Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 2989: Tooth extraction


Perhaps it was only a half-full relationship. The red and white fighting power was extremely low, and I was easily caught and put down.

"Wait, Wu, wait, this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"What a coincidence, my fist is also misunderstood, I want you to taste it." I threw the fist of the big dumping bucket (I think) and stared at it.

"That's... kidding, really, didn't do that kind of thing."

"Really?" In fact, I don't believe it too much, because the fifth painting is relatively simple, with only one bed, and lacks the persuasive basis of the four previous ones that make people feel visually impressive.

Although it is just a feeling, the fifth picture is also full of sight and likes to be completely covered with a cover like that. There is no one except the most shy Velas... wait, now is not the time to think about these!

I stared at the innocent eyes of the red and white princess again, hoping to find a trace of flaws, but this cargo acting is excellent, and a calm calmness can be maintained no matter when, making people think she may be a A guy who has a rhythm outside and no rhythm inside

"Think about it, how could we do such boring things."

"I'm really convinced when other people say that, you are different, you are like a guy who will do such boring things." I am not resigned.

"It's sad to say that."

"If you dare to do such a thing, I will make you more sad."

"Relax, really not. I think about our situation at that time. When I was hungry and almost hallucinated, I didn’t want to get some food or do this kind of thing, even the female demon would not be hungry. So thirsty."

"..." Well, I have to admit that this is the most Li Jufu explanation I heard, so I slowly released the red and white princess.

Sitting up and patting the dust on the sleeve of the red and white princess, she didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly she was stunned. Then she tearfully hugged the previous five paintings in her arms, very sad.

"Paper, precious paper, was just wasted."

Hey, can this blame me? It should not be possible. Whoever wants this thing to be finished in one sentence has to be expressed in five...no, it is expressed in four paintings, and the ugly image of Ben Druid can be expressed in the painting. Is there really no reason to forgive her? Great compassion, I don’t think I will have mercy on her to compensate her for her loss.

Therefore, I blindly begged the eyes of the red and white princess from the tears, but turned a blind eye and whistled.

"I can't help it. I have to see if these five paintings can be sold. How can I look at them? It's not a good thing. Can you sell a gold coin?" Princess Red and White sighed in disappointment and stood up, planning to think about it another way. Recover the [huge] loss.

"You... what are you talking about, don't say a gold coin for this kind of thing, a bun can't be exchanged, give it up."

I said aloud sharply, trying to cover up my inner shaking, no good, I can’t let this product sell these five paintings, let’s not talk about the last one that can’t be described, just the other four, I think there will be many Adventurous adventurers would buy their wallets and stick them on the head of the bed, piercing nails against my close-up bear face every day.

The red and white princess must be stopped, but Roger's third miserly has just committed it, and he just doesn't want to spend money on it. What should I do? I snapped my fingers.

"By the way, the dry food just given to you was not given in vain. Just use these five useless and worthless things to barely recover the loss of such a grain of rice. I can’t think of it. More stuff is being squeezed out of the guy, this business is really losing money."

"Do you have to collect money for those foods?" Princess Red and White looked at me disappointedly, and a questioning look like "Are we good friends?" But she still handed over the paintings, probably In my heart, these gadgets are really not very valuable, and even the same five pieces of white paper are probably not exchangeable, and they are very happy.

Therefore, the business acumen of the red and white princess is not cured. It may be more reliable to go to the dock early to make money as a porter.

"Having said that, Wu, it seems to have something to do with us?"

When I put the drawing paper away and figured out how to deal with them, the red and white princess came up with it consciously. She didn't say that I really forgot!

"It seems that you are following me a lot." I smiled fleshly, and somehow the fist called Misunderstanding started to move.

"In general, in general, from which one can easily rub the rice, our heart is very clear." A sharp look flashed in the corner of the eyes, said the Red and White Princess.

"What about self-reliance?"

"Think carefully, Wu and other great witches do not need to prove whether they can become self-reliant, just like gods, and they do not need to prove their IQ to mortals."

"Do you always feel that this is an illusion? I'm also interested in how you survived in Fantasy Township so far."

"Enshrined." The red and white princess immediately pulled out the cash box and looked at me with attacking eyes. She almost forgot her eating guy after seeing it for a while.

"Also, when I go to the village, there are a lot of good-hearted people who will serve us ample food."

"To put it bluntly, whether you are in Fantasy Township or the Dark Continent, you live by rubbing rice, and you never have the ability to be self-reliant, right."


"It's very refreshing and shameless to admit it!"

"This is our due treatment."

"Treatment is treatment, ability is ability, and this does not change the fact that you are a waste material that cannot be self-reliant. Like me, such a fool can easily feed himself and a large family."

"Wu, the mouth is accidentally poisonous." The red and white princess who was speechless by me said straightly drank the hot tea. I said it was to reflect on me! And where did this hot tea suddenly come from!

No, I am not here to vomit her today.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down. How can the Druid, who is yearning for me to yearn for light and longing for electrons and protons, be as general as this unruly witch?

"Let's talk about some business."

"Come on, come on, don't be polite, drink tea and drink tea." The red and white princess gave me her mysterious hot tea with a high attitude of being a host.

What exactly is it made of, is this the legendary sister juice tea?

After thinking about it, for safety reasons, I put the teacup aside and took out the nearly forgotten skeleton dragon zz.

"Do you remember this stuff?"

The wretched witch tilted her head, thought carefully, and suddenly clapped her hands.

"I completely forgot."


The memory of this product is so scumming to the point of crying ghosts and ghosts, is it my long-lost sister?

No way, I had to explain it honestly from beginning to end: "Now you know? This thing can control the skeleton dragon, and I am now looking for a way to control it."

"Oh~~~" Princess Red and White sighed with an unclear meaning.

"So, why did you come to see us?"

"I think since you were the first to discover this staff, there might be clues, such as where the staff was discovered and what state it was when it was discovered."

"Hi" softly took a sip of hot tea. The red and white princess sat like a buddha statue without a movement for a long time.

Then her sound of sleep sounded from her nose.

Eat me a bear meteor punch!

Apparently asleep but clever left and right swinging like a tumbler to evade all attacks, the red and white princess woke up warily.

"Sorry, I'm up after filling my stomach."

"You are also living like a pig in a shrine?"

"Because it's very busy, the evil people don't come to demolish the shrine every day. They don't come to do evil. As a party of justice, we can't find any excuse to justify and teach them."

"How do I think you are more like an impulsive villain?"

"Don't care about the details, where did you just mention it? You just want to know the source of this staff, right?"

"Aren't you listening in?" I was a little relieved, so I didn't have to repeat it myself.

"In the den of the skeleton dragon."

"Hey, was it sleeping at the time? How did you pick it up from its nest, and you are no longer called picking it, it's stealing, it's stealing, right?" I couldn't help but vomit. This unruly witch wretched is hardly too much.

"We are also surprised that it was clearly pulled hard from its head, but it was not found. It is really a lazy dragon to think about it."

"Okay~lightnovelpub.net~ Confirmation of robbery, I advise you to surrender early, now it's too late."

While vomiting, I quickly sorted out what Princess Red and White said just now and pulled it from my head? Is this thing like a plug, it must be inserted in a fixed place to play a controlling role? But the skeletal dragon is so big, this stick is only a little bit, where should it be inserted, and there is nowhere to go, is it not a bun and a dog?

"Are there any other impressions?"

"Ah, by the way, there is." The red and white princess clapped her hands, and remembered something.

"In fact, this thing was very big at first, and it became so small after being pulled down."

"You said such an important thing earlier!" I finally couldn't help but angered a mind coffee table. This unruly witch was absolutely intentional.

"So to be precise, it should be its teeth." Ignoring my glaring, the red and white princess said the most critical sentence.

*(To be continued.)