Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3427: Back to light

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To be honest, I never thought the gallon would wake up.

It's not that I don't want him to wake up, but in his previous state, it is really unimaginable. He can still wake up again. I am ready to prepare for the day when I hear the bad news.

I am ashamed to say that since I entered the test world, I have never visited the gallon, otherwise, I will not even know the twin tails. For fifty years, although time can’t kill everything, it can Kill most things.

Seeing now, the dull brain gradually remembered the days when he was wandering in the **** world together, including its magical celestial body scattered flowers, and gradually recovered the feeling of getting along before, but for the two tails, we only It's just a few days since I saw it. My expression is so weird.

No wonder others, it should be me, try to remember these people, try to remember their appearance, character, and memories of getting along with them, so that everyone can not see the clues, they have already let many people worry, do not want to add nothing. More trouble.

For example, Brother Master and Brother Two, their faces have been blurred in their minds. Of course, as long as they see it, they will definitely recognize it, especially the handsome face of a handsome friend who should not be mistaken. It should be two. Brother, the big, big bald heads that are common to barbarians have braided tattooed faces, and some are blind.

Shake your head, take a deep breath, and let yourself calm down. At this time, you can't be dumbfounded. You have to follow your tail to see.

Stumbled, I took the first step.

I don't think how deep my feelings are with Gallon, at least the mentorship is deep, this sentence is unworthy, although Gallon has the biggest influence on me.

After all, I only lived with each other for such a short period of time, and then, after seeing two sides in the Third World and entrusting my little sister to me, followed by disappearing without a trace.

There is too little time to get along, it’s not the same as before, the smells are the same, the ages of each other are separated by ten centuries Times are out of touch.

So, in the past few days in the nightmare of testing the world, when I woke up, I was busy replenishing energy and did not visit the gallon. Although I was ashamed, I still felt justified.

As a result, I didn't think of the news that Gallon woke up. My feelings were so great that my brain banged, and then subconsciously, I wanted to take a look at it.

Perhaps it’s because, deep down, I respect the old man, not because he is my teacher, but because of his strength, he can achieve the achievements he has today, and the character of being the strongest without any arrogance. style.

The most important point is that after the trials of the world, it made me deeply aware.

It's not easy to live for a thousand years. This alone is enough to be awe-inspiring.

The gallon’s ward is not far from here. It was originally left for Akara’s residence. Before Akala left, he arranged care for the staff, but it was the twin tails who had always been with Gallon. This old cat has a hard mouth and always An elegant gentleman's indifferent face is actually more important than anyone's friendship.

Without taking a few steps, he arrived at his destination. He opened the door lightly and lightly. In the slightly dim room, he saw a dying gallon lying on the bed. It seemed to become more than the last time he saw him. It was even weaker. At first glance, I thought that the skull was lying on the bed.

It was such an old Skeleton who wondered whether there was still a sound. His long-sleeping eyelids seemed to be completely stitched, and at this time a small slit opened slightly.

The old pharmacist sent by Akara was full of excitement, and was constantly touching the gallon, and the cooked black paste potion was set aside, ready for use at any time.

"Gallon, your students came to see you, is there a noise? It's not like you are half dead." Twin tails strode to the bed and opened the curtains.

I followed a few steps up front and saw such a gallon, and my voice choked for a moment, making me speechless.

"Gallon...Gallon teacher? Are you okay?"

The gallon that opened only one eye, without any response, was so dumb, lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. From the gap between his eyes, he could barely see that his eyes were muddy, like a quagmire. , Without bringing any soul.

I didn't hear the words of the two tails at all, and my words.

"Hush, be quiet first." The old pharmacist who had tossed for a while, in turn, let us not toss.

"Let him calm for a while, sleep for so long, and continue to struggle in the life and death pass, and finally just woke up, and his brain may still be chaotic."

After a pause, the experienced old pharmacist hesitated and said with little certainty.

"Perhaps, the most surprised and the most shocking thing was that he was right. He didn't expect to wake up. He took the liberty to ask if he was stimulated before he was injured. From his current state..."

The voice gradually lowered, and the old pharmacist dragged us aside, a little further away from the bed, and then continued happily.

"From his current state, he seems... Lord Gallon seems...to have no thought at all...and...and is not happy about how he woke up."

The girls also followed, and heard that everyone's eyes fell on the twin tails, the gallon saved it, maybe it knew something.

"I don't know." Shuangwei shrugged, expressing helplessness: "However, since I have fought with that one, I'm afraid it's normal to be stimulated."

It reminded us so suddenly, we suddenly.

That’s right, his last opponent is the demon king Belial, who is happy to play with people’s hearts. I am afraid that the damage he suffered is not only physical. I am very angry when I think of what Belial has done to myself. think.

What about gallons? This old man who has lived a thousand years old, logically speaking, should be ten times more determined than himself. Moreover, Shiyou has nothing to do with it. What means did Bellil use to fight him and let him Stimulated? What is his flaw in the heart?

I can't figure it out, I can't understand it. I only know one thing, as long as I live, I have to do it.

Belial must die.

This guy, the method of pulling hatred is as unfathomable as its wisdom, and it seems to be happy that others hate it and take it helplessly. I hate and kill it more than other six giants. They add up.

I just wanted to say something, the twin tails can't wait to speak.

"How is the condition of the gallon, can it hold up?"

The old pharmacist thought for a while and said, "I have never encountered such a situation in my life. I have suffered such a serious injury and such an old body that I can still stubbornly wake up. It is a huge miracle, so I said No, I dare not guarantee anything, but since a miracle has already occurred, I think it should not fall easily for the time being."

Without waiting for the twin tails to be happy, he continued with a dignified expression: "However, no matter how stubborn its life is, it is impossible to fight such a decaying body unless it can give up this body and survive in another form. For example, like Lord Alice, but I find it very difficult. Lord Gallon’s injury is not only physical, but also spiritually... in other words, his soul is already very weak, and the will to survive is not strong, so ……and so……"

With a helpless expression, he sighed: "So, I advise you to still be mentally prepared. In my opinion, this may be the last flashback."

After listening to these words, everyone was speechless for a long time. In the end, the two tails were the most open. They embraced their arms with their arms and two cat tails flicked around.

"This is also something that can't be helped. Waking up is a great miracle for this old man. He can't be extravagant. Not to mention, this guy has no peace in his life. Quietly finish the last part."

"It's best to think so, to be able to accompany him through the last period of time, to finish what he wants to do, to be free from worry, and to walk lightly."

The old pharmacist comforted us, but only with a wry smile in my heart.

During this time, accepting the entrustment of Akala, as the exclusive pharmacist of Gallon, he knows the physical condition of Gallon better than anyone. I am afraid that this old man who is about to die and cannot see the slightest desire for survival, the real desire is not to wake up Come here and spend the last period of tranquility, or to achieve nothing to worry about.

His greatest wish should be to die as soon as possible.

However, in this case, it is too cruel to face the relatives and friends in front of me, but I can't say it anyway.

"Can he wake up and communicate normally?"

Looking far away at what Gallon looked like now, the twin tails asked again.

"It should be no problem. I said just now. The current situation is only because of a long sleep, and my brain is still awake. Maybe I can't hear it temporarily, I can't see clearly, I can't recognize people, and it will be better after a while."

"How long?" I finally had a chance to speak.

"Well, it’s up to Master Gallon himself. If not unexpected, it should take a day or two, so let’s go back and let him be quiet for a while. I will keep an eye on it once there is anything happening. , I will inform you as soon as possible."

"Then trouble you, Master Likedom."

I solemnly thank Xie Li, not only because she has been taking care of Gallon, Lena's disease, she is also one of the attending pharmacists, can be said to be the Alliance's doctor, so I know the little ghost and know us.

In order not to disturb the gallon sober, we can only leave the ward quietly again. It seems that we want to wait for him to regain consciousness, at least until tomorrow. For me, it is ten years later, I have to write it down carefully, so as not to get When I forget about it, this is the most minimal duty as a student.

Back home, we not only sighed for a while, but also talked about a lot of gallons. The diamond powder clear noodle soup made by the little ghost at that time seems to be vivid, but now it is nothing.

Can't help but think, is it a good thing or a bad thing for gallon to wake up this time? Although it is not as clear as Rick Dome understands, we know that Gallon lost his survival, and we also thought of this possibility. Perhaps, Gallon himself is not willing to wake himself up.

However, his life is too tenacious, even if the power of the strongest is lost, even if the body is old and decayed, even if the spirit and soul are devastated, even if the will to survive is lost.

The fire of life is still burning desperately, even if it is against the will of the owner.

Think of it this way, if it is a full gallon, full of spirit, full of fighting spirit, how powerful and terrible should it be? And how terrified is Bellil, who plays with him in the palm of his hand?

It's frustrating to think about it, no longer, I will add more energy of Vera Si, otherwise it will degenerate into salted fish. Although it is no different from salted fish, at least it is still a dream, full of fighting spirit and motivation Salted fish.

In the afternoon, I exercised harder. The old drunkard didn’t know where to get the news of the gallon, and talked about this with the girls in the spectator group, but he didn’t give up his surveillance during my busy schedule. If it is not in place, it will have to bear her long-range gunshot.

In the evening, there was still no news from Rick Dome, so I had to touch it for a decade.

In the last decade... Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't keep 10 million, and flew.

Even if the encyclopedia of magic is thick, it is not enough for me to watch for ten years, even if I have read it four or five times.

I can’t describe it very well, I just feel that this course of magic needs more teacher teaching than a repairer. The repairer slowly accumulates proficiency at any rate, and can still make progress little by little. The pointer can't get around this bend, and the non-existence suddenly figured it out, and bypassed it. If it exists, it means you have a talent for magic.

Fortunately, I'm fairly basic. This brick book can be understood through self-study~lightnovelpub.net~. The problem is, this is just the foundation. It just helps me understand more. Learn something without any other help.

Looking at the old books, I naturally came up with new ideas, not curiosity, but curiosity. Can such a self continue to take the next step?

So, ten million is gone. I went back to the first world and entered the Huradic Mage Tower. Listening to Tiya’s statement that the tower has a defense system, ordinary people can’t easily enter it, even if the world’s powerful think It's impossible to break in, I don't know if Evelina didn't want to embarrass me, canceled this layer of defense system, or was my identity as the Hladiq prince, won the approval of the Master Tower, in short, did not encounter obstruction, It’s just a little... uh, it’s dizzy, after all, it’s big, big.

According to general common sense, the first level is searched extensively. All the notes and books that can be read are stuffed into the inventory. When they came, they were emptied. After all, it was 10 million, 10 million. Is not it?

When I think it's almost the same, it's enough for me to watch for a few decades, and think about it for hundreds of years before I stop. I feel that there are still shortcomings. It should be missing a Tia. If she can come back soon.

During this period, by the way, I brushed the oss of the Second World several times. Do I have to return a little bit?

The above is what happened in the last decade.

. . . 8)

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