Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2664

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"Wh... what?!!!!!!"

"Wow! Yelling, do you want to scare the dead?" The little fox was frightened by my violent reaction, and the proud Liumei raised his eyes high.

"How do you calm me down? You mean, not only the whole world of **** knows about me becoming the devil, but also the dark continent... Will they know about it?!"

"Eh, I think it should be right, that ubiquitous voice... It feels like it is spreading throughout the Three Realms, so you probably missed one, and Heaven should have heard the news."

"I'm done." Otz fell to his knees. I just want to turn my head back to fight Lucifer for three hundred rounds, and then hold her together and die.

"Well, I can probably understand your mood, but the situation may not be as bad as you think." Seeing the other side's extremely miserable and miserable appearance, the little fox was sympathetic.

"How could it not be so bad that all of them became enemies of the world, and the mainland and heaven regarded me as a devil. In the world of hell, those guys can't wait to turn me over immediately. Do I still have a place?"

"I think you're thinking too pessimistic. I can't guess the reaction on the other side of heaven, but the dark continent should not treat you as an enemy."

"Where is this self-confidence? Even if Akarakan helped me, it probably didn't help much. After all, the **** clan has been invading for thousands of years, and the devil's notoriety has been popular."

"Eh? Are you worried that ordinary people will hate you?"

"That's also a worry, the most important thing is Velas and they..." I sighed again and again, sitting on the ground with my head in distress, and the boat had become a boat. Even if I struggled, I couldn't change the fact. What should I do? Will Velas they already write off?

"Vilas and them? You can rest assured that they know you very well and know that you don't have the IQ of the devil, so they will probably faint at the beginning. But they will react quickly."

"Although you know you are comforting me, can you use a gentler word? My heart is broken enough."

"Well, to put it another way, the devil of love and justice, ordinary people know that it is impossible to be a wicked person when they hear this title? So I think even civilians who are terrified by the hells will not immediately reverse this to you. Savior's attitude."

"Wait, pause, my broken ear just seemed to hear strange words in your mouth. What is the devil of love and justice?"

"What, you don't even know this?" The little fox murmured, seeming to endure something, and then coughed and moistened his throat, repeating the voice spreading through the three realms to the poor druid in front of him. Over again.

"Love...love and justice...oooooooooooooooooooohahahahahaha!!!

Someone is ashamed first, and then runs away completely.

Lucifer, come out to me, and I will not be the devil of love and justice without killing you!

"Please sorrow and change. Although this title is indeed a bit... puff... but anyway... puff, not to make it easier for everyone to accept you... puff, to let everyone know that you are still the original savior, but just changed Is it just an identity?"

The little fox said in a serious way, if there are no such unbearable laughs midway, I will give this comfort very much.

"I hope so." After rolling on the ground for ten laps, I gasped for breath, and finally accepted the reality, but my head hurts. It hurts and I feel my head is about to explode.

"Hey, bad guy... your forehead is so hot, shouldn't it be sick." See me lying on the ground all the time. With a painful expression on his face, the little fox touched his forehead subconsciously, surprised, and brought his concerns together.

"It's probably too much ups and downs, just rest for a while." I gave up, feeling that my strength had gradually disappeared. It's really no different from a serious illness.

Adventurers won't get sick easily, especially fools, um, it seems that I am very sick.

"Don't scare me, come, hurry up, I will help you to rest in the room."

The caring little fox became the gentlest wife, carefully helped me to the room where I had been resting, helped me with the hot water, and then waited for me to lie down, taking care of meticulously.

I thought it was just a big blow, and my mental breakdown was affected. I would sleep well. I did not expect this disease to be for more than half a month. The forehead has been hot, the brain is dizzy, and the body is soft. Fortunately, I became the **** devil. Although the news has spread throughout the hell, most of the devil lords are prepared to wait and see the changes, and they are unwilling to be the first to eat crabs. No special obstacles have been encountered along the way, otherwise the fight with the disease will be really unbearable. .

Because of taking out the heart of the holy tree, the little ghost is not as sleepy as before. There is also good news that the self-healing of the Holy See has been basically completed, especially the power system, which has been resurrected 100%. , Playing drift is successful.

In this way, there was no hindrance, and we rushed day and night. We only spent ten days or so, and we saw the outline of Hell Hill. After the huge Holy Mountain entered the larger Hell Mountain Range, there was no threat around it, and we worked hard for ten days. The little ghost of time, fell asleep in my arms with bloodshot eyes, which made me feel terribly distressed, and finally knew why she was anxious for a spaceship.

Unfortunately, I don’t know why my high fever has not improved until now. Although I can’t say that I am unconscious, I am also confused all day long. I also love to say strange dreams. I have worked hard to take care of my little fox.

Vatican Mountain’s strong sense of presence finally attracted the alliance’s friends to come to the door. I lay in bed and met them for a few times, and then I had to trouble the little fox to worry about. Fortunately during this time , I will see the process of seeing Lucifer one after another and told her that even she loves to eat nuts and nuts. I must have collected the important information and transferred it to the dark continent through the alliance partners. Let A Kara saw.


"Hoo... hiss... hiss..."

In a clean and white world, his heavy gasps continued to reverberate. It looks particularly harsh.

Here is...where? I've burned my head and have hallucinations?

Sit up with his heavy head, and after a while, I almost fell again. My head is dizzy and my brain is hot and chaotic. What is wrong with me and what is wrong with me?

After a few breathing breaths, I wobbled. Standing hard, looking around in the white world, the fog is blocking the sight, as if falling into the endless white universe.

Such a scene...I always feel a little familiar.

"Hello, is there anyone? Little fox? Little ghost?" Knowing that this is probably a dream, they can't appear here. I can't help but take steps, looking around in the mist and calling out loudly.

Because other than that, there are no other good things to do. Why did I appear here, and I don’t understand it at all. Even these days, Evelina did not respond at all. Is this the rhythm of the Savior Pill? Just become the devil, will my life end here?

Against the increasingly heavy head, a strong sense of drowsiness and tiredness invaded, as if walking like this, I may faint at any time, but I still gritted my teeth. Keep walking forward step by step, intending to walk until the body can't support it and faints.

I don't know how long I have left. How far it went, until the ear heard other sounds besides his heavy gasps.

who is it? Who's there? Let's talk for a while?

My dizzy head awoke, and I stumbled to reach out the fog and walked in the direction of the sound.

Nearer, closer, the rumbling voice became faint. Listening carefully, it was a burst after another, seemingly sobbing and crying forever.

Who is it, crying so miserably in Ben Druid's dream, am I still alive?

I was a little unhappy. I shook my swollen and swollen head vigorously, as if drunk, and swayed to speed up the pace, continually pulling away the heavy mist in front of me like a curtain of yarn.

The crying was getting closer and closer, and the endless mist in front of me finally appeared a vague figure, and the figure gradually became clear again, letting me see the hope of catching [the culprit].

But then, no matter how close I am, the sound is still so far, the figure is still so hazy, as if I have been standing still, like the long shots on TV that can never be pulled closer.

Suddenly, the sobbing voice kept speaking, and I couldn't help holding my breath. I stopped subconsciously and listened carefully.

"It's all my fault...ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot old...they're all my fault...Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ex It's all my fault...ohhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Closet-not-too-all..."It's all my fault...ohhhhoo...all blame me...if not me...ohh...

A sound that sounded familiar and unfamiliar, sobbing and opening at the same time, at the same time, the path in front of him was always hazy, that is, the figure that could not be seen clearly, and from his open hands, it was suddenly stained with a thick layer Blood red color like blood.

This layer of blood red seems to be the deepest sin, staining the mist around it with blood, which is shocking and makes people wonder. How many people's lives have been slaughtered by these hands and how much blood has been absorbed.

"This can't blame you, it's the guy's fault, you just helped it bear the victims of pain and sin."

Another misty, somewhat familiar voice sounded on the side of the figure. Looking down, under dim sight, it seemed to be a sword lying on the ground, covered with thick blood exactly like the figure's hands.

"No... if not me... if not because of me..."

"Isn't it pointless to continue to blame yourself like this? Rather than being swallowed by remorse, it's better to think about what you can do and what you can do to make you feel less guilty."

"I... what can I do? I, nothing." Attracted by the other person's words, the sobbing sound was lower, and the hazy figure was lost in confusion.

"Yes, your body and strength lack creativity, but hasn't that guy already told you the answer? Look at what you have..."


After that, there was a long silence for a long time, until I finally couldn't bear the infestation of the high fever and fainted. The figure didn't say a word, wept once, and seemed to be in a long meditation.

When I opened my eyes again, my eyes were still pure white, but without that layer of unpredictable mist, there was an extra quaint long sword standing straight on the ground.

"Evelina, I'm dreaming again." I muttered, keeping the large font lying on the ground.

"Uh." The long sword beside him made a nasal sound, seemingly extraordinarily gentle.

"Dreams about strange things."

"is it?"

"You said, why am I here?"

"Who knows?"

"Now, Evelina, what do you want me to do?"

"Just as you like."

"I just want to live a plain and calm day, is it really so difficult to achieve?"

"It's a little difficult."

One turned, I sat up, and my body felt a lot better. Looking at the long sword beside me, I suddenly reached out and grabbed the hilt, and the strange feeling that made me want to cry came from above.

"Now you are not qualified to pull me out."

"Isn't the strength enough?"

"This is one aspect, and consciousness is not enough."

"My perception is poor, don't expect too much."

"I have long been looking forward to you."

"Are you... are you setting this up?"


"That's fine."

"It's time to make the final decision."

"The last choice... what? Don't keep saying things I don't understand."

"This is a prohibited matter."

"you're disgusting."

"It's better than your perverted man and woman."

"Very well, even saying the last thing you should not say, it seems that you are ready for war."

"It's you?" Evelina snorted arrogantly.

"De Marcia! Let's go-poof!!!"

Challenging this salted fish sword fails again, wait and see, one day...

When I opened my eyes again, the consciousness finally returned to reality. The goal was the little fox's crying face like a cat.

"It's finally awake, so good, so good, you big idiot! It hurts me to die!" Seeing me opened my eyelids, this plain and arrogant little fox even cried with a headache.

"What... what's wrong? I'm... little fox you..."

As soon as I opened my mouth, I found my voice unusually hoarse~lightnovelpub.net~ It was like ten cups of hot sand when someone was sleeping.

"You have been in a coma for three full days, your body has been hot, hot like a fire, the breath has become weaker and weaker, and you have said strange dreams...I...I..."

The little fox said with a crying cry. It turned out that I almost fell asleep and fell asleep. Could it be that I got a strange Demon virus?

Stretching my hand and gently touching the little fox's head, I suddenly pushed up and sat up.

"Look, I'm much better now, haven't I?"

At this time, the best comfort for the little fox is to show his gradually healthy body.

Leng Leng looked over, this strong little fox has endured to the limit, the nerve finally collapsed, slammed up, threw me back on the bed, cried me in a hug...

. . . (To be continued.)

ps: The body is not good today, a little low fever, can you take care of Xiaoqi with a little fox?