Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 843: Hotel guests


\"Yes, Brother Wu, your strength is far beyond us. If you expand the field, even if Seattle and I join forces, I may not be able to win you. Probably Cheng Zhi Carlos, who is a three-person team, looks at the corners of his eyes gently. A glance at Salna. [m] The other party coldly turned the spear in his hand in a circle: \"I said, the weapon in my hand will never be aimed at his brother’s joint skills? If this is the case, even the corporal punishment of the Queen series will be banned together. Give me a stuffy teddy bear with a spitting face.

  \"That's a pity, Seattle Ke and I have tested Brother Wu's melee ability, and I want to see how Brother Wu's long-range confrontation and magical confrontation are."

   Carlos gave a rather regretful smile. He and Seattle were not as staring as Kasha. They were good at melee long-range magic. Originally, Sharona was the best test object. But she said so, and it seems that she can only wait to return to the camp to find Kasha to test a few other items.

   On the other side, I kept shaking my head. Are you kidding me? I can't do it even if I just practice it, just like Selna. I can't think of her as a fighting pair at all


  Sister Salna came away with her spear, and looked at me up and down, suddenly opened her hands and hugged her, her body fell into the furry body, rubbed it back, and then raised her head contentedly.

  \"Well, yes, very comfortable."

   The round bear ears flickered as if they sensed the crisis. My heart is cold. Sister Han, would I keep this posture when I wanted to sleep? Let her sleep comfortably! !

  \"Never mind, this kind of love will be left at night. Now it’s urgent, younger brother, please try your other abilities first. The use of this body is still very rusty."

   Send away arms. Sister's beautiful face that made the elf stunned suddenly froze, and the majesty of the queen sprang out naturally, making it irresistible.

   I nodded, and it was clearly covered up very well. I didn't expect it to be seen by Sister Sarnah.

   Actually the two battles just now. I am also a little bit baffled myself. It seems that everything is responding instinctively to my body. I did it naturally before my head responded.

That kind of feeling is like the evolution of a four-legged animal into a two-legged human being.It naturally steps out without any hesitation and awkwardness, and then suddenly recalls why when walking on four legs, it feels like walking this way. Is it impossible?

  In short, this body has a stronger fighting instinct than blood bears, as for other abilities. For the time being, only a huge improvement in melee combat ability can be determined.

   is completely different from the previous blood bears who used pure range to suppress opponents. When facing opponents such as Carlos and Seattle, once they were close, I could only push them back, so to speak. Faced with melee soldiers of the same level, the melee ability of the blood bear turned into zero.

However, the current posture of the field, although it looks like a fat man, harmless to humans and animals, can be seen after pulling a chain from the back after easily hitting it, and the toy puppet bear of the big living person has With the powerful melee ability that can defeat the entirety of Seattle grams and Carlos, one of the best in the first and second world.

   There are many things I want to confirm about the status of my domain.

   For example, to what extent can this powerful melee combat ability, degree, response. Strength, sensitivity, etc., these vital ability factors must be understood.

  For example, the blood bear's powerful long-range ability, powerful turret ability, and powerful recovery ability, how much he has inherited, like the blood bear energy cannon, air compression punch, and flame energy cut. There are also infinite fire feathers, cannons among bears, and so on.

   Now that the realm of the realm of the realm of pseudo-realm has a powerful fighting ability, I am a little worried. Obtaining such a powerful ability has also sacrificed some other advantages of the blood bear?

   There is also the most important point, what is your own domain attribute? Is it still the **** pseudo-realm of blood bears? After being promoted to the field, are there any other functions?

  After combing like this, I suddenly appeared. After the original breakthrough of the network to the field, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax. On the contrary, it is just the beginning. The new capabilities of the field have to be explored little by little.

   And my realm of realms is different from other adventurers. The realms of other adventurers are developed from the pseudo realm, and they certainly have the characteristics that many pseudo realms have, so that new forces are also easy to get started.

   and his realm is completely different from the pseudo realm. The size suddenly became smaller, and the appearance also produced a huge change [Dianzhu Change], which was originally the biggest weakness of the fighting ability. It seems that the body changed into the strongest item. These sudden changes [Dianzhu Change], let me be equal to It is necessary to explore from beginning to end.

   It seems that there is no more than half a year, and it is impossible to tap and become familiar with this body's ability. I thought with such sorrow in my heart. Then, under the supervision of three evil instructors, I began to practice.

   And what I don’t know is, live on the other side

  \"Dear Sister Alukaki, hello."

  Riken and Hans ran head-on against Alukaqi who returned from the Flying Fish Bar in Gemini Sea with a disappointed face. The two immediately stopped the quarrel that continued from the halfway, and they performed a graceful manner.

  \"Hello, honorable adventurer, may the divine glory be with you

  Alu Kaqi pressed down her inner disappointment. The same priestly ceremony with the same smile.

  \"If you can, just call me Luca.

  Alu Kaqi seems more obsessed with the name. Almost every adventurer who greeted her would say this, but it’s a pity,

  \"Don’t dare to be, please call us Rick Hans. Sister Alukaki’s nobleness and selflessness make me wait."

   was ignored again, and his request was ignored again, Alu Kaqi mourned in his heart.

  Bal and Kira followed Ricken and Hans. After saying hello, the two sides greeted a few words, and Rickenhans asked some things about the pastor that everyone wanted to know. Alu Kaqi also answered one by one skillfully. then,"

  \"That’s right, Sister Alukaki. Do you know where Elder Fan is?"

  At about the same time, Hans suddenly asked aside, thinking in his heart that the younger brother Wu was an alliance elder, and he must have a leg with these pastors "maybe know where the other party went.

  \"Elder Fan? Are you looking for elders?"

  Alu Kaqi slightly tilted her head in confusion. The occasional femininity in the holy beauty made some big men feel as if they could marry this gentle and watery female priest. Not only is it a great happiness for men, but the team can also provide multiple strong support, which is a two-for-two thing.

Of course, these guys don’t know that Arukaqi likes Carlos, and their opponents "No, it should be said that if they really want to act, then the thing they have to face is to be in the heart of Alukaqi. Compared with the perfect Carlos, who is in love.    As a result, I don’t need to explain more.

  \"Strange, just now the elders are still here

  It was just before the time of a tea that Arukaqi was here to learn from the elder population that Carlos often mixes with the flying fish bar in the Twin Seas. Then he hurried away and returned disappointed.

  \"It seems that we are good at the net and missed the disappointed look of Ricken and others.

  \"Do you have anything to do with the elders and elders? If it's something important, and believe me, I can give a notice on behalf of the elders when they come back."

  Alu Kaqi saw the other party showing a disappointed look, thinking that there would be no important things, so he smiled and suggested.

\"Sister Arukaqi, of course, we can trust. But it’s not a very important thing. If Elder Fan returns later, can you trouble Mother Sister Arukaqi and say to us, Hannah?" When the sun went down about an hour ago, a small saxophone concert was held. If time is up, let's go and see. Aleus is looking forward to his arrival. "

  \"Is the saxophone accordion? Really amazing. Miss Aleus must be a master. The saxophone player is not as easy to learn as other musical instruments."

  Alukaqi gently folded his palms and exclaimed with a soft smile.


Paladin Bar, who was standing aside, couldn't help but spit out, Aleus seemed to want to retain a sense of mystery for everyone before the concert, so these days are early and late return, it is said to be in the gravel wasteland outside the city Engage in secret for a few days. No one was heard.

  Bal’s worry stems from the information he heard in the bar these days about the collective riots of monsters in a certain area of ​​the gravel wasteland at any time. The subtle sixth sense makes him secretly smell an unknown atmosphere. After discussing with Hans, they were laughed at.

  \"Oh, does Sister Alukaki also know the saxophone?"

Hans glared at the troubled Barr, then smiled and looked back at Alukaqi.After all, the other party praised his sister, and Hans absolutely did not mind and create opportunities to say a few words to Alukaqi. .

  \"Where, it's just my mother" will be a little bit. When I was a child, I often listened to her. Now I hear the name and I feel very missed.

   Closed her eyes gently, as if remembering the melodious music of childhood. After a while, Alukaqi opened her eyes and smiled sweetly at the four.

  \"Relax, I will tell you the truth to the elders if you can, but if the high level can allow me to make an unreasonable request."

   Seeing Hans and others show a listening look, Alu Kaqi said softly.

  \"Perhaps, if I can spare time, can I also be allowed to listen to the beautiful music of that lady Aleus together, maybe one more person,"

\"Of course, although it is only a concert held within our two teams, but if it is Sister Alukaki, no matter how many people you bring. Even if you bring the adventurers of the entire city of Lugain. We are welcome. ."

   Four big men smiled suddenly, but. If they knew that Carlos wanted to bring Carlos, wouldn’t they be so happy to laugh?

  \"That’s so thankful."

  Alu Kaqi salutes slightly, and after saying goodbye to the four, he went upstairs.

  \"It’s such a beautiful woman Ricken sighed as he watched the disappearance of Alukaqi\"口※

  \"Good character."

   Hans thought about the murderous scene of a ghost of a light body that he saw some horror evening half a month ago. Contrast with the present Alukaki's smile. Suddenly felt that there are still good women in this world.

  \"Huh, it seems that I Bar will get rid of the bachelor's title." Paladin Bare's index finger gently rubbed his chin, his white teeth, and he took a cool posture.

  \"Don’t you think it’s more appropriate for Sister Alukaki to be with a gentle mage like me?" Kirasao took out a mirror and comb and gently combed his head.

  \"轰  !!"

   There was a loud noise and the whole hotel shook violently. The neatly arranged teacups and bowls rolled on the table and fell to the ground with a series of broken sounds.

\"what happened?"

The four quickly stopped their delusions, and the figure flashed out of the hotel door and looked towards the practice field of the solidarity office.It suddenly fell to an unprecedented immense momentum, just like a substantial shock wave rushed from the practice field to the sky, and the entire sky The clouds broke through a huge mouth.


   murmured and looked at each other. I could vaguely guess who could make such a big deal.

   Could it be that Brother Wu has made another breakthrough?

   The last time he defended the city, he had made all the adventurers shudder and pale scarlet giant bear posture, and the momentum he exuded was not as powerful as the one just now! !

Following the other curious adventurers, the four also ran in the direction of the practice field.If you look down from the heights at this time, you can see Lu Gaoyin's complicated street like a sister net. The torrent, this torrent is flowing towards the training ground at a point on the edge of Rugao City.

  However, when the four arrived at the entrance of the scraping camp, where a large number of adventurers had gathered, they were stopped by the soldiers and told that the training ground was temporarily closed and no one was allowed to enter.

There are hundreds of soldiers in the area. It is naturally impossible to stop these adventurers. However, the weight of "the secret training of the four messengers in adults" from these soldiers is enough for them to stay in their footsteps.

   These adventurers can save face. But these four messenger adults who have just made great contributions to the entire western kingdom and have directly or indirectly saved the lives of many adventurers have to give.

Although I was not able to fully satisfy my inner curiosity, I knew that the movement was just made by the four messengers, and there was also talk in the bar.Gradually, the adventurers around the entrance of the training camp scattered, including Rick people.

  \"I don’t know if Brother Wu will arrive in time."

  Look at the amazing fighting ideas uploaded from the training ground. And just listening to the energy explosion of "bang     Bang" is enough to make a violent battle with the scalp cold. Hans murmured.

  \"Forget it, let’s go back and prepare it first. Not this time, isn’t there another time?"

  Liken laughed, so as Hans cheered vigorously on his shoulder, he immediately took the pensive Hans, five considerately.

  \"You carrion prince,"

The whole predecessor, Hans, who was intimately and seamlessly attached to the ground, exploded a strong current, and then shouted and jumped up, haunting the body of the greasy thunder snake to Rickon with a terrified look. In the past,

   Probably this feeling

  Since I couldn't speak yet, I had to write on the ground with the bear claws one by one. The total length of a centimeter seems to be more fun than practical paws, and I also have a place to sway.

Under the supervision of sisters Carlos, Seattlek and Selna, who turned into a devil coach, after the mother passed, the sun had fallen to the horizon and became hot red~lightnovelpub.net~I spent the whole afternoon experimenting on this With his physical fighting ability, he even experienced the harsh challenge of Carlos and Seattle. The result is amazing.

   This body is completely different from the blood bear transformation of the fortress attribute. It actually uses melee combat as its strength. The body's reaction function is amazing, the dexterity is amazing, and the strength is amazing."

  In short, this seemingly hidden martial arts puppet bear costume with one person in it is completely a fighting master. For example, if you combine all the attributes that affect melee ability. Turned into an intuitive value, set Seattle’s fighting ability value to four, then Carlos and Selna are for us.

And his own posture, in the joint battle between Carlos and Seattle, after a long entanglement battle, they still cut off the two men one by one, which is related to the two guys' lack of energy and cooperation. But this result also surprised everyone including me.

After Carlos's Beidou sentiment was broken by himself, the Seattle tornado was also dropped from the position of the wind eye, and my big feet fell vertically from the sky, stepping the high-rotating Seattle grams directly to Lugao 10,000 Under the soil layer before the year ago, according to the party, Seattlek, he saw fossils of long-extinct animals there.

  According to two people's estimates, this form of puppet bear, which has not been named by itself, has at least reached its fighting strength. This is still in a state where it has not fully mastered the body's functions and has not opened the field.

(www..langlang book)