Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2792: Kill each other


The storm spellcaster is a special blame. Its strength lies in its strange ability. If it is not understood or restrained by its ability, even the stronger enemies will be at a loss. If it is understood, it can be cracked. With its moves, enemies weaker than it can beat it into a full bag.

To put it bluntly is like the ghosts and ghosts in the book. There is no way to cope with it. The master must also suffer a big loss. There is a ghost exorcism in the hand. Ordinary people may be able to kill it. Of course, this is like a storm spellcaster. Too wronged it, it is also a devil-level strongman anyway, the power of the world would like to restrain it and then kill it by understanding it, it is basically impossible, not to mention that it still has a bunch of younger brothers.

For the current Saint Moon Sage Wolf, the Storm Spellcaster is indeed a weak chicken, and its combat effectiveness is weaker than the Sage Wolf, and it has been defeated by the Sage Wolf. There is no reason for it to survive.

Drowning dead corpses is more difficult to deal with. It may be one of the few monsters that are not overcome by the holy moon sage wolf that is a three-in-one occupation of French warfare and animal husbandry. First of all, it is powerful, melee, and the brain is a paste. It's spiritual power has little effect on it, its speed is extremely fast, and its magic resistance is extremely high. There is another one that has the same leapfrogging combat power as the holy moon sage wolf.

It's a rare opponent, no wonder I'm going to move as soon as I see it, I want to use it to hone the holy moon sage wolf.

Regardless of the stormcaster who was blinded by the holy moonlight, I turned around and concentrated on coping with drowning dead bodies. Seeing the blizzard stopped, this was a thief. He also spit out a dense black mist, which was solidified but not scattered. Its figure was hiding in the dark mist, hiding its sound, and the spiritual power of the Holy Moon Sage Wolf could not penetrate into the dark mist and detect its traces.

Since it is a rare enemy. Also took out the ability to press the bottom of the box, that the holy moon sage wolf can not be tucked away, otherwise it will overturn the boat in the gutter every minute.

With closed eyes and drinking lightly, the goddess armed like a white armor wedding dress was instantly equipped on the holy moon sage wolf. The elegant and noble goddess rod was lifted high and pointed in the direction of the dark fog across the sky. The sky boomed. Increased by the goddess' staff. The purple lightning, which was several times more powerful, was shot down with force that penetrated everything, and the black mist broke in half from the middle.

Will not come out yet, continue! Several purple falling thunders continued to fall, and the black mist became smaller and smaller like a slice of pizza. Finally, the drowning dead body hidden inside couldn't wait, and rushed out of a recent black mist. Heavy fist swings, the sky is full of its fist shadows. A fistful of wind like a meteorite-like horror mighty pilgrimage to the moon sage wolf killed in all directions.

Finally thought of using a full-screen attack against Saint Moon Wolves? Think beautiful!

The six ice wings behind the goddess arm separated, and the shield in the arm of the goddess flew, and lined up with the ice wings around the circle of ten thousand phalanx, turning into a giant ice-ling energy shield to resist all attacks.

After completing the mission, the six ice wings lifted the shield mode and rushed towards the drowning dead body like a meteor. The dragon knight system was launched. Six frozen lasers with slight permafrost power continued to drown dead bodies at an average rate of one shot per second~~.

The drowned corpse didn't care at first, the snowstorm didn't bother me, just this little laser with thick arm? But when it's hard anal, there are laser beams. Each action is like a freeze, move a little, move a little, freeze a little, and freeze a few times, it finally knows that this little laser is not powerful, but it can't be messed up.

Produced by Duriel, how could it not be a fine product.

Fortunately, the laser of the Dragon Knight system can be traced. It is not too difficult to escape as long as the speed is fast, but to keep some attention to dodge these permanently frozen lasers, it is equivalent to weakening part of your combat effectiveness, which makes drowning dead bodies. Very depressed, want to destroy these six annoying little guys, but they run faster than their masters, drowning the dead corpse with a sweet throat, and want to donate blood again.

As long as the master is killed, everything will be over. Finally, drowning the dead body still decides to find the trouble of the Lord. While sitting in various high difficulty dodges, looking back, the holy moon sage wolf opposite is already preparing for the third magic Paid.

The cross thunder magic array used in the battle against the devil butcher.

The four pitched black thunder **** lined up in a cross shape, appearing under the cloud of the thunder snake's swallowing, absorbing the lightning energy of Thunder Hell, which seemed even more terrifying.

Suddenly, a huge lightning thorn like a spear of the world fell down, but not towards the drowning of the dead body, but the Holy Moon Sage Wolf in the Array of Ten Thousands of Fades. The Holy Moon Sword Wolf raised his left hand and stabilized this vast thunder. Holding it firmly in the palm of his hand, he immediately shook it hard, and a huge black lightning gun with a length of hundreds of meters appeared immediately in his hand. The lightning power contained on it even swallowed the drowning dead body, almost stunned, and was frozen by the light forever It became an action of six frames a second.

This black lightning gun, which traversed the entire Array of Ten Thousands of Fades and revealed two heads, was held in the hands by the Saint Moon Wolves, and even rushed towards the drowned dead body.

You are looking for your own way! Drowning the dead body with a sour and happy face, let me this real pure warlord teach you how to fight.

Just thinking about it, a black giant thunder gun several meters thick passed its body. If it wasn't for drowning the dead body, it would be burned.

Not bad, it seems to have been practiced, but it is too tender!

Just thinking about it again, the hundreds of meters long lightning gun actually danced with countless guns and guns, and fell overwhelmingly towards the drowning dead body, without a trace of cracks.

It was not good for the whole person to drown the dead body at that time. You can still play like this with such a big thunder gun, will you stay alive?

Goddess Gun I've been connected, idiot.

Since I discovered the advantage of the goddess' gun during the second Sky Fox test, I have spent a lot of hard work, and now it is considered a gunman with two brushes.

I seem to have established some g that cannot be ignored?

Shengyuexian's gun skills are not excellent, but the victory is that the huge thunder gun is large enough, powerful enough, one inch long and one inch strong. My thunder gun is not only long, but also dirty...ah, it's wrong. It's very rough. Who said that Saint Moon Wolves had no guns, stood up and stood up, I stabbed you.

Moreover, drowning the dead body must avoid the dragon knight system that circulates around it at all times. It was slightly accidentally frozen by the permanently frozen laser for ten seconds, and then the giant thunder gun stabbed it. That fun is great.

However, after all, it was not enough gunfire, and eventually he was drowned to find a gap, and began to approach step by step.

"Explosion!" Seeing that the drowned corpse had almost touched the edge of the Wanfa formation, I simply detonated the giant thunder gun in my hand, which was derived from the method of the ice beheading sword. This trick I played very very slippery , Almost every second burst, making the enemy invincible. Which self-explosive technology is strong, is approaching the dark to find the sage wolf.

The giant thunder gun, which contained a powerful thunder, broke out at a place where the dead body was drowned less than ten meters away. Who made this thing like to play wiping? Dumbfounded.

Even if the drowning corpse is detected and desperately retreats, it is finally touched by the aftermath of the self-detonated thunder. Lightning is not as strong as freezing and flames, and has a strong transmission property. As soon as it touches a trace, the aftermath becomes a sine wave. Of course, the specific damage depends on the face. After all, it is the character skill that the maximum damage can be one hundred times the minimum damage.

However, even if the Thunder Gun is the least harmful, it should be enough to drown the dead body and drink a pot. Anyway, I saw it change from the Hulk to the Olympics.

However, at this time, the cross thunder array has already condensed the second huge thunder. Upon seeing this, I bluntly smashed it directly on top of the head of the drowning dead body, and at the same time six ice wings did not forget to fly up and harass.

Although the holy moon sage wolf has few magic moves, but the holy moon sage wolf has many evil moves.

This drowning dead body probably used the courage and courage of a lifetime in this battle. Seeing the thunder falling overhead, the ice-winged tiger looked around him, and it stood up angrily, raising its hands with both hands, and even took the huge black thunder with its earth-shaking power to the hard life.

The cross thunder is still absorbing thunder hell, outputting thunder, drowning dead bodies as if standing on the ground, stepping on the ground, holding the thunder with both hands, the bulging muscles all over the body continue to squirm, the blood vessels that seem to burst at any time as high from the skin High bulge, as for the permanently frozen light with six ice wings falling on it, it can't control that much anymore. Anyway, Grandpa, I'm still still and I don't give six frames.

Suddenly, the body of the dead body drowned, and it turned out that the ground under it had collapsed and was stepped out of a big pit.

The pit is getting deeper and deeper. The drowning corpse in the center is sinking. However, the power of the cross thunder is about to be exhausted, and it will let it take this trick.

How can I make it happen, the third Array of Ten Thousand Fas unfolds-Lava Land.

When another magic circle stretched out from the Array of Ten Thousands and burst into fiery power, the earth suddenly shocked violently, without breaking small cracks, and blasting a lot of heat from the cracks, emitting a deep red hot light, The masters of these lights quickly rushed out of the growing cracks, immersing the earth a few hundred meters into a molten lake.

Less than ten seconds after the lava earth magic circle unfolded, the original solid earth became a scorching lava. This is also my suspicious reduction of the coverage area, speeding up, according to normal power, covering a few miles of area, no one or two Minutes are impossible.

Poor drowning the dead body, not even stepping on the floor, directly supporting the cross thunder into the melt, enjoying the sauna of fire and thunder.

What a pity, let me add some material to it.

The ice beheading sword in his hand turned into a spear, and he cast a fierce shot on the ground intertwined with fire and thunder. The holy moon sage wolf clenched his teeth and temporarily held a magic circle.

I also made it myself. The most complete of the three elemental magic arrays, the ice magic array, can greatly increase some types of freezing damage. The ice beheading sword is just one of them.

When the Ice Magic Array appeared in front of the Ice Beheading Sword that was dropped by Whistling, and was passed through the middle, the Ice Beheading Sword, which was originally only 10 meters long, instantly became a giant and huge sword after passing through the Magic Array. The tip protruded from the other side of the magic circle, as if an ancient giant stretched out his head, peering at all things, and then spread fiercely towards the ground.

The ice beheading sword that changed from ten meters long to hundreds of meters long, just like a sharp sword mountain, fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the junction of thunder and lava. After the ice sword fell, it was instantly frozen.

Opening big bargain, special free additional services, Bing Huo Lei triple days.

It's a pity that with the current ability of Holy Moon Sage Wolf~lightnovelpub.net~ Not to mention the complete integration of Ice, Fire and Thunder to form a three-line compound magic, even ordinary two-line compound magic cannot be exhibited. Dao attacks are simply superimposed on one piece, at most some physical effects occur, causing damage to be slightly greater than 111, rather than chemical effects, an increase of tens of times to hundreds of times.

Take your time. Before you can master a few magic circles, you want to use the magic circle to play compound magic. I was too whimsical.

In a blink of an eye, the lava earth stopped, the cross thunder stopped, the ice beheading sword was gone, the earth was quiet, oh, I seemed to forget that there was a dull stormcaster, although it was a weak chicken but stayed It is always an unpredictable variable. Drowning the dead body is not so easy to solve, it is better to kill this weak chicken first.

I was about to take the drowning dead body off the line, turn the target to the stormcaster, and kill it in the shortest time. At this moment, the frozen lava ground suddenly exploded, and a shadow went straight up from the explosion. After rushing out, a pair was buried in the ground, hitting the power of Jiuyang by mistake.

Lying trough, this drop-out time is too short, are you a foreign user?

