and a mercenary squad. Each team acts, and 45 teams have again formed three brigades, which are responsible for support in three directions, and the elite team will be unallocated on average in these three brigades.

     Some people may ask, each group of 7 teams, a total of 45 groups, is it not only 315 adventure teams? Where are the other 97 adventure teams?

     That's right, this is indeed the case, but this is also something that can't be helped. Because the transfer team is no longer enough, the remaining 97 teams are all mercenary teams, and there is no transfer to the side. With their strength to face the elite blood beasts, it is easy to cause casualties. Neither Thorne nor I would like to see this result. After all, this time I went to assist the elves, not to train troops. Unnecessary casualties should be avoided as much as possible.

    However, the remaining 97 mercenary squads are not idle. After discussing with Thorne and them, we decided to let these mercenaries form an intelligence team, which is responsible for transmitting the intelligence contacts between the groups.For example, to report to me about the situation of each brigade and each group. Quickly contact the nearby group for assistance, even act as a scout, etc. It looks like errands, but it is very important, so although they can’t directly participate, they will also receive generous rewards after the action.

So in the early morning of the next day, still in the original central square, nearly two thousand adventurers stood below, breathlessly listening to the old man Thorne whispering on the stage, and a terrifying fighting spirit spread from them. , And then condensed together to cover the whole square, as if the air was a bit heavy, and even a pair of Thorne who learned to dress up was attracted by this fighting spirit, and the sound unconsciously also aroused a lot, from the stage. It was obvious that the adventurous faces were flushed with excitement, and the moment they were looking forward to finally began.

After half an hour of crooking, Thorne finally stopped contentedly, walked slowly down the stage, and stayed quiet for a moment.Suddenly, a huge white shadow jumped from behind the stage at an incredible speed, like an arrow of light. It landed on the platform steadily, and when it touched the ground, there was only a soft whine, a strange pole, almost all adventures thought they were hallucinations, obviously such a huge body, so fast, why only light The light \"swoosh" sounded as if a sharp sword had been slammed down without breaking a wire.


From the white shadow mouth that jumped up, a majestic and loud roar filled with Wang's breath reverberated for a long time, as if it had turned into a substantial airflow, and it was faintly confronting the momentum condensed by thousands of adventures above. In a moment, all the adventurous faces changed drastically, and he took a breath of air, and even with a "\" sound, all took a few steps back.

     shock, absolute shock.

The demon king's momentum, even from the white shadow on the stage, exuded the demon king's momentum, which is much more powerful than the strongest enemy they have encountered, the demon king Andariel, and all adventures are involuntary. In the face of such monsters, can your team win?

At this time, the adventure began to calm down, and carefully looked at this powerful \"uninvited guest", they were horrified, standing on the stage, turned out to be a ghostly wolf creature that looked like a druid summoned, just too Big, the four giant ghost wolves summoned by the genius Druid last time are already huge enough, but now, this creature looks like a ghost wolf is even more than half of the four giant ghost wolves, It is more than twice the height of an ordinary ghost wolf.It is a very oppressive body.Even the tallest barbarian standing in front of it will produce a sense of fear that can't help it. The eyes are not interesting, the gloom of the ghost wolf is replaced by the majesty of the king. Can not help but a thought emerged: the king of wolves, this is a proud and untamable king of ghosts and wolves.

However, in the next moment, they were shocked again, because they now think that the unparalleled king of ghosts and wolves is still sitting alone, and the proud wolf king is willing to serve as a mount. ?

When they saw the coming person clearly, they immediately sighed that it was him, even the genius Druid, and yes, probably only this kind of genius is most likely to become the master of the wolf king.At this time, the adventures wake up-- - No wonder he only summoned four giant ghost wolves in the last battle of the ring.The original giant wolf king of the devil level is the hidden trump card.I thought that was his real strength. Again and again hiding such strength, so that they are shocked again and again, what is the limit of his strength?

In this, it is necessary to count that the Lucia team's mood is the most complicated, the face is slightly red, and the battle of emotions is only the other party letting himself.If the wolf king is summoned at the beginning, he may insist for ten seconds. No, Kut and Dika are far away from each other with a helpless smile. Phoenix, who is standing alone in a corner of all people, has the most normal face. He has already been shocked~lightnovelpub.net~ With an adventurous and shocked look under the stage, I smiled with satisfaction, and the four ghost wolves jumped behind him, standing behind Xiao Xue, lined up like a most loyal and powerful soldier, exuding a strong breath, steady Thousands of adventurous earthquakes under the stage were captured.

    \"I don’t have much to say, only one sentence..." The condescending glance took an adventurous look, and I spoke slowly.

    \"Every one of you is the backbone of the Adventure Alliance, so I hope you can protect yourself and put your life and your partner’s life first, have you heard?!!!"

    \"Oh----" The last sentence is screamed out, and the adventures in the audience are subconsciously echoed.

    \"Then everyone, I wish you all a great victory and return home with full load."

     Pulled out the golden crystal sword, and I pointed it away, facing the endless virgin forest.


     At the next moment, with countless golden and blue weapons raised, the cheers of the sky filled the sky, and the action finally began. As soon as it reaches 00: 00, it is immediately restored, the telecom grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse grass mud horse!

    PS: I am not in a mood to change it today. I will talk about it at noon tomorrow and go to bed.

(www..langlang book)