Diablo Destruction

v1 Chapter 977: dispute



  \"Well, what’s wrong, Jieluka?"

  In the atmosphere of silence, I looked up and looked at the maid Huang Huangzi in confusion. I always felt that she seemed to have something to say, what she wanted to say, was it just my illusion?

  \"No...just a little unexpected..."

  Jeluka slightly sulked her face, buried her head in the cup again, and blew bubbles, really. Are you still a troubled child? Although it may be true that it is just a child in terms of the age ratio of elves, at least it will show me a little intelligence.

   And how many glasses of water is this? Don’t drink so much water before going to bed. How many times do you want to go to the toilet every night?

For Jie Luka's calmness and calmness, sometimes her black tongue and belly, and sometimes her unique yellow satin performance, occasionally showing extreme timidity and weakness, and suddenly showing such a childish side, I am quite a little headache, all said that the woman's mind It’s complicated, but I’m afraid Jeluka’s heart is over the complicated boundary. Which one should I use as her main attribute?

Fortunately, because of the presence of the little ghost, she will revert to her venerable mode, oh, and of course, Sister Sarina, when you are stimulated by certain special conditions, she will switch directly to the second personality. This second personality...Forget it, it can't be described by words. Because of the existence of these two people, I can barely cope with the change of Jieluka now.

  Dare you come up with another attribute to show me? Even in my heart, I occasionally broke the bottle and shattered at Jie Luka.

  \"I thought an old and nice person like Your Royal Highness Prince, after knowing the truth, would comfort me by saying a little bit of comforting words, but I didn’t expect..."


  I am at a loss, do you need comfort? Because it's just...

  \"I can’t find a reason to comfort you."

   I said this truthfully, and the reaction of the maid Huang Duanzi became very interesting, and there was a whimper, and his eyes looked a little sharp.

  \"I said, do you want me to comfort or not, just talk about it."

   has clearly been described in terms of flesh and blood, presumably I don’t want to hear my words comfort, but why am I so unhappy to tell the truth? Comforting is also guilty of you, but not comforting is also guilty of you.

  \"I don’t need the extinct comfort of His Royal Highness"

  Jeluka turned her head obviously angry.

Extinct humanity... You are too exaggerated, don't just say that I am an extinct master, so don't be angry if you don't need it. If I say comfort, it will be described as nauseous by you, right? Well, bastard, you didn’t even plan to choose a bridge or boat that would allow me to cross safely.

  \"Why...Why not intend to comfort?"

  Just after I rolled my eyes and continued to enter the stay mode for a while, Jieluka Nuonuo's voice passed from across the campfire again.

  \"Hah, why? Isn’t this an obvious thing?"

  I said, is this maid Huang Duanzi silly today? Asked such a fool question, did she change from an intelligence leader to a fool leader?

  \"Because I believe Altria, um."

  Holding his chest with both hands, my old **** was presenting this obvious answer.

  \"Believe... Her Majesty the Queen?" Jie Luka still did not wake up from the fool's head, tilting her head and confused.

\"I said... Are you a fool? You can know this kind of thing as long as you think about it, Altria, I know her, I will never let you sacrifice yourself and re-extract after protecting her. Out of the power of the twelve knights, even if the golden dull hair on her forehead was pulled out, eh."


  Jeluka froze for what I said.

\"I don’t know the others, but according to my observations, according to my observation, in Altria’s mind is definitely not just a close-knit maid, but also a friend, you think Altria will be open-eyed Watching her sacrifice herself to carry on that vague and vague oath?"

  \"But...but..."Jeluka still wanted to say something.

  \"No, but okay, not to mention Altria, even Grandma Yarland will prevent this kind of thing from happening, I guess."

   holding his chest confidently, I nodded constantly, although it was guessing, but I was already very sure.

   In my opinion, Jalandland should be the same kind of person as Akala. This can be seen from Akara's style of work.

Frankly speaking, no matter whether Akara or Jalandland, as a superior, in the face of the current dire situation of the dark continent, many things can not be decided by themselves, that is, for the sake of the overall situation, it was supported a few years ago. In the event of the elven clan, they can only make a bet with the old man with leg hair, a vague prediction, only to improve my strength in a short time, and sacrifice the lives of many alliances and elven warriors, from this point on It can be seen that they have the cold blood of the superior.

However, this does not mean that they are really cold-blooded. In fact, they do not feel well in their own hearts. No, I am afraid that the most uncomfortable thing is that they are right. The usual Akara clearly treats every adventurer as a treasure. Every time a newcomer patronizes her little black shop, she will put down all the things on hand and talk to them endlessly about some adventure knowledge.

Unfortunately, at that time, I was stunned by anger, only to feel that they were putting the burden of these dead soldiers on my head, so as to spur me to move forward, but did not realize that they also carried the burden on them. Responsibility, more guilt and helplessness than I have, so at the time, both of them were fiercely fired. Of course, at that time I had not met with Jalandland), and even broke out. strike.

The topic seems to be pulled away. What I want to express now is that Akara and Jalandland, although they will show the cold blood and ruthlessness of the superior under compelling circumstances, but in occasional special circumstances, even when faced with some so-called Things like the overall situation will also show Huairou, and even find some reason to persuade yourself-perhaps you should choose a more eclectic approach.

   No one is malicious, no one wants to see the sacrifice of others. If you can, everyone wants to be a kind person, want to see the laughter on everyone's face, I think so.

Now the oath of the twelve knights is an example. If Jalandland’s style is really similar to Akara, I think she will find a good reason to convince herself, and the best reason is the invasion of **** now. Power is badly needed, and the powerful force of the Twelve Knights must be used properly.

Repelling the invasion of the Hells is a long and arduous journey. Even with the power of the twelve knights, it will cost hundreds or even thousands of years.Doing so may lead to their golden age. Fading away, I can no longer use that mystery to pass on the power of the twelve knights, but I believe that Jalandland is not such a pedantic person, and besides, Jeluka has been working with her for so many years, and there is absolutely no deception. Human, coupled with Altria's resistance, Arandland will definitely make a relatively more compromised approach, instead of blindly thinking about the future of the elven clan, afraid that the next generation of king will be lost The protection of the twelve knights will die.

Although the above are just speculations, especially for Yarland, but we have also played for eight years under Acala, and we can't say that the other party knows what fart to put on the butt, but there are still some ways to act Understand, after all, it is not as good as the Arthurian era at that time.At that time, King Arthur was shining brightly, so that the twelve knights and the elders of Merlin had a blind confidence that would be able to prosper as long as there is a king in the elven clan. Make that decision.

I personally think that the practice of the twelve knights is really silly. Guys like King Arthur and Altoria are simply given the favor of God and destiny. Even without the protection of the strength of the twelve knights, On the contrary, if God doesn't think you should show up, then even the twelve knights will be guarding you for 24 hours, and it will give you a polio or something that will kill you.In a word, the heir to the king has talent Before the power, the king's life is more needed. In the hundreds of thousands of years since the death of King Arthur, who can guarantee that there will not be enough people to inherit the inheritance of King Arthur? It is a pity that only Altria inherited after all, just because those people didn't have that life and didn't appear when they appeared.

Okay, the more mysterious the more, the conclusion is that the oath of the twelve knights is not needed. I just want to express this sentence. What I can think of is Yalandran, the great prophet, can say so, maybe It is the person who is the closest to God in the entire dark continent. She must also be very aware of this kind of thing. How do I choose next, do I need to say more?

  \"Why, people are stupid?"

   came back to see Jie Luka's gaze through the campfire, staring at me froze, I could not help but stretched my hand a few times in front of her eyes and asked.

   took a deep breath, and the Jieluka who shook her head shook her head. Unexpectedly, she didn't vomit my rude behavior. I thought she would use four consecutive times this time.

  \"I am a little surprised..."

  Jeluka's look is very soft, although I'm not sure if it's because of the illusion of my own vision under the fire, let's just consider it to be the case.

  \"What’s so surprising, you don’t know dumb hair...cough, Altria’s personality."

Almost talked about leaking. Fortunately, if Jie Luka knew that I secretly called their great king the Silent King, I am afraid that he would immediately mention the Chaoyang sword beside him that has not been put back and chase me around the three worlds. A lap.

  \"No, I am not surprised by this..."

Jie Luka's eyes are still glaring, making the beautiful eyes that have a larger ratio of face to face than ordinary girls, more attractive, and occupying a large part of the eyes of the deep purple pupil color, as if to **** people Entering the ground is full of a mysterious glory like a vast universe.

  \"A fool like you, even said the same words as Elder Arandland."


   Did I just hear it wrong? It seems that the maid of Huang Duanzi used some very rude words to describe me. This must be an illusion, an illusion, Wu Fan, you have to calm down.

   I took a deep breath again, and finally changed the expression of roaring about to lift the table into a flesh and smile.

  \"Excuse me, clever Cavalier Jeluka, what does Grandma Yarland say?"

\"Roughly similar to yours. Regarding Her Majesty’s approach, she said to me with a smile, Jie Luka, if I really let you back out of twelve successes, Altria may be able to mention The sword came to the door."

Finally recovered a little calm Jie Luka, and sat up again, imitating Alandland's tone, that is, her maid who often stays next to Alandland dare to do so, replace it with other elves, respect Too late to dare to imitate like this.

  \"[Because, this has violated the principle of Altoria, the last bottom line, one of the kings is angry, even my old bone can’t bear it], the elders said so."

  \"Isn't that obvious? Is there anything to worry about, what to comfort?"

I couldn’t help but smile with respect to Jalandland’s statement, but I really can’t imagine the blaze, it must be... quite scary, as Jalandland said, one of the kings was angry Can anyone under the world afford the sister of Senna who is also a queen?

  \"But from the standpoint of our twelve people, we must do so."

  Jeluka said suddenly.

  \"Why do you say that? Is it awkward? Want to be awkward with Altria?"

   I used three questions in a row to express my confusion.

  \"His prince, the guy who tramples the knight's feelings casually is about to be kicked to death." Jie Luka glared at me angrily.

  \"Because this is something that has been decided before passing on the twelve knights, we will never go against the vows of knights."


   I sighed in a meaningful way, it seems that I misunderstood Yalanderan, originally thought that these twelve people used her lollipop n to take the road of no return.

  \"His Royal Highness...Thinking about something very rude."

   Probably saw my eyes flicker, and Jeluka immediately came up suspiciously, staring at me fiercely with her purple eyes.

\"How... How is it possible, ah ha ha~~~~ Yes, I said Jie Luka, the knight’s oath is important, but can the order of Her Majesty the Queen be violated? If Altria ordered you not to do this Do, can you disobey?"

\"This one……"

  Jeluka showed a troubled expression, but she quickly shook her head and showed a decisive look. Looking at her like this, she should have considered this problem, and had been distressed for a long time for this, and finally came to the answer.

  \"No way, although the order of Her Majesty the Queen is equally important, but the oath first, we can only choose so."

\"Hey, are you still a child? Can this kind of thing be used in this way to consider and decide? Why can’t you think about yourself a little bit? No one stipulates that knights should not be selfish, or do you advocate this heroic style? Devotion to death?"

  \"Shut up, His Royal Highness didn’t understand... We didn’t understand us at that time... In short, please don’t say this irresponsibly, I don’t allow you to contaminate Calugi’s determination"

  Jeluka suddenly caught fire. For your own sister, is it okay to say that your determination is stained? The feelings of the two sisters are enviable, reminding me of my baby daughter.

  \"That is to say, are you going to fight against Artoriello?"

  \"If Her Majesty is determined to do so, then we only have to bear the name of infidelity." Jie Luka looks resolutely.


   How is this... naive and ridiculous idea, just take it now if you want to be naive, you are too underestimating the stubbornness and perseverance of the guy with a golden hair on his head.

  \"Well, even if you said this, then when I said nothing, I don’t want to know your suit anyway, ah haha, I’m sleepy, good night."

Facing Jieluka, who is still angry, I think it's useless to talk about it, let everyone wait and see the result, see who can laugh to the end~lightnovelpub.net~ Saying this, in the eyes of Jieluka stunned , I rolled the blanket and laid the campfire on the ground, and entered caterpillar mode.

  \"Hey, are you really asleep?"

   came from behind the voice of Jeluka, judging from the distance, she should have bypassed the campfire and got behind me.

  \"Something?" I sulked.

  \"Actually, I don’t want Karu to die."

  Jeluka's voice was a bit fragile, and saying this sentence was tantamount to betraying the principle of the knight. She should have made a lot of determination to summon the courage to speak to me.

  \"So, His Royal Highness, if in the future... please hug Calugi for me."

  \"Hey, do you want me to whisper my personal maid in public?"

\"I was serious."

\"I’m serious too, I believe Altria... well, if it can really develop into this situation, I’ll just help you hold Calujie and tie her up, right Do you need this kind of service? Just buy one, get one free, and provide it friendly."

It is said to buy one get one free, but the current situation is that even the most basic premise of buying is not established.I suddenly realized this thing when I was secretly regretting that I had made a single loss trade, although I did not start from the end. I think this order can be successful, but the fact that it has been done cannot be changed...V

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