Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2416: Tamoa: I don’t need anything like the

I looked at Tamoa silently. Didn't she notice the charm of her woman? Perhaps it is also that, living all year round in the homeland of the Saiyan, the Xiongren, everyone is convinced by her force and personality charm. Many times she will forget the beauty and femininity of her as a girl, making Tamoa change in this regard. Not very confident.

But why is Tamoa so concerned about her femininity? I remember just summoning her, when she first met her, she also claimed to be a [soft] [normal] girl, and did not want her impression as [Wu Di] to take up too much of the weight of others to know her. .

Although I really want to ask, I feel like I will be ripped off again, so forget it.

What should I tell Master Wudi to tell her her femininity, her charm as a woman is enough, no need to deliberately increase it.

But when I thought about it, I felt wrong.

Why should I remind her of this? Don’t you want to see the scene where Lord Emperor Wu works hard to improve her femininity? Don't you want to see the occasional Emperor Wu Emperor's soft appearance? ! Don’t you want to see the Emperor Wu Emperor occasionally sell Meng|长|风|Literature [c][f][w][x]. ! Don't you want to see the occasional spoiling of Emperor Wudi? ! Bastards tell me, think? Don't want to? !

For an instant. I thought of thousands of horses running in unison.

miss you!

Think about it! ! !

Think about it! ! ! ! ! !

"Bear Tower, I always think you are thinking about something rude." Lord Wudi staring at me with a smirk, keenly perceives something.

"No, it's nothing. I'm not thinking about it. I'm just thinking about whether I can help you and enhance your femininity." I quickly wiped the corners of my mouth, looking right.

"Can I really trouble the bear tower to help?"

Tamoa's eyes lit up, and she grew up in a place like the Ursa, no matter how clever. No matter how talented wizards are. For the book record of [feminine] that has been turned through the bears, there is no trace of related words, but it still has unpredictable awe and daze.

"Of course it is." I nodded again and again, please make me see you look cute, Emperor Wu Emperor! ! !

"So, what should I do first?" Tamoa tapped her lower lip. Slightly tilted his head to think.

Do not. I think it's feminine that you just do this action now. The game is high.

I was silent for a moment, facing the question from Lord Wu Emperor, I fell into a state of distress.

This is like a boxing master who does not realize that he is already a world-class boxing champion. It's better to ask me how to use straight fist in a modest manner.

I can't always say that you sell me a cute one first.

"Well, deliberately pretending instead will fall behind, and it should be better to be integrated into daily activities." I thought about it, I can only get through.

"That's right." Tamoa nodded thoughtfully.

"Then bear the tower, you stare at me, if there is something wrong, remind me to correct what to do, how?"

"Of course it's okay." I gave my thumbs up and gave 32 praises. I always felt like I entered the Emperor Wu Emperor's planned route, which was awesome.

"Oh, why did you spend so much time here, according to your talents, shouldn’t you be able to complete the test soon and accept the inheritance? Is it true that your ancestors think you are too genius, Don’t you dare to easily pass it on to you?” I asked curiously about the business here.

"Not so, Xiongta, you say that you underestimate the warriors of our generation of bears." Emperor Wu Emperor looked at me with a pretentious look. His eyes were light and charming, but his eyes were light. A soft smile, which is quite contrary to the expression she showed just now that I knew a lot of her black history, which made me feel at ease.

It seems that the black historical events have really passed like this, I can never die easily in the future, before the emperor Wu Emperor faced the things of her childhood.

"It's not good to stand here, don't disturb the ancestors of all dynasties." Before waiting for me to speak, Tamoa looked at the surrounding graves with respect, saying this.

Then, a white light flashed on the back of her hand, and a space door was opened in front of her eyes. Here, I was speechless about the black technology that the Xiongren tribe once had.

Because of the relationship between Alufasia sauce, it is said that among the orcs, the bears and elves are one of the closest orc races. It seems that it is not a false statement. The bears are not very good at magic. These high-end skills are probably from ancient times. Taught by the elves.

Following Tamoa into the space door, there was no black technology that surprised me more. It was just a... well, it should be used as a rest room. Beds, stoves, whatever, everything.

"I didn't expect there to be any place here." I sighed.

"That is of course. If you are lucky, you can find your own inheritance at once. Under normal circumstances, the test is not something that can be done in the morning and night. You have to have a place to rest. Eat... eat and sleep It’s all necessary. It’s impossible to do it in the cemetery of the ancestors. That’s too disrespectful.”

Speaking of the last sentence, Tamoa's face was slightly reddened. In fact, she probably wanted to say [eating and drinking Lhasa]. After thinking about it, she thought it was too feminine, so she turned wisely.

When saying this, Tamoa had already set up a bonfire in the pit and set up the pan to prepare for cooking. Just as my stomach was a little hungry, I looked at her with full expectation.

During this period, I naturally talked about the reason why it took a long time here, and it was almost the same as Mosid Carl guessed. The ancestors of the Bear Clan all favored this genius descendant and threw out olive branches. For a time, facing the huge amount of information of the leader, Tamoa, who had always been decisive and decisive, also hesitated.

Of course, she wasn’t just hesitating, and wasted a lot of time. In the two months of the strongest test, she challenged more than half of her ancestral spirits. The benefits she obtained were unimaginable. From the field Intermediate promotion to advanced is just the same.

Chat here. Tamoa's simple and nutritious meal is also ready. Common stew broth with well-preserved and fresh ferns, and tube-filled noodles.

"The soup is done, not as good as my mother did. Will the bear tower dislike it?" Tamoa turned back suddenly. Asked.

"How could it be. But speaking of it. It's true that you rarely eat what you make. Aunt Luo Jiemiya's craftsmanship is really excellent, not much worse than Verras." I sincerely admired. It can be said that my wife can say that it is not much worse than Verras, which is already a very high-level evaluation.

Tamoa seems to know this too, and smiled happily: "My mother's craftsmanship is indeed very good, I like to eat her stew, but unfortunately I can't learn it no matter how I learn."

"Take your time, don't worry, cooking is not just about knowing the process, you can achieve the level of Villas. This is the same as cultivation." I nodded my head and published a professional opinion.

"I didn't expect the bear tower to occasionally say such reasonable things."

"..." It's really rude, what is occasional, and my heart is always full of vicissitudes of truth, good or bad, although most of them are about the house.

"Taste the taste." As he said, Tamoa gently stirred the spoon, and raised a scent of rich soup, put it on the lips and blew a few breaths, just want to taste, suddenly, her movements After a pause, it seemed to think of something.

"Doing this... is not feminine enough?" She looked back at me.

"how could be?"

I gave her a subconscious look. She wore a lovely light blue apron and bent over. Her exquisite figure was more prominent than usual. With a soup spoon in hand and Tamoa in a tasting gesture with a spoon handle, the value of the feminine groove is almost full.

Then, such Tamoa kept her original posture and suddenly looked back at me, revealing an open-minded attitude of asking for advice, and the degree of cuteness increased a bit, I don’t know how to describe it.

"Okay, it's good enough."

"However, I think it is still not enough. Sure enough, the bear tower may not be completely reliable."

"..." I was very sad to hear this. [Adult Emperor Wu Emperor's Development Plan] Several large characters that are still brewing, as if slammed, turned into stones and hit my head.

"No way, I have to figure it out. Let me think about it, uh... how about this?"

After a moment of contemplation, Suddenly, Tamoya's eyes lit up, and she seemed to have a good idea in mind. Under my curious gaze, she turned around and sent the spoon over to my mouth.

This...this this?

"What's the matter, bear tower, hurry up~~~ open your mouth." Lord Wu Emperor said a little distressed about my disagreement.

"Yes... yes, but... why..." I was incoherent.

"Doesn't this increase the femininity?" Seeing me, Tamoa became less confident.

"No... how could it not increase, definitely increase." I instinctively retorted, if this is not an increase

There are not many feminine girls in the whole world.

"That's fine. Looking at the bear tower's reaction, I thought I had misunderstood again. I'm sorry, this kind of femininity is too strange to me. The only object I can quietly refer to is my mother, even if there is It’s not surprising that something is wrong or even the opposite.

Hearing what I said, Lord Emperor Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to use this as a starting point to find a correct way forward.

"So, come, ah~~~"

"Oh, okay, ah~~~"

I opened my mouth subconsciously, and watched the broth that was sent by Master Wu Emperor cool down, sucked into his mouth with a hissing noise, and slurped a few times. Well, the temperature was just right, and the taste was great.

Wait, is this a bit like the sweet life of a newlywed? If it is out of the ordinary, it will be a fruit apron.

No, this was done to cultivate Tamoya's femininity, and it didn't mean anything else. There's nothing wrong with it, I can't reveal the strange color to make Emperor Wu Di feel embarrassed.

Yes, no matter what I think, there must be something wrong, I must be more attentive.

"How is it?" Tamoa asked with a look of nervousness, raised her head to look at her, and seemed to overlap with Velas in a trance, the wife's virtue breathed out.

Shaking his head secretly, I thumbs up: "It tastes good."

"Really? In this way, I feel relieved. In fact, I still have a little confidence." Lord Emperor Wu Yan smiled. Look back. Continue to stir the broth, humming a little song of unknown meaning in a good mood.

I seemed to be given to the blind dog by the power of cuteness emanating from Lord Wu Emperor. Who will save me?

After the meal is full, pat the belly with satisfaction. Tamoa's testimony of the journey continues.

"Actually. My main purpose is to stay here and continue to exercise myself. By fighting the strength and consciousness left by the ancestors and trying to figure out their skills, you can get ten times and one hundred times the results outside. Because of this, I am reluctant to leave. ."

After Tamoa packed the utensils, she said embarrassedly: "I only tell Xiongta you, don't tell Dad and the elders, otherwise I will be scolded."

"I didn't think they were too happy to be happy. How could I blame you? I just didn't know what you were in. I was a little worried." I laughed bitterly and responded.

In addition to Tamoa, there are a few people who are qualified and capable of passing the test. After gaining the favor and inheritance of their ancestors, they dare to hesitate and want to choose more suitable ones. Only Tamoa can do it. Only a peerless genius like Tamoa, the ancestor spirits of the Bear Clan would allow her to be so self-willed, wishing to give her the best things. In short, Tamoa is now the love of the ancestors of the bears All in one.

"Really? That's good, but don't tell them." Tamoa thought for a while, or she was a little scared like a child who did something wrong. Lord Wu Emperor is going to stage the contrast today. .

Then she sat naturally next to me and turned her head to ask me.

"So, will it look feminine?"

"This..." refers to the action sitting next to me? Can this be considered feminine? I was blinded and couldn't answer.

"It still doesn't work." Lord Emperor Wu fell into deep thinking again, and it seemed as if he had exercised femininity here, which was more important than inheritance.

"So then." After thinking, she snuggled up to me slightly.

"It seems... uh, a little bit so a little." I nodded, a little like the feeling of a lover, saying that the femininity has increased too much.

"It seems the direction is right." Tamoa nodded happily and continued leaning slightly, increasing her snuggle, as if she wanted to increase her femininity. Finally, she simply tilted her head and put her head on my Leaning on the shoulder.

Quietly, after a while, she suddenly said: "Sorry, bear tower, I lied."

"Well, because you are also a girl who is not good at lying." I smiled and returned the words to her.

"Actually, I am not thinking about femininity now, but I am very confused and want to rely on the bear tower to find a sense of relief."

"I feel very honored to bring you peace of mind."

"Perhaps because of the soul-sensing relationship? In this way, relying on the bear tower, I calmed down unconsciously." Then, Tamoa rubbed her shoulders, a few strands of hair scratched my face, Itchy.

"Is this kind of self-willed, very childish, making everyone's image collapse and disappointed? And the femininity has been completely lost. Surely this kind of thing is too extravagant for me?"

No, no, it is not this luxury, but the luxury is almost overflowing.

"Maybe so."

I subconsciously leaned my head towards Tamoa, and I felt the relief she said, like...just like sleeping on Xiaoxue, now I can even feel Tamoa’s hair. The fluttering track has a very incredible feeling.

This should be the unique spiritual connection that exists between me and her. It can echo each other, warm each other, and support each other. Snuggling like this, the mood is very quiet, and there is no strange thought between men and women.

"Actually, I have already chosen, and he has been hesitating between two inheritances." Tamoa, who was gradually relieved, closed her eyes and whispered like a kitten.

"Oh? What makes you hesitate so much." One, I like it, and one, I think it suits me best.

"Hah, this is really a difficult problem." When she said this, I immediately thought of the choice of [person who loves me] and [person who loves me] which kind of immortal unsolvable problem.

"Sorry, I can't seem to help you come up with an idea."

After thinking about it, I regret to announce that this kind of problem can be solved only by myself. There is no right or wrong choice for lightnovelpub.net~. It depends on your own personality concept, which others cannot provide. Any help.

"Well, I know that this is a problem that only I can solve." The head snuggled on the shoulder tapped slightly, and then spoke again.

"However, as long as the bear tower comes, it will be the best help for me."

"What do you say?" I was curious.

"Because...maybe..." After hesitating for a while, Tamoa seemed to figure out something, raised her head slightly, looked at me, and then smiled clearly and beautifully.

"Although it is unclear why, perhaps it is because of the soul connection between us. In the midst of it, I seem to be able to foresee that the bear tower will come to me and think you will come to me. Perhaps, I am actually It might be waiting for you here."

"Don't say that, I will be proud." In fact, my nose has been raised, and is relied on by Emperor Wu Emperor. This life is almost a book... (to be continued...)


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