Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 976: Heritage

\"what happened?"

  Karu Jie was puzzled by my hesitation.

  \"No...It’s nothing, just a little surprised, I didn’t expect you to be so young."

I shook my head slightly and dismissed the name Lori from my heart. No matter how I looked at it, Sister Colgate only met this condition in terms of age.For a senior mansion, this is simply not enough to achieve the element of Lori. Age is not a big problem. Body shape, personality and attributes are important. The typical example is my family's Sarah. Unfortunately, neither Jieluka nor Kaluga has any of them.

\"According to your human perspective, this age is not too young, is His Royal Highness not even in his early thirties? Starting from scratch, this realm was reached in less than ten years. Doesn’t His Royal Highness feel, Compared to me who inherits power directly, should your deeds be more surprising?"

  \"Yes... is it?"

   I was taken aback by the words of Jieluka. I couldn't help lowering my head to ponder. It turned out that in the eyes of others, would I even be more surprising than Jieluka? Now think back...


  \"Only remember some fools?"

  Think for a long time, and can't help the lonely Jielu card to interject.

  \"Non...nonsense, how is it possible? Hahaha, my Druid Wu Fanke... But I have never done anything like a fool."

I looked awkward, and I was serious, but I was stuck in the infinite oTZ mode in my heart. That's right, Jie Luka was right.As she said, anyway, to recall your past experience, you can only remember For some fools, the experience of more than eight years can be written as an epic masterpiece of how fools are made, and there is no element that can surprise me.

   Could it be... My life is sad?

Probably saw me curling up in a dark corner like a wounded dog, licking a wound called the unbearable past, Karu Jie rarely ridiculed me with her poisonous tongue, and silently tossed with the burning stick in his hand The campfire fell into silence for a while.

  \"Ah, speaking of it, it didn't take long for the topic to completely deviate from the beginning."

I was shocked to know that I first asked Jie Luka's equipment. It seemed that there was a purpose, but I was surrounded by this yellow servant maid, and unconsciously ran into the opposite direction. Even the topic of age just now was actually the same. Not scheduled.

  \"Can you use this Grisward heart?"

With that said, I placed the gorgeous green armor of the undead skins on the ground. Suddenly, the shape is simple, the gorgeous armor with beautiful lines, the dark gold unknown metal that constitutes the body of the armor, plus green equipment The unique green light, these lights are mixed together, so that the nearby campfire is also overshadowed by it.

Speaking of this, the heart of Gris Wald was originally exploded by Jie Luka.At that time, I accepted it as an expedient move, thinking that it was not too late to return to Jie Luka after I settled down. The equipment on the card was also aimed at giving her a surprise. I didn't expect to go off the topic later. As a result, I can only propose it in this very local way.

\"I do not need."

  Jeruka who read my thoughts said so.

  \"Even if you want it, you can’t wear it."

\"What is it? I say you’re welcome, anyway, you’re the one who broke out of this dress. As an intelligence leader, you don’t know how much my rank is. It’s useless to stay here, even if you say There are already equipments inherited by the twelve knights, the attributes are definitely better, but look at this year, which adventurer is not to keep a few sets of spare guys just in case."

  \"His Royal Highness has not fully understood what I mean, it is not an unnecessary relationship, but even if I take it, I can’t put it on."

  Jeluka explained that she was not in a hurry.

  \"What's going on? Oh, I understand, how come I didn't expect it, it was not long before the inheritance of the twelve knights, and your level must not be high now, right."

   figured this out, what happened to me, what is the same as my current situation, it is high score and low energy...oh no, high strength and low rank.

   Unexpectedly, Jeluka shook her head and denied my claim.

  \"It seems that if it was not that the Prince’s Highness was too stupid, he had not listened to what I said in the first place."


   Coach, can you give a better choice? Whichever of these two seems to be embarrassing.

  \"No way, I will cooperate with His Royal Highness Prince again. Let’s be more specific. Our twelve knights and Her Majesty’s inheritance methods are different."


  Wait, saying that, what do I mean by cooperating? What exactly is going to cooperate with me? Could it be that the maid of Huang Duanzi quietly helped me press \"1" when I was silent?

\"Yes, for example, Her Majesty’s Cavaliers, this is a special and unique career inherited from Lord Arthur. It cannot be transferred through any other means. Only those who inherit King Arthur can get it, of course, including those two sets of King Arthur. The equipment is only qualified for wearing after inheritance. The substantive things that Her Majesty obtained in her inheritance are probably these."

  \"What difference do you guys make?"

\"Of course different. Twelve of us, in addition to inheriting the title and equipment of the twelve knights, also inherited the power left over by the twelve knights. When we consolidated this power, each one already had a pseudo Domain-level strength, as we continue to merge with this inheritance force, we will eventually reach the level of the peak of the twelve knights in the past, otherwise you think that our twelve people should rely on what to protect your majesty's queen, if it is with the queen Just like your majesty, if you have to upgrade your level step by step to realize the growth of the realm, wouldn’t the sacrifices made by the Twelve Knights mean anything?"

  \"In this way, isn't your inheritance more powerful?"

   I was shocked. It was okay. The twelve knights took the lead. Why should you let the dead King Arthur feel so good?

  \"According to the truth...maybe, after all, it is the secret inheritance of the twelve adults who sacrificed themselves."

  Jeluka tilted her head in confusion, and seemed to be in a dilemma as to who compares nx with the two heritages.

  \"That way, if King Arthur inherited it in the same way at that time, wouldn't Altoria practice without training and his strength soared directly? By the way, how strong are the twelve knights and King Arthur?"

\"His Royal Highness is really... completely a fool, although the idea is good, but I have already said it? This kind of inheritance can only be performed at the peak strength and golden age stage. At that time, the twelve pillars that supported the entire elven kingdom-the twelve knights were sacrificed because of this. If King Arthur, who was the backbone of the heart, did this again, wouldn’t the elven kingdom that was clinging together in an instant collapse?"

  \"Also said, haha, sorry, you continue." I smiled embarrassedly.

  \"Although it is indeed good to say that you can directly inherit strength, there are still some deficiencies.

  Jeluka suddenly burst another sentence that surprised me, probably because of these shortcomings, it made her just confused about which of the two heritages is better.

\"That is... because the equipment is inherited with the power of the twelve knights and integrated into the body. The two have been completely integrated into one body and cannot be separated. That is to say, except for the equipment of the twelve knights, it is impossible for us to use With any equipment, Her Majesty is different. She is recognized and inherited by the equipment, so there is no problem even if you use other equipment."

\"In fact, it’s no big deal. The equipment left by the Twelve Knights, even if it’s not an artifact, will not be too bad. Although the spare equipment is very important, it’s also without an excellent master equipment. I still care about spare equipment."

\"Well, as His Royal Highness said, and it’s not [even if it’s not an artifact, it’s not too bad], it’s a full set of artifacts." Jie Luka corrected quite blandly, as if she had not an artifact set. It's a whiteboard.


These **** equipment tyrants, my tyrant is too shabby compared to them, and it is no wonder that Akara often envy the deep heritage of the elven clan.You see, King Arthur left two sets of artifacts, twelve knights and twelve sets There are already these on the bright side. The entire elven family has hundreds of thousands of years of history. There are definitely more than just a few outstanding characters. It is not possible, but there must be other elven artifact sets.

Looking at us humans again, we know that the genuine suits of the seven heroes are artifacts, and most of these artifacts are still in a lost state.This is a difference from the cloud and mud. No wonder people say that intelligence is better than birth. I am now I can feel this feeling a little bit.

\"Although we are somewhat similar to the situation of Her Majesty the Queen, we have not yet fused all the power and can not exert all the power of the artifact. Even so, regardless of the combat experience, I am now wearing equipment and it is enough to be junior to the field. The enemy of the contends, this is our proof enough to protect Her Majesty the Queen."

  \"An artifact is an artifact, hahaha..."

At this time, my mood can only be described by envy, jealousy, hatred, these guys are the protagonists, these guys are the protagonists, bastards, why are all the artifacts all over the body, all my body is a junk, Yi Jie Now that Luca has advanced strength in the pseudo field, you can fight against the elementary in the field by wearing equipment. What is the concept? You must know that there is not only a gap in strength, but also a gap in the realm. Seattle Ke and Carlos, the peak of the pseudo field, wanted to resist the domain pressure of the Hell Fighting Bear, but they spit blood after a few minutes of support. Do you know the realm gap?

\"According to this calculation, after reaching the field level of Calvary, and the first master, after wearing the equipment of the twelve knights, can not compete with the enemies of the power of the world for a while?" I have another amazing fact.


  \"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

  \"It’s nothing. His Royal Highness’s calculations are so powerful, I admire the speechlessness."

\"you flatter me……"

  I always feel guilty, is it my illusion?

\"The inability to wear other equipment does not cause much trouble for us. The biggest shortcoming of this inheritance is that... our future growth has been almost washed away by the inheritance power, and we have inherited this power. The second one is very different from Her Majesty the Queen and other adventurers. There is no specific data of the level attribute.The only thing that can be done is to continuously integrate this force.When fully integrated, our future is already slim. and……"

   Speaking of this, Jieluka lowered her head, not knowing why hesitated, feeling that there was still something she could not say, but finally she shook her head and changed the subject.

  \"Compared to us, Her Majesty, who was advancing with her own strength, although weak in the early days, had the possibility of being King Arthur. This is the gap between the two."

  \"That... can I ask another question? I seem to have asked it just now."

   said that he was cautious, and it would be better to be frightened. I raised my hand and asked.

  \"How strong was the peak strength of the Twelve Knights? How strong was King Arthur?"

  \"Well..." Jieluka hesitated for a while.

  \"Although it cannot be fully verified, the strength of the twelve knights at that time should have a high level of world power."

   paused, Jieluka's next sentence once again made my head a bit hot, and I smoked.

   Her sentence is: \"Without counting the equipment."

Without the equipment, I have the strength of the world's power. I finally understand why the elves had the strength to sweep the entire continent. Counting King Arthur, I am afraid that the strength of these 13 people can be Surrender the entire continent, unless it is the intervention of the dragon clan that had already become a great person at that time.

\"As for King Arthur... There are many opinions, some people say that she has engulfed the power of the world and reached a realm beyond the realm, but according to the information I have summarized from the Royal Library, King Arthur was in its peak period. The strength should be enough to keep pace with the current three demon gods. After all, the realm outside that character is probably the limit that God has set for the life of the dark continent. Is it such a good breakthrough?"

  \"No, even the same power as the Three Demon Gods is enough to surprise."

  I am seriously speechless about Jieluka's statement. How greedy is this greedy maid of yellow satin? Isn't the power to devour the power of the world enough? Is there anything unsatisfactory? Although Tarasha was able to seal the three demon gods at that time, it seemed to have reached or even exceeded the strength of the three demon gods, but those of us who can read more secret information are very clear that the strength of Tarasha was still worse than the three demon gods. far.

The reason why Taraxa was able to seal the Three Demon Gods was firstly due to the power of foreign objects. At that time, under Tyrrell’s [accidental friendship funding], Taraxa obtained a magical soul stone, plus The three demon gods, guts and thieves, even though they are weakened, most of their strength must also come to the first world to take a long walk. When the strength is less than one-third of the victory period, combining the above elements, you must add some luck In the end, Tarasha succeeded in printing one by one, and painted an indelible amount of humiliation on their old faces.

   It can be said that Tarasha's brilliance is completely passive, or it is replaced by the statement of a suspicious person, which is a huge conspiracy. No matter which statement seems to have a reliable element.

  \"If you want to fully integrate the power of the twelve knights, how much time would it take?" I thought, I couldn't help asking.

  \"Different from person to person, but even the first knight, if there is no accident, I am afraid it will take at least one or two decades to fully integrate, I hope it can catch up..."

  Jeluka whispered softly.

  \"What catch up?"

  \"It’s nothing. His Royal Highness Prince Qing doesn’t need to mind."

   Don't whisper if you don't want me to mind! !

  \"So, this heart of Grace Wald has absolutely no value for me to come, and now as a close-fitting maid, it is natural that my broken things should belong to His Royal Highness, so please don’t mind."

  \"Okay, then I’m welcome, although I can’t put it on, but I’ll take it back to tease the gang, thank you, Jie Luka, let Velas make a cloak for you someday."

  \"As long as it is not the style of His Royal Highness, I will accept it with gratitude."


   This maid of Huang Duanzi said absolutely too much.

\"However, it seems that your task is to protect Altria’s healthy growth, but it’s a bit weird, but it’s okay.) According to what you just said, she will one day overtake you. How to do?"


   Hey, did I say that I asked a very strange topic? Just suddenly thought of this and then spoke it casually. Why was there just a moment when the maid of the yellow man's face was a bit ugly?

  \"It is true that our mission will be completed. In fact, when Her Majesty’s strength reaches the power of the world, twelve of us will be able to retire."

  \"Then what do you plan to do by then, Grandma Alanderland will never let you plant flowers and grass..."

  \"Your Highness still remember the oath of the twelve knights I said?"

  When I said this with a joke, Jie Luka suddenly interrupted with a loud voice ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The successor who protects King Arthur grows up, probably about what it means. "I was afraid to remember correctly, I replied carefully.

  \"That’s right, Her Majesty the Queen is the heir to King Arthur, but not the last heir, so our mission is not complete until..."

   Speaking of this, Jieluka silently entered the drinking mode and stopped talking.

   Jie Luka What does this mean? Altria is the heir, but not the last heir, that is to say, in the future, there will be people who continue to inherit her. By that time, the twelve knights...

Uh? !

   I suddenly understood the meaning of Jie Luka.

After completing the mission of protecting the growth of Altria, these twelve people may...No, yes, they will certainly sacrifice themselves like the twelve knights of that year, and continue to inherit the power of the twelve knights. To protect the new generation of heirs...

   If this is the case, is it really a wonderful inheritance? Isn't this a limited life span of only a few decades? At the golden age of great good, you must hang up. Knowing this fact, why can Jie Luka still maintain such a calm look?

These chapters can also be regarded as an introduction to the overall hidden strength of the elven clan.After all, the league has old masters such as old drunkards and leg hair fairy, not to mention the elven clan with hundreds of thousands of end of the year. Why would these masters suddenly appear. V

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