Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2889: Please sign me up



Adventurer: "..."

"It's a new kid..."

"Why can't it be me?"

"No, it's just that you are the savior anyway."

"Can't the savior do groceries?"

"Stop talking, I feel sad for you."

"Don't stop salting my chest if you know I'm sad!"

Here is the registration desk of the contestants. The above is a conversation between me and a familiar adventurer. The princess of the Bai family even asked me to do the groceries of this kind of registrar, and also coaxed me to say that this kind of thing is not enough for ordinary people. Yes, a literate person can do it, bastard!

"In short." Coughing twice, Yuliye next to him immediately handed over the tea. I took a sip and moistened my throat. In short, since I could not get on the thief ship, anyway, it was all groceries. My eyes ordered it The only wish is for Qi Lu Nuo and Crystal to stop adding trouble to me.

"In short, rank first, you guys." The adventurer in front of him looked up and down, and he was followed by several people, looking like an entire team. In fact, it was indeed a team. What is it called? Coming? Dorov Giant Dog Squad?

"It's a giant wolf, giant wolf!!" The big man on the opposite side seemed to be able to read the mind. I just corrected it after I thought about it.

"I didn't say anything." I'm not going to pay the bill.

"It didn't say anything, but didn't you already write it?" He pointed to the register in my name, his eyes widened.

"Oh, sorry, the giant wolf is not a giant dog, right."

"No need to confirm again and again! And the words you wrote as the savior are too ugly, go back and practice your words well."

"Use your control, don't you understand it? Do you want to register again?"

"It's really good intentions, forget it. Our name shouldn't be reported again. Although you know that your newcomer's memory is not good, but even forget our name. We will be very sad."

The Great Wolf Squad is a good friend of the Tulakov Squad. Thanks to this, when I was in the third world, they and I often played in the bar together, so in addition to Sachili Tulakov Shahi Ke and Dhaka and Simba, these five people and their respective team members. The Dorov giant dog in front of me...cough, it is the Giant Wolf Squad that should be my most familiar batch, so it is certainly impossible to forget their names.

"Know, uncle, you are Togo Nag, right."

"Yes, yes, you still remember, so I can rest assured that it is a pitiful thing to be forgotten by an acquaintance."

"It looks like you have an unforgettable memory?"

"Yes, it was a snowy dusk. I was walking on the snowy and lonely street, crunching on the thick snow..."

"Say the point."

"As a result, I saw a familiar figure in the front. That was the object I had a crush on, so I rushed in surprise to catch the other person's shoulder, and she turned to me and said [Who are you], I was heartbroken Now."

"That's really pitiful." I sympathize with him a little, and the guy who was forgotten by his first love " ", is a little pitiful.

"Don't mess up with the captain. Didn't you tell us later, did you admit the wrong person? That person is just your first love " ", didn't you say that?" The teammates behind him revealed.

"Huh, is that true? Is this the case? I'm sorry. I have forgotten for a long time. Only the unforgettable sadness has been preserved." Togo Nag, whose face has been pierced, is not With a red breathless laugh, he wanted to be confused.


"Okay. Register now, next."

"Hello, no registration, okay, no registration, okay, what did you write me?!" The thick registration counter slammed across the counter, looking like a troublemaker.

"Captain. Don't rely on that, hurry up, we have to register." The teammates behind him urged again.

"No, you listen to me, the younger brother is too much, you look at it." He grabbed the register and complained to his teammates.

"Is the name written correctly?"

"Yes, yes, just write the name correctly, don't worry about other details."

"I said, are you really my teammate? Isn't it the spy sent by the hells? Look carefully. For example, the name of the squad has been changed twice and it turned into a giant dog squad. , Don’t you feel angry?"

"There is no feeling at all, as long as our own information is correct."

"It would be better to take the opportunity to clear the relationship with the captain. Since then, there is another team in the third world, a team similar to the Doro Giant Wolf Squad, but it is completely irrelevant. Congratulations, captain please try to recruit members, we will cheer for you."

"Don't abandon me, bastard, is the friendship that our life and death have established so fragile? And if you look at this again, this is really too much."

"Oh, isn't that great? Captain, you secretly promoted to the realm of world power without us. It shouldn't be. Let's go. Let's put down the registration first. Let's go and celebrate for you. Have a drink. ."

"Yes, take a drink and take a break when you get drunk."

"Okay, my favorite thing about drinking...no, you don’t want to change the subject to create established facts! Why do both of you want to dig and bury me? How could I secretly be promoted to the realm of world power and put me in a field level Is the world power group suitable? Is there humanity? Where is Wang Fa? Let’s take a look at the next one."

"Your emotions change a little bit faster."

"Look, here, personally, there is something written on it because I was thrown away by my first love " ", and I felt revenge. After seeing the back of my first love " " one day, I couldn't help but quietly followed up with my inner anger and took a hard shot The other side's shoulder caused the other person's disability and fracture to be seriously injured. Later, I found out that I was the wrong person, fooling! Why can it be distorted like this, why should I slap me like this? What is the hatred and the grudge? My Togo Nag is Are you careful?"

"The captain is so broad-minded."

"There is no way to deny this."

"Right, right. Even your **** agree!"

"However, you can't say intentionally, but unintentional words are very likely."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten the captain? I learned from the barbarians, and I always like to force myself to pat the shoulders of others."

"Isn't it changed a long time ago?"

"So it was before. What happened before."

"What a pity, the girl whose back looks like the captain's first love " "."

"Imagine that the big slap of the bucket is shot hard. If it is a civilian, it is normal for the fracture to be seriously injured."

"Captain. Please atone for that girl. The first step in atonement is to invite us to drink tonight."

"It's weird, isn't it?! Why do I have to ask someone to drink alcohol for my atonement? When will I shoot someone's shoulder as a broken bone and heal it? The fabricated fictional story has become a fact in your mouth? "

With a big mouthful of gasps, there are these unscrupulous teammates. Togo Nag must have been very hard to spit and spit. I watched him with pity.

"Isn't the culprit the younger brother you?!"

"Okay, I can change it, can't I change it?" I grabbed the register and swiped a few quick steps.

"Don't change your **** more and more asshole!"

"After all, I really don't want to experience the world power level group, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity." I bite the feather pen. Revealing the good look of [I am also for hello].

"It's not necessary! Don't look down on anyone. The guy from Tulakov can be promoted. I will definitely be able to. I will be promoted to you at the next competition, and then I will enter the world as a power of the world. Level Division!"

"Oh, it's not bad." Everyone applauded after seeing Togo Nag's firm eyes and fearless posture.

"Well, by that time, keep your eyes open to see my Togo uncle's performance in the World Power class. It will definitely make you stunned!" I was encouraged by everyone. Togo Nag is more proud, as if he is already a scheduled seed player in the future world power class.

At this moment, the cold voice of the conversation came out: "But, even if the next round can be promoted to the world power. Isn't it generally the weakest player in the world power class?"

"I know, the captain must let us wait and see his defeated figure. If he meets the opponent of the rookie level in the first game, he may be knocked down at a record-breaking speed, which makes us stunned. ."

"Yeah...Although this is true. But at any time at this time, can't you say something comforting to make me happy and happy?" Togo Nag really cried. When meeting such a teammate, he must have stole it in his last life. God's dungeon.

Seeing that there were people registering again in the back, the line was already lined up, and I put down the move to play with Togo Nag and quickly helped the Dorov giant wolf squad to register.

"I said, you guys are really late. The registration deadline will be in a few days."

"It's not because of the captain, I was stimulated by Tulakov. In the past few years, we have been desperately practicing. To be honest, my brain is almost left with only the use of skills and skills."

"So your grievances are so big? That's the way to your captain? I'm doing it for you too!"

"You can't complain, if you meet the captain in the game, please give us a good beat, probably it will be fine."

"Sure enough, I still have grievances. I will not be angry if you tell me honestly!"


"Um~lightnovelpub.net~ Really, didn't I just say that? I have a broad mind, and you also admit it."

"Okay, please give us a beat now."

"Huh, you... you guys, wait, give me a stop! Can't you make it?!"

I’m a little envious of seeing Dorov’s giant wolf squad leaving. It’s not bad to have a lively team together. Unfortunately, I never had a regular squad. Brother Master II and Sister Salna formed a fixed team, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now the team has become a survivor and only cooperated once in the battle of the battle.

After getting acquainted, this job is not difficult. Soon, I helped more than a dozen adventurers to register, most of them are pseudo-domain-level. Domain-level squads like Dorov Giant Wolf Squad, after all, are still in the league. Rarely, the number of pseudo-level adventurers accounted for more than 80%.


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