Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2845: Fools also want to be sweets


"Don't worry, you go to say hello to everyone before you leave. There may be fewer opportunities to come to the third world in the future."

Chasi lived in the Third World for several years. I was afraid I met many acquaintances, so I decided to give her time to say goodbye to her friends. After all, after going to Hell World, she seemed to have no reason to come to the third place. The world is gone.

"Yes, I know, thank you very much." Chasi was stunned, somewhat happy and embarrassed. It seems that I guessed right. She must be hiding in the blacksmith shop every day to build a flying knife. Packed in a hurry, even friends did not greet.

"Ahahaha, in fact, I don't want to leave in a hurry. I finally came to the Third World and went to say hello to my acquaintances first."

After seeing Chasi leave, I greeted Crystal and was about to leave. Suddenly the collar was picked up by Raphael.

"Master Rafael, do you still have ~wh~~~?" I moved forward desperately, but Raphael pulled me back desperately, just like a tug of war.

"Little Wu, if I guessed right, it would be a fake to say hello. I want to find out that the next batch of demon king army is true." Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ying smiled and murderously dug out one of my unknown intend.

"What are you talking about." Instead of struggling at this time, I let go of my strength and looked back at Raphael innocently.

"How can I rob you with Master Raphael, right?"

"You have already done this, and snatched my best left and right hands!" Her Royal Highness Princess Hundred protested in anger.

"Oh? You mean Aunt Qili, you can't see it. Although the two of you usually fight, you rely on each other so privately."

"Who...who depends on her, I mean Shahick and Tulakov, and of course the most important grandpa Wixon, isn't it?" The two witches are rivals. When I said this, Raphael was definitely not happy, and immediately arrogant and hard-mouthed.

"This is what Mr. Wixon decided by Granny Akara, and he agreed."

"I don't care, the fact is that Xiao Wu has robbed me of outstanding talents. There are two guys, Carlos and Seattle, who haven't come back yet. The leave I gave them has been used up. They haven’t finished the second mission yet. Remember to tell them when you go back to Hell World. If you dare to procrastinate, you will be nice to you two when you come back!"

"Yes, yes, the little must bear in mind, and tell them immediately after seeing them."

When Raphael said this, I remembered that Brother Master and Brother Two were still on a mission to detect the changes in Harogas. These two training madmen, killing in the **** world, were estimated to be the task. After throwing it to the back of the head, even the work is calm, and there are good men and brothers who have a beginning and an end.

"Also. Tell the guy Sa Qili, she still owes me a sum of money, I remember to come back quickly and don't want to pay it!"

"Okay, I also took note of this." I chuckled and smirked, what I owed did not pay back, in fact, I missed your good Ji friend, right.

"Finally, stay here with me obediently, and don't go anywhere."

"Master Raphael, you are too overbearing. I have already promised you so much, and even limit my freedom."

"I'm afraid that my baby adventurers will be fooled into the Holy See by you again."

"Look at what you said, everyone loves me, how can you say it is fooling." I smiled embarrassedly.

"It's because that group of guys want to see the world of hell. That's why I have to guard you tightly so they don't run away with you!" Raphael waved a little fist with a fist, and was rather annoyed.

It seems that during this time, the news of the victory of the Holy See in the Third World reached the third world, which caused the original hesitant adventurer to regret it and feel that he missed the opportunity. Without participating in this grand event, now I come to the third world again, even if I don’t say a word, it is estimated that there are a lot of adventurers who apply to join the Devil’s Army, and may even use threatening and lure tricks. You can make up these paragraphs.

Adventurer: Give you a perfect diamond, let me join.

Me: Oh, okay.

Adventurer: Dare not let me join, I will tell her the bad things you said about Raphael in the bar last time.

Me: No way, even if you are alone.

Adventurer: I don’t care if I don’t care, I’m going, I’m going, if you don’t let me go, I will jump into the sink of the demon and commit suicide!

Me: Don’t, so much death is worthless, sign a contract with me to fight for the devil king of love and justice.


Well, I can now fully understand why Raphael stopped me from going out.

"But it seems too late."

"What do you mean?"

"I think, how come from the teleportation to your way, everyone looks at my eyes are shining, regardless of men and women, I will understand after you say so."

"Woooooooo~ Don't~" Poor Princess Hundred put on a head-squatting posture, as if to respond to her, it gradually sounded louder and louder outside, and a large number of adventurers gathered in a little while .

"Master Raphael, hurry up and let the newcomer out, we know he is inside."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and put our majesty the devil."

This is how anxious even the Majesty the Demon King is called.

I met Raphael face to face, to be honest, although I did want to abduct a few people this time, I didn’t intend to make Rafael difficult. She took care of the entire third world by herself and it was extremely hard. I can’t give She has increased the difficulty.

"We all blame Xiaowu, you must solve the problem yourself, don't try to grab someone from me anyway."

"Isn't it blame me? Or do you come, can't the charm of Her Royal Highness Princess Hundred be solved by this group?"

"Well, who said, who am I Raphael?" Although it was a simple act of aggression, but it was about the pride of the princesses of all races, Raphael still bit the hook, but she was not a bully fish.

"But Xiao Wu, you have to say that it's not fair for me to work unilaterally alone, right?"

"Okay, let me think about it." I frowned. After a little thought, I said: "Expansion of the Devil's Army is imperative. Even if I don't mention it, Grandma Akara will mention it. It can't be stopped. It's better than that. It's up to you to decide on the expansion of the third world. ."

"Really?" The princess of the Bai family, who was still sad and sad, was instantly bright and bright, and the smile was stunning.

"Really, just decide."

"I knew that Xiao Wu was the best for me. It's not wrong to marry Xiao Linya to you." Your high princess Hundred Clan Princess gave me a fragrant and warm hug, and immediately began to pinch her delicate chin Consider it.

"You can't go too far, try to put the newcomers who have just arrived in the third world." Seeing her appearance, I couldn't help but remind.

"Reassure, since Xiao Xiao has made such a big step, of course, I will not pit Xiao Wu, I think about it, then arrange for one or two veterans to go."

"Only one or two!", knowing that Raphael was joking. I couldn't help rolling my eyes, but I couldn't help but protest.

Just like I did not want to embarrass Raphael, I believe she will not embarrass me and will make appropriate arrangements. After all, everyone has the same purpose in their hearts, working towards the same goal. Dispute over the sidelines.

"Don't think about it now, go out and solve those adventurers first. I still want to meet old friends."

"I know, I know. Really, little Wu verbose, why don't you just let these guys who love the new and the old, wait a little longer." Raphael groaned with dissatisfaction, and forgot to leave her in order to go to the world of **** outside the door. Fans. Hold a strong grudge.

As for why she is so sure that all her fans are her fans, this question is a chuckle. The charm of the princess of the Bai ethnicity is a male and female killing. In the entire third world, our singing and dancing Shuang Ji adults cannot use charm Conqueror, yes. Even with such self-confidence, no one has ever felt how proud of Raphael's idea, which is the glory she deserves.

Complaining in his mouth, Raphael stopped to think and walked out of the door, not knowing what to say to her fans. After a while, he finally dissuaded the adventurers gathered at the door.

"Really, really, these guys, I want to remember them one by one, and don't give them a quota when I swell the devil's army." Her exalted Princess Hundred Clan, a little abacus in my heart, let me Those adventurers pinched their sweats.

So the camp witch can't afford to offend, why do you just knowingly commit crimes?

"I plan to go to the Hradic first, Crystal, are you going with me?"

"Go, go."

"Sir Raphael has a lot of pure water here."

"Really?" Crystal, a foodie, was suddenly attracted by the words Qingshen Water. He looked at Raphael and then at me, and hesitated.

"Don't think about it, my cute little crystal, come to me, you can drink as much as you want." Raphael smiled, and the aura princess conquered the crystal instantly.

"Then... that crystal should stay here, drink clear Shenshui to full, no, not because of the relationship between clear Shenshui, but because the charm of the owner and the Raphael owner is too different, it is equal to taking The comparison between the dragon and the mud monster makes Crystal completely irrespective of who he should choose." Crystal chose it, and he still likes to ridicule his cheap mouth.

However, this time I didn't hit her **** or drill her temples. I have to admit that I was pitting her first, so you can stay here and enjoy Raphael's special pure water.

"However, if the owner becomes a mother, then it can be compared with the Raphael owner. Crystal might change his mind." I glanced at it, and Crystal shook his head, seeming to think of herself as sweet and sour. , I have to transform into a holy moon sage wolf coax her to leave her around.

Dream, I can’t help but get rid of your little trouble.

So, in the staring eyes of crystal gleaming watery eyes, I gave it a stern look, turned around, and left without any memory.

I wish you were alive when I came back.

In addition to the best-connected Saqili trio in the third world, I still know a lot of acquaintances. After all, I have stayed here for a few years. I have to say hello to them, but I have to go before A trip to the Ladik tribe.

The first is to see if Tia is present, and second, the Third World Heradic are led out by themselves and have a subtle sense of responsibility. I want to see how they have developed.

I took the teleportation array to Lugaoin, and then through the Lugaoin teleportation array, I easily came to the newly built villages of the Hladik. After years of development, they have become very different and quite large-scale.

What is that statue in the square? I saw nothing, I saw nothing!

For the Hradic people who treat me as a benefactor, my arrival is naturally a big deal. The benefactor and the future prince, this dual identity must call the whole village to greet them.

So I was surrounded by thousands of Hladiks, and I couldn’t stop it. Fortunately, I have been used to this kind of battle. Forty years of professional observation, no one can match it. Proper.

"Elder Tyne, is Tia here?"

"Tia? It's a coincidence~lightnovelpub.net~ She hasn't returned yet."

"That is to say, this girl is really practicing nearby, right?"

"Yes, after all, it is the Hladiks. Isn't it more appropriate to practice in the desert if you choose?" Tyne smiled slightly, and in just a few words, he could hear the strength of the Hladiks on the desert Dependents.

No wonder they had just escaped from the depths of the desert and were badly injured. They rejected Raphael's good intentions and insisted on returning to the desert to rebuild the village. In addition to the self-esteem and arrogance of the mage, this family member is afraid Also make great contributions.

"If I am in the desert, I can try to find it."

"This is the best, otherwise Tia will be angry with me."

"Haha, no, no, Tia is not that angry."

"This is usually the case, but it's not all about her beloved husband."

*(To be continued.)