Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3045: messenger


This is the largest giant wolf I have ever seen. Xiao Xue is big enough, but compared with the giant wolf in front of him, he is not even a baby. Although it is incomparable to a fully enlarged bear, But the coercive force exaggerated is more than several times that of the bear, which makes every inch of its body look more powerful and scary.

The fur is invisible, the body of the giant wolf is covered by the flame of the blood moon color, including the eyes. At first glance, it looks like two burning round moons, claws, fangs, wild eyes, steel tail, all means of attack They are all wrapped in blood-red flames, and it even makes people wonder whether this giant wolf has any entity, or is it just a wolf-shaped elemental creature formed by the blood-red flames?

Regardless of its shape, its strength is unquestionable. Don’t even want to resist it. Even if I take all the means of self-mutilation, completely violent, and punishment, there is no chance of reversal.

The best news now is that its pair of staring eyes, **** wolf eyes, does not bring the ferocity of the wolf. It is obviously like blood seeping, and it should have an unusually crazy and ferocious look, but it is abnormal. It gives us an unusually calm feeling, like an old man, with too much insight and vicissitudes hidden in the blood.

This gives me a glimmer of hope for a small life, maybe this giant wolf, like the two tails, is also a smart monster, you can try to communicate.

Seeing that the atmosphere was in a stalemate, the other party kept staring at it, and it didn't mean to take the initiative. I could only act daringly.

"Are you the lord here? And pleased to see you, please forgive me if you don't come here, we just borrowed it, and speaking of it, it's about to leave."

Although it feels like this giant wolf may have been noticed when we stepped into its territory, I still tried to explain that I was not malicious, just borrowing a way, it should not be too much.

After talking, after waiting for a while, the giant wolf still didn't respond at all. I can only look for other topics again, eat people with soft mouths and short hands, and after actual verification, it is a common principle in any world. Of course, the premise It's the other party's reasoning with you.

So, I remembered the iron pan that was left behind the butt, swept the wolf tail, rolled up the iron pan and held it in my hand, so as not to cause misunderstandings, and shook carefully towards the giant wolf.

"We are going to make lunch, shall we eat together?"

Having said that, if it nodded, what should I do next? This man is so big, even if I take out all the dry food, I'm afraid I won't be able to feed it. I can only pray for Aiwaer to bring enough food.

However, this trick still didn't work. The giant wolf was obviously not a qualified foodie. I was indifferent to my lunch invitation. I still looked at me and Aiwaer with those seemingly crazy but wise eyes, the **** pupils. In the middle, we can clearly see the clear reflection of the two of us, as if a ray of soul has been bound by these eyes and cannot escape.

Can't it be soft, can it be hard? I'm sorry this difficulty is too high, please allow me to sternly refuse, unless the other party starts first, otherwise I will not take the initiative to provoke this big wolf who knows that I can't afford it at a glance.

No, maybe there are other tricks!

Suddenly, my eyes flashed. As the saying goes, I thought about food and clothing. The giant wolf is not a foodie, but it is not necessarily a color...cough, pervert.

At this time, maybe Xiao Xue can sacrifice the hue?

No, no, I’m not the kind of master who favors pets, Xiao Xue is my partner and my partner. How can I sacrifice it?

But think about it from another angle. What if Xiaoxue likes this size too? Am I contributing to a good marriage with my partner?

Hey, wait, my rhythm, the rhythm seems to be passing by quickly!

Cough cough, anyway, it's worth trying. Apart from the tactics, as a wolf, maybe Xiaoxue can communicate better with the other party?

Just when I was planning to take the rhythm... No, it was when I put my thoughts into action, like a statue, there was no movement, and even the giant wolf that could not feel even the slightest movements of breathing and blinking, finally moved.

Its three clawed front claws lifted up silently, twisted around the waist, and suddenly a 90-degree turn came to the other side.

I looked carefully. Every time the giant wolf took a step, the light and elegant blood red wolf claws, even the fine grass on the ground, had never been bent.

The huge body burning the blood-red flame was taller than many trees in the forest, but when passing by the trees, the blood-like flames on the body looked scary, but did not cause any damage to the weak green leaves.

It looks...it looks like a ghost.

Even so, I haven't doubted whether the pressure it exudes is true or not, and I don't doubt whether the burning flame on it really can't even touch a leaf, and my eyes may deceive myself, but instinctively.

Instead of doubting whether it is fake or not, it is better to believe that this giant wolf, which looks like a vicissitudes of wisdom, has controlled its ability to an incredible level. When you let the huge bear walk, you don’t bend a grass. Try? I tell you, that's even a hill can be leveled.

Why, have we been spared again?

Hey, why would you say that again?

Seeing the giant wolf turn at a right angle, leaving us away, I was finally able to move from its coercion, twisting my neck stiffly and looking towards Aiwaer.

Her face was still pale, and she was terrified by the giant wolf. I can understand Aiwa’s powerless performance very much. Like me, I can be said to be a battle-stricken man. There is a demon called Lucifer in Paradise Lost. Lord Demon doesn’t know where it is going, so I talk to her and laugh!

However, just like this, I was still frightened by the appearance of the giant wolf. Aiwaer was not scared and stupid.

Perhaps a warmth and a sense of security were found in my eyes. Aiwaer, who was watching me, quickly recovered. Although his face was still pale and his body was still trembling, he was finally able to respond.

"Sir Wolf, we are now..."

Before the words of Aiwaer were finished, the giant wolf that seemed to be leaving suddenly stepped in and looked back. [Laughs] Almost scared Aiwaer again, thinking that the other party wanted to repent, originally intended to let go We walked a few steps and suddenly became hungry and greedy, and did not intend to let us go.

As a result, the giant wolf just stopped and looked back, then took a slow pace again.

this is……

Even if I am as dull as I am, I can see some signs.

Does giant wolf mean let us keep up with it?

Looking back at Aiwaer, she nodded as if stunned, then suddenly shook her head desperately.

Do we have other options now? Keep up, there may be a chance to live, if you don't follow, if the giant wolf gets angry, then no one can save us.

Casting such a helpless look at Aiwaer, she also calmed down and realized the situation now, her face was paler, and she nodded more helplessly than me, holding her hands on her chest and praying constantly, I thought she was afraid Dead, erecting the wolf ears and listening to her whispered words, it probably means that it doesn’t matter whatsoever, I must protect the sage wolf.

It is worthy of the brain remnant of Saint Moon Wolves. Congratulations to the player Aiwaer who has been called the loyal dog angel.

I was vomiting hard in my heart, and I was a little moved. I hesitated for a moment, and I reached out to hold Aiwaer's pale cold hands, holding her firmly and keeping up with the figure of the giant wolf.

Aiwaer, who was held in his hand, had a bit of blush, and he seemed to have completely forgotten the threat of the giant wolf in a blink of an eye. Those golden eyes were wet and watery, and they looked over with excitement and happiness. I saw... …I see it and I want to use the tortoiseshell to tie her up and hang it on the tree.

Why do you say "again"?

Ah, my wok, and my bowl! Pack it up, hurry up, these are all prepared for me by the Velas puppies.

It was like a prisoner, slightly embarrassed to follow behind the giant wolf, with a serious uneasiness to the unknown, I and I walked and walked along, and always followed, seeing that one afternoon is about to pass, the giant wolf has not yet The meaning of stopping.

However, after walking for so long, Ai Er and I saw some clues. There was a vague guess in my mind.

Although the direction is a bit wrong~lightnovelpub.net~, there is no doubt that we are getting closer and closer to the deepest junction.

Walking at the front, the pace is not slow or slow, and the elegant and graceful giant wolf is now giving us such a feeling-it seems that we have accidentally lost our way and walked behind the other people's houses, as the butler's giant wolf Appeared in time, leading us lost, around this scary house, toward the main entrance.

This is not without conjecture, because I suddenly thought of Xiaoxue, and Xiaoxue's description column contains such a paragraph, describing Xiaoxue's identity, Cangxue Saint Wolf, the guardian created by the **** of the moon and the **** of the forest.

So, will the giant wolf in front of him be the guardian of the moon god, guarding the fall of the moon god?

This question was confirmed by Aiwaer, and she completely recovered her calmness. She finally remembered the information about the moon god. There was such a giant wolf beside the moon god, which existed as the gate guard.

In this way, we are not only life-threatening. Looking at the posture of this giant wolf leading us, it may even come to welcome us into the lunar fall.

*(To be continued.)