Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 85: Black wilderness

Early in the morning of the next day, in the reluctant eyes of Saurai, I bid farewell to the Lar's house, and after buying enough food and daily necessities for several months in the Western District, I slowly stepped into the dark forest delivery station .

The dark forest is located at the foot of the McHallas Mountain. Looking east from here, it is the continuous Maharas Mountains like giants holding hands. The dark forest at the foot of the mountain alone, the venomous beasts are already very Some of them are so powerful that even the hells dare not provoke them, and going up the mountain is a crisis. Even the most powerful hells dare not get too close to the misty mountains.

   And to the west is the once famous black wasteland, yes, yes!

Before the invasion of the Hells, it was not called a black wasteland, but it was very famous in the entire dark continent, called the black fertile soil of the golden land. At that time, the lord of the black fertile soil was even richer than the king of a country. There is a huge castle on his territory. It is said that the second-generation lord began to decide to build it, and it was not completed until the fifth-generation lord took over. It took more than 300 years for the entire castle to be built on a mountain that was leveled by humans. , The other end of the mountain is a dangerous cliff, there is only one road up the mountain, there is a big guard, the imposing spirit of the mob, and the luxury in the castle is no less than that of the royal palaces that have been passed down for thousands of years. Among them, the most famous one is the towering stone tower in the center of the castle. It is said that the lord at that time gave it a very popular and apt name, called the Tower of Fortune, which means standing on top of the tower and seeing The places are all their own wealth, and the civilians of the black fertile soil secretly gave it another name-the lashing tower, because standing on the top of the high tower, the magic circle can monitor most of the black fertile soil If any civilian is found carelessly and found lazy, it will be bad luck.

Later, the invasion of **** turned the whole black fertile soil stained with blood, and the fertile soil was turned into a wasteland. The once glorious castle was also occupied by monsters, and the famous "Fortune" tower inside the castle was also destroyed by the black wasteland. The king, the fallen Countess, was occupied. Over time, people gradually forgot the original name of the tower, so they simply gave it a name again, called the Forgotten Tower, and translated the tower whose name has been forgotten.

This is a part of the description of the black wasteland in Kane’s book, and at this time, I was riding on the back of the snow and standing on the edge of the dark forest. After three days of rapid Mercedes-Benz, we finally came out of this extremely disgusting darkness The forest, in front of my eyes, is a large piece of black land that looks endlessly. Looking at the black soil under the feet, even my otaku can see it at a glance. This dark brown soft soil contains a lot of nutrients and is veritable. The black land can be imagined as the fertile land at that time and the people's affluence. Unfortunately, now only a handful of black soil remains.

The black wasteland feels particularly disappointing, because in these many villages, the abandoned villages, the collapsed wooden houses have been covered with dust, and the broken doors and windows make a "babble babble" sound. Among them, the desolate and quiet The breath, full of disappointment, can be seen vaguely around the village, and traces of farming can be seen vaguely. The decaying agricultural tools are inserted into the field crookedly, and occasionally you can see several skeleton bones that will be weathered, half Buried in the soil, some skeletons that were eroded by the power of **** and regained their strength may have been the owner of this field, so they like to wander through the field and attack any enemies close to their field. Interestingly, They probably still have some consciousness left behind when they were alive. They even cleaned the grass from time to time, and even ran to the edge of the dark forest. They cut off the extra trees and did not let the forest spread. Because of this, Generally, adventurers will not actively attack them. Once they are not projections, their strength is very weak, and they can’t explode good things. Even if you don’t want the nasty forest to spread over, change the black wilderness. If you become a dark forest, you must protect them. You must know that this black earth is very suitable for plant growth. In our original world, this kind of skeleton, if it can grow more docile and cute, can already be deservedly called protection. Ecological balance, maintain the harmonious development of beneficial insects (?).

After bypassing a few declining villages, I finally ushered in the characteristic monsters in the black wasteland, the long black lacquered night clan, compared to their original form of the moon clan, at best it was changed. It’s just a vest. Sheepmen are always sheepmen. No matter how they evolve, they can’t become werewolves. So they are still vulnerable to me.

There are also evolutionary monsters of the black wanderers, evil archers, and these monsters dressed in Huang Chengcheng's clothes are particularly cunning. They run while shooting, and bring the guerrilla warfare to the fullest. I think if they are not conscious of digging holes, I guess All tunnel warfare can be played out. Fortunately, there is Xiaoxue, riding it, I can catch up with those awful archers without being transformed, and then, hum, of course, I did not put down the other four ghost wolves, controlling them The momentary movement, I have to chase a few evil archers. It’s a pile of side dishes, but it’s just too much trouble. I have to play a few more airdrops and siege, and I have to be stunned. Coordinated, the lazy crows carried out high-level harassment, and the fiercely poisonous flower vines approached underground, and then engaged in raids. This tactic is simply unfavorable to ordinary mobs, and its YD index makes my host ashamed.

There is another kind of monster, which makes me ecstatic, that is, the enhanced species of the stinking crow-blood eagle, as an evolution type, its experience is much higher than that of the stinking crow, although it is still a quarter of the black night clan. Not yet, but you know, they are weak and huge, and there are almost a thousand in each group. After killing the first one, after seeing the increase in experience, I thought of it for the first time in my mind. Blame the term.

And now in front of me, there is a group of blood eagles, at least there are thousands of them, and the dense one only sees a piece of blood-red earth, and the flapping sound of the "fluttering" wings can be heard far and wide, they are comparable The foul crow loves to be much cleaner, and changed the unpleasant smell, only a slight **** smell radiated from her body, which strengthened my determination to remove these mobile experience groups.

It’s just that if you really want to brush them off, there is a condition that is essential. That is the narrow terrain. If you are surrounded by them in the wilderness, it’s not a joke. Even if there is no danger to my life, I must be equipped. Think about durability.

First of all, I think about the abandoned villages, those wooden houses should be able to provide relief, but I rejected it immediately after they were set up. Those blood eagles were stunned, and like the stinking crow, they didn’t know anything about obstacles. When they see people, they come in a straight line, and these decaying wooden houses can't stop their impact.

When I was worrying about looking for the right place, an abrupt protrusion in the open space caught my attention. When I stepped closer, I was speechless. It turned out that this was a man-made narrow terrain made up of dozens of huge stones. All three sides are blocked, only a gap is provided at the front to provide only two people in parallel. It is extremely safe to brush the blood eagle hiding inside, and the stone behind is active, even if there is an accident, you can push it away. A stone to escape, of course, the premise is that you run faster than the blood eagle.


I was moved to tears, but I never thought that I could use my own strength to create a suitable terrain. I was still the three young men who crossed the earth, known as the super otaku on the Internet for ten years. However, the IQ is so gorgeously compared to the aborigines here.

  However, as the so-called predecessors planted trees, the descendants took the cool, without their wisdom, how can I enjoy the results without any hassle? Hey, seniors, let's borrow this place.

The blood eagle's attack is relatively low. In order to save the durability of the equipment, I only left a few pieces of equipment with additional durability recovery attributes. All other equipment have been replaced. Anyway, I can still take medicine. When it is not possible, let Xiaoxue top them. Yes, I forgot to say, Xiaoxue just happened to be able to drill into the gap, but he couldn’t turn around inside, and because of the terrain, the movement was very inconvenient. Look at it stepping back into the gap in three steps, the wolf face Depressed, I just laughed in my heart.

Everything is ready, I turned into a werewolf, holding a bottle of neck-necked gas potion, this thing is really rare, after the last killing of Bishu Bosu, I only exploded once, plus the remaining Those 3 bottles, but now only 18 bottles, if not so rare~lightnovelpub.net~ I can kill this group of blood eagles only by the Lean Neck Gas Elixir, why should I hide in the crevice to be a grandson.


When I got close to the blood eagle group and had been spotted by the blood hawk outside, I laughed a few times, threw the neck-necked gas medicine in his hand, threw it forward fiercely, the bottle crossed a beautiful arc, and fell on the blood eagle A burst of green smoke suddenly appeared in the center of the group.

After being so provoked, the entire blood eagle swarm suddenly became angry, and they flapped the huge pair of meat wings, and they rushed towards me "fluttering", thousands of blood eagles flew over, a piece of black pressure, the flapping sound of the wings Deafening, the accumulation of power made me scalp numb. I wanted to tease them for a while, and immediately disappeared. I just wanted to go back to the gap to hide and comfort myself. Thumping thumping heart.

Before I settled down, the blood eagle had rushed up. I quickly canceled the transformation of the werewolf. Unfortunately, the gap could not accommodate the body after the bear was transformed, so I could only take out a small white board shield in front of me Holding the scepter in his hand, a pale blue resistance aura suddenly appeared under his feet, +70% defense.

The blood eagle has rushed over, and as I expected, they can't control their speed. A small part of the blood eagle rushed in, some were blocked by shields, others rushed inside, there were light snow and fiercely poisonous flowers and vines, also sheep The tiger's den, and more blood eagles, are like bullets, and luck almost hit the boulder, making them dizzy, and most of them passed by the boulder.

   Waiting for those blood eagles who rushed to their heads to stop their bodies, and then turned back, and desperately drilled into the cracks, the real battle, no, maybe it should be said to spawn monsters, before they officially started.


   Well, enough subscriptions, lift the ban...