Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2830: Skeleton Dragon: The Lun family is made


To make an easy-to-understand analogy, the current state of a druid is like being [enthusiastically] treated at the home of the three uncles of Uncle Ma, Uncle Ta, and Uncle Ke a few days ago. Some of them had not been eaten, and as a result they were full and supported, and only digested some, while others had been accumulated in their stomachs, and they could not find a chance to digest.

Well now, there is a sports enthusiast, Uncle Skeleton, without saying anything, forcibly pulling a druid’s arm came to a **** world marathon training, this physical work, so that the druid belly of those who have not been The digested things turn into nutrients and energy, and they just can't stop.

It really did not stop. The time passed by, and the battle between the skeletal dragon and the bear had lasted two days and two nights.

Two days and two nights! ! !

Even the crowd watching had some eyelids fighting, but this Xiong Yilong was still excited, you come and go, you can't see much tiredness.

Mother, come and see God!

For the bear's stamina and recovery ability, everyone is completely kneeling, no wonder a druid improves rapidly, this **** training method is just like a knockout medicine, and there is more than one medicine.

Coupled with the experience of undigested skills accumulated from the three barbarians, it is more like delivering medicine with expired high-concentration liquor. How can one die?

However, the bear was able to support it, leaning on his monster-like body.

Therefore, the energy produced by taking drugs and drinking fake wine was also released in one go, from the beginning of the war to the present. Everyone is witnessing the growth of a druid in battle with his own naked eyes.

That salmon sword, more and more has the wild style of barbarians, just one word. Not reckless.

However, this is not reckless. The seemingly Hu Lai's wielding moves gradually made people feel a sense of ingenuity and unrestrained, freely hitting the feeling, that is the ultimate skill that has been accumulated for thousands of years by the three ancient barbarians.

What is the use of skills? Although the skill can't help you challenge God and hang the Three Saints, it can't help you flaunt the power in front of Lucifer and Michael, nor can it help you beat the Three Demon Gods and kick the Four Demon Kings.

But King Arthur can rely on more powerful skills to achieve a level of strength that is weaker than any of the three barbarians. A tie with the barbarians' three uncles was a tie, and there was even a victory. This is the role of skill. It can't buy a loss, it can't be fooled, and more...cough, the script seems to be wrong.

All in all, skill is the only way for a Druid to make a comeback now, isn't this nonsense? The strength is not as good as the skill.

The skeleton dragon is unhappy. It felt more and more uncomfortable, and could have hung the bear casually-of course, now it can. Although a druid is constantly improving, as long as he reaches the level of the three barbarians, he cannot cross the threshold of perfection to the limit.

Can a druid reach the weightlessness of the three barbarians? It’s not possible. If you have accumulated thousands of years, you can completely master it in one or two battles. So, in this battle, a druid is destined to have no ability to copy the book. It's miserable.

However, the skeleton dragon is still very unhappy. Because now it seems that the bear with the word "skill level up" is constantly on the forehead, and it is becoming more and more difficult to fight with it.

Why is it so bad? For example. As soon as I pawed at it, it unreasonably picked up the salmon sword and hit the joint of his paw. It seemed that the strange salmon that was on fire knew it had to do this, and was already waiting there.

It is even worse to hit yourself with a head hammer, although you can knock the opponent off, but once it is flashed off, the salmon sword will unreasonably knock your head out of the spark.

It’s not that this kind of thing didn’t happen before, but somehow, this guy’s attack frequency is more concise, more sophisticated, and faster. It’s almost stepping on the wind under his feet, and his hands are painted like oil. A salmon sword is almost killed by it. The dance became two, both with their afterimages.

Over time, the skeletal dragon felt that it was not cost-effective, and it gradually reduced the use of head hammers, but I can hang the other party. Why should I use this kind of five-and-five tactics?

This didn't work either, or I didn't want to use it. The stupid head of the skeleton dragon began to feel so uncomfortable.

What's wrong, I'm obviously stronger than it, and I'm hanging on the enemy, how come I started feeling uncomfortable?

After thinking for a while, the skeletal dragon thought it seemed to have found the cause.

It certainly doesn't understand anything about evolution, but from the four-legged ground to the two-legged standing, you can use tools. This is undoubtedly an evolution. It seems that in the broken memories, the people who made themselves are also in this form.

Nowadays, although the bear is clearly from the species, it should be a four-legged running goods, but it is indeed standing on two feet, undoubtedly holding a salmon sword in both hands.

Will this be more advantageous? To draw this simple conclusion from the enemy, the skeletal dragon is also an activist, just do it.

How to say that the Lun family is also a dragon. Although it is just a skull dragon, you cannot underestimate the Lun family.

So, I am weird. After a long time of retreating, the skeletal dragon resembles a transformer, the body joints undergo a series of complicated transformations, and in a blink of an eye, it changes from a four-legged bone dragon to a standing on two feet... ... standing dragon?

The tail was too long, and it was always uncomfortable, so the right front paw of the skeletal dragon grabbed it, pulled it, and clicked, and the slender bone tail was snapped off, leaving only Under [bare] dozens of meters long.

For the remaining hundreds of meters, the skeletal dragon imitated a full bear and turned into a dragon-tailed sword on its right paw, still with a barbed version.

Don't you have a fishbone sword? The Lun family now also has bone swords, and it shouldn't suffer anymore.

Surrounding the audience, even the bear, watched the transformation of the skeleton dragon. I was so shocked on the spot that I even forgot to take the opportunity to sneak forward.

This sister, the dragon-tailed bone sword is taller than the bear!

Conceivable. The back has a skeleton dragon with a length of more than two hundred meters. How scary it is to stand up. At that height, it jumped to six or seven hundred meters. Although the actual body shape has not changed, the oppressive force is not the same.

Especially the dragontail bone sword, like a sword like a whip, with two rows of bone spurs on it, if it was cut in the front... I think it hurts all over.

Director, the enemy is hanging!

"Oh?" Bellir, who was watching from afar, also made a surprise sound, as if to find out that the toys she used to have had the ability to deform.

"Isn't it made by you?" Andalil rolled his eyes.

"This... let me think about it. I'm sorry that there are too many toys, and I can't remember them..."

Belial made a serious reflection, but she was a wise conspiracy demon. If you take it seriously, even if one day secretly pulls out some wonderful flame hair of Xiao Aner, she will put her saliva on the test bench to explore her stomach. Digestibility, as well as little things hiding under Xiaosha's bed to study her sleep, can also be remembered immediately.

Of course, it is better not to say it.

"I remembered."

"Finally remembered? The ability of this bone shelf to deform." Andalier was slightly relieved and deserved to be the boss. Although the character is bad, the brain is still awesome.

"No, I remembered another thing."

"What's the matter?" Andalil asked curiously while raising his mind coffee table.

"Because when it was made, the strength was not very good. And you know, Xiao An'er, the dragon soul is difficult to transform. Although it was finally made successfully by force, it also caused its soul to be incomplete and its IQ was low. The six relatives did not recognize, even my master wanted to bite, what should I do at this time?"

"What should I do?" Andalil, who understands Bellil's character, knew that the other party was selling things again, so he asked patiently.

"Facing disobedient toys. Shouldn't it be reasonable to build a manipulator that can control it at this time?"

"So, Sister Bellaire, did you succeed?"

"Of course, who am I Belle? There is nothing in the dictionary that I can't do." Butterfly Loli akimbo. Lifting his head and holding his chest, his little nose, which was proud, seemed to be stretched like Pinocchio.

"Of course. Only a genius like me can do it. It's not easy to manipulate this big man to make it obedient. I also used the bone that found the soul of the dragon and tried to make it to be obedient. The obedient manipulator, remember to be like a cane, slippery, cool, and it feels very good. I almost used it as a baton."

"So what about the cane-like manipulator you said?"

Andalil asked with some hope. Although the strength of the skeletal dragon is not in her eyes, but compared to her unskilled men, it can be regarded as a very powerful thug. It is naturally excellent to control.

"Oh, I'm bored, and I threw it with the skeleton dragon, I don't know where I am now."

"..." At this moment, only 10,000 grass and mud horses could be used to describe Andalil's mood.

The unreasonable changes of the skeletal dragon once again made the situation that was originally a bit worse. lightnovelpub.net~ Simply put, the bear was once again in a situation where it was completely suspended at the beginning.

After transforming into a standing form, it was really a lot more convenient. The thought of the skeletal dragon seemed to have discovered the New World, and almost forgot the formidable purpose of this time. Yes, it must be found. Being manipulated by others, even the four demon kings and three demon gods cannot manipulate the noble giant dragon.

Although the Lun family is just a bone dragon.

I didn’t want to come because there was something that made it inexplicable. It seemed that as soon as I approached, I couldn’t restrain what I wanted to surrender and surrender, but the incomplete dragon soul reduced it to the golden dragon. On the one hand, it still retains the pride of not being manipulated by others, so in the end, under the instigation of unease and anger, it chose to kill it and vowed to regain its freedom and dignity. Hand over that stuff, it may consider a peaceful solution.

From this point of view, even if it is only a trace of the incomplete dragon soul, it is far more qualified than the crystal crystal dragon, which is more like a member of the dragon family.

As a result, misunderstandings occurred.

*(To be continued.)