Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2831: Shurachang is everywhere


The battle ended so abruptly that everyone had a feeling of dreaming. +,

Everyone thought that this battle definitely ended with the bear losing and running away. No one thought that the bear could now win over the skeletal dragon, even if he watched him grow up bit by bit, but this is not an overnight thing, everyone Are very clear.

As a result, the one who first chose to retreat was actually a skeleton dragon, which is beyond everyone's expectations. It is true that undead creatures do not have endless physical strength, they also need energy support, but anyone can use its dual representatives The black fire pupil of soul energy can see that the physical strength of the skeletal dragon is still there. Although it has been consumed, it has not reached the level of retreat.

On the other hand, it is a bear. It does not mean that it has endless physical fitness. It also feels exhausted. It may even be that the hunger sensation that is unacceptable to death is the deadliest.

As a result, the skeletal dragon ran like this, maybe it was not appropriate to use running, because it walked calmly and calmly, completely retreating strategically as a winner, as if to say, I’m hitting you today , Just like this, come to you again someday.

But is this really the case? Not only did everyone not believe it, but the bear didn't believe it either. Looking at the disappearing figure of the skeleton dragon, they walked back and forth on the battlefield and lingered for half an hour. It was finally confirmed that this was not a scam, but that it had really been withdrawn, and would no longer be confused by the ribs missiles.

After confirming this, the last string of the bear relaxed, the huge body of more than 100 meters continued to shrink, and then sat on the ground. Sitting like this, with his head down, his hands down, his forehead against his knees, he fell asleep.

It’s a little difficult to keep the bear in this position with the stout body of the bear’s limbs

How tired you are physically and mentally.

Four days and four nights, and four days and four nights with the undead strong, ordinary adventurers are counted by hour at most. One hour of war, three hours of war, half a day of war is already very big, it is worth bragging in the bar for several years, he is good, whether it is by the day, or a high-intensity fierce battle.

Seeing the posture of the bear sleeping, everyone felt funny. I also felt distressed and asked myself. Although this savior's IQ is a bit unreliable and still lazy, but no one can do it except him.

The Holy See was slowly approaching, and everyone jumped from above. Ready to greet a druid, or simply say to lift him back directly, and now it looks like it is probably not awake.

With a few clicks to the ground, everyone look at me. I look at you.

Of course, Linya and Altolia are pure and straightforward by Tamoa, shy of the little fox, full of arrogance, the post-control of the little ghost, and [Justice] follow of Karu Jie, and Yuliye’s Ignorance of Jiaohan, and finally Elliya's beauty and determination.

Each seems to have its own reasons.

So everyone's eyes fell on Princess Nana who jumped first with the crowd.

"Cough, I'm Tia on behalf of my family. I care about this guy. After all, if he has something wrong, Tia doesn't want to live anymore. Probably." Nana explained the reason for her lead jump, and pulled out the blue. The thin sword waved in a pretentious manner.

Just think of it as such, and then her eyes fell on Lena again.

"Cough, our dragon family has always attached great importance to the mission. If this guy hangs here, we will not be able to explain to the dragon king after returning."

Leona is also very clever, I am representing the dragon family, you know? Do you dare to question our noble dragon family? This is a great sin, a felony!

On the Holy See, the crowds who had not fallen yet looked at the following scene, grunting and swallowing hard.

"It seems...it doesn't need us to appear."

"It looks like this."

"Always feel the atmosphere below is terrifying, not less than that fierce battle just now."

"Brother Wu is not easy."

"Everyone is gone, let's go, it's our business."

The people standing on the bow of the boat were all huddled away.

Looking below, when the girls stared at each other, it turned out that they were clearly noble like the princess Angel, but their recent presence was getting lower and lower, and they were getting closer and closer to the princess of Sanwu, as if they didn’t understand the atmosphere. Because everyone did not pay attention to drag the bear back like a dog.

So all eyes stared at her sharply.

"Well, what's wrong?" Aiwaer tilted her head.

"No, it's nothing... let's go back quickly." Everyone was quite frustrated about the fact that they missed the opportunity, especially when they saw Aiwaer not gently holding the bear's move, and wanted to speak, opened his mouth. , Look at the others, and shut them back again.

The result seemed to verify the truth that the three monks had no water to drink. A grieving Druid had a hard battle, but was dragged back by Avalor like a violent courier, although his skin was rough. Not at all.

If you switch to the form of a holy moon sage wolf regardless of the shame at the last critical moment, it may be ushered in by the princess of Aiwaer as a treasure, the treatment gap.

On the way back, the other Demon Army and the workers also ran out. Although they were not able to witness the war, but the damage caused by the bear and the skeleton dragon was enough to surprise them. And this battle lasted for four or five days!

If some druid had already been sent back to the room, everyone really wanted to take a good look at their demon lord, whether it was equipped with infinite power springs or something, just twist it and get excited.

Although the bear led the skeletal dragon away in time to avoid the battlefield in Hell Hill, the road was destroyed. Hell Mountain still has a little loss. Originally, the Lord of the Devil was lost due to the battle of war, and it was smashed by this extinction war. The monsters in various regions can be described as crying fathers and mothers. Only time for cultivation is enough.

Now everyone is only worried. The thing I prayed for was that I hope the skeletal dragon won't kill it again the next day. Without a bear, no one can stop this inexplicably violent bone dragon.

On the other two sides, watching the battle also ended.

"Oh, oh, Xiao An'er, do you still think that the enemy is a small bug that can easily be killed?"

The fierce battle of four days and four nights seemed to startle even the two devil lords. Bellell's mouth was slightly ticked, and he looked at his little friend with a little playful sarcasm.

"I have to admit that I had underestimated this bug before." Andariel took a deep breath, and in some respects was able to give the enemy a very honest evaluation.

"Regardless of strength, this toughness also deserves a little attention. The guy who can arouse the interest of the grown-up really has something extraordinary. It's not comparable to the fox-and-powerful mage bugs thousands of years ago."

"But. The bug is always a bug, even one day. Even if he reaches the same height as me, it is a bug."

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the Holy See, Andariel clenched his fists, and with a somber look on his face, he turned around without hesitation, and the loneliness of the lofty back looked a bit sad and utterly desolate.

"Xiao An'er... Poor Xiao An'er. Hem, it's getting more and more interesting, but I can't let the big bones ruin the plan, what should I do? Let the big bones no longer be close to the Holy See The easy way... Ah. With that."

Just like Dora [beep] dream, took out a mushroom from his pocket.

"Little Ah Summoner! Crazy Growth Experimental Mushroom No. 1 with Unique Taste!"

Speaking out the name with a high spirit of mushrooms, and then planting the mushrooms near the Holy See Mountain, and then finishing the work, um, so Xiao A should be attracted within three days, there is Xiao A, big The bones are all scum.

After finishing all of this quickly, Bellil wiped out the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, humming a minor, following Andalil's direction of departure...

"Are you sure you don't want to take a look at your good student." Looking at the gallon that was going to leave, the twin tails did not hesitate to ask again.

"Isn't he already asleep? This is probably a few days' sleep. I don't have time to wait for him to wake up." Gallon said carelessly.

"What about the other partners? It's not that I said, you are too cold, how can you walk away from your companions, sometimes I even suspect that you are a **** creature."

"I said twin tails, what do you guys always advise me to do?"

"Because I don't want to follow you anymore, I always feel that there will be danger."

"You are quite honest."


"Reassure, now that there is no danger, you can give me a hundred hearts to walk with me more."

"Just [now]."


"Pretending to be silly can't be confused."

"The beauty of the Spice Empire, don't you want to explore with me?"

"Not at all."

"Did my student ever say that you guy really doesn't understand humor at all?"

"I still think I am good at cold jokes."

One person and one cat, talking boring words to each other, the figure gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared into the wilderness.



Opening his eyes vaguely, the opening speech of the strange ceiling has been used up, what should I change?

How long have I slept? I woke up a few times in the middle, and finally because the injury was almost the same, I canceled the bear transformation, and the rest was just a little tired, just sleep more.

Compared with the previous bitter battles, the battle of the skeletal dragon is undoubtedly quite incisive and has no side effects. It is simply a physical injury and physical and mental fatigue, just rest and rest, and there is no serious internal injury or mental and soul level. Injury, the kind that takes a month or two of rest is bad.

The body seems to be almost recovered, get up.

Just sitting up, the door was pushed open with a squeak, and Linya, carrying the tray, came in and realized that I woke up, and the smile immediately filled her face.

"Brother Wu, are you feeling better?"

"It's completely okay, probably." I shook my arm and said I could continue the war.

"That's good. Come on, I just made some soup. I'll eat it in the heat." Put the tray down, pull the stool and sit by the bed, look at me carefully for a while, and confirm that I'm not brave, The smile on this pretty face is more beautiful.

A strong hunger sensation came in the stomach at the right time. After a long battle with the skeleton dragon, the physical energy consumption was so unimaginable that it was accompanied by a strong feeling of fasting. I now have a feeling that I can eat a cow.

In fact, during the several times I woke up and down, I almost ate a portion of cattle. Well, although I can’t remember clearly, at least half of them can’t be reduced.

After receiving the hot soup from Linya, I gorged on it and finally suppressed the thunder in my stomach, then I slowly slowed down.

"How long have I slept?"

"Not much. It's been less than a day since I last woke up."

"I have forgotten how many times I have woken up. You simply tell me how long I have slept after the battle." I fully distrust my sleepy head.

"A little more than three days." Linya gave a fairly random number, and seemed to want to use this to tell me that the time was really fine.

"Less than I expected, is it because the bear can still be restored?"

"It should be, otherwise, such a wound, under normal circumstances, no one can recover so quickly." Lin Ya said, her eyes became murmured, full of a pair [Brother Wu, you don't care about your chaos] The precursor of blame.

"Yes, is it? I don't feel any more, feel at ease, don't you think I am completely okay now? Lively."

"But when you just got you back, you didn't even have an inch of good... bear skin~lightnovelpub.net~ Okay." I poured all the rest of the soup into my throat in one breath. , Holding Linya's little hand rubbed on her face, used to change the subject.

"How's the situation at Holy See in the past few days? The skeleton dragon hasn't come again to make trouble?"

"Well, it's okay, it didn't come, and it's not afraid even if it comes."


"Because your little teacher is back."

"Oh, Biansha." I suddenly, happy, there is Biansha stronger than me, maybe the skeleton dragon is not to mention, indeed I can feel at ease.

The only worry is that although I know that Biansha has super fighting power, I have never seen her fighting style, but since it was taught by the fairy legs, it is estimated that I will not take the strange route, such as holding a salmon sword Tossing around...

. . . (To be continued.) u