Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3020: Genius Dragon Girl


However, why the bar in the Rogge camp seemed to have a hard life, but I had the experience of being repossessed by them. They all blamed the old drunkard, who arbitrarily pushed the money she owed to me.

Thinking about it, I think the only possibility is because the Greenwood Bar has three signature maids of the Fini trio, just like a seven-star hotel. The signature gold is shining, which is naturally more profitable than a small hotel that is not influential. Much more, that is to say, if I want to open the Devil's Bar, unless they call them, they will be as popular as the Greenwood Bar.

Think about it, it’s enough to serve me alone, how can I let other guys also enjoy the service of Rogge Ji, what is the money, what the devil has, don’t care, and a few more ghosts can feed .


Sorry, I lied, I am already satisfied with a little ghost.

The intensity of opening the bar was so low that I stayed in my mind for less than ten seconds and then disappeared, and I became old again, indulged in humiliation, as if everything was passing by, and there seemed to be nothing that could make me emotionally volatile.

"Look at this stupid Wu's stupid face, like he is sleepwalking."

"Hush, being talked, stay away from him, this guy is trying to strengthen his apocalyptic aura and assimilate us."

"Really? Wu, a venomous idiot, wants to make my wise highness stupid. Let's take him down first, put it in a sack and hang it at the entrance of the temple for three days and three nights. Maybe it will work. "

"Beya, you have a good idea, so do it."

"The two of you guys, I thought I would be indiscriminately without talking!"

The sweeping monk mode didn't hold enough for three seconds, and I became very hot. The evil dragon Reina was not easy to deal with. I first caught Beya and spanked, and Tiltolia taught her how to say that I am also her righteous brother-in-law Yeah.

On the other side, Fanny and Oona were also entangled with Bess. They had already learned the hand of Longhou from her. They both envyed them and wanted to see each other, but Bess was shy and refused to say anything. To Aikalai, I hope my new partner can help talk.

"Speaking of that, I don't know what your ability is, Bess, your dragon roar." Icarai gave an exquisite assist, but unfortunately not to Bess, but to Fini and Ona. As a partner of the Dragon Knight, he and other people pushed him to a desperate situation. Bess was a little tired and unloved.

"Dragon roar still has attributes?" I, who was chasing Beja, stopped and was attracted here. As a result...



Beya looked at the flaw in this moment, and when he turned around, he attacked with a head and rammed me.

Anyway, this girl is upside down!

I was furious, but Icarai's topic was tickling again, and it was a little difficult for me to decide. I decided to listen to what was said here first, and then go back and teach Beya.

"Rena, this is the most basic thing. I think you'd better explain it to the elder elder, so as not to make mistakes later." Icarai did not answer me first, but looked at the evil dragon Rena blamefully.

The little female dragon lifted her chin proudly: "Huh, that's not necessary, do I need to cooperate with this guy?"

"That's right, because of her personality, I can't cooperate with you when you tell me. Ignore her, Icarai, tell me what the Dragon Roar is all about."

I almost exploded the evil dragon Reina in one sentence. She ran angrily to whisper to Beya. It goes without saying that the two of them must be fighting again. They are ready to join forces to deal with me. After Ben Zina left, the goods seemed very good. Lonely, already hungry to find a teammate like the fool princess princess.

"The dragon roar that Rena just played, the elder elder also felt it. It is a shock. In addition to the shock, there are other kinds of dragon roar. The effect is strange. Even I don't know how many kinds."

"There is such a thing?" I was shocked. It turned out that deterrence was only one of Dragon Roar's effects, not all.

However, what shocked me even more was that this setting seemed familiar, and it seemed that I hadn’t used the cottage cleaner of a space-time authority for a long time, and was about to move again.

"Yes, the roar of deterrence is just more ordinary, less powerful, and it is also the most common type of dragon roar. Some dragon roars can summon elements, some can increase teammates, and even rare and powerful dragon roars can make local The passage of time in space becomes slow."

"God loves you so much." I was dumbfounded. It turned out that the [simplest] dragon roar in Akkalei's mouth had so many tricks. No wonder the dragon is the strongest in the Three Realms, and this alone In their eyes, the ordinary dragon roar simply did not know how many people could envy them.

"By the way, although most dragons have only one kind of dragon roar, there are a small number of two or more dragon roars. There are many kinds of Rena. You just saw one of them... ...Uh, the most common."

Aika Lei smiled, and lightly exposed part of her family's princess of her princess. In fact, if she was not afraid of frightening the druid in front of her, she could reveal more. For example, in fact, her princess More than half of the dragon roar ability, including the slow time, does not know the exact number of Akkalei, and maybe even Leona has not counted it. This is how the golden dragon blasted the sky.

Just now Leona just used the most common roar of deterrence. In a sense, it was a little gentleness reflected in her pranks. However, a stupid druid couldn’t feel the hidden depth. Gentleness.

When Fini and Oona heard it, they cared more and wanted to know what kind of dragon roar Bise had in her hands. Although Besse's character was weak, she also had a tenacious side, even in the face of Fini's stalking There was no relief.

Reluctantly, Fanny had to look at me eagerly, hoping that I, the little maid's master (fog), would also say a few words.

Bess usually takes care of me that way. Of course I won’t make her embarrassed and ignore Fanny’s gaze at all, but it doesn’t mean I’m not curious. Bess doesn’t want to show it. You can also launch it by other means.

"Icarai, what kind of dragon roar do you think Bess has?"

"Well, I can't be completely sure." Icarai blinked at me, seeming to be surprised at why I suddenly became so wit.

"Accordingly, Bess's partner is me, and the dragon roar she masters through the Dragon Knight Contract ~lightnovelpub.net~ should be just like me."

"That's not easy. Icarai, what is your dragon roar, and Bess, you don't have to guess at all." Wit is like me, and I see the ending in an instant.

"But... I am one of those few."


"I have more than one dragon roar, so I can't tell what Bess learned?"

I stayed for a while. The moisture of your [minority] is not small, not only the evil dragon Reina, but you are also one of the few. In fact, you are humble, right, the minority refers to [at least half].

"Then what do you think is the most likely?"

"If only the probability is calculated, it should be the simplest roar of deterrence, the most likely."

"Is that true? Bess." I looked back at Bess, just nodded or shook my head, it shouldn't be too embarrassing.

Sure enough, Bess just blushed a little, maybe because I was staring at me. She shook her head gently.

"Isn't it a roar of astonishment? Great, I'm not wrong. You have the talent to be a dragon knight, Beth." Icarai is very happy. If it's not a roar of astonishment, it will only be a more powerful dragon. The roar of dragons and dragons usually have a deterrent effect. The roar of deterrence is only to strengthen the deterrent effect. It is the simplest and least powerful dragon roar. None of them.

"Exclude the roar of shock, you should be able to see what Bess has mastered." I looked again at Akkalei, and she showed regret again.

"I'm sorry, Lord Elder, I have more than two."

"..." Okay, okay, you and the evil dragon Rena are super geniuses in the dragon family, I know, I understand!


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