Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3131: Tacit understanding

The next day, I came carefully to the door of the dragon Rena and ran into Ekaley who was coming out.

"Still not upset?"

"Yeah, after all, in front of everyone... No, I don't blame His Excellency Wu Fan, maybe your fit dance does have mysterious power, but it has not been exerted, it must be like this."

In the face of Ekaley’s trust, I just want to cover my face with my hands, as if the vampire met the cross of the sun’s garlic, so dazzling, Ekaley’s trust seemed to me like a needle through the body, sorry Well, I’m really sorry, all dances are deceptive. I was in a mood to relax and play. I didn’t expect that the evil dragon Reina was still playing, and I didn’t expect everyone to be together at that moment. Come here.

"My Excellency Wu Fan." As I fell into a great sense of guilt, Akkale's gentle voice continued to come.

"Lena is very depressed now. Could you please do me a favor and go in to comfort her?"

"Will me, I am willing, after all, it is my fault, but you confirm that let me go in, can you really comfort her?" I pointed at myself, and at the door.

"Eh, at least you can get up, can't you?" Aikalay said with a grin.

"..." Well, if she is to get her spirited up, I have 10,000 ways. It is nothing more than to sacrifice myself and suffer.

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth and nodded resolutely, as if to repay Akkalei's trust in me.

"I'm coming in..." Opening the door sneakily, muttering, no matter whether the owner inside heard it or not, I looked around the room first.

This is the first time to enter the dragon's room... No, it's not her room either, don't forget that this is Aikale's home, it's just the dragon's bud of Akkale's sweetheart Na, there is a room dedicated to her here. The layout inside doesn't seem to be changed much. It's similar to the room I live in. It's a simple and simple style.

Then again, where is the dragon's home? Remember that she is still a minor, that is to say, she may not have separated from Uncle Hardy? I don’t understand. She obviously returned to Dragon Paradise, but she has always lived in Akkalei, and has never returned to her home. Could it be that there is a conflict with her home, or what else happened?

With these miscellaneous thoughts, I pushed the door in, my eyes finally settled on the bed, a big piece bulged high in the bed, and obviously a guy who needed comfort was curled up inside.

I coughed a few times and didn't get a response. I just walked up and squatted beside the bed and whispered: "Hey, Miss Lena, it's time to get up, the sun is drying, the breakfast is done, and my belly is not hungry at all. ?"

With a shout, a small fist that I knew very well suddenly spurted out of the bed, staying dangerously and dangerously in front of me, less than half an inch away from my nose, which frightened me.

"Huh, it's a little bit worse, you guys move forward a little bit more." There was a depressed voice from the dragon, Reina. It seemed that she was not soft-hearted and only wanted to scare me, but she didn't have enough hands. Not long enough, this guy... Even though the nature of violence is not changed at all in depression.

However, this is also not lazy, obviously she can move me out of the bed by one point, but thinking that I can move her forward and beat her, it seems that it is really as depression as Icarai said. , The more depressed and lazier, um, this guy, it really makes no difference to her, it seems to be exciting.

"Stupid Dragon Reina..."

With a bang, I got a footmark on my face, squatting my body, and leaning backwards, the back of the head slammed on the ground, and the pain in the front and back made me roll and wail, and I saw only attacking myself in the eyes. The murderer-a long, white, symmetrical long leg, quickly retracted into the bed.

At this moment, I learned a truth that seems superficial and full of infinite practicality.

The legs are always longer than the hands. When your hands are out of reach, you can try the legs.

"You guys are so desperate, why is it that the only beating is so sharp? Is the violent gene hidden in the bloodline making a fuss?" Covering the **** nose, I crawled up hard, vigilant and The bed is kept at least one leg away, which is good. Unless this product is reincarnated by Dalce in the street [beep], I would like to kick me again.

"I'm depressed and beating you are completely different. There's no connection at all." A muffled voice came from the bed.

"No, I can't say that there is no contact at all. Perhaps it should be the case. The more I am depressed, the more I want to beat you guys."

"Look, aren't the tyrannosaurus attributes finally going to hide?"

"Nonsense, I am gentle with others."

"Why me?!" I shouted mournfully.

"You're so sorry!" The bed was lifted with a hula, and the shameful look of the tears rolled in the cool dragon Rena.

"Your stupid thing was done under your bewitching yesterday. Tell yourself why I want to beat you."

"Huh? Didn't you feel strong yourself?"

"So this must have been fooled by you guys, otherwise how could I treat that kind of stupid thing... to that kind of stupid thing... and it's been seen by everyone!"

"Relax." I remembered the comforting task given to me by Akkalei. My sense of mission suddenly rushed into my heart. His expression was clear and his sense of justice was astonishing.

"Don’t care too much about this kind of thing. I don’t think anyone will laugh at you, because you guys usually have the same IQ in everyone’s minds. When you are stupid, you can’t stop the ten-headed dragon, at best. Am I better?"

"I killed you nonsense **** Druid!" As a result, the evil dragon Reina screamed with shame, desperately rushed from the bed, fell me down, ride down, punch left One punch, infinite loop.

It's a fight, but I don't want to suffer like this!

"Stop, wait, I have something to say!" I shouted loudly while blocking the fist.

"Huha...huha...Do you want to confess your last words? Yes, I will give you three seconds." The evil dragon Reina gasped and gasped. She smiled without a rage in her mouth, causing a flirtatious bloodthirsty. Smile, this guy is really coming, this time I really intend to beat me up!

"Before beating me, can I put on my clothes first?" I said quickly, taking advantage of my three-second chance to survive.

As soon as his body stiffened, the evil dragon Reina looked at herself, and found that she was only wearing underwear while sleeping, and a large piece of spring light was leaking. That's all. It's still a riding position.


A scream that shattered the eardrum sounded, and immediately, a figure flew out of the door like a meteor and hit the wall. Fortunately, Icarai’s home seemed to have solidified the defense magic in all directions, and finally reduced the loss to Only hit a human-shaped depression on the wall to such an extent.

"It's hard, Your Excellency Wu Fan." Akkalei came to parade like a soft slime and slid from the wall to the ground, before he could not get up again, and thanked with a bitter smile.

"No... No... Icarai...really...can't really...can't discuss it again...swap with the dragon Rena...you come as my partner...? "

"Sorry, I already have Bess."

"No... it doesn't matter, as long as Bess... Bess is willing, I would rather... would rather share a dragon with her...Dragon Knight..."

"In this case, you must not speak in front of Rena." Akkalei showed a gentle smile and gently compared to a boo gesture. At this time, the dressed female Tyrannosaurus Reina, the wind and fire from the wind and fire Stride out of the room.

"What about **** druids? I have to beat him into a bear today!"

"Rena, please don't be too restless. Your Excellency Wu Fan is also here to make you feel refreshed. Come and come and have breakfast quickly. This is carefully prepared by Beth and I for you."

"Well, it's not too late to beat the guy when I'm full." Leona turned her head and nodded.

"Hugh was successful. Look at my crystal devouring cannon!" On the other side, I jumped up suddenly, grabbed the bypassed crystal, threw a strong shot, and threw the crystal over.

Innocently lying on the crystal of the gun, there was food on the flight path at a glance, and her instinct drove her to open her mouth, swallowed, grabbed with both hands, and then swept between Akkalei and the dragon Rena Ever.

Looking down, the carefully prepared breakfast by Akkalei and Bess has been eaten and grabbed by the crystal and has become as clean as being licked.

Plan to pass, hurry up!

"Asshole, don't run. Since you chose to die early, I will fulfill you. This time I will never spare you the druid."

Akkalei's house sounded a long absence... a long absence.

"Okay, you two, if you don't want to fail in the test, you should abandon the previous suspicions and cooperate with each other." Located in the training ground deep in the house of Aikalai, Aikalai clapped his palms, intending to let us The special training continues.

"Sister Icarai~lightnovelpub.net~ I don't want to accompany this stupid Druid to continue doing stupid things, please forgive me."

"Rena, this is the special training you proposed yourself. Let me first give up, is it ridiculous?"

"It's not like this guy is right. I took my enthusiasm seriously last night, but this **** druid teases people again and again!"

"I think that Mr. Wu Fan did nothing wrong, and he also came up with a method he could think of for the sake of the test."

"Huh? Sister Icarai, are you pretending to be stupid or really? That kind of thing was just put out for the test? This guy is clearly tricking!"

"How can you say this to Lord Wu Fan? The thing called fit dance, although it seems a little silly, may actually contain the power of mystery... probably."

Icarai is still trying to protect me, making my body tingle more and more, enough, really enough, Icarai, I can't bear your trust, at this time, I am still a deadly dragon bud Na knows me better. At that time, I really just wanted to revitalize the atmosphere. The so-called fit dance is just the bean knowledge in the villain's book.

In any case, Akkalei finally convinced the evil dragon Reina to continue the special training. In order to prevent us from making any moths again, she intends to direct this time.

"First of all, let's re-establish a sense of connection like last night, two."

"Hah, really, it's exhausting, why did I look for this stupid druid."

"Rena, does it matter that the contract is forcibly broken?"

"Yes, I know, can't I do it?" The listless response, like the scene that occurred yesterday, for the magic circle to appear again under Lena's feet, established a non-existent relationship between each other. Sense of connection.

"what's next?"

(To be continued.)