Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2790: What you said makes sense


We are not counted as being bullied by dogs in Huluoping Pingyang. How dare these ordinary little soldiers rush to pick up the bargain? It is too naive to think about it.

After neatly killing hundreds of stormcasters, the opponent only had double-digit numbers, but the devil stormcaster and his followers are still alive, and the overall strength is still there, so there is no way to form a trend. I caused a lot of influence.

The Demon King Storm Slayer shouted, and the monsters who could rise to the level of the Demon King, most of their intelligence is not inferior to normal people, and they are still cunning. Under its command, the remaining storm surger quickly set up In the formation, the demon king stormcaster takes the lead, and the other six elites with elite strength form a fan-shaped encircling circle, and the remaining chief soldiers are protected behind and wait for action.

In such a stable and conservative formation, the remaining dozens of storm surgers rushed over again, this time including their boss, the momentum immediately became extraordinary.

I did not choose to hit hard with the beheaded sword of the ice, but moved back and forth, hoping to break through the frontal defense, go around and kill the last hand soldiers, let me say, if it is replaced with other monster types, I naturally don’t care about these Miscellaneous soldiers, the holy moon sage wolf although the skin is crisp and thin, it is also relative to the bear man transformation, inheriting all the system skills of the priest, and obtaining the key blood cows of condensing, sacred, and blood demon conversion. Skills, in the face of the two monsters, undead and demon, the defensive ability of the Saint Moon Wolves is definitely higher than that of the heavy armor paladin, and the blood below the elite can't hurt blood, even if it is an elite monster, it is probably not good at attacking. Only one mandatory damage can be dealt.

Below the Demon King, it can be called a mixed soldier for the Saint Moon Wolves, not to mention the bear. Monsters of the Demon King level can't break their defenses if they have a slightly weaker attack power, and these miscellaneous soldiers will gather together in large numbers. The resulting momentum will also have a little impact on Saint Moon Wolves and Bears.

But the storm spellcaster is different. It should belong to a special type of monster, even if it is an ordinary pawn, the ability to absorb mana can make the Saint Moon Wise Wolf uncomfortable, just like if he is covered with ants. Naturally, they must be resolved first.

My abacus is very good, but since the opposite side has such an old chicken and chick formation, it will naturally not let me easily succeed. As soon as the demon storm wind caster turns around, the position of the servant changes, and the direction is easily changed. , To break through the action of killing me afterwards.

Ouch, this formation is quite skilled, how long have the brothers practiced?

I gave up the last struggle, just **** it. Anyway, the mana is not much used anymore, just review the melee skills of the holy moon sage wolf, so as not to set foot on the pure magic master.

The huge ice beheaded sword danced a few sword flowers, and in an instant the distance was close.

With this close-up, the rest of the stormcasters jumped up, and the hands and feet with the same curved thorns began to absorb the magic power of the Holy Moon Sage Wolf. Dozens of blue lights visible to the naked eye connected the Holy Moon Sage Wolf and the The opposite side represents the loss of mana.

To die!

Beheading the sword from top to bottom, no tricks. The heavy work did not work.

The devil storm stormcaster is like a ghost...what is like a ghost, what he meows is the ghost, is it good? An untracked one moved back away, and an unknown red light burst out, turning into countless spikes that attacked the Saint Moon Wolves.

Stupid, the holy moon sage wolf skin is not brittle!

Rushing up against the spike, the Ice Beheading Sword directly pierced the sword, even though it was blocked for a moment by the red light on the stormcaster. Still working together, the opponent stabbed back and forth, and his servants and younger brothers had a first-class cooperation. They followed the boss back and forth, and the formation did not change at all, just like the square dance team rehearsed for a long time.

This guy probably couldn't stop his brain, and subconsciously saw me as a pure dharma master, thinking that I would definitely avoid the attack. I wonder if such a powerful and scattered attack is really tickling the Saint Moon Sage Wolf. If you will countless The acupuncture sticks together, and I will consider hiding.

However, although the Demon Storm Storm Caster suffered a small loss, I didn’t seem to make any money. I was sucked a lot of mana. The most terrible thing is that those Storm Storm Actors who absorbed my mana, after the boss was injured, The bent tentacles on the body connected several red lights, and the other end of the red light was their boss, and it was known that they were enchanting each other without looking.

After absorbing my mana, he nourished his blood and enchanted his own soul. Are you practicing the Beiming Divine Skill?

Seeing this scene, I suddenly hoped that Saint Moon Wolves' mana would be drained soon.

Taking a deep breath, holding the beheading sword of ice, I started the mad attack again, and the demon storm storm spellcaster also learned to be smart, and within a short time it was concluded that I was not a crispy skin master, and began to condense the attack The cursed red light emitted from the whole body makes it look as if it has expanded several times. Ordinary attacks can't cut through this layer of red light defense. Various attacks with cursing ability are also accompanied by shadows, plus a group of miscellaneous like bees behind them. Brother Bing, for a time it was inseparable from Saint Moon Wolves.

Perhaps it is correct to say that both sides should be a little bit handcuffed and uncomfortable.

On the side of Shengyuexian wolf, the melee has not been practiced for a long time, and it is a bit rusty. In addition, after being promoted to Shengyuexian wolf, he slowly took the Faye route. Once he was banned, it was really uncomfortable, as if there was a hand on his waist. The gun couldn't be pulled out, and he could only use his fists to chaotically.

Because of this, the holy moon sage wolf, which was completely worthy of the enemy of a higher level, lost the most powerful weapon and could only play mud battles with the enemy of the same level in front of him.

The storm surgeon on the opposite is just the opposite. Its combat effectiveness is not strong, otherwise it will not be suppressed by drowning dead bodies. It can only be dominated by a corner in the undead area, but it is strong against the mage enemies. , The mana draws the two killers with **** mana, so that it can face the enemies of the wizard even higher than its own level, and have the confidence to defeat it.

Now, the demon storm stormcaster said that when the dog is gone, he has never seen a melee who is so slow in the melee and so fast. In the face of the holy moon sage wolf who wants to take the chance to kill the servant younger brother, it is also a terrible mess. Say that it can deal with the Master of the first grade. Now, the other party is just in the same realm as yourself. Did you make the script wrong?

Both sides played awkwardly, just like Nan Quan hitting the north leg. The rules of the game are judo!

The fierce battle lasted for almost a quarter of an hour, and I showed frustration. Without casting magic, and only approaching the battle, it is probably really why I can't help this demon storm storm spellcaster.

Otherwise... withdraw. Fight again and again?

At the same time as I hesitated, the demon-storm stormcaster on the opposite side also had a sense of retreat, and it was also clear that this kind of fight would only consume each other, and both sides would be injured. In the **** world, which is full of danger, nothing is absolutely wrong. Don't let yourself fall into a state of weakness. The story of the fisherman's profit happens every minute and second in this cruel land.

A glance at each other seemed to reach a consensus. The offensives of both sides slowly weakened, and they took a fake punch, preparing to find an opportunity, leaving a ruthless word to turn around and leave, and then parted ways, the two were irrelevant.

Well, this is the opportunity, I withdraw!

The holy moon sage wolf had just begun to recede. At this moment, a spooky ghost claw appeared out of thin air behind the holy moon sage wolf. With a whistling sound, even the space also sent out a tearing and sorrowful horror power, pilgrimage to the back of the holy moon sage wolf like a sharp knife.

If this trick is fulfilled, I am afraid that the holy moon sage wolf just blows the defensive ability of heaven. There is no small harm.

Shengyuexian wore back, and fists hit behind him, seeming to be intentional and unintentional. Anyway, it is a record of ambition, at least the master of the paw thinks so.

No, even if the other party is prepared. At the current distance and its speed, it probably won't dodge.

With such self-confidence, when the paws reached the end, they hollowed out.

Hey, people, are you attacking too harshly, as light as piercing a piece of paper, so you don’t feel much? The owner of the paw looked at the front unsurely, then stunned.

Its claws are only a residual image.

Then, behind it came a bright silver bell with a grin: "Wait a long time, drown dead brother."

Not good, I made a mistake.

Before drowning the dead body, these words were flashed before they were swept away by a sweep, followed by a series of vertical cuts, and smashed its dried body to the ground, leaving a big pit.

The development of the plot seems to be understood by only one person, that is, the Demon King Storm Spellcaster, seeing it now with a dull expression of hitting ghosts, I said, you are a ghost, hey, cheer up!

The dusty ground pit is exactly the same as the ordinary drowning dead body, but it exudes thrilling and mighty demon lord, stepping out step by step, patting the dust on the shoulder casually.

"How do you know that I will sneak attack?"

"I've guessed for a long time, I have arranged so many magic circles, so long, and you, like the style of running around with her younger incarnation of grass and mud horses in your own territory, but have not triggered any magic circle until now. , I think there are only two possibilities. First, you can perceive the existence of the magic circle, think of a rotting corpse in your area, you should not have such magic insight, then the second possibility should be the greatest, that is you Has been watching us secretly, only then can we know where the magic circle is and avoid it."

Well, as the saying goes, the villain dies of talking too much. Can I count FLAG?

"So you dispersed the team and wanted to seduce me?"

"..." I just nodded because I was afraid of FLAG's fulfillment, forcibly changing the cold form.

"You are so confident that I will target you?"

"Because I look best to bully, don't I?"

"Ji-Ji-Ji-Yi, that's right, even if you see through everything? What is the best one to bully."

With an unpleasant grin, the next moment, the drowned corpse waved towards the demon king storm wind caster, and then its seemingly stiff body suddenly turned into a breeze, a flash of lightning, swift but not clever, coming from all directions Scary laughter.

"It looks like you know me very well, then you should know that my speed is very fast, right. At this speed, can you keep up?"

Oh, you finally set up FLAG!

Saint Moon Wolves clapped their hands, and at the same moment, they disappeared in the same place. In a blink of an eye, the battlefield became a silent and weird contest. The two fast players even the Demon Storm Storm Slayer could not see the phantom, as if they were traveling through space. The white light, the black light, and the two light. If it is not possible to perceive their breath, the storm surgeon may think that the two have gone away and are not here.

What the hell? !

The demon storm surger was frightened. In the area of ​​undead, it was drowned by drowning corpses. The drowning corpses left a site for him because the rabbit did not eat the grass beside the nest. This guy used to deal with the effect of the Master. That's bumpy.

Therefore, the demon storm stormcaster and drowning dead body are considered an ally relationship. It is waiting for the corresponding call to deal with the enemy in front of it. It was thought that there will be a drowning dead body to join. This will be an easy and pleasant battle, but the scene before it makes it completely Dumbfounded.

How could this guy's speed become so fast? It was twice as fast as when I was fighting myself... No, twice, three times, four times? Or is it five times? !

Is it that it has been hiding power? But obviously it's Fa, how can it be so fast? !

The three views of the Demon Storm Storm Slayer are ruined. In the face of such a speed war, it can’t do much to help. It can only try to expand the cursed red light on its body, add a DEBUFF to the Saint Moon Sage Wolf, and bring the opponent’s The mana has been kept dry, which can be regarded as an assist.

Not only the Demon King Storm Spellcaster, but at the moment when the Saint Moon Wolves spread their speed, the hearts of drowning dead bodies also ran through countless grass and mud horses.

It has been tracking for a long time, and thinks that it has understood the ability of the holy moon sage wolf, even if it shows a certain melee ability in the battle with the devil storm storm caster~lightnovelpub.net~ It is not surprising.

But this speed... what level of energy aura this guy is driving?

"Is this your limit?" Suddenly, there was a soft but murderous word in the ear, drowning the dead body with a bad heart, but it was a real note.

With a bang, its body was blown out again like a home run, and then it fell down heavily, falling into a golden light.

Its most proud speed lost to the Saint Moon Wolves, and at this time, the drowned corpse finally had to admit this unbelievable fact.

"Damn, you guys..." Drowning the dead body a little flustered, with unparalleled magic and speed, it already understood that the enemy in front of it was also perverted, even more perverted than it.

"But what's the use of this, it doesn't hurt at all, it doesn't hurt at all, 桀桀桀桀!!" Immediately after a change of expression, the drowned corpse laughed again.

"You output the most powerful magic, and you can't cast it at all, right? This close melee attack has no effect on me at all. What's the use of the fast speed?" (To be continued.)