Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 842: Surprised! Invincible fighting...Muppet


Seattle's axe kept falling. Or being constantly photographed, every second of movement is like a white horse, and a dozen strokes have passed in the blink of an eye. Outsiders can only see clearly that the two groups of fuzzy shadows are moving strangely, and it is difficult to see the situation inside.

However, Carlos and Salna, who are bystanders, are not ordinary people. Although the confrontation is fierce and high-end, it does not prevent the two from grasping the situation, but the scene in front of them makes them feel a little speechless.

With Seattle’s belligerent personality, naturally these two men have fought and practiced with him hundreds of times. The power of Seattle’s axe, Carlos and Salna, know.

For Carlos, in the face of Seattle’s axe, he can only rely on instantaneous step away, but this is not safe, because Seattle’s explosive power is too scary, and the powerful instantaneous sprint speed derived from the barbarian’s jumping skills is enough. Catch up with the pace of instantaneous.

Therefore, in the battle with Seattle, Carlos was always drawn into the melee consumption by this guy, and in terms of melee ability. There are very few professions in the world that can match the barbarian. Carlos is quite disadvantaged. For Seattle’s axe, he uses his sharp shield to defend at most, and then uses his instantaneous step by step. Gaining the initiative to fight, for Carlos, his initiative is to allow himself to choose whether to leave the terrifying melee axe of Seattlek at any time.

Therefore, the battle between two people depends mostly on who can take the initiative in this battle.

As for Salna, although the agility given by Amazon does not help her in close combat, it can surpass Seattle grams, but in Seattle grams’s axe-blade **** offensive, the dexterous body technique, especially the magic flash, micro flash, which only advanced Amazon can master It made her more than Carlos.

In addition to the sharp gun skills, Salna’s bow skills are not inferior. The turning point of her battle with Seattlek depends on whether Seattlek can force her to avoid dodge, or whether she can Launch your own long-range attack power.

Both of them have their own ways to cope with Seattle. In the weekday combat practice, Carlos has a slight loss to Seattle. The winning rate of Seattle is between four and six points to five or five points, and Salna’s winning rate is the opposite. Now She has also reached the peak strength of the pseudo-area, and her superb bow control skills, which can control the field, often make Seattle scream.

However, no matter what these two people think, they never imagined that in this world. There is still such a way to deal with Seattle-even with a pair of big palms (bear paws)? And it's a big palm that looks very furry and soft, so it's hard to beat? ! !

Of course, no matter how the weapon is used, it can’t be compared with the two big hands that are really connected with their own flesh. However, the hand also has the huge disadvantage of the hand. Aside from the poor attack power and attack range, the hand The biggest disadvantage is fragility. No matter how hard you exercise, how can you compare with weapons? This is the perception of all adventurers.

Even an assassin who is proficient in martial arts has to put two fist blades, claw blades and other weapons on his fist.

The scene in front of me has completely surpassed the understanding of Carlos and Salna. The seemingly bloated is more interesting and cute than the fighting strength. It has a terrible fighting reaction that makes Sarna also sigh. It’s just dexterity. The pair of stuffed palms that seem to be stuffed with cotton can fight against weapons.

The problem is, now these bear paws even shoot away the axe that Seattle has fallen! What is this concept? When you think Seattle is a soft-footed crab, is the falling axe weak? That is the momentum and strength that each axe is like a hill! !

In other words, while these seemingly harmless bear paws have the same hardness as weapons, can they easily fly a small hill? What is this power?

Think of this. Carlos and Sarna also marveled at it.

When the two of them exclaimed, the situation in the training ground finally changed. It was the speed that even lightning was mourning. With the roar of Seattle, even Carlos and Salna were not there. See what happened exactly between the electro-optical flint.

After the two men saw the situation clearly, they were shocked again.

Seattleke held two axes high, and fell on his opponent mercilessly. If he was hit, even if he was a field-level master, he would fall into dizziness even if he didn't die. The horror blow out.

However, the two axes carrying a mountain-like heavy momentum stopped when they fell on each other's cartoon-like bear head, which was too large as a cartoon, only one centimeter away.

The difference between the difference and the loss of a thousand miles, I am afraid at this moment can best reflect the helplessness and unwillingness of Seattle.

Because, two axes were made by two bear paws and were tightly clamped in the palm.

It's the first time that this type of move can only be successfully exhibited to opponents if they are above a qualitative level above their opponents. Seattle has never used it before, but it has only been used. This is the first time.

His tattoos were so daunting that his face was covered with unbelief.

To use this trick, it is not enough to be higher than a qualitative level of strength, and the power has to pass the level. For example, a domain-level mage cannot rely on his own pair of palms to know how weak he is. The tenth-level barbarian enters the white blade with his bare hands.

That is to say. The opponent has a qualitatively higher level of strength, and even the power of Seattle is inevitable. This has always been full of confidence and pride in his own strength-in fact, the previous opponents have never been savagely savage with them. How can people accept Seattle.

He blushed and poured some strength on his hands, so that the weight of the two axes gradually increased in kilograms.


Even the uncoordinated realm of the mutual match before Lien Duo also exploded in the full burst of Seattle. His pseudo-realm with a light black and red atmosphere instantly covered the whole audience.

The power on the axe raged again with amazing numbers.

Seattle's entire face has been simmered in a purple sauce, two strong arms entangled with muscles, the muscles are still swelling, one third thicker, full of green muscles on the top, and you can even see the blood inside boil. Out of the white mist.

But no matter how much force he exerted, the double axe in his hand was still resisting him, and he was caught between the bear's paws and immobile.

He gritted his teeth and gave him a look. Almost spitting blood, the cartoon bear head seems to be able to be removed at any time, and there is no expression at all from the top. Is the other party also gritting his teeth to resist his own strength, or is there still a margin? Can't see at all.

The pair of chubby bear ears shaking from time to time, as well as the black glaring eyes that reflect the innocent colors of glass, made it look more hateful than the look of more than even a disdainful expression! !

Suddenly, resisting his power suddenly loosened, he felt the two big axes in his hand and was swinging under the force of his full burst.

Sure enough, the other party was also at the end of the crossbow, only that **** ridiculous bear could not see it at all.

Seattle is happy. Can't help shouting out, adding another strength in his hand, the powerful strength brought him great confidence-even if there is a hill below, his axe can be split in half.


The next moment, he suddenly found something wrong.

What about the ridiculous bear's head?

Isn't it just a centimeter? It should have been hit.

The wary Seattlek looked down and saw a cute bear leg, which was zooming in from his bottom to the top...


Quite dramatic, Seattlek kicked under a foot, soared into the air, sprayed with blood mist, and his body was spinning like a pile of three hundred and sixty degrees, turning and turning until it fell to the ground. , Still like a drill bit, burbled a big pit in the ground before it fell to silence.

With a snap, the bear paws flicked lightly and threw the two golden giant axes still in their hands on the ground, then stepped forward, looking at the bottom of the big pit, and the upper body was upside down in the underground Seattle. .

"Is it alright?"

Carlos and Salna got together and looked at Seattlek, who was stuck in the ground like a scallion, and with a smile, Carlos asked.

Shake your head, shake your head.

"Brother Wu, you... can't speak yet, do you?"

Carlos hesitated for a moment before seeing each other's movements.

Nod, nod.

"No wonder, the druid is hard enough, and he has to practice speaking again."

Carlos said with emotion, at this time, the Seattlek under the big pit also had a movement. I saw his arms as thick and strong as elephant legs, pulled out from the ground, and then supported the ground and pulled his upper body out. come out.

"Bah bah ya!!!!! It's a terrible loss."

Seattle spit on the side. While patting the dust on the armor, I can't see much frustration on my face. From this, it seems that after the contest to untie his heart, his persistent and twisted mentality for fighting has been eased. A lot, a lot.

"This is a fact that should have been psychologically prepared," Carlos exhorted.

"Don't say that Brother Wu has broken through to the realm of the field, if not, you were not as miserable in the previous battle?"

"How can it be compared!"

Seattle grams gave Carlos a stare.

"That was the speed at which Wu Xiaozi's moon wolf turned into a strange place. I was confident about melee combat, power, and combat response. This time, I lost all things miserably."

He said this, a big square face full of back waves pushing forward waves, the front waves died on the beach in vicissitudes of frustration.

"That's how it was, all aspects were suppressed very miserably."

Carlos narrowed his eyes, recalled the fight just now, and then nodded his head. He was amazed by the super close combat ability of this doll bear in front of him. In the past, the entire first and second world, it is estimated that only Mr. Kasha could be in Suppressed Seattle in the melee, and now it seems that in the melee, it is Mr. Kasha...

Now it's just a breakthrough in the field... this is really a monster.

Carlos kept shaking his head and was hailed as a genius among geniuses. When he saw the monsters among the geniuses, he also had to envy and envy. Perhaps he is the only one in the alliance who can break through the state of the world. .

Carlos suddenly thought of this, and finally for the first time so coincided with Akara's ideas-no wonder the Alliance pays so much attention, and it is no wonder that it can be hailed as the Gemini of the mainland, this entire continent has only two honors.

"Brother Wu, can you let me try too?"

Suddenly, even Carlos couldn't understand why this sentence came out of his mouth, perhaps because of envy, jealousy, or perhaps just wanting a simple insight into the strength that completely suppressed Seattle grams, he couldn't do it himself. understand.

Nod, nod.

The other party agreed to his challenge.

"it is good."

Carlos took a deep breath, although he couldn't figure out why he did it, but since he had already spoken, then do it.

"Seattle lost so badly, I don't think it's your opponent anyway, so don't waste much time, you just take my trick... how about... how?"

Carlos Zhiwu said a few words, and he still couldn't speak out the name of Beidou's affectionately chopping off the whole disability, and he hated it forever! !

Nod, nod.

"Then I'm welcome."

After speaking, Carlos pulled out his long sword gently, and finally exhaled slightly. The people standing around him suddenly felt that his breath had completely disappeared, as if it had become a grain of sand, a stone, a bunch The light, if not the eyes, can't imagine that a big living person is standing here.

With the hands holding the sword gently leaning back, the tip of the sword is facing down, Carlos' eyes are like a pool of Qingtan ancient wells, rippling with cold and ruthless colors, the whole body exudes the calmness of the ancient sword, and it can burst out sharp at any time. Jianguang breath.

In an instant, he seemed to have completely dissolved into one with the sword, no longer distinguishing each other.

The pair of clear, slightly condensed pupils reflected on their opponents who stood opposite to them without any pose.

It seemed that there was a zipper on the back, and the brown puppet teddy bear, which could be pulled out of a person and was attractive to children, was his current opponent at any time.

Flaws, there are flaws everywhere, not the feeling that there are no flaws because of too many flaws, but it is indeed full of flaws, the other party is standing there quietly, and the huge bear head is always the pair of keepers With a half-smile look, there is no momentum, no strong feeling.

Carlos now feels like he is facing an ordinary person, and even gives birth to his own idea that as long as the vane gently wields the long sword, the faint sword light produced can kill the other party.

But thinking about Seattle’s end just now, he quickly wiped out this undesirable enemy.

At the next moment, his eyebrows flickered gently, without the binoculars before the move, almost without any warning, and moved.

Super instant step! !

White fever! !

Then revenge! !

The three are stacked!

Beidou is affectionate! !

At the same time, Carlos disappeared in place, and at the same time, there were several big pits on the straight line between him and his opponent who stiffly stepped out.

Also at the same time, Carlos appeared in front of his opponent, and at the same time, he held the right hand of his long sword swing, and was opened by a bear's paw. The long sword stayed over the opponent's shoulder with a slight distance.

The plush bear standing on the spot without any fighting posture is as abrupt as Carlos suddenly disappeared. I don’t know when the right foot has taken a step forward, deceiving forward half a meter, that is This half-meter distance changed everything and completely disrupted Carlos' attack.

Then, the cartoon-like giant bear's head was slightly biased, and the left palm slapped Carlos's wrist from the inside out. With a shock, his feet sank slightly, and then Carlos' right hand with his long sword Stay in the air.

This series of actions on both sides makes time seem to become void and ethereal, and it is impossible to perceive the passage of time, and everything is over.

Even seeing the moment when time suddenly returned, Carlos maintained the posture of wielding his long sword, his right hand was blocked by a bear paw, and his body was suspended in midair.

Then, the time seemed to return to normal from extremely slow. The opponent stretched out another bear's paw, holding Carlos' arm holding the sword, turned around, and fell perfectly over the shoulder.


Carlos's body fell to the ground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ hit a big pit on the ground, but such indirect damage is far less shocking to him than his heart.

Blocked by the grid, completely blocked by the grid, even if the moon wolf is transformed, although it is also not afraid, but in the face of this trick, he can only use the speed to dodge away, but now, it is completely blocked by the front , Just like Seattle, all aspects of losing the individual are unfinished.

"Hahahahahahaha~~~, you are pretty miserable."

Carlos patted the dust on his body, the sword fell, and he jumped up from the big pit. As soon as he found a comrade, Seattlek stepped forward and patted his shoulder and laughed.

"Go, I'm not as miserable as you."

Carlos gloomyly snapped Seattle's big hands...


Last night, the voltage across the city was low, the cat kept blinking and couldn’t get to the Internet, so it was a tragedy. Today 1W5 is even more, and two chapters will be issued in a row.