Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2898: Savior selection


After the game of Tia, those contestants who collected information carefully, as if they had already seeded her from the ring, were immediately attracted much attention. Everyone’s eyes seemed to want to penetrate the dark cloak hat, See what the identity of this mysterious cape girl is.

There are also many people speculating that Tia is alone from beginning to end. Perhaps the rare solo traveler may be able to be a solo traveler in the third world. It must be a genius among the geniuses, which is very in line with the present. The identity of the cloak girl, but counting, there is no way to match her with the known Lone Rangers.

As a result, the identity of Tia’s mysterious cape girl has spread more and more, and less than half a day of kung fu has become a hot topic.

"Comrade Tia, how does it feel to be attracting attention?" When Tia secretly faded from the identity of the mysterious cape girl, I couldn't help but tease.

"Normal." Tia Mengmeng tilted her head and looked quite insulted.

"If you show your identity on the ring, what effect would you say?" I smiled mysteriously.

"It's a shame to think about it. Maybe it's a wrong decision to hide your identity to participate in the game." Tia frowned slightly and regretted it. Although she has been listed as a seed player in the field group, her strength is not crushed. Under pressure, there will definitely be really tough opponents, and there is no way to ensure that their identity is not revealed. For example, the most easily imagined accident-the cap was lifted during the battle.

"In this way, only a few more cloaks can be stacked." After thinking about it, Tia burned inexplicably.

"Wait. Don't learn from me. Do you want the cloak girl's nickname to follow you forever?" For Tia, I plan to imitate my previous tricks. I expressed my dissatisfaction and hope she would not go astray.

"Isn't this great? It just happened to be a pair with Fanfan."

"Please, I don't want to be such a pair." I sighed with my shoulders drawn down. "You tell me the truth, how many cloaks did I steal?"

"Is it enough to just report the number of cloaks?" Tia asked weakly, concealing a trace of luck.

"How many clothes did I steal?"

"Ah, where everybody tricks, the questions already asked cannot be changed."

"So to put it another way, in the end I stole a few clothes other than my cloak?"

"Beep beep. Refuse to answer."

"Okay, let's put it another way, what is the ratio between cloak and clothes other than cloak?"

"Wow, Fan Fan could come up with so many calculations."

"It's really strange, is this monkey fake?"

"Yes, yes, the stupid Druid we know can count even single digits wrongly, and it is absolutely impossible to come up with such a clever question."

"His Royal Prince must have been killed and thrown into the medicine furnace to make contraceptives."

You must be such a murderer, bastard!

"His Royal Highness, is it a fake Highness?" You Liye smiled softly and confusedly. Although she asked so, her body took the initiative to come up, and the small hand I held was drilled tightly. Use actions to prove her trust in me.

You Liye, you are the best to me, let's elope! ! !

"So. Your fake highness, Yuliye, I want it." Just after I moved, Yuliye's small hand held a backhand, and then it was not like a slender and weak hand that could make it huge. Strength, pull me and leave, hello, hello, I was just kidding, Yuliye, you are being played really!

"Wait... wait. That's a joke, a joke. Yuliye, this is true. Really Fanfan, can't let you take it away!" Maybe Tia was also anxious when she realized that Yuliye's serious meaning was , Quickly hugged my other arm and pulled it up.

"I really haven't seen it." Seeing the scene of the dragon, Reina, she sighed deeply. What good is this stupid Druid? It's worth your fight.

It was difficult to explain clearly with Yuliye, and then the game of Gott Gorilla started.

Ten minutes later, the game of Gott Gorilla was over.

"Damn, damn, why is my luck so bad that I will meet this kind of opponent." Gott's face was lost, and the whole person was in a trance.

Maybe it was really the first round of bye, which exhausted his luck. In the second round of the game, he met an opponent in the top realm of the field, even [even if I fight this life, I will let Lina on the ring. Seeing my heroic posture, this is the agreement between our husband and wife], and even the explosive counterattack flag did not have time to stand up, and was simply cleaned out.

After all, it would be a miracle if he could enter the top 64, although the Gorilla gorilla has a good talent, but only the mid-level strength of the field does not say, and he also transitioned from a full-time adventurer to a part-time adventurer in the early years. The chances of going out for training are reduced, and the combat experience is gradually being dropped by his peers. Therefore, even if he is limited to the middle level of the field, he can only be ranked at the middle, at least in the entire field group.

It is normal to be brushed off, and it is a miracle to win.

"Relax, Gott, I will win it back for you." I squatted down, patted Gaut on the ground, and reached out to him.

"Come, stand up, stand upright like a man."

"Brother Wu, you..." After wiping his nose with tears, the Gorilla gorilla smiled a little embarrassedly, and gradually converged to the appearance of a prodigal dog. He had to say that once he was serious, the national face was still calm. Majestic, the whole person seems to be beautyd by ps suddenly, not only reveals a little momentum, even the smile also comes with a flash effect.

"It's sorry to let you see the unsightly array. I'm right. I haven't given up to Gott. I won't give up this time. I will stay for the next time, Brother Wu. The next game will be up to you, be sure to score. Final Four, my hope is entrusted to your shoulders."

Finished. Gault's heavy hand reached up, trying to hold the hand I reached towards him. A **** man's agreement.

However, in a short hair, I shyly avoided his hand.

"Why?!" Gott smiled stiffly and was betrayed by the most trusted person at the most critical moment, probably his true mood at this time.

"Sorry, if I remember correctly, you just wiped away your tears and snot with this hand." I looked at him with a disgusted hand hanging back in the air and took a step back.

"Is this important? Men's friendship, can they be cut off by tears and snots?!"

"No... what should I say, I don't think so. But... cough, yes, that's right, the friendship between men can be expressed even without shaking hands, a look, a gesture, a smile, A back view, this is the romance between men!"

"It sounds reasonable." Gott seemed to have an epiphany.

"It's true to listen to me."

"Good. The language is too superficial. For our men, action is everything! Use your heart to prove that you are a real man!"

"..." seems to have been subtly misunderstood. Does it matter? Forget it, anyway, just fooling past.

"So, Brother Wu, I will take action now!"

"Oh." The inexplicable momentum rose.

"Freedom, it's time to pursue unrestricted freedom!"

"I'm sorry, guards, I remember Lord Rafael seemed to have said that after this guy finished the game, he would be shut back again, right."

"Brother Wu!"

The Gothic Gorilla, once again betrayed by friendship, was weeping and left by two Roger guards.

"The friendship of a man is really sad. Or my relationship with Tia is indestructible." Na Zina who saw this scene sneered at me.

"is it?"

"Otherwise do you think?"

"Tia says yours is not as big as hers."

"Wh... what? Tia, did you really say that? Why... obviously I trust you so much."

"Nana. Nana, wait. I haven't said that, I haven't said anything like that!" Tiya denied.

"Women's friendship, but it's nothing." I saw this scene and shook my head.

"Hehehehe, you **** monkey, trying to provoke me and Tia’s unbreakable friendship."

"Fan Fan, it's too much to lie like that anyway."

Lifting his head, I saw Benzina and Tia smiling, like a runaway first machine, approaching me step by step.

Woman heroes! !

"This guy definitely drags down the average IQ line of all human beings." Seeing a druid pressed to the ground with a cross imprisonment, he was slammed with a fierce poker and screamed like a pig. Sound, the evil dragon Reina made a final sigh.

After the end of the fourth day, the second round of the game finally ended. At this time, the other four regions also successively ended the second round of the game. The final round of trials.

According to the final statistics~lightnovelpub.net~ The remaining number of contestants is 121, and the total number of winners is 64. The final round of the contest has a lot of by-passes and there are seven, so It is a pity that if the Gorilla gorilla can insist on winning one more round, and if he breaks into this place, he will get another bye quota, maybe he can enter the top 64 as a super lucky person.

Unfortunately, when confronted with such a powerful opponent, there is no chance of struggling at all, which proves that his luck has been used up.

Why mention this guy specifically? Because my luck was exhausted, the seven by-pass quotas did not luckily fall on my head again. This round of the game was hard to nibble, I hope it is not a strong opponent, otherwise the savior will be eliminated in the trial. , This rice cake will be big.

In other words, what kind of mental name did I bear with? Now think about it carefully, why is it that you have been struggling to report to the field team? It is a matter of course that you won, and there is the suspicion of bullying. After all, you guys are saviors. How can you bully a group of ordinary adventurers!

If you lose, it will be even more disgraceful, so is there no advantage in winning or losing? !

*(To be continued.)