Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3206: Hideyo

"What kind of trouble are you doing?" I was sad and angry, banging... There was nothing to shoot, I could only dance desperately.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"I mean, you, why, you will stand here!" I gritted my teeth and said one word after another.

"Come to the wedding and join in the fun."


I was so speechless that I was speechless.

"Okay, I didn't say I wouldn't let you join in the fun, as long as you don't mess with me at that time."

"Eh, rest assured, definitely."

"..." Will it make trouble or not? Can you bother to make it clear?

After a pause, I continued helplessly and said: "You want to come, can you say hello to me? Obviously I just said goodbye to you, and in the blink of an eye, you are still arriving early by me. Isn't that embarrassing? ?"

"We just want to surprise you."

"Where is the joy, where is the joy, bastard!"

"Look, Beth, your elder lord doesn't welcome us. If you want to drive us away, let's go. Don't hinder his noble look here."

"Wait, don't pull Bess in, bastard! It's clearly your bad idea, Bess is the victim!"

"Your discriminatory treatment is too big."

"Please compare Bess and reflect on what you usually do, and you will know why you have suffered such differential treatment!"

"Sorry, Your Excellency Wu Fan, we..."

"Don't say Aikalai, you and Beth I are welcome." Seeing that more and more eyes were attracted by our side, even the foxmen warriors began to approach this side, I was busy Shoving everyone.

"Forget it, come if you don't come, this is not a place to talk, let's go."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I'm going to find my own place, do you still want me to set up a tent for you?" I rolled my eyes when I saw the evil dragon Rena was lazy.

"Now find the little fox first."

"Ouch, feelings are missing every day, and we can't wait to leave before noon."

"Well, you just talk coldly, I will put down the dignity of the first man of East Rogge and bet on you here, don't look at her good talk, let me come back in three or five days, if I didn't go before dusk Find her, and she dared to let me sleep on the floor the night she got married."

I hummed and said, "Your husband and wife have been here for many years. Can I still understand the character of the little fox?" It's just that there is one more sentence I didn't say, even if I was going to sleep on the floor that night, I would pull down that little fox and roll the floor with me.

"By the way, you are all here, why hasn't Tamoya seen you?" I asked strangely, as a long-term partner in the beast girl group, the little fox and Tamoya had a very good relationship, even if the evil dragon Reina did not Come on, Tamoa should be right.

"She came with us, but she separated when she was in Harogas. She said she would go back to the Bear Clan first."

As it turned out, I nodded clearly, and now it’s a matter of a few transit teleporters that can be done by the Bear Clan in the depths of the snowy mountains. It’s very convenient. As the Princess of the Bear Clan, Her Royal Highness Tamoa went home first It’s no mistake, now that the relatives haven’t landed yet, it’s too early to get married, don’t need to rush over so early, like the evil dragon Reina, they have nothing to do all day long, idle, I will cause trouble for me sooner or later, I mean, this does not include Icarai and Bess.

"Auntie Lili?"

"She didn't come and said that she wanted to continue training Lilith, but looking at her expression, she seemed a little moved. It's not ruled out that you came back to join in the fun on the day you married Lucia."

"I think this kind of thinking is right." When I said this, I stared at the evil dragon Reina and Benzina, trying to convey their meaning to them. If you can do it like this, how much it is good.

The Shuangna group pretended to look around and witted me openly to stare at me.

"Crystal?" Going back with Tamoa, she said she wanted to see her former dragon nest.

"Why didn't they follow me?" I looked at Bice curiously, with the character of the little pseudo-girl who loved to join in the excitement, which was not scientific.

"The Greenwood Bar has been busy recently, and they may be a few days late."

Sure enough, I can't miss this guy anywhere, but Fanny is not a headache for me. After all, she is proficient in housework and can often help. The real headache is that she won't like to make trouble. Guys, who needs a name?

While walking and chatting, we soon went deep into the Lakers tribe and came to the key area. There are a large number of foxmen warriors patrolling the post. If there are no evil dragons Reina, I might consider quietly lurking in as before, small Where is the fox's tent, I can find it now with my eyes closed.

No way. Fortunately, the female foxman warrior standing in front of my eyes. In the foxman tribe, my status among female foxmen is still slightly better.

"Is Lucia back? I want to go in and find her, is it okay?" Lifting the cloak hat and shaking the snowflakes on my body, I stepped forward and asked.

"It turned out to be the elders. Your Highness Lucia just came back. Please come in." The fox man warrior showed surprise and chuckled, and the fox tail flicked left and right behind her, and she was charming, charming, and no wonder. Now the people of the dark continent are proud to marry the female fox.

However, the male-to-female **** ratio of the Fox people is supposed to be larger for women, and more than a little, plus the softness of the male Fox people, it is also well received among some women of other races, so even if the female Fox people are married a lot And don’t worry about the male foxman playing bachelor

So what I want to ask is, where did their murderous fff group come from?

"Thanks, these are Lucia's friends, it should be fine."

"Of course, of course, please come in. This is a pass token." The girls behind the fox man glanced away and nodded. In fact, needless to say, of the four girls, except for the transfer of the dragon knight With the exception of Bess, whose temperament and character have not changed at all, all others are noble and compelling, and at a glance they are known to be distinguished guests.

"Thank you." Putting on the hat again, I smiled at the female fox and didn't go far. Suddenly, her delicate voice came from behind.

"Elder Wu Fan, we all support you. Ignore those idiots, get married to Your Highness Lucia."

My footsteps paused, and I gently waved behind me. Compared with a victory gesture, my inner fighting spirit was even higher. It was decided that even if it was robbed, I would marry the little fox this time.

"Can't see, you are very popular in the Fox Race." The Shuangna group seemed to recognize me again and looked up and down. They were very unhappy about this fact.

"Huh, generally."

"Then why are you sneaking into the village?"

"I'm afraid it's too popular and I can't be surrounded by everyone." I quibble.

"It turns out so, we can understand, after all, your experiences in the Fox Race, we have already inquired clearly." Then, the Shuangna group giggled and let my teeth grind, since I knew you still asked A fart!

With the pass token, we walked all the way to the little fox's tent and knocked on the door. No one answered. Did we go to Mamagar?

I pushed the door straight in, and came to the little fox's boudoir incomparably skillful. When I continued to push the door, I found the glaring little fox, who was facing her like a pink marble with a white and smooth, slender and symmetrical back. In front of the closet, it seemed to be worrying about something, not even listening to such big movements.

"When will you see this wolf!" There was a scream from behind, and then I was slammed into the outer hall, and the little fox was also surprised, and gave a scream, only to see that it was the evil dragon Reina. God relieved.

By the time the little fox got dressed, I had already claimed myself as the master, made tea, and didn't give Shuangna a combination. It's true. What relationship do I have with the little fox, which inch of her body have I never seen? By the way, your reaction was too much fuss and I almost unscrewed my ears.

"Lucia, your precautions are too lax, so that's not enough." Ben Zina immediately taught the little fox the knowledge of anti-wolf, and she didn't forget to stare at me with the corner of her eye, who was watching.

"Apart from this villain, who would be so rude to break in all the way from the outside, and there is no key."

The little fox stared at me angrily. If I was the only one, I might have adapted to the situation just now and something indescribable happened. This is no big deal. I was seen in front of everyone, but she felt Very shy.

"I thought you didn't even lock the door. It turned out that you gave him the keys to the house." Nazi Benzi sighed, seeming to mourn another pure girl who had fallen into the devil's claws completely and could not be saved.

"Why, isn't it? I don't want you to give me the keys to your house." I smiled provocatively at her, and as a flash of silver flashed, my forehead immediately blew blood.

This book Na... The sword is much faster, hey, don't think it will be that simple next time.

"Cough, actually there was no lock just now." I wiped my forehead, and I reminded with a slight cough, that wouldn't work. Although this is the crux of the fox race, it is impossible for anyone to sneak in, even if someone lurks Come in, it is impossible to be the opponent of the little fox, and then step back a hundred steps, even if this person is more powerful than the little fox, is the agility attribute of the little fox close to 500 points a joke? If she really ran, tell you, from here to the camp, it is estimated that it will be a swift effort.

Okay, how do you feel that this [person] is talking about me? All in all, girls should develop a good habit of locking doors, fire, anti-theft and anti-prince.

"It's not because I know you... it's nothing, I don't want to talk to you stupid!"

The little fox responded casually, suddenly realizing that there were four other pairs of eyes staring at her, and quickly changed his mouth, ashamed of a charming face turning red and red, is it because of the imminent marriage, recently, it seems that her face has not cooled much, It's always red and peachy, which makes people want to take a bite.

Although it has been changed, it was obviously too late, and everyone showed a sudden look, oh, it was the door specially reserved for this stupid Druid.

"That's when I misunderstood you." Seeing that the little fox was more anxious, I scratched my head and showed a smirk, and then looked at Shuangna to combine them with a serious heart~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't just learn me, little fox The room has a trap, don’t forget that she is an assassin. "

"I want you to talk!" My last knife-fixing behavior made the little fox shy and unbearable. He spread his teeth and paws up, and just scratched and bited at me.

"Please, Lucia too, know your feelings are very good, don't show affection in front of us." Seeing me and the little fox quarreling, they forget the outside, and the evil dragon Reina couldn't help but remind.

Icarai, who heard this sentence, revealed a subtle secret expression, and could not help thinking secretly.

In these days, Her Royal Highness Princess and His Excellency Wu Fan show their affection in front of everyone, have you finally tasted it yourself?


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