Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 421: set off

    \"Has the experience been smooth? By the way, how about the other four teammates, how are you getting along with them?"

     stepped on the small gravel under his feet and walked along for a while. I smiled and asked Linya who was a half step behind me. [m]

    \"Of course no problem, our team is the strongest in the whole Rogge, Brother Wu?"

    Akara was not there, Linya was a little calmer, and there was a touch of liveliness in her tone, which made me feel more like a little girl next door.

    \"It’s okay, stumbled into Kurast, where it was mixed for a while, it was also an eye-opener..."

     I will outline the actions to support the elves in Kurast. Of course, I did not feel good about myself as a person in charge, but only focused on introducing some things of the elves.

    \"Elves, I really want to see you."

    Grandma is a princess of hundreds, but Linya has never seen what the elves look like. At this time, Linya's eyes are full of longing, and she can't wait to follow her own footprint and see the legendary elf family.

    \"When you arrive at Kurast, you will naturally see it often, and the elven family is not as mysterious as others’ legends. It is basically similar to our human beings. Don’t expect too much."

Looking at what Linya was expecting, I couldn't help but be a little funny. I was probably like her at first.I was full of curiosity about the elven clan, but after I really saw it, I couldn't say that I was disappointed. I just felt mysterious in my mind. The elves are everywhere, and there is a sense of madness that "Suddenly found that his solemn collection of rare products has been mass-produced, and the stalls are all selling".

    \"Is that right? In this way. I’m slightly less expecting it." I winked mischievously at me. Lin Ya Jiao laughed. Suddenly found something similar. Looking up at me curiously.

    \"Ah. I almost ignored it. Brother Wu, how many levels are you. Actually arrived at Kurast."

    \"Hmm... 36 levels." I grabbed my head. Said embarrassedly.


    Linya looked at me when she discovered that the adult was lying.

    \"Is there... any problem?" I was uncomfortably unconscious. Could not help asking.

    \"The problem is big!!"

     Her small mouth swelled at once, and said angrily.

\"When we met for the first time, you lied to me that I was a novice, and then it’s okay to apologize. In the second time in the wilderness of the stone, you said that you were 13th grade and waited until you and Master Akara came to my house. Secondly, I have reached Lu Gaoyin, and now I have reached level 36. In Kuras, which one should I believe?"

    Khan, so far-off things, I didn't expect that she still remembered everything. It seems that she can't lie to the Master in the future, these people remember thieves well.

    \"I didn’t even lie, Linya." After thinking about it, I looked innocently at Linya with my eyes, the conscience of heaven and earth, but I told the truth.

    \"Then how do you rise so fast, can it be said..."

    Linya wanted to say that I ignored the experience skills, and blindly brushed the level, but half of it was wrong, because I am a person who has experienced it. If there is no experience skills, how can I get to this step.

    Everyone has their own secret. Linya was silent and her eyes were a little sad.

    \"Brother Wu, when you first met, you said you were a newcomer, and you didn’t lie, did you?" After a moment of silence, she asked with her head lowered suddenly.

    \"Yes, only in the wilderness of the stone, I was afraid that you would not believe me, and I lied about myself, I’m sorry, Xiao Linya."

     Seeing Linya lower her head, I thought she was sad and angry and couldn't help explaining.

\"No, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t believe Brother Wu’s, you won’t lie to me, right." With a bright smile, Linya raised her head and said, those eyes flashed clearly. Feelings of peace and joy.

     Woman's heart, I can't get it.

\"By the way, this time I got a lot of fruit from Kurast, and some clothes. I originally wanted to send them to your house. I didn’t expect to meet them here, but I don’t know those clothes... "

     Speaking of which, I took a subconscious look at the tall chest protected by Lin Ya's arms. Although I have tried my best to the tailor's shop owner, probably... the size may still be a little tight,

    \"Big Brother Wu... pervert!!"

    I noticed Lin Ya's eyes, her arms could not help tightening anymore, her face was full of shyness.


    Linya, you are really wronging me, you are holding your chest, and you want to cover your eyes and fall to that part involuntarily.

    \"You...what do you usually do when you fight..."

    The words spoken without the brain just fell off, and I regretted rolling straight away. Wasn't it clear that I was just peeping at her chest? Sure enough, listening to my question, the blush on Linya's face instantly burned to her white and beautiful neck.

     The atmosphere was dull for a moment...

    \"I...I usually, I...was tightly tied with cloth...tape...not to hinder, but it is more urgent today..."

     finished the trembling speech, Linya shamefully wished to bury her head in the ground, and she also desperately complained to herself, how to tell the other party this kind of thing. [m]

I couldn't help but smirk. The question I just asked was equivalent to asking the other party what kind of bra he usually wears, not to mention in the dark, that is, to return to the original world that is open to a hundred times. Linya was so accommodating to me, of course, I knew she was definitely not a casual girl, so she was even more moved.

    \"Yes... That’s right, those things are still at home, it’s better to go with bras." In order to get Linya out of embarrassment, I said in a panic.

\"All right."

    Linya seemed to want to recover herself, so she responded casually, and then the two of us walked straight toward the direction of the Master Guild. After halfway, our minds were completely awake, but at the same time regretted.

    Oh my god, Velas, Sarah and Little Ghost are all at home. There shouldn’t be any problems taking Linya back. I thought so.

The reason for Linya's remorse is the same as mine. I haven't been mentally prepared at all, so why did I rashly agree, and I am still in this embarrassed state, what can I do now, go to what to say Fortunately, what attitude will they treat themselves?

But it was too late, and the small white tent was already in front of me. Naturally, it was impossible for me to let Linya go back at this time, and Linya could not open her mouth. Stage fright.

     So, we ran into Velas, who was teasing the two little white sheep.

    \"Vilas, I am back."

     As usual, I waved at her, but the movement was a little stiff, but instead, the calmed Linya, gently smiled at Verras, with a natural look, he was worthy of the heir of the big family.

    \"Sister Velas, bother."

     Actually, Linya and Velas are not necessarily big, but little Velas is quite married, and it seems to be more mature, so it makes people feel that this sister call is taken for granted.

    \"Where, Miss Linya is visiting our hut, welcome is too late."

    It was just froze for those 001 seconds, and Verras also reacted, revealing the gentle smile and beautiful temperament that made Linya sigh as well. You know, she used to be a barmaid.


     Hearing my voice, the two little angels, Cyrus and Ecole, flew out of the tent immediately, rushed head-on and hung around my neck.

    \"Dad......Dad?"   No matter how calm Linia is, her face is stiff, you know, no matter how these two babies look at the age of ten, I’m such a big daughter.

\"Is such that……"

I quickly introduced it in her ear. After listening to my explanation, Linya’s vision of looking like a twin has also changed. Women’s feelings are always rich, especially for cute things, the age of the twins and Temperament can undoubtedly stimulate the motherhood of women to the utmost.

     originally wanted to hug a twin, but Lin Ya thought of what she was like now, but couldn't help but sigh with regret, instead she was a twin, and looked at Lin Ya with curiosity and big eyes.

    \"This sister is so beautiful." This is Sirius.

    \"Well, but what does she keep holding her chest?" This is Ecole.

     \"Uh", Linya was ashamed with a big red face, I quickly coughed a few times, interrupted the baby girl \"whispered" discussion.

    \"Linya, come in and sit down."

    \"No, Brother Wu, I..."

    Linya, who was full of shyness and charm, moved more and more under the glorious setting of the setting sun. She put a hand on her chest, and seemed to remind me of her condition.


Seeing her embarrassed look, I don’t know that it’s not the right time to greet you, and it’s okay in front of me, but in front of others, especially in front of Vera and Sara, she must not lose face, even if I don’t How to understand a woman's heart, but this is also clear.

    \"Vilas, where did the clothes I brought to Linya last time go, oh, yes, and the fruits in the cellar are also picked out and tasted together."

At a critical moment, I have to rely on the universal housewife Velas. Everything in the house is managed by her. Every time I come back from the outside, there will always be a copy of Linya. What she also knows, So it's nothing wrong to say that, just different from the past, Linya's copy is now taken by herself.

    \"Well, sir, I know, Miss Linya, please wait."

    Despite some doubts about Linya's unnatural and anxious appearance, Xiao Velas nodded cleverly and entered the tent. While she had just entered, two people got out and were Sarah and Little Ghost.

    \"Sister Sarah, how are you?"

Linya smiled and beckoned to Sarah.She was also one of Rogge's three beauties.Although they didn't care about such a name, they were curious about the other two, so Sarah and Linya didn't How did I meet, but there is still some understanding of each other.

    \"Are you the elder sister Linya who is often mentioned by your elder brother?"

     has a beauty that makes angels sigh so badly, blinking crimson eyes and looking at Lin Ya curiously, even Lin Lin's brilliant smile for a while looking at Allure was slightly stunned.

\"Who is this……"

    Linya looked at the little ghost, whether it was the holy beauty of the other party, the action floating in the air, or the slightly shining body, it was enough to make her curious.

    \"Alice, my other wife, she is a ghost."

    \"Yes... is that right? Hello, Miss Alice, bother you." The word "wife" dimmed Linya's expression, so that she heard the other party as a ghost and was not surprised.

     Soon, Velas brought Linya's gift out. After receiving it, Linya hurried away after saying goodbye to everyone. Today is undoubtedly a very happy and embarrassing day for her.

    However, her suffering has just passed, and mine has just begun. Facing the eyes that the three pairs are not tortured rather than questioned, I entered the smirk mode.


    Velas sighed while covering her cheeks, I knew this expression.

     Sarah looked at me, looked at me, kept looking at me...

But what surprised me the most was that the little ghost who didn't care about this kind of thing turned pale, staring at Linya's disappearing direction, shaking his body a few times, and suddenly turned around and rushed into the tent without saying anything. Here, the pace of leaping away is a bit heartbreaking.

    What happened, how could she react the most, I quickly put down the twins to catch up, hesitated for a moment in front of the little ghost's room, and finally gritted my teeth and pushed the door open.

Inside     , the little ghost froze in front of a floor-standing mirror, two small hands supporting her fullness that I couldn't put it down, marking the size.

Huh? Can anyone tell me what is the situation?

    \"Oh~~ Damn it, I actually lost again."

     Suddenly, she buried her body in the bed and rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled.


    \"What happened to Sister Alice?"

     followed by Velas, who came up and asked worriedly.

    \"It's nothing, let her struggle, she will definitely not be able to eat it for dinner today, so she doesn't need to prepare her share." I said indifferently.

     However, after the little ghost was so distracted, Linya's affairs were exposed.

Ten days after     ......

     Today is the day when Linya and Akara and I discussed the departure, so early in the morning, in addition to the daughter who went to the priest training camp, even the usual little ghost who liked the bed most often also got up early.

    \"You must be careful when you experience."

I wore a cloak of adventure, I do not know how many times I told them, the full set of golden equipment for the three people has been given to them, although the little ghost does not have a suitable priest book, but the root is in the mysterious refuge. The dark gold mage rod exploded on the body of Nelson is stronger than any priest's book.The near-horrible probability of stealing mana attached to the rod is completely a constant source of mana, which makes the sacred realm of the small ghost persistent. Get a great guarantee.

In addition, there are ten rings robbed from the dead dog. I gave 2 to each person. One ring provides absolute protection of 5, and two are 10. Even if you really encounter any irresistible danger, it is enough. Let them open the return scroll and escape.

    Xiaoxue They and the oak wise man were naturally left by them. Such protection can be said to be foolproof. If anything goes wrong, then I have nothing to say.

    \"Adult should also be careful."

    Velas stepped forward, carefully organized my clothes, eyes

    'S tenderness and worries were revealed.

    \"Xiao Yuli, they will come to you."

     I nodded solemnly towards Princess Sanwu. After I left, she, the 23rd-level ice master, was regarded as a teacher and a person in charge.

\"rest assured."

     Sakura lips slightly vomited, still her signature simple and indifferent answer, but the difference is that this time it was unusually firm and powerful, let me see the determination in this simple word.


     I looked down at the little ghost, and said distressedly, of all the people, I was the least worried about her.

    \"Woo~~Why? Hurry up if you want to go."

     The little ghost with red eyes wiped his red eyes, said fiercely, but the two sobs in front of him sobbed and wheezed, causing her momentum to plummet.


     I wanted to go, but you had to take your hand away from my clothes first. I lowered my head silently, looking at the little hand that held my cloak tightly.

    \"Look...what to see? It’s your cloak that sticks to my hand, but it’s not that I won’t let go."

     found the spot where I looked, and the little ghost was still dead.

Seeing that swollen face, my heart suddenly softened. After the self and the small ghost met, she seems to have never left her side. To say something that may be more narcissistic, my existence is her pillar. I am not sure if she can accept this separation.

    \"Good, I will definitely bring you a gift when I come back."

     looked at the little ghost holding his clothes tightly, and turned his head away, like a troubled child, I couldn't help but hug her into my arms.

    \"I’m not that rare."

     The body in her arms struggled a few times before quieting down. After a while, the cry of a small ghost whimpered suddenly.

\"Woo, Xiaofan, I don’t want to leave you, I also want to walk with you." As if the dam opened the gate, the little ghost who vented his emotions in his heart raised his head, and his delicate face cried out. , I see pity.

    \"I will be back in at most two months, okay? This is also for our future considerations." I was so distressed, I hugged the little guy tightly, and almost agreed softly.


It took a while for the crying to stop slowly, and I pulled the shoulder of the little ghost and looked at her seriously: \"Little boy, after I leave, please be obedient, don’t be awkward, and, what happens later, You have to learn to solve it by yourself. Your biggest shortcoming is being lazy and relying too much on others."

     Actually, the little ghost is quite clever, but it's just too boring to me. It seems that the sky is falling down and I am too lazy to be nervous. Anyway, I have to bear it. Usually, that little cleverness is used to fight me.

\"Woo~~ I don’t want it, I just want to get tired of you, I want to rely on you, I just don’t want to leave you, is this bad? Xiaofan, don’t you want me anymore?" Listen to me, little ghost The tearful eyes are overflowing again.

    \"Good, whatever you want, as long as you are happy, my little baby."

     I coaxed to say helplessly, but in my heart was warm, which man did not like his woman who depended on herself wholeheartedly.

    \"But Xiaofan, don’t worry, if you are away, I will learn to be independent and I won’t worry you."

In this way, the little ghost suddenly showed an intellectual and gentle look, and his temperament suddenly became mature and stable.The slim and petite body exuded a holy glory that could not be ignored.It made me slightly stunned.I can hardly believe that this is the usual total It's a little ghost who is tired of being coquettish.

     Perhaps this is the true side of her as a saint.

After saying goodbye to the four girls one by one, I turned around, took a deep breath, and strode away in the four burning eyes. After a while, I came to the meeting point that I had negotiated with Lin Ya in advance. over there. Unexpectedly, her four teammates also stood beside her.

\"I'm coming."

     The female paladin first discovered me. In other words, her name was a little vague.

    \"Lord, our family Lin Yake will leave it to you. Seeing me stepping forward, this mature paladin elder sister immediately stood behind Lin Ya and pushed her gently in front of me.

    \"What are you talking about, Sister Milasi."

The blushing Linya turned her head and glared at her, but I subconsciously looked at her breasts, eh, although the scale is still "magnificent", it seems to be a little smaller than yesterday, and there is no R Shake +;?

    Cough, of course, I am just pure academic research.

But they don't think so, after discovering my eyes, Linya glared at me, subconsciously clasped her chest, the blush on Qiao's face was even more glamorous, and was reminded by her movements, the one called Mirasi The girl also showed ambiguous [very pure and ambiguous] smile to me with the villain's heart on the belly of the gentleman.

    However, she looked straight and showed a serious face, and looked at the other three people, Qi Qi and Lin Ya and I stepped away.

    \"After everyone's deliberation, I, Paladin Milasi, now announce the official announcement on behalf of the entire team, remove the former team captain Linya, and expel the team, hereby declare."


    Linya's eyes widened, thinking that the other party was joking. In the Dark Continent, expelling players from the team is a very serious matter, which means that the expelled players will not be accepted by other teams.

\"Xia Linya, it’s up to you. You have to take advantage of this opportunity. Didn’t you say you won’t lose to anyone? Of course, in case of a real failure, then we will be in Lugao After waiting for you to return to ~lightnovelpub.net~, after a serious expression, Mirasi showed the cunning smile of the elder sister again, and gently said in Linya's ear.

    \"Sister Milasi, you..."

Linya was shy and looked at Mirasi with a smile.She didn't expect that the other party would say such a serious thing as eviction from the team so easily, and thought that she had done something bad. Cry out.

\"Lordia, Linya will give it to you. Don’t let her down. Oh, Linya in our family, the chest can make all the men..." After finishing the talk, Mirasi got to my ear again. Whispered.

    \"Sister Mirasi!!!"

     came behind Linya's mad roar, causing Milasi to shake violently, trotting with her tongue out, and looking back, Linya's face was almost ashamed.

    \"Sir, Linya will leave it to you."

     Male paladins Koja, Druid Fatais, and Assassin Mies also came over and patted me on the shoulder lightly. The man didn't need much language.

     However, have you made a little mistake? Watching a group of four people leave in Lin Ya's tears, I scratched my head and thought.


    Hou, tomorrow's seventh birthday, there may be no time code words, try to be more chapter, I hope everyone will forgive me. ^_^

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