Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3409: 1 year

As I said just now, I am not very impressed with Kurast. I didn’t have much experience, especially in the second half of the journey. Later, I took Velas and they came to Kurast to experience it. I also stopped at the third floor of the peeling cellar. I walked smoothly to the second half and saw the model children's shoes.

Later, when restricted by the level and unable to break through the realm of world power, he had a hard time brushing the experience, and finally had the opportunity to completely clear Kurast once again, completing the first kill of the Lamor children's shoes, just At that time, the strength was already very strong, too lazy to entangle with monsters and labyrinths. Almost all the forest areas in the front flew past. It was only after ancient Kurast that he regained his spirit and walked a little.

Compared to other adventurers, my trip was also super fast, after all, it was already a state of pseudo-world power, and it was soeasy to hang children in places like the Second World.

This caused me and Kurast children's shoes, not very familiar.

As a result, because of this, it used to be too perfunctory. Now, as a Kurast adventurer, do you want to walk again from beginning to end? I don't know if it's retribution.

Thinking about it, I have left the city and come to the edge of the spider forest.

I used to fly, and it took several days to find the ancient Kurast. I don’t know how lucky this time. It is said that according to the gossip rumors of Kurast Bar, no one can ever walk out of this forest in half a year.

Although it is just gossip, it is not groundless. The forest maze in the Kurast area cannot be said to be the most difficult maze in all the places in the five regions, but it is definitely the largest maze, even if it is just an endless Kuras. A small corner on the edge of the extra-tropical rainforest.

Even if the elf clan is the owner of the Kurast Forest, no one can tell how big his home is and where it is connected. There is a saying that it is connected to the misty forest across the Twin Seas and is a mist. Part of the forest.

Well, the topic is far away. In short, I just need to know that I am facing the largest maze in all the training areas, and there is no way for me to play the stunt of the maze killer.

The only clue is that it seems that as long as it runs along the trunk of the river, it seems that it can be easier, and of course, more dangerous. After all, the water source has always been a battleground for the military, and the most powerful place for weak meat and strong food.

I was thinking, what should I do if I encounter the crocodile again? It seems that one person can't finish it.


"One, two, three, four, five..."

Ancient Kurast, the tall and decaying entrance to the city gate, next to the huge gnarled torso of dozens of prickly wood demons, squatted at the foot of the gate of the city wall, sloppy, unkempt, and no different from the savages, I am using a dagger Count the time on the wall post.

It's been five months.

Throw down the whiteboard dagger with only 1 point of durability, and you will soon scrap it, clap your palms to stand up, and walk towards the body of the thorn wood demon.

It took five months to walk through the forest. I don’t know if it’s good luck. It is said that no one can pass it within half a year. It should be referring to ordinary adventurers. Like sister Salna, as Amazon, in The forest has a natural home field advantage, and it will definitely take less than half a year. If you want to hurry, you may be able to walk through the forest in two or three months.

Although I don't have the home court advantage, I have a strength advantage compared to the average Kurast adventurer, so it took five months. It is really bad to judge whether it is good or bad.

Forget it, maybe I just want to take the opportunity to open my mouth and say a word, after all, it seems that three days have passed since the last time I spoke.

The monster guarding the entrance of the ancient city of Kurast is the little boss storm tree, with a group of his followers, the body of the little boss is the thorn wood demon, which is the one lying under my feet, and the summoner , Like the Eye of Fire, is a gatekeeper. It is usually brushed at a fixed position. As long as you walk out of the forest and come to the ancient city gate of Kurast, as long as it is not taken by other adventurers, then it will be encountered in all likelihood. It's hard to get around on it.

As always, his face was black, and he didn't see the golden luster. He lifted all the corpse with a hefty weight and finally found something quite good.

Blue breastplate.

It’s better than the one I’m wearing. I barely rejuvenated, smiled, identified, and put on. If the fun of blasting equipment is lost, then I don’t know that in this world, I’m the only one left. , Can you find other reasons to smile.

one Year.

Yes, it took almost seven months to pass through the Rog area and the Kingdom of the West, and now it has been about five months. Roughly speaking, it has been a year.

In this test world, a year has passed.

What is this concept?

The longest period of the year should be the first time he fell into the world of hell, where he wandered for nearly ten months before returning to the mainland.

That's just ten months.

Moreover, there are little ghosts, there are twin tails, and there is Xiaoxue they are accompanied by, talking.

Now, it has been a year alone.

Then, realized.

The original so-called loneliness and loneliness is such a simple and rough thing.

Do not need a deep state, standing on a high place, looking down on the world, it is extremely cold.

There is no need for Qu Gao and widows. Everyone is in the city, the crowd is vast and ignorant.

Not to lose anything, miss something, want something unavailable.

Just need to throw one person into a world without people. After a year and a half, loneliness and loneliness are such simple and pure things that have nothing to do with desire and art.

Once I couldn't stand it and wanted to return to Camp Roger and ask Evelina how long I will stay in this test world and how long it can last.

Are you tired? Are you sleepy? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Are you bored? It's time to rest, hello and me.

However, remembering that I had just listened to the arrogance of Evelina when she mentioned the test of loneliness, I really did not have this face to question.

When he finally thickened his face, he was going to shameless, but he lost his courage.

Yes, this is the test.

Do I regret it? Am I going to give up?

No, no.

Just because of difficulties, because of suffering, physically, mentally, or both, is the test, isn't it?

The test is not to ride a roller coaster in the playground, or to slide down the highest slide in the water park.

I can't question Evelina because of my mental torment now. This behavior is like a student roaring at the teacher's incompetence: Why are the test questions so difficult? Why would you fail the exam if you don't study hard? Why do you make me study hard? Why did you fail me? You explain to me clearly!

I want to laugh when I am naive.

Even if his face is thicker than that of the old drunkard, at this time, he has no face to go back to find Evelina to roll Sarai.

As for the questioning time ratio, it is indeed very important, but what can I do?

Shortly, this consciousness is almost over. It is true that we can get rid of the present loneliness, but it means that the test will take longer.

It’s getting longer, but I have to endure it, but I can have more time to test. I don’t know what Evelina has let me surpass. A test that can be completed.

Of course, what I am talking about is that in the dream world, if in the real world, ten or eight years later, the daylily is cold.

So, how to choose the length? What can I do?

It's not that I didn't think about it. If in the real world, not only a sleep, but a long sleep, the Holy See might be cold.

It is not without this possibility, but since Evelina has given me such a test, it should not be so pitted on me. What should I say, although this salted fish sword is very nagging, be careful, pick details, not Give a hint of flaws, but the heart is very soft, typical knife mouth tofu heart.

Perhaps, maybe, if I really have any previous life or afterlife, maybe it has added tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years of trouble to it, and endured my waywardness for many, many years.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but smile, as it should be. It’s awful that Evelina, a poor worm, has spread such a bad person on me.

If you want to have some fun for yourself, you always have to learn the skill of having fun in misery.

I haven't laughed for a long time, my mouth is a little stiff, and it's pulling.

I rubbed my chin, and the lingering loneliness did not dissipate, but in my heart, a clearer and firmer consciousness emerged, driving me to continue to move forward.

People, only when they are pushed to the limit, they will continue to express emotions. It turns out that they can still achieve this level. It turns out that human adaptability is stronger than cockroaches...

Ancient Kurast is divided into four areas, the ancient Kurast lower floor, the ancient Kurast shopping mall, the ancient Kurast upper floor, and then through a long, long cherry blossom road, you can hear the bean paste bag ...Ah, the script was wrong again, and it was through a long water stairway that you could reach the center of ancient Kurast, Cui Fanke.

The congressmen who once ruled ancient Kurast, after **** invaded and controlled by the evil forces of model workers, turned into a Matt killer combination, one is more cool than a name, and its appearance is also leading the trend for decades. Chigu's sturdy torso, wearing only a bright red bright crotch cloth, half of the body is like a beetle gray shell, with spiky spikes.

Although it seems that it seems to be very disrespectful to the parliamentarians who were once rulers, but Kane, a university student from the past to the present, seems to have talked to me. These parliamentarians had fallen before they were controlled, and it is not worthy of pity.

The topic got off, and when it came to Cui Fanke, to kill the lawmakers who had become the guard dogs of the model workers, and then down the hate cage, the model workers would warmly welcome each guest in the blood pool on the third floor. Of course, the guests are generally welcome. Go as far as you can, the nickname Lao Mo is not vain, provided that you have enough strength to resist its enthusiastic greetings.

Of course, if the interest is high enough, there is also a sewer area underground in ancient Kurast, which is also worth exploring. It is even larger than Rugaoin’s sewer system, which shows that when ancient Kurast was prosperous, At least not worse than Lugao.

Anyway, I don't have this interest.

Just arrived in ancient Kurast, came to the lower level, and hadn’t had time to comment on the ruined, once glorious ruins of buildings, and met the warm welcome of the indigenous people, the warriors of Sakaram, one more than one hospitable , Waving a long-handled tomahawk nearly one person tall, rushed over.

These Sakaram warriors have given a lot of experience, but unfortunately the explosion rate is a bit shabby. It is estimated that they were bitter monks during their lifetime. The weapons and attack methods will be reminiscent of the Moon family in the Rog area, and the sheepheads are also waving one. The long-handled tomahawk is fierce and unusual.

Not too difficult to deal with, the priest of Sakaram is the most troublesome enemy of the entire ancient Kurast except the MPs. It especially likes to follow behind a group of Sakalem warriors. It is not enough, and he has to hide in a dark corner. Here, hide yourself, and then start to use the magical nymph, and its projection must have its owner. It is conceivable how many chicken thieves the real pastor Zakarum has.

The ancient city of Curast is very big, but the road is not winding. The roads are all in all directions. The view is wide and you can see the end at a glance. You don’t have to worry about getting lost here. You are very friendly to adventurers. Although I am not afraid of the maze, I still Like this place.

The only troublesome issue~lightnovelpub.net~ is that the monsters are a little dense, and they have to face battles every time they move forward. The warriors of Zakaram run fast, and it is not easy to get rid of them. It's easy to get lost, but it's a little hard to get fast.

It took three days to find the ancient Kurast shopping mall. The price is... uh, the price is one level up, it is now 19 levels, the level is a lot improved, but it seems that it is not a good thing for my fast pass plan Little taunt, the higher the level, the more time is delayed by the battle. Why have you seen the speed pass master wasting time on the mob? Even if you open a door, you must read the files.

Going all the way, sweeping in front of the forest in the cloud, at a loss of cloudiness, after reaching ancient Kurast, it was almost like a broken bamboo, and it was like a gust of wind. It took less than a month to arrive. Cui Fanke.

Inadvertently strolling into an abandoned temple halfway around, and being beaten by a group of bats, one of them seems to be a small boss-level dark bat, but there is no good thing, no blue equipment, stingy, squalid.

Cui Fanke is not big. Looking at the appearance and layout of the building, it used to be the administrative center of ancient Kurast. The members who killed Matt gathered in the deepest part of Cui Fanke, a central parliament hall with the style of ancient Greek architecture. The entrance to the cage of hatred, so they are said to be watchdogs of model workers.

I’m not in a hurry to find a councillor. I first landed Cui Fanke’s teleport site. Although it feels useless, I will definitely go straight to the group of fortresses after I kill the model worker. Leave a similar memorial.

Uh, I always feel like I have another one, is it an illusion...

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