Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2577: Tons of mind shadows

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The rapid arrival of the trio of maids in the Greenwood Bar added a bit of excitement to this celebration. Although it is impossible to come to the same night to hold a banquet, even tomorrow night, the day after tomorrow may not necessarily come together, but at dinner time , We still invited the Goths, together with the maid trio, and the little girl Beiya who just arrived today, let’s talk about it first, there is the active little girl in Fini, and Beiya The Lord, who could not settle down for a moment, already had no worries about cold and cold. If you have read this chapter, please go to Biquge () to read the latest chapter, or you can directly search for "biquge" or "" in Baidu, please remember our new website pen-fun-ge ,,,,

The blue ribbon came with good wine, especially the wine specially brewed for me, so that after all the good wine in the pain of the three uncles of the barbarians, I finally finally regained the glory, carrying the wine jar and courageously saluted one by one. In a blink of an eye, he evolved from a **** of song to a **** of wine.

But unexpectedly, a traitor emerged from us, that is the drunkard crystal, which looks like a little holy moon sage wolf, but the belly volume is still a dragon level, and I am particularly addicted to drinking. I did not die with long eyes. Knock up, and as a result, although the wine Bisi gave me is not drunk, even the water can burst the bladder.

In the end, I lost to Crystal. No, I can’t say that. As a feeder, how can I lose to all pets? It should be said that I lost to the toilet.

If it weren’t for Verras, the crystal could really drink the wine from the blue ribbon at one go. Rao also drank more than half of it. I originally planned to use these wines for the celebration. I didn’t expect to have a preheated dinner. I drank so much on it.

Fortunately, we have local tyrants here. Beiya drank a little drunk and saw my distress. In order to show her energy as an elf princess in front of her new buddy, the little hand waved it and the celebration will be used. The wine is all-inclusive, and the crystal can let go of the belly and drink enough.

Located in the forest of Kurast, rich in resources, the elves have nothing short of them, and they can make wine all year round. God knows how much wine the entire elves have. It is estimated that it is definitely not difficult to submerge the entire elven king city. The only precious thing is the top. Wine, such as Sark Crystal.

It can be seen that when Beja said this sentence, Crystal looked at Beja’s eyes. It was naked, and a series of [goodwill +100] emerged from the top of the head, which was comparable to the horse [beep]. The third stage of the infinite stomping on the turtle shell award life, if this is galgame Beya is the actor Crystal is the role of Raiders, the crystal has a high degree of goodwill can let Beya open the harem to play together without any problem.

Okay, congratulations, you crystal, after Akara and I, the third owner who is not bad for money is found again.

Because it is a warm-up celebration, to put it bluntly is to find an excuse for everyone to be happy. In order to avoid the atmosphere of the overdraft celebration, everyone has a tacit understanding that it is not too late. After about an hour or two, they will all dissipate and leave. My bladder is about to explode, and the gorilla, who was so happy and accidentally sold a lot of good luck, was miserable.

Hey, is there any morality in this product? It's my illusion, it has already been overdrawn to his ancestor of the ape, and the bottle of ethics is made of the aunt's towel.

After experiencing the thrill of going to the double-digit toilet one night, I finally fell down in the early morning, and I fell asleep on the bench in the living room. Hey, what’s behind me, look at me He kicked his feet and successfully occupied the entire bench. The large font lay down and fell asleep.

In the confusion, what seemed to have been kicked out by me just now climbed up again and slept me as a mat. It really doesn't make sense, but this Druid is really sleepy and can't do anything about it after waking up.

When I opened my eyes, it was already dawn, or the three poles of the day were almost the same. I rubbed my eyes in a daze, and suddenly felt something pressed on my body. I remembered the things in the early morning, so brave, who is it, Dare to treat the savior as a mat and sleep, dead dog? crystal?

In order not to beat the grass and startle the snake, I kept my body motionless and lowered my head suddenly, and finally saw what the large garbage was lying on my chest.

Uh... I guessed wrong, it turned out to be Beya, why is this guy sleeping here? I scratched my head, full of confusion.

Also, who is so close to us, covered us with a warm fur sheet.

As Velas passed by, I quickly greeted.

"Beya, I was a little drunk yesterday. I just held the chair and refused to get up, saying that this is her special bed."

Vera looked at the two of us with a warm eye, as if to say that adult and Beja are a good match. As father and daughter, look at how warm you sleep together.

Oh, I should say that, in this way, the guy who kicked me was Beja? Fortunately, she was drunk at that time, and she should not have realized it very much. She felt awkwardly and fell asleep again. As a result, I was able to occupy the magpie's nest and couldn't blame her for treating me as a cushion?

Bastard, do you think I will admit it? The so-called man is a creature that continues to do tears even if it is kneeling, and the dead duck's mouth is hard to admit that it has done something wrong! Besides, this is my home. I sleep wherever I like to sleep. He Lai said that I am so kind.

With such a thought, I suddenly felt that I occupied the commanding heights of morality, and there was no mercy in Beya's eyes.

"Hmm~~~" The little girl was still a little dizzy, and after a slightly painful " ", the little body hugged closer to me, her face rubbing in her arms, confused. 'S dream sighed.

"Mom...Beya misses you so much, woo~~~~"


Velas: "..."

"Can you kick this girl?" I said blankly.

"It's rare to have such a good dream, will adults be patient?" Verras seemed to have seen me through, with a smile on his lips, and even a gentle halo on his body.

"The question is, why is it a mother? Why should I dream of a mother in my arms? How do I look like her mother? Don't you find it weird? Very strange, Velas, maybe Beja is actually in Nightmare, soon the mother in her dream will tear off the wig and the two meat packs in her arms, and turn into a demon with open teeth and paws at Beja, so it is for her good to wake her up now." Strong words.

"It's really impossible to get an adult."

"Villas, you don't have to say that I understand me very much, I actually..." Before finishing the words, Villas squatted beside him, his gentle little hand peeped in from the quilt, connected with my big hand, with five fingers tight buckle.

"So...it should be satisfied, you can settle down, sir." The pure and beautiful face was smeared with a deep and fascinating blush, and Verras said softly to my ear.

"This..." I was really taken aback by Velas's move, and a little satisfaction came along with it. I just thought that if it was like this, let alone a Beya lying on my chest, even if I was lying on both sides. There are three, ten or eight, and it doesn’t matter. It’s okay to hold it until the sky is old.

However, it would seem that I am a very easy to tame person. I am the head of the family. Must I pretend to be deep when something is okay in order to maintain my male charm? Hey, why did you just use interrogative sentences with a rising tone? Don’t even I believe that I have the so-called male charm?

Cough, in short, don’t care about the details. In a word, I can’t just be satisfied with the tenderness of Velas. I must let her feel that I am a more awkward and harder to serve the head of the family. It’s more fulfilling, isn’t it?

"No, I still feel that this wave is losing." I looked down, my tone sad and helpless.


"Unless what?" Velas knew that her husband was distorting his idea, but he couldn't help but blush.

"Unless you let me kiss a bit...no, a few bites."

"Adult." Velas bit her lip softly, blushing into a cooked prawn, but in this shame, it seemed to be full of smiles.

"If you are too smug, you will regret it."

"Sorry, I never have this word in my dictionary." I sneered, just you, Velas? Your threat is too weak. To be honest, it's like "Mrs. I can't help it anymore, I want you anyway...", "No... no, my husband... he is very "It's almost time to go home from work", "but I'm a gunman, so it's okay."

"Really?" Velas smiled more clearly.

"of course."

"Then you look up."

"..." I subconsciously looked up following Verras's words and found two identical heads, who were leaning up from behind the chair, watching this scene curiously and shyly.

Sirius and Ecole.

"Cough cough, Sirius and Ecole, why didn't you make a noise when you came?" I almost choked on my mouth and immediately put on a gentle father's Chinese face.


"There is no chance to speak."

"Papa and Mom Velas like that... sweet."

"Only...no, just...that...very normal..."As a result, Vera was dressed as Kong Ming, and his face was ashamed.

"Uh huh~~~" It seems that there are many people. Facing everyone's intentional and unintentional strong onlookers, Beiya in her arms is beginning to have signs of awakening.

I suddenly thought of a good idea.

"You guys, do you have that kind of gouache?"

"Gouache?" The three girls looked at each other and shook their heads together.

The girls in my family are naturally beautiful and don't need these things at all. I nodded happily.

"Then do you know who has it?"

"Ah, I know I know, Sister Fini has it."

Oh? It’s that little pseudo-mother. Also, after all, it’s not a real woman after all, and I usually have to rely on these dresses to be more like it.

"Sister Fini said that it is usually used for performances."

"..." It turns out that the product is also a natural beauty, from the mother's womb has the potential to be a woman asshole!

"Can I go to Fanny and get me back a little bit? Please."

The twin princess happily led the order, and happily went out. The place where the maid's trio was not far from us, they soon came back and brought what I wanted.

So, I smeared on my face for a while, before I had time to look at the effect in the mirror, Beja opened her eyes dimly and woke up.

I... where is this? It hurts so much. I drank too much yesterday, but I had a sweet dream about my mother and it was worth it.

Rubbing the temple, Beja was confused and reluctantly opened an eyeliner. From the narrow and hazy field of vision, the sight of the scene made her dull.

A man's national face, with a thick foundation and thick eyeshadow, two thick lips raised up to this side, smeared with bright red rouge, like a big mouth of blood basin, constantly Zoomed in, approached, and made a vague sound.

"Beya, my baby girl, my mother misses you, come on, fragrant one."

With a bang, Beya crossed a few thunderbolts in her mind, the beautiful and noble figure of her mother in her sleep, and the face of the **** face, which could not be described by the demons and dances in front of her, collided with each other, bursting into an explosion like Mars hitting the earth.

Perhaps in less than a microsecond, Beja’s mental nerves broke, shouting “Don’t~~~~~” in an unprecedented voice, and dressed in an instant, with a finger finger tiger, rain-like fist firepower Full open, towards the eyes of this **** who was still approaching, trying to desecrate the beautiful and noble mother figure in her mind.

The system prompts: Player Beja suffered 10 million points of mental damage, 50 of which were converted into psychic damage, causing sustained psychic damage, and produced an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers of mental shadow.

System prompt: Player Wu Fan suffered 100,000 Beidou mercilessly breaking Yanquan damage, because the value of the face has dropped to the average line and cannot be lowered by the ordinary attributes. The system feels very sorry.

Sorry your sister!

In the end, Beja and I both suffered losses. Of course, I took a little more advantage. In other words, I won and hummed.

"Stupid Wu, wait and see, your Highness will never let you go easily."

The little girl obviously knew this too~lightnovelpub.net~ was robbed of Roshan and lost her shield and cheese. Even the milk bottle dropped on the ground in order to grab the shield was also humiliated by the enemy. The pretty face is full of shame and indignation, and there are tears in the corners of the eyes.

"You girl is really not grateful, but I heard you have been calling my mother in my arms with compassion, so I don't hesitate to sacrifice your tall image to comfort you, you don't even appreciate it."

"I...I'm in your arms? Have you all heard?" Beya heard the words, his whole body trembling even more, and his small hands pointed at me with a trembling gesture, as if he wished to shoot the Six Veins Excalibur to wear me into a horse honeycomb.

"Ahhhh!!! Shame!!! Shameful shame!!! My Royal Highness is not alive anymore, I'm going to pull the idiot Wu to die!"

"You haven't been satisfied with me for one night? Quit thinking!"

As a result, the daily fight of a druid and the elven princess once again kicked off, and the crackling fighting sounds like a peaceful march of the camp...

. . . r1152

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