Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2988: Martial witches


After being taught a class by Kelima, it felt as if he was brainwashed, and even a part of the three views were found to be broken.

Make friends with **** monsters? It's really super super super invisible to sting.

No, wait, I seem to have forgotten something. Making friends with monsters does not seem to be the first experience. After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered the twin-tailed children's shoes in the kingdom of heaven.

When I first fell into the world of hell, if I didn’t have the leading party in the **** clan, I really didn’t know if I could come back safely. Too.

Although the appearance of a baron cat is completely unrelated to the evil bloodthirsty **** monster, but the two tails are indeed the hells, and it has never denied it.

In this way, it makes perfect sense to be friends with the **** monsters, but can the two-tailed intelligent monster really be classified as the same type of mentally retarded monster as the skeleton dragon?

Recalling that, Grandma Kelima has left, leaving only Sa Qili and I staring at the big eyes.

"How to do?"

"Even if you ask me, I'm sorry I can't help you. Making friends with monsters is like a teacher joking at all."

"Do you think it's really a joke?"

"Okay, I think there are still serious ingredients in it. Maybe you can try it. Didn’t you tell me about your first experience in the world of hell? At that time, you were already friends with monsters. Well, maybe you have this talent."

"I don't think it's the same thing. The guy with the skeletal dragon...can I really communicate? Let me communicate with the undead..." Grandma's words.

"Okay, okay, there is no loss to try. Although the teacher often jokes, but the words are still very pertinent, and will not be untargeted." Perhaps Xu was aware of my daze, and Saqili went around the table and reached for her hand. The soft little hand rubbed and squeezed slowly on my shoulder, uncomfortable and comfortable.

"Well, this strength is just right. Aunt Qili must be a good wife and a good mother in the future." I sighed repeatedly, not knowing that I was dying again, my shoulders were squeezed violently, and the whole body jumped up in pain. After seeing it, Sa Qili stared at me with round eyes.

"Why, did you still plan to see me continue to be ugly?"

"No, no, this is a misunderstanding, Aunt Qili, I'm telling the truth."

"Well, I don't care. You must not be so kind anyway, brother. I still want to see my jokes. I'm angry." After that, Sa Qili was really like a child who was screaming, pushing me from behind and pushing me out. The door of the house, then spit out my tongue at me, and closed the door with a click.

It seemed that Sa Qili was completely angered. Forget it. Next time I will honestly apologize to her. I touched my nose. I stood for a while and then left.

But I did not know that the front foot had just left, and the back door slit was opened. Sa Qili, who had been hiding behind the door, dared to come out at this time. She was facing the back of a druid brightly and sternly, shaking her fist fiercely with her hips. Then, realizing that his actions were too childish, he shyly covered his face and went back to the house to hide.

After visiting Grandma Kelima, it seems logical to have a clue, it is time to see the skeleton dragon children's shoes, but, Grandma Kelima has inspired me with a sentence.

The walking stick is not actually me, but the red and white princess got it back. If you are destined to be with her, why don't I ask her? Although this unruly witch has no record, but its mystery is not much left, maybe it can still bring me a little surprise.

The biggest question now is, where did this unruly witch go? Recently, her sense of presence is approaching Princess Sanwu. Many times after eating at the dinner table, she turns her inadvertent eyeballs, and it seems that she can vaguely see the red and white princess sitting opposite the dinner table and bury her face in the mouth of the bowl. There was a hungry figure in the mouth.

So, I think that if I want to find this product, I don’t want to use a curve to save the country, so I went to Qi Lu Nuo. After all, I came out from the same place, and I also have (trying to?) to take down the shrine of the Red and White Princess Shrine. Fate, may be able to ignore her weak sense of presence.

After finding Qi Lu Nuo and asking the whereabouts of Princess Red and White, she looked at me strangely for a few seconds, as if treating me like a fool, before pointing to her.

He looked back in horror, didn't he? The red and white princess is like a cloud, fluttering, fluttering, not far away from the front. Simply put, she is hungry like a piece of paper now, as if a gentle gust of wind can blow her body away.


Qi Lu Nuo: "..."

Holding the red and white princess floating like a piece of paper, she looked at me with helpless eyes, seeming to beg for something. I shook my head, took out the dry food and handed it up, and she immediately swallowed.

Seeing such a red and white princess, I opened my mouth, and suddenly I was a little embarrassed to clarify why I came to her.

So I thought about it seriously and asked a question with a serious expression.

"Shrine... how is it going?"

The red and white princess in the gorge suddenly stopped all movements, half of the bread was still stuffed in his mouth, and suddenly the tears came out turbulently. The pale back came with the Erquan Yingyue bgm, which made people cry. , See sadness.

Well, it seemed to ask questions that should not be asked, and it hurt her young heart.

"Okay, let's not talk about the shrine, how did you do it, why did you become hungry like this."

After waiting for a few minutes, the red and white princess ate half, before wiping her mouth, carefully collecting the remaining dry food, and began to answer.

"This is a test of life and death."

"What? Can you explain it in words I understand?" I was a little bit confused. What is the opening statement, are you the village elder of the Brave Village?

"To put it simply, I was mocked by the idiot Qi Lu Nuo, in a battle for breakfast." The red and white princess is a big concept, and finally speaks human language.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Say I don't have the ability to take care of myself, and I can't support myself."

"I think what she said makes sense." I nodded, and at first glance the red and white princess really did not seem to be a person who could feed herself.

"I don't agree!" the red and white princess shouted angrily, hanging on the floor.

"So, started the journey of self-redemption?"

"It's really rude, it's not a redemption. Our witch women are naturally smart, knowing the past and the future, only we can save others." Spreading his arms, the red and white princess at this time looks like a suspicious missionary. .

"Trial, yes, this is nothing but trial. It turns out that I can do it if I take it seriously."

"What you just looked at ~lightnovelpub.net~ doesn't seem to be independent and successful."

"We are just challenging the limit of hunger. Sinful food, how many souls have you poisoned and how many souls are weeping?"

"Well, I don't force you to spit out the food you just ate, so please give me back the sinful food I just collected so as not to taint your pockets."

"I'm sorry I was wrong." The red and white princess immediately apologized, but only at this time she was particularly cheerful.

"You are really so miserable by a fool." I sigh, the IQ of this red and white princess is getting lower and lower, why is this?

"In fact, there is a plan to use the stimulation of hunger, maybe to be inspired, and make commodities that can be sold. In order to rebuild the shrine, even if it is such a pain, we will try.

"Why would you rather suffer such pain than honestly rebuild it yourself?"

*(To be continued.)