Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2647: Hush, you see there is a pair of giant p


"Ouch, be careful."

Seeing the little fox jumping and beckoning at me, I am so distressed. Although the danger alarm is lifted, it does not mean that there will not be any accidents next time. Do you think this little fox is mixing with me? Over a long period of time, my IQ has been lowered a little bit. I used to calm down an assassin. How can I become so jumpy now?

"What the **** is it, calm down and say slowly." Speed ​​up a few steps to the little fox's side and look at him alertly. Since she lost her alertness, let me replace her eyes and ears. This sentence is Isn’t it cool, especially masculine? What, you said that it is not appropriate to think like the body of the holy moon sage wolf? Whoever said it, I promised not to kill you.

After confirming safety, I was pulled by the excited little fox and came to the two giant pliers left by the giant devourer. The giant pliers that I erected upright just now were blown away by a blast of sand and lay down again. Go down, and just at the root of the tongs emerging from the sand, the little fox made a new major discovery.

Two giant pliers, the length is actually different!

Under the hint of the little fox's gestures, I was shocked to discover this, but it was more than that. After the little fox pulled again, we came to the port of the giant pliers and found a more shocking fact.

If you look closely at the uneven ports, you can clearly see many tooth marks.

You can't go wrong, it is indeed a tooth mark!

I almost put my eyes on it, and after confirming it again and again, I finally confirmed this.

After careful study, some details can be drawn. For example, although these tooth marks are very dense, it seems to be the traces left after repeated repeated bites. The white dots are like hard bones that have been bitten by dogs. But if you are more careful, you can find that the distribution of these tooth marks is very uniform, and there is no trace of repeated biting, more like... more like a bite out.

What kind of species is it? Can this scary tooth mark be left?

I and the little fox struggled with their brains, and I was just fine. With the knowledge of the little fox, I couldn't think of an answer, in the monster she knew. No one can leave such an infiltrating tooth mark in one bite. This type of tooth mark is like a shark... No, it should be the stacking of the teeth of dozens of sharks to get a bite.

Although it is impossible to identify exactly what monster left such a tooth mark on the giant pliers, there is one thing that really lies in front of us, so we cannot find another explanation.

That is, the Giant Devourer is dead and killed, and it appears from the tooth marks on the Giant Pliers. It... is probably eaten up by the whole.

After carefully searching around, we did not find the body of the giant devourer. It stands to reason that it is already so huge as a pair of giant pliers, and the size of the body is even more conceivable. Such a existence is considered dead. The corpse can't be easily taken away, but now it can't find any blood except for a pair of hard giant forceps, so the possibility of being eaten is very high.

Who is this, so powerful. Have such a big appetite?

Thinking of the possibility of being eaten, the little fox and I shivered straight, more terrified than seeing the skeleton dragon.

The existence of being able to eat the giant devourer in the territory of the giant devourer means that. Ten bears were crunchy and sullen in front of it.

"I... I'm so small, the other party shouldn't look down on this flesh." The subconscious made a gesture on his body. The petite size of Saint Moon Sage Wolf is probably not enough for the other party to stop his teeth. Think of it here. I felt a little relieved in my heart.

"What a monster..."

The little fox was still staring at the giant pincers in a daze, the death of the giant devourer severely overturned her three views of the hells. Although it has been slowly subverting from the moment of entering the world of hell, but never has After holding the edge fiercely like now, and then vigorously lifted up, turning her entire three views in the air and turned it vigorously for a full one thousand and eighty turns.

"Don't care who it is, let's leave this ghost place quickly and talk about it." I pulled the little fox who was out of spirits, and I was still not sober to see her. I could not help but say that I would carry this little sky fox on my shoulders and spread my legs Just run, look like a kiss.

After a few minutes, the little fox finally woke up on his shoulder, shook his head, looked a few times, and said the first sentence.

"Alas, you are a stupid, the direction is reversed!"


I swear to God that I deliberately rebelled, in this way to stimulate the little fox to wake up faster, you see, is this not effective?

Turning our heads back to the right path, we inevitably passed by the pair of giant pliers again. The once incomparable world was the top powerhouse, and now there is only one pair of giant pliers left as a tombstone, and there are endless yellow sand companies, saying more Desolation is just as desolate.

Um... giant clamp?

My footsteps suddenly stopped in the air with a hard brake.

"What are you doing, don't you say you want to go quickly?" The little fox rubbed my wolf ears angrily, in revenge for the revenge he had just carried.

"Don't make trouble, I'm thinking about serious things." Putting the little fox's hand away, I turned back froze, staring at the giant pliers.

"Little fox, you said that the pair of giant pliers are quite hard, right."

"Yes, I'm afraid it's not inferior to the dragon bone sword you gave me." The little fox nodded suspiciously, I don't know why I suddenly asked this, but in the next second, the predecessor was a tomb robber fox and now it is not necessary to wash hands in the golden basin. She understood, and became like me, staring at the pair of giant pliers with shining eyes.

"You said...if we can bring back these giant pair of pliers, how many weapons can we make?"

"It's not clear, but no matter how tossing and refining the essence casting, at least you can make ten pieces of eight pieces of dark gold level equipment."

"And, I think this thing should be much better than the keel. I don’t worry if I can’t find a blacksmith who can deal with it." I followed the little fox. You said, I said, my eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Four lasers.

"Get it back, it's worth the loss of some golden equipment." I and the little fox spoke in unison, and couldn't help but rush forward.

just. In reality, after all, it is a backbone. Each of these two giant pliers must be hundreds of meters long. Even if you turn into a giant bear, you have to carry one like a bamboo pole. How could it be stuffed into the inventory, unless there is a ready-made super blacksmith who melted the two giant tongs into the forging essence, we can put it away.

After careful consideration, the little fox and I made a compromise decision. There is definitely no way to take it away, but it is not a problem to stay in this desert. It is easy to completely bury everything with sand, and it is almost impossible to find it in the future.

So, I plan to carry them to another area and bury them, it is still the simple and crude style of Druid.

The spiritual power of the demon moon wolf has once hung the entire elf village. It is naturally not a problem to deal with these two giant pliers. Under the tension of countless filaments, the giant pliers floated in the air and was carried by me and the little fox. Leave the desert.

Probably suffered the fear of the lord being swallowed. Along the way, we did not encounter monsters, and left the desert area smoothly.

Borderland, the next stop in the desert area, here is like a restricted area of ​​life, the cold wind blowing into the bone soul, screaming with countless wraiths.

The reason I say so much is because this is indeed a good place to bury things, eh? Is it still necessary to put up a sign with the seven characters “There are no giant pliers of the Devourer here”?

After burying a pair of giant pliers, I touched my belly. Inexplicably, there is a sense of satiety and satisfaction, even the windy wind of the grudge blowing on the face feels very gentle, as if greeting me kindly.

"Fool, fool. Fool" like this.

I felt that once I came to the world of hell, this time, my Rogge's third miser was finally satisfied.

The little fox is also very excited, the giant pliers have been buried, and she still remembers to mark the need to use the sharpest section to make two good assassin wrist blades, from then on invincible. He lived forever until he was killed by a boot that fell from the sky.

"This border land is the site of the demon resurrection that you often hang on your lips?"

When learning the magic circle in Tiana, the little fox also often entered and exited my dream realm. I was fortunate to see the **** resurrection of the giant demon king pinched out by me. , Almost urinating pants.

In my opinion, the Devil's Flesh Resurrection is not very strong, but its size is definitely the largest guy I have ever seen. Even the giant devourer is like a child in front of it. Let me say this, The size of the devil's flesh-and-blood resurrection is about the same as Vatican Hill.

This guy has used all his strength to support his huge body. There are good and bad in doing this. The advantage is that the vitality is extremely strong. The blood is thick and the skin is almost impossible to kill. The disadvantage is that it loses the possibility of evolutionary improvement. There is a good saying, concentration is the essence. Look at the three demon gods and the four demon kings, which one is not one finger that can kill the devil's flesh and blood resurrected, but they don't see them grow bigger than the demon's flesh and blood resurrected?

Sure enough, we did not walk far, we encountered bone pits, these bone pits are the flesh-resurrected dining table and baby hotbed, these flesh-resurrected people eat and pull on the dining table, of course, the pull is not that, and It is their younger flesh and blood beast.

Looking into a rotten bone pit, underneath the bones, we seem to see a lot of shadows of flesh and blood beasts rushing through it. It seems that this place is used as a playground, but it disgusts us.

The owner here, the Demon King's flesh-and-blood resurrector, I'm not so scared. My strength is now stronger than it. Not to mention that it can kill this big guy. At least it doesn't want to take advantage of me and the little fox again. Then, This guy's size is really big, can be found and bypassed from a distance, the chance of encounter is almost zero.

After harvesting two pieces of super giant pliers, the mood of the little fox and I was very happy. The various blocking monsters encountered along the way did not dilute the smiles on our faces.

Although the border land looked desolate and full of breath of death, the hobbies of the hells were not unusual. The breath here seemed to be in line with their intentions. It took five days to stop and stop, and it took five days to walk through half the area. It was only then that the happy mood of the little fox and I was completely broken, and began to curse these dead and alive monsters who were all caught in the bone pit by the flesh-resurrected one hundred times.

Although there are many monsters in the way, there are more small groups of flesh and blood resurrected encounters, but strangely, we have not found any traces of the demon flesh and blood resurrected. With its size, it can be far from even a hundred miles away. I realized how bad luck this is.

Of course I don’t miss each other. In the realm of dreams, I see it almost vomiting. The vomiting level is only a few levels lower than that of the three barbarians.

It's just that the little fox and I were restlessly imagining, shouldn't the devil's flesh and blood resurrected... be eaten?

Being able to eat the existence of the giant devourer, even if I were told that it could eat the resurrection of the demon king, I would not be so fussed.

Until we were about to leave the border, a loud sound that was a hundred times louder than the whistle of the giant wheel came from behind, and when we looked back, a moving "Taishan" appeared slowly in the sky. , Separated by more than a few, the earth has begun to tremble for its footsteps.

I finally saw the figure of the Demon King's flesh and blood resurrected. Somehow, I was relieved in my heart. Perhaps I feel that such a big chunk is probably a national treasure level in the world of hell. It is a pity to be eaten, but a little bit There was a little pity.

Goodbye, old friend, thank you for accompanying me through a tenth of a dream.

I even have the mood to walk slowly to the demon resurrection of the devil beckoning goodbye, and then take the little fox to leave quickly, don't look at the distance of the demon resurrection from the devil, you have to think about how far it can go in one step If you don’t leave it, you will find us. If you are on impulse, a trident crown is bombarded from afar. I’m not sure I have enough patience to endure not fighting hard with an old friend.

I always play the copycat version, and it's almost broken by me. I have to play the genuine version anyway.

We are not in a hurry, because this is already the edge of the border land, and the next area is the land of the spirits. The demon resurrection dare not dabble in this place, just like its name, this is ghost In the world, there are various monsters such as dream charms, electric ghosts, doom spellcasters, etc., a large number can be arranged from the Roger camp to Rugao to teach you to be a man~lightnovelpub.net~the land of chaos It is a place stronger than the border land. Unfortunately, the last time I came with Shuangwei, I was very fortunate not to meet the owner of the area here, otherwise Xiaoming Shiyou could not be guaranteed.

Also, the most important thing is that this is where Duriel passed by, and I started the journey of [pilgrimage]!

"Hum hum, when we arrive, we finally found it, legendary!" I turned my head back to the whole land of the spirits and spread my hands to the little fox announcing loudly.

"If you're a dead man, go away quickly."

Before the words were finished, the little fox was violently pulled, and then a large piece of lightning flashed past the place where I just stood. Looking back, a group of twilight souls commonly known as electric ghosts were staring at our two uninvited guests.


. . . (To be continued.)

PS: I'm sorry for the late update. There was something busy in the first two days. I will continue to make more daily changes today. I want to ask for support and ask for a monthly subscription.